blumen4alles ago

Our jewish friend from twitter has not been seen on Voat in four days now!

Crackrocknigga ago

Caught a fresh one today, jidf or stealthy shapiro Marxist, not a glowie

blumen4alles ago

Holy shit. Isn't it strange their posts get so many votes? I skimmed most of it, did see something about Hilter and meth. I think that is on the list of newer Mandela Effects. From now on anyone that does not answer a simple request or question, they get the Israel Nuke question. Latest suspect-

Trumplican ago

Call them out.

Nosferatjew ago

Maybe, just maybe, these users went on vacation for their holiday weekend... I know, totally unheard of, but who knows, they might actually try to have real lives every now and then.

armday2day ago

Huh, good looking out. It's really obvious now that you say it.

ggolemg ago

Anon subs are still full of commie pinko jews

Crackrocknigga ago

Oh yes, jidf isn't willing to pretend to be fellow white men though. That isn't their MO. Federal undercovers are.

Doglegwarrior ago

(((They))) should know this and just hire an out side perosn to take kver during the weekend. We know they have the money fornit. It would be to obvioua and to easy to point out as you have thry cant be that dumb??

Crackrocknigga ago

Federal employees are guaranteed the whole weekend with NO OVERTIME

bowyang ago

I want you to notice the federal holiday is tomorrow.

Crackrocknigga ago

Holiday weekend means NO. OVERTIME you fucking dingus

bowyang ago

No overtime != federal holiday

WitnesstheSalt ago

On the other hand, some of us have families and so forth. I have better shit to do on the long weekend.

Crackrocknigga ago

People who spend literally all day every day have better things to do?

And yet you commented?

WitnesstheSalt ago

Just because it's the weekend doesnt mean I tune the news out entirely. And when i did pick up the paper, i see like three threads declaring the end times because some people aren't posting. Doesnt mean your hot take is wrong, just means there's more than one possiblity.

lord_nougat ago

Pff! Not like it's a federal holiday in ISRAEL!

Maltherian1 ago

The truly damned never rest.

lord_nougat ago

OY VEY! I am resting right now, fellow American!

Crackrocknigga ago

Yes, we have jidf here too.. however, why would Israel pay for anything when their puppet trumpberg can be ordered to by kushner?"

HeLovedPandas ago

Jews gonna Jew.

Civil_Warrior ago

Trumpstein trumpberg

TeddyJackson ago

Crackrocknigga ago

I know kushy is, or a hermaphrodite. Ivanka is a former hook nose, got surgery

TeddyJackson ago

Look at the Lara video, literally a dude with lipstick.

lord_nougat ago

Shit. Good point.

WTF was I thinking?!