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lkjdaqp ago

Israeli and Glownigger shills want to protect the kikes.

They want you following their anti-Islam psychos so you can clear out Palestine for Ben Shapiro and his sister to have imbred children.

They want you to go to war for them goy.

When muzzies and christians fight each other, only the kike prospers.

It is only when muzzies and christians come together will there ever be freedom for humanity from our parasitic relationship.

Civil_Warrior ago

Skip coming together with muzzies and genocide the Jews, the muzzies will instinctively help...then kill all the muzzies.

Then kill all the niggers.

lkjdaqp ago

I wonder why glowniggers do everything to keep goyim forming alliances.

imagine what would happen if we had a real axis to fuck this kike and their allied forces.

Civil_Warrior ago

It's a matter of society maturing, not raw numbers. Everyone has to understand

Jews hate everyone and want to enslave them

They are the world's most accomplished liars and actors and as such,

The only way forward for humankind is to ruthlessly kill every last Jew and Jew sympathizers will have to sympathize with some new obvious lunatic idiocy.

redwing14 ago

Christians still allow muslims to rape their land in Europe. I'd rather be Japanese and ban the muslims.

hello_reddit ago

Whites don’t need to ally with anyone but ourselves. We haven’t been united for over 2,000 years. Let’s try to work on that before we go trying to make alliances with other races. Whites have enough of our own to take care of the jews a hundred times over.

redwing14 ago

We had the wild west 150 years ago. People would literally shoot and kill each other for no reason even though they lived in the same town. We were like animals bruh. We need to evolve our thinking further then kick out the jews. Educate ourselves, and make jew level of money.

hello_reddit ago

They wouldn’t have shot each other if muslim arabs were in the town?

mudbear ago

Could do that, but why not turn the jews weapons against them? just about everyone on the planet has good cause to hate the jew, why be the only one fighting them? what is wrong with shedding arab or black blood fighting the jew? why must it only be white blood shed?

We dont need to breed with them, we just need a ceasefire while we sort out the jewish problem, which is in everyones interest to get fixed rather than just taking turns sheltering them from the other. And so long as you call another race your sworn enemy the jew will exploit that.

hello_reddit ago

Arabs will want to fight jews regardless. I don’t see how we could do anything other than just respectfully leave them alone and let them attack jews, or turn them into our own golems. Don’t they want world domination anyways? I don’t see how a proper alliance could be forged with mud people. We don’t need to “come together”; we just need be directed towards jews instead of being directed by them

mudbear ago

Thats pretty much all we need from arabs, then just contain them in the middle east and maybe trade with them for whatever they have.

Far too many whites are complete racial cucks thanks to the holocaust propaganda and whites possibly being the only race that feels guilt. If whites can see that other races hate jews too, they will either hate those races in the jews defense, or hate jews by sympathizing with them. Either way is a win, the 'cuckservative' types that will golem for the jew can be redpilled fairly safely since everyone hates them anyway, even if they are thick as shit and stubborn as all hell. The liberals can only be redpilled by the minorities they worship, hence why so much 'muh based nigger!' propaganda appears: its effective. Blacks are loud as shit and have no sense of social norms, get them red-pilled on the holohoax and they will scream it louder than any white could ever dream to.

Thats it. we dont need to live in peace and harmony forever, we just need to remove the middle man operating all of our inter-racial dialogue and work on our problems honestly. blacks will outright call for war against whites, and the jew will twist it into something benign and honorable. remove the jew and that declaration is VERY clear and nobody can pretend otherwise, then we deal with it, but not before the jew.

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Reverse-Flash ago

Mudslimes come together with ANYONE?? This is either a joke or you are a fucking ignoramus.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

You see it here on Voat all the time.

"We need to fix the jewish problem"

"Ya I agree, but first we should get the Catholics! And don't forget the niggers.. I trust a jew more than the niggers!"

Civil_Warrior ago


TeddyJackson ago

Found the CIA agent.

Did Catholics ever call out the holohoax? Did they speak up about hollywood and jews in news media? Did they ever do anything about the jews for the hundreds of years they controlled europe? The catholics are also pro mass immigration and largely vote democrat like the jews. The catholics and the jews are the same.

mudbear ago

You're speaking my language there goat.\

Most nigger problems are caused, or at least exacerbated, by juden. The entire gangsta culture that they worship was created top down by jews. their entire media is geared to making them self absorbed, ungrateful, disrespectful worthless beat down trash. Their devolution from the 60s, where they just wanted to be whites, to what they have become now is entirely the influence of jews.

Without the jew, their advancement would have been guided by whites and they could have been a successful experiment, if not they could have been deported back to africa. But the jew NEEDS them being worthless trash for whites to hate, because without another loud angry and stupid minority to infest the brains of white men, they would have time to ponder the other parasites itching the back of their brains.

The facts are that the blacks are as much a victim of jews as whites. They have as much reason to hate them as us, and once the jew is defeated and our hands untied, we could take another look at the black problem. Either they reform or we assist them with repatriation to africa.

Same goes for every single other enemy we have. As far as i am concerned we have one primary enemy, all others are secondary.

shillaccount3344 ago

The drug / meth / fentynal / opoid crisis is pretty serious.

Basically turning a good percentage of white people into criminals.

Splooge ago

Who the fuck is dense enough to say they trust kikes over niggers??

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

This was the most recent :

Splooge ago

Damn. Well there it is. Always thought the guy was interesting in a spazzy kinda way, but... well... there it is.

Thanks for digging that up.

GreyGears ago

Good goyims, duh.