20353175? ago

Their point was fuck Jews

20352833? ago

@crensch devisive much

20352979? ago

He needs to remove his nose from srazies sphincter and stop kissing qigger ass

20353313? ago

My hunch is that @crensch is probably Jewish.not that that in and of itself is the end of the world.but that combined with the “I'm a proud Nazi” bit,while simultaneously being a Q civ nat that bans users for “hate speech” always calls people Jews/kikes but won’t answer the simple Israeli nuke question. And “hates niggers” screams don’t trust this guy he’s a data miner to me.Supporting the jewess was the cherry on top in my books.@hellfire1488 or something like that is more of the same I’d say to.

20352664? ago

How about you cry harder niglet.

That'll surely stop all that pesky text posted on the internet that hurts your delicate fee fees.