CheeseboogerHimself ago

Why would any president of the United States care what a microscopic minority of people think? Let alone a rogue foreign state with illegal nukes? If the forefathers came back and looked at everything I have no doubts they would shit a chicken and demand revolution.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Shining beacon on the cockroaches.

9NaughtZ ago

They would burn it all down.

Oh_Well_ian ago

He's the first President changing the narrative on Israel and he's using radical Democrats to do it.

Worst thing for anyone is Trump saying something nice about them.

9NaughtZ ago

Not sure I can understand what you just said. You doing opposite day thing?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

He's the first President changing the narrative on Israel

Do we live on the same planet because based on what I've seen Trump is the biggest zionist president ever voted in.

Oh_Well_ian ago

yeah... that's why he's relentlessly attacking the Jew owned media and the Jew owned Federal Reserve

Adam_Jensen_ ago

I don't think he understands, he sees Trump's word literally, instead of reading in between the lines.

Countering mass subversion with "kill all kikes" isn't going to win you over the masses or public support. If you want the people on the other side to have distaste of (((them))), associate (((them))) with who they hate the most, yourself.

This is similar to a Judo tactic where you carry your enemies energy forward instead of attacking. Trump is on the path to making everyone in the US hate israel. Public distaste will ensue with the left on association, the right is already aware of the media's tactics. They just need to see it as the (((media))).

Also, israel has 200 nukes and DNA targeted bio-weapons.

watts2db ago

I hope your right maybe the US can hang on to an extra 5.38 B$$$ /yr

CheeseboogerHimself ago

The Federal Reserve is no different today than it was 5 years ago. No wall. Constantly sucking israel and jews dicks. More illegals coming in. Attacking "white supremacists". Pushing leftist gun control. Wanting to pass red flag laws, ban video games and "end online hate". He committed political suicide. The orange loser is a kike puppet of the highest order. At this point, we need to vote for the worst Democrat that we can. Accelerationism.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Yet the areas of the country that have seen the best gain economically are areas outside the large cities.

I'd say Trump's election has been the greatest advancement of accelerationism than anyone. Go outside, most people are dead NPCs. These people are now hearing the word Federal Reserve.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I haven't seen anything happening outside of cities or in coal country after all the promises Trump made. coal states won't forget come 2020. One term president. Oh well, he can go run from PM of israel, the orange traitor.

Oh_Well_ian ago

look... you can curse in vulgar platitudes all day.

you're ignoring the facts, and it's obvious.

Trump already changed course on 'red flag' laws and Dems went berserk about it yesterday.

Try and keep up, you fucking idiot.

You clearly react to every (((MSM))) news headline, like a faggot.

user9713 ago

Trump already changed course on 'red flag' laws and Dems went berserk about it yesterday.

Must've realized he has an election coming up. Gun control can wait till after he wins.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Trump is not taking anyone's guns, chicken little.

9NaughtZ ago

Idiot - he signed an order for control over trigger mods. That's a pretty freaking big violation. Or do you not count that?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Fuck you ziotards and fuck israel and fuck jews.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Yep... fuck Isreal and fuck the Fed

It's coming and Trump is making it happen.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

haha Yeah sure, buddy. He's proven himself to be an anti-white zionist traitor.

Oh_Well_ian ago

that's why he's labeled as a White Supremist Conspiracy Theory nutcase by your (((MSM)))

you're not living in reality, faggot

watts2db ago

"and for everyone in america that wants a job". now get back to work you tax cattle

Oh_Well_ian ago

meanwhile, Jews lost their shit yesterday after Trump said:

'if you're a Jew and you vote Democrat, you're either uninformed or disloyal'

He was called ANTI-SEMITIC by numerous Jews and Jew organizations

Have you any idea what an INFORMATION WAR looks like?

You should, you're part of it.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Left-winged jews VS right-winged jews. They both hate white goyim. How have you not figured this out??

Have you any idea what an INFORMATION WAR looks like?

Yes. I've been fighting this war since mid 90's. I am very well aware of it and pushed hard to awaken people about jews. You think I'm kidding when I say that I am the greatest jew hunter who ever lived? Trump and his ilk are performing theater and the sheep eat it up. Same as it ever was.

Oh_Well_ian ago

stop patting yourself on the back, faggot.

like a Jew, you exclude all events and data that destroy your narrative

CheeseboogerHimself ago

whatever you say, zioshill.

Oh_Well_ian ago

my last message to Shitrazie before being banned

'By the way, you fake... You didn't stand up for me, you set out a consistent stream of propaganda that showered your unwanted and disingenuous praise on me to the forum, to garner credibility as you consistently PM's me with your whining about my free speech rights on Voat, which you feel is your power trip as mod of this sub. Only to undermine me and choose sides when this sub was being spammed and shilled my OBVIOUS DISINFORMATION. Either you have a immature and spiteful personality that bubbles over in the sub, or you have an agenda against specific users. Nowhere on Voat is this type of browbeating, suppressing of free speech, and refereeing between other accounts by mods any sort of norm. Look, I get that you may not have the intellectual fortitude to handle this level of complexity and stress and maybe it's time to step down if you can't learn how to manage the sub by not micromanaging and choosing sides between specific accounts.'

CheeseboogerHimself ago

yawn. You just mad because she gave the better tit and vagene pics to Crenschiepoo.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I know more about those two cunts than anyone on this site.

Crensch fucks his tranny ginger son. You begged for that info.

lol who's the voyeur ?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I know things you will never know that I could never trust you with.

Crensch fucks his tranny ginger son.

anyone can sperg bullshit like that. It means nothing or you would've talked. The shit I got is real.

zxcvbnasdf ago

If we're in an information war.

And the president can't tell the truth.

Then we've lost.

Oh_Well_ian ago

the worst thing you can do with a group of powerful LIARS is tell them the truth...

your silly idealism lacks all understanding

zxcvbnasdf ago

You're defending a liar.

A liar that attacks supporters and defends detractors.

In your defense of the liar, you start with meaningless platitudes and then progress to insults.

You're acting like (((a certain enemy))), yet think people should respect your position?

Oh_Well_ian ago

shut up Jew

zxcvbnasdf ago

And there it is.

No argument, just more kike fuckery.

Oh_Well_ian ago

'Trump is a LIAR' is not an argument, faggot.

It's a daily OP/ED from CIA/WAPO Jews, you piece of shit.

zxcvbnasdf ago

You said he's a liar. Yet you're raging at me.

You glow kike.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

No, Trump labelled white unity as "white supremacist terrorist pre mass shooter conspiracy theorists". Do you do drugs pr drink heavily?

Oh_Well_ian ago

This is why you didn't get the information about Crensch from me, faggot.

Because you and he are cut from the same cloth.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Because you protect your brethren. Crensch is ADMIN. I've known this since the beginning back when I exposed Srayzie when she first came here. I was right about ALL OF IT. They are zionist infiltrators. You are a zionist just like them. You shill for a zionist movement. You are both jewish shills. Anyone who supports Trump after his speech on the shootings is either retarded or a full-on (((shill)))

CheeseboogerHimself ago

well, jewish false flags. That is correct. Zerohedge was taken over by neocon ziotards a few years ago, was it not?

Oh_Well_ian ago

shooting the messenger, faggot, while ignoring DECLAS ?


CheeseboogerHimself ago

You honestly believe that the jews would declas anything that they didn't want you to see? Come on, dude. You fall for every jewish trick in the book

Oh_Well_ian ago

mindless gaslighting

Heathcliff ago

He'll be lucky if they don't treat him they way they treated God the last time he came down to earth.

9NaughtZ ago

lol they had a "not my god" event. Buncha libs

Ken_bingo2 ago

Great comments, you two.

kammmmak ago

Yes Donald and yet they still pound you every day even if you do everything they want. You are a whore for Israel. You make them cum but they will slap you after.

Israel is a cancer.

9NaughtZ ago

he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world...and the Jewish people in Israel love he’s the King of Israel