Dontneedthepts ago

So I’m seeing ads for crisis actors. Does that mean my area is next?

Anarchy99 ago

because its another staged fake shooting

Empire_of_the_mind ago

The story was so lacking in believability with the public that they canceled the show early.

lorlipone ago

"Cancelled the show early" is the best possible way I've heard it described.

Cat-hax ago

And you never will just like Vegas

BB-3 ago

If they're planning to take it to trial, they wouldn't release the footage. Otherwise there's no way they'd be able to pick jurors.

lorlipone ago

I hadn't thought of that. I'll choose optimism for now.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

oy vey all of these malfunctioning cameras are anti-semitic

sonofjacob ago

No no no. They aren't anti-semetic. They are raciss.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Did you just assume their model number, racist?

sonofjacob ago

No, but you can't help but notice the vast majority of cameras are black.

AlabamaNigger ago

Trust the plan

Purged ago

There should be a False Flag Investigation Team that goes to these events to certify that they happened and there were bodies on a slab. Something like a Public Oversight consisting of volunteers.

blackguard19 ago

It really pains me when every time another terror/shooting hoax/drill is broadcast on television I have to remind myself that the majority of people don’t even give a second thought to whether it really happened or not.

And to make matters worse, internet censorship is so heavy now that if you search on YouTube for any shooting you will only find official narrative videos. Used to be, one could YouTube search for “<insert shooting> hoax” and find all kinds of videos exposing the fakery.

My gateway into false flag hoax shootings was watching the movie “We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook.” And this isn’t even on YouTube anymore.

If internet censorship was as bad then as it is now I might even still be asleep to all this stuff instead of having extensively researched it.

I see hope in threads like this, when people seem to understand that these things can be entirely staged and fake, rather than arguing about “multiple shooters” and MK Ultra and other off-target crap.

Public outrage may be our best bet.

mlangley ago

My gateway into false flag hoax shootings was watching the movie “We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook.” And this isn’t even on YouTube anymore.

Me too, the FBI data about no homicides and the footage of the people walking in circles is the solid evidence that really sold me. It changed the way I started looking at every 'mass shooting'. I donated to the Sandy Hook families that year, I felt so horrible 'watching' little kindergarteners git killed - wow, just wow, if I only had some unbiased insight instead of controlled narrative.

Jamcast ago

they buried it pretty quick. here's an image of...something from the mall...


hinkey stuff

AlabamaNigger ago

First Ive seen of this thanks

blackguard19 ago

There are no photos of bullet damage, images of gunshot wounds, or any video which has emerged of any actual medical activity taking place, or video of bullet impacts, or even witnesses with realistic emotions, or basically any reason whatsoever to think that a real shooting took place and not another bullshit FEMA/DHS mass media drill/hoax.

ravensedgesom ago

funny you could say the same thing for the Dayton "shooting." Didn't see one person get shot, and all I'm seeing being shown for proof is people running away, or trying to duck or hide.

blackguard19 ago

Basically, with all of these shootings, the high-profile ones that sound like a 5th grader’s creative writing assignment, you will never see anything that can’t be quite easily and relatively cheaply faked.

It’s just a matter of what kind of “realism” or special effects element they choose to invest in for every event.

For Boston, they hired amputee actors to play people with limbs blown off.

For Bataclan, they gave a “shocking” picture of a bunch of “bodies” with a red smear on the ground.

For Las Vegas, they went very large scale and included sound effects of gunfire. Probably played through the giant speakers of the outdoor concert.

For New Zealand, we got a “live stream.” Which utilizes the power of suggestion by showing people falling down while gun noises pop.

For El Paso, we got a single photo of a “body” lying on the floor with “blood” near where the head would be, if the photo were closer and showed any detail.

For San Bernardino, we got a car chase.

And so on. Each time they include some “shocking” and “graphic” media that’s usually by definition not actually graphic.

But you never see the three-dimensional manifestation of a real shooting which would gain more confirmation and tangibility over time, but never do. More visual confirmation should emerge, but never does. They only get memory-holed.

I urge everyone to stop assuming these bullshit shooting scams are real. They don’t legally have to be.

ravensedgesom ago

Well said. NZ mosque shooting utilized mannequins or body sims (so did LV route 91 festival) along with air squids to shoot out blood. How they did special effects for rifle and gunfire audio is debatable, but if you look at it in detail which was of course the video quality was absolute garbage there was a pre planted magazine and numerous other anomalies proving it to be nothing but a staged production.

AlabamaNigger ago

Ger your camera and your pad of paper and 1 way ticket to the pass

ConcreteGaloshes ago

Nice username.

Too few know of ol Mr. Cole.

lorlipone ago

Seems like someone outta do some journalism down there.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Because the previous drill was held at the La Cielo Mall and the shooter patsy went to the Walmart by mistake.

There was no shooting. There were no deaths.

lorlipone ago

That's Dayton - I've seen video of this guy. I'm talking about El Paso - They only ever showed a couple images that were supposedly "From Security Footage."

ravensedgesom ago

Did you notice how they are always smiling before these press conferences start? I've seen them do it in every one of them. Its all fun and games to the Dayton mayor even though there was just a supposed shooting with multiple fatalities.

Dogsoldiertoo ago

Gotcha, my bad.

My10thaccount ago

The cameras malfunctioned, why do you ask so many damn questions?