MKBee ago

Adam green has a good vid on 9/11 and is pretty good on the chosens.

TheKalergiFan ago

Nothing red pills like 5 hours of video of kikes and Muslims talking about it themselves

green_man ago

If you want to go straight to the JQ check out, specifically TDS and FTN. They have a bitchute channel with a selection of their content, but to access all of it you'll need to cough up $10 a month. For a hard hitting red pill check out their video on the jew with 17k dead babies in a shipping container. Their video on the white guilt lynching museum is also pretty good. This podcast they did on trannies is especially fucked up.

People's Veto, formerly known as Alternative Hypothesis, has very well researched videos on all sorts of things.

MrBoutros ago

gender realism - racial realism - the JQ (or as i call it, the JP. it's not a question, it's a problem.)

use the grifter fucks on the alt lite. shapiro, molyneux, jbp

take it from there.

zxcvzxcv ago

here is a nice pdf of the above post:

SurfinMindWaves ago

There are pages and pages of this stuff already posted here and/or at 8chan. You want us to train your wife for you?

KingOfTheCorpses ago

No, but I've seen people post here with very succinct arguments and credible sources. I can formulate my own but will always gladly accept help from those that are willing to donate their time.

To be completely honest, working 70+ hours a week in construction and then seeing my wife occupied with lefty podcasts and other kike drivel during those few hours I'm trying up relax at the end of each night is starting to get to me. I have little time and patience for these things, lately, so it's hard to sacrifice the peace. I know I'm screwing myself in the long run but I'm not sure what else I can do.

ReformedFeminist ago

You might try the Red Pilled America podcast if she listens to NPR. It's kind of the same gentle, story-telling format. They have maybe 15 or so episodes, so there's enough for her to start with.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Choke that betch in the kitchen floor and tell her jews did 911 ah ah ah JK don't do that

crazy_eyes ago

choke her with your cock

KingOfTheCorpses ago

Woah, that really worked thank you

CheeseboogerHimself ago

lol As an added bonus, running the sweeper is now 28% faster!