Crackrocknigga ago

See you denied the dimona plant and the shared weapons program with SA. I think we found one boys. @puttitout is his IP tel-aviv or Washington DC?

KarmaPuleeze ago

A bike's a vehicle. If that vehicle isn't obeying the law then they're subject to tickets. I have been stopped by the police many times while riding a bike.

Here's why car drivers are butt-hurt: not once during those stops have I been ticketed. Why? Because there's nothing to after. If you drive a car and you get a ticket it costs big money and you could lose your right to drive. Cyclists have little fear of this so of course they break the law.

My advice to enraged car drivers is: don't ever use your car as a weapon, because that's homicide. Just get on a bike, lose a few pounds and enjoy one of the last bastions of liberty modern man has.

bonhomme2012 ago

Absofuckinglutley! They scream "share the road" and then break every law there is, and force me to break the law by swerving into oncoming lanes just to "share" the road where there no bike lane. Faggots one and all.


I'm sick of these fags..that holier than thou attitude they all have is a smug self righteousness that boasts their part in fighting climate's my fucking gas taxes that build and maintain the roads and these cockheads expect to dictate to me? Fuck them. Bicycles are work wheels for kids or 3rd world inhabitants. My bike serviced my paper route, it got me to my fishing holes, it carried my tent and sleeping bag and got me to my favorite duck hunting ponds and when winter came I put it away, unlike today where the sub-human class pedals down the middle of the road in a snow storm with a sign on his back informing the upper social strata { in their vehicles } that he's hungry and wants free money. FYI...bicycles and small vehicles are both part of the UN's psy op to dumb down society...behavior modification through diminished self esteem, Go through life on a bicycle or driving a puny shit box vehicle and you'll inculcate a fear for heavy equipment, construction vehicles like dump trucks and tractor trailers, cranes and even a 3/4 ton pickup, in fact all of the aforementioned will terrify you to the point where you'll develop an aversion to all of it which means that you'll never work in the construction industry in fact you'll be one of those assholes that can't drive worth a fuck and get's expert drivers like me really pissed off . Now, about those fucking skateboarders.

Tempus54 ago

Here's the problem -- you have to be smarter to ride a bike than to drive a car. Not every one can ride. Any brain dead plasma pile can drive.

auchtung ago

Being a cyclist i will be the first to admit most cyclists suck. There is no reason for shit like that. But you also have to realize the dangers of riding solo. Cars dont give a fuck.....also they wouldnt even be there in the numbers they are if it werent for the oil industry.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

If a bike maintains proper lane position, signals, stops at appropriate intersections, keeps a commiserate pace with traffic, wears a helmet, uses lights and reflective equipment in low visibility, keeps off the sidewalk, maintains situational awareness, and accelerates quickly from a stop...

Then yeah, we're good. I don't care for most drivers' driving, I don't expect perfection from bikers.

TheresABlackOut ago

Only when they don't ride single fucking file and clog up the road like fucking fagtards

Broc_Lia ago

Probably a bit excessive, but he really had it coming.

Saw a video like this the other day: Cyclist out in the middle of the road early in the morning when the cycle lanes (on the footpath) are clear and available. He insists on riding out in the middle of a road, slows a taxi down to a crawl for a few hundred meters then eventually the cabbie loses patience and cuts him off, knocking him off the bike.

Mortifera ago

See the problem we have here is niggers. They ride their stolen bikes (yeah I'm sure you wanted that pink My Little Pony bike for Christmas nigger) down the middle of the road. They walk in groups down the middle of the road. I don't know what it is about the middle of the fucking road that they like so much but that's where they always are. There's sidewalks on both sides of the road but, nope, the middle of the fucking road is better. Then when you pull up behind them in your car they turn around, flip you off, and don't fucking move. I've had to turn around and go another way more than once because of this shit. If there were no repercussions and I was in a car I didn't give a fuck about I would have plowed right through them.

hels ago

They should not be allowed on any main roads or any roads with a speed limit over 30mph. Obviously this will never happen but whenever I have to bike somewhere I stay away from main roads. If I HAD to use a main road than I will drive for my own safety and the benefit of other drivers.

mattsixteen24 ago

Not too bright.

ranch-othelioma ago


thislionsheart ago

At least they aren't polluting or using oil which is the blood of the earth and literally contains souls of ancient .. almost like the very use of petrol is some deranged satanic conspiracy if you really think about it

SelectAllImagesWith ago

Not funny

dirt_reynolds ago

Somebody got their stupid prize for playing their stupid game. Well done truck guy, well done.

heywaitaminute ago

Personally I say, Fuck cars.

TauCeti ago

I hate how unsafe it is. People inevitably make mistakes or drive foolishly. If two cars collide at city speeds, usually there isn't much injury. Not so with a cyclist and a car. They don't belong on the roads together.

acheron2012 ago

Bicycles do not belong on the road. They are at BEST freeloaders and at worst life endangering assholes.

It should be legal to just run over them. The rest of the problems would solve themselves.

tanukihat ago

The problem with bikers is they demand to be treated like cars, except when they don't feel like it. They want everyone else to obey the Rules of the Road towards them, but oopsie - "That stop sign doesn't apply to me because I'm on a bike, I don't need to signal when I'm turning, I can travel at 15mph in a 45 zone and block traffic, because I'm a special little snowflake on my antiquated hobbyist conveyance and your workday is less important than my good time." And then when they get starched because they felt like cutting across 3 lanes of traffic to make a turn, the pity party starts - "Nobody was watching out for poor me as I broke the law, motorists are evil and I'm saving the planet, lock them up!" The hypocrisy and entitlement amongst "cyclists" is amazing to me.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

antiquated hobbyist conveyance

just because you don't partake doesn't mean its antiquated.

as a rider i assure you, i hate using roads just as much as you hate bikes on roads, our common enemy is the Spandex rider, you know the kind, with all the gear and gizmos. just to pedal at a constant speed. fucking faggots the lot of them.

Sosacms ago

I see getting hit by a car as retarded as getting hit by a train. Why were you on the train tracks/road?

EyeOfHorus ago

I wonder if niggers called plantation owners "dumb."

arniecuntingham ago

I pretty much hate everybody.

EyeOfHorus ago

When did Israel obtain its first nuclear warhead? How many nukes does Israel have on ground and submarine?

Plant_Boy ago

Some cyclists are real assholes. But those that generally try to keep to quiet streets or designated cycling zones are normally pretty cool.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Speaking of bike fags...

mitoriomyt ago

Not only on the road but when they walk around with those dumb gay outfits thinking they're cool and special.'re just a retard in shiny tight shorts and a hunched over back.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Nothing more than me and a hundred other people trying to get to work and we all have to slow down and fuck up the traffic flow because a bunch of faggots with nothing else to do want to ride their bikes on the side of highways on Tuesday fucking mornings.

TheWorstImaginable ago

You say that as though you're somehow a champ because you're a slave

obvious-throwaway- ago

We can't all be basement dwelling incels, regardless if I'm a Jewish slave or not, I prefer to keep my family living indoors.

TheWorstImaginable ago

yea make excuses for yourself jew slave. At least don't beat up on others for counting themselves out of taxation, working for themselves and having time for hobbies outside of work because you're bitter.

obvious-throwaway- ago

How about NOT RIDE YOUR FUCKING BIKE WHERE CARS ARE DRIVING 65 MILES PER HOUR YOU FUCKING MORON. Enjoy being splattered on the highway, you deserved it.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I don't ride on the highway because I'm not a moron. I can keep pace with cars at 60km/h and only stay on the road as long as I can. But hey keep crying you bitter fat fuck

TheWorstImaginable ago

We're talking about bikefags, most of which I would actually agree with because I hate driving around most cyclists, and you bring out the heavy JIDF guns. You really are a sad fat fuck aren't you?

obvious-throwaway- ago


TheWorstImaginable ago

You're a sad guy. Disengage.

obvious-throwaway- ago


GreenSlug ago

I fucking Haaaaaaaate bikefags. I live very near a MAJOR huge biketrail. We have HUGE well taken care shoulders beside our roads. We have huge unused sidewalks. We even have bike lanes in town (i hate the bike lains, still in the way of turning). And these faggots still ride in the street all the time.

I grew up riding bikes, and that shit stayed on the shoulder of the road and on biketrails and sidewalks. It should be 100% legal to do what the driver in this clip did, 1. They were in the road blocking traffic. 2. The biker assaulted his vanthing. 3. They had spandex on. Splatter that wheeledfaggot

ShakklezthaKlown ago

if you grew up riding bikes you know as well is I do that the people who wear spandex and ride mountainbikes in traffic are not the same thing as someone tearing up dirt trails in the desert.

Charliethebum ago

Hahaha fucking sprocket head hopefully he broke a few major bones

wuzizname ago

I going to fill my washer fluid reservoir with piss and re-drect the feed hoses to spray to the sides so I can drench these lance armstrong wannabe homos with hot piss when I drive past them.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I hate when webm faggots post on VOAT.

ratsmack ago

I don't mind the ones that follow the rules... the ones that believe they have the "right" to own the road are fair game to be run over.

SmokeyMeadow ago

One of the very few good things about living in a nigger city is that I don't see a lot of pretentious cyclists, because their bikes all got stolen.

Barfin ago

they need to stay on sidewalks

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Yes. Everyone except the bikefags.

Leveraction ago

Get out of the way or my 3,000 lb car might just have to bump your 20 lb tricycle out of the way! Got it cupcake?

moosethenoose ago

If they are following the rules - just drive by and give a little space.

At least they are out getting exercise instead of our fat asses driving our cars.

blackguard19 ago

Implying that bikefags do what they do to “get exercise.”

ShakklezthaKlown ago

i mean. i do. i ride hard in the mountains though, none of this highway, and next to cars bullshit

blackguard19 ago

Well, I’ll give you that

EnterTheUnKnown ago

I hate how these faggots do not follow the rules of the road the way they are supposed to.

reason247 ago


ShakklezthaKlown ago

for people like you, i ride to the right of the bike lane. i consider it an unwritten piece of etiquette.

Bastionof_freespeech ago

A lot of them just ride their bikes like assholes, I'm fine with bikes in urban areas on the road but if you in the suburbs they should be on the sidewalk and ride safely, see too many of them ride on crosswalks thinking they have the right of way

Strontium_Dawg ago

I used to live in the Portland area and I worked as a med tech at Emmanuel hospital. My commute to work was often plagued by Californicator bike faggots. In Portland you see all the worst behavior. Including once where I was stopped at a light waiting to turn left and this faggot pulled up next to me and started pounding on my roof, telling me he’s turning left and I better watch out for him. I told him to go eat a dick. One day in the ER a bike fag was brought in on a gurney with his bike seat somehow impaled through his thigh. Turned out he was violating traffic laws and got his ass ran over. I still remember the look on his face when the officer gave him his ticket. 😂

KosherHiveKicker ago

The fucking prick driving the truck was literally on his ass, and now duly earned a charge of vehicular assault.

TheyLie ago

Why do these bikers insist on driving in front of cars blocking them when they could easily ride closer to the curb and allow traffic to pass? For this, it appears the biker got what it deserved.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm a cyclist. Any smart cyclist wouldn't be blocking the road unnecessarily like that.

KosherHiveKicker ago

True. But legally other motorists must give the cyclist the very same Right of Way as any other vehicle on the road.

Dick move, or not. The Truck driver is even more of a prick.

TheWorstImaginable ago

And any driver driving that slow and blocking traffic would be required to move to allow traffic to pass or get ticketed.

I'm a proud cyclist, but this guy was a cunt. I'm not talking about legality because legality can get fucked. If you fuck around and something bigger wants to fuck you back well.... you made your choice as far as I'm concerned. The world should have more fair exchanges. White people follow the law and therefor we have too many niggers.

KosherHiveKicker ago

And any driver driving that slow and blocking traffic would be required to move to allow traffic to pass or get ticketed

Ok give the fuck a ticket, and throw the book at him. It still doesn't justify running the fuck down on the spot with a 15,000 pd vehicle.

TheWorstImaginable ago

It kind of does though. it's fair. The guy was well aware of the vehicle. He was well aware he was a menace to a proper functioning society, and instead of being a good person and riding single file he decided to attack a 15000 pd vehicle. Like some of the more ignorant people commenting about this, I'd like to refer to this as nigger behaviour while still saying I'm a proud cyclist. The truck driver was polite, reasonable, a much better driver than most of the people I encounter on the road on my bike. Everything that happened there was 100% the fault of the cyclist.

KosherHiveKicker ago

He was well aware he was a menace to a proper functioning society, and instead of being a good person and riding single file he decided to attack a 15000 pd vehicle

Oh. Ok. In your mind the trucker is justified to mow down anyone ahead of him if he decides on the spot that "they are a menace to a proper functioning society."

TheWorstImaginable ago

The cyclist decided that for him, just like someone would decide for me that I was going to punch them in the face if I tried sneaking past them politely and got smashed in the face with an elbow. The situation was entirely in the hands of the cyclist and he chose wrong. Every single time I got hit by a car, I was stubborn and sticking to the 'legal rules of the road' when I should have chosen the safer less legal alternative.

KosherHiveKicker ago

You can attempt to spin it anyway you wish.

The trucker literally decided to willfully engage in vehicular assault. - FACT.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Yep. And that cyclist might actually learn something from it.

KosherHiveKicker ago

True. And that truck driver might actually be charged with a felony assault as well.

TheWorstImaginable ago

He almost surely will. Doesn't make his actions wrong. Someone needs to stand up to these people who hinder progress because of their ego.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Someone needs to stand up to these people who hinder progress because of their ego.

Project much? The fucking truck driver chimping out due to his ego is far worse in my book.

He literally could have murdered that guy.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Project what? I'm a considerate bike rider. I stay out of the way or I match traffic speed.

I proudly call myself a psycholist. I ride my bike down cliffs at 60km/h. I ride in traffic every day.

But every time I talk to you entitled fags who refuse to move for traffic and then attack people it brings me shame. In my city we have joggers who run the wrong way up streets taking up 2 lanes. They spread out when they see traffic, blocking more. They hit cars with objects when they try to drive the right way up a street built for traffic. This is nigger behaviour. Cops won't enforce the law. If someone mowed down a group of 50 of them with a truck I would support it, because it's the right thing to do. There's a difference between acting right and considering your own safety and being an entitled menace that needs to be dealt with violently because no other method works. nigger behavior needs to be dealt with violently.

KosherHiveKicker ago


Project what?


Someone needs to stand up to these people who hinder progress because of their ego.

The trucker's ego put far more at risk than just being slowed down for 2-3 minutes in traffic.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Someone needs to maintain order. Protected groups can fuck off. If you want to ride obnoxiously ride on the side of the road and you won't get killed. I'm a firm believer in personal accountability. If you intentionally step on someones toes, especially if that someone is obeying the law and being considerate, don't be surprised when their toes hit you in the face in response.

Hey, at least you had arguments and didn't call me JIDF within 2 comments.

everlastingphelps ago

The reason bikes have such a bad reputation is their behavior.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

The reason guns have such a bad reputation is their behavior.

everlastingphelps ago

Right. Because guns have a behavior.

blackguard19 ago

Yes, fuck them. They think they can use the roads without following any of the rules of the road. They also have their obnoxious “3 feet please” shirts and stickers and yet they freak out like little spastics if you get within 8 feet of them.

Biking is just such a pussy activity. You spend all that money on tights, spandex, helmets, bike accessories, maintenance, when I can just put a pair of shorts and running shoes on and get a much better workout while not impeding traffic and annoying everyone around.

TheWorstImaginable ago

You're a fag and you're gonna get beat up by a cuck cyclist.

blackguard19 ago

I’m not a big guy but I’ve never seen a cyclist whose ass I couldn’t confidently kick.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Then you don't know any of the cyclists I know. I know an 80 year old man that would embarrass you.

blackguard19 ago

Tell him to bring it on if he wants a broken hip. And tell him he sucks dick by choice.

TheWorstImaginable ago

You're a clown and nothing more.

registerinsecond ago

Running is a worst workout than biking. Biking is a lot less damaging to your knees and will make you lose weight at a faster rate. The only better sport is swiming

blackguard19 ago

I would expect a pussy attention-seeking activity to be easier on the knees than an actual athletic activity that has been practiced since our Ancient Greek ancestors.

Also I don’t run to lose weight because I’m not fat. Running being a “worse workout” is laughable. If biking were any sort of real challenge I wouldn’t see huge groups of adult hipsters doing it every weekend as a social activity.

registerinsecond ago

Biking is the hardest sport we know of actually. You see i can go for a run and barely sweat..

You sweat because you "really run". If you "really" bike you won't be able to walk for a week.

Because it's easier in the knees you can bike for longer with less problems.

The reason it looks easier to you is because you can travel more distance with less energy, faster. So yeah you can cruise in flat ground and do no exercise. If you actually pedal it over a few hours, let's say uphill to be sure you actually do pedal, you will sustain more energy loss than running.

Anyway look it up if you care, it's well documented.

blackguard19 ago

I understand the biomechanical advantages of biking, and I actually don’t hate bikers, they just personally annoy me because I have to coexist with them on the trails I run. It’s pretty subjective which exercise is best, if any. My main beef with bikers is that many of them are status-signallers rather than “real bikers.”

registerinsecond ago

Can't argue with that

moarzor ago

Agreed. A runner can pick up biking no problem. But I've known bicyclists try running one day and just get wrecked.

Running is the better activity. You train so many parts of your body to work together. And you can run in so many places bikes can't go.

blackguard19 ago

Absolutely, your upper body is involved in running specifically your core, back, and even arms. There are “studies” about how long-distance running can lower testosterone levels or whatever, well I’m not talking about vast distances. I’m talking about running a few miles without collapsing like a slob after the first ten minutes. Doing some pushups by the river etc.

And like you say, the vistas are priceless. I see things in nature that virtually no one else will see just by running there. In fact the only upside to biking is that they can cover more ground and see more sights.

TheWorstImaginable ago

All you're doing is making yourself sound bitter and ignorant.

blackguard19 ago

Lol, you must be really butthurt following me around. Why don’t you go hop on your bike and cruise down a hill to unwind.

My10thaccount ago

Yes, they are gay as fuck. Also the fact that they all wear spandex as if that's going to make them noticeably more aerodynamic when they're going 10 miles per hour. Such faggots, get out of the middle of the damn road and become a man and get a full suspension mountain bike.

Titanbikes4ever ago

God, I live, on purpose, right on one of my cities awesome bike trail and the faggots STILL go on the street, two abreast, sometimes 3. I fucking hate that because I am a biker myself.

TheWorstImaginable ago

The joggers here are disgusting. Theres a long street in my city with a large path in a huge boulevard that runs the entire 10km length. These fucks run 10 wide on the street the wrong direction like a pack of fucking niggers. They actually spread out when they see vehicles and bikes. Some stupid fuck tried slapping me and yelling at me as I rode my bike past in the correct direction so I turned around and ran him over with my bike. The next pack of joggers I encountered I just screamed "I'm going the right way you fucking faggots MOVE" and smashed through 3 or 4 of the 45 faggots blocking traffic.

This is highly illegal what they're doing, but they're a mob so they get left alone. Seems like a good place to set up a hide with a semi shotgun

goatsshadow ago

Was driving behind one the other day and passed when I could. He'd pass me again as he blew the stop sign. When I got to the next stop sign I didnt leave him passing room on the right. Driving on the road he should be ticketed like any car imo.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

As a former cyclist I've had this discussion many times. What most cyclists don't understand, or willfully ignore, is that their use of the road is dependent upon them not impeding the flow of vehicular traffic around them. The cops in my area will ticket cyclists for riding two or three wide at 10 mph and I fully agree with that effort. Cyclists are also required to signal properly, which is a rare thing to see.

Shitonliblips ago

My little country town has been overtaken by cyclists. Traffic is a nightmare and it is always due to what I describe as a FAGGLE of bikes. Always half out of shape dudes in spandex or I have to hear a passing conversation about how Kings of Leon are the best band of all time as they ride by.

FEMAcampsforever ago

Ps : you can't teach peace as life is always war! Go back to la paz fagget! Take your bike wt you.

FEMAcampsforever ago


Fred_Garvin ago

The ones that decide to ride around 430 to 600 on the weekdays.

Utter pieces of shit.

acheron2012 ago

In my state a bicycle is defined as a vehicle and is legally required to follow EVERY single traffic law.

In my entire lifetime I have seen a bike stop at a red light exactly twice. I have NEVER seen one obey ANY other traffic law.

The only time I have seen a cop stop a bike is to enforce the only unreasonable law shouldered upon them. That being the helmet law. Which is just a way to introduce minors to the fact they have no rights and are powerless beasts for the government to use any way they want.

KikesOnTrikes ago

have NEVER seen one obey ANY other traffic law.

full of shit

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Which is just a way to introduce minors to the fact they have no rights and are powerless beasts for the government to use any way they want.

You are based.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

In my state a bicycle is defined as a vehicle and is legally required to follow EVERY single traffic law.

Believe me, I've violated plenty of traffic laws in my time on a bicycle. I am far from perfect. As I got older I realized how stupid it is and tried to do better.

TheWorstImaginable ago

A lot of the time its safer to get on a sidewalk or go through a stop sign. I wont stop doing that.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Yeah I just drive my truck onto the sidewalk it felt safer

TheWorstImaginable ago

So you support bikers hogging the street in unsafe situations or being safe and considerate?

because in this situation only one of us is inconsiderate and dangerous. Bikes can navigate the sidewalk just fine among white people who aren't retarded as long as the rider isn't being dangerous.

robot7247 ago

I live in the suburbs. Even when they have clearly defined lanes and bike paths they feel the need to impact everyone else. Without fail every weekend in good weather the stretchy pants & sponsor shirt brigade is out clogging the road. It got so bad local towns had to put signs that they will be cited if they aren't single file. And they still do it anyway and ride along as a mob. The worst is on hills, they all spread out side-by-side and slomo up. When you finally get a chance to pass inevitably one will yell "Share the road!". I really can't stand these fucks. (I ride too, Cannondale & LeMond.)

Broc_Lia ago

I think the worst example I ever heard of that was when a friend of mine had an emergency transporting two horses. One of them had a hairline fracture in it's leg that gave way halfway through the trip. She got the other one out of the box asap and tied it up by the roadside, all the while calling for help to put the other one down.

Meanwhile a cycline race turns up and they start giving out to her for blocking the road. This wasn't in the city either, it was a rural area, so problems with animal handling should be expected. Their fucking entitlement knows no bounds.

robot7247 ago

Their fucking entitlement knows no bounds.

It's this, 100% this.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

stretchy pants & sponsor shirt brigade

Fucking awesome term. I will use it every time I can!

It got so bad local towns had to put signs that they will be cited if they aren't single file. And they still do it anyway and ride along as a mob.

Same here, which is why the local cops give them tickets.

When you finally get a chance to pass inevitably one will yell "Share the road!"

Indeed. I usually yell back, "You first!"

DependasaurusRex ago

We call them the spandex mafia here in Oregon.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

I've heard that one. Also, Euro Trash.

TheKalergiFan ago

I like bike fags, it is shorter and better.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

That made little sense until I read it in context.


robot7247 ago

I usually yell back, "You first!"

"You" is definitely in what I usually yell.

Age demo is always the same too, mid 20s - low 30s. The older ones do not ride like this and are usually solo.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Funny thing. I stopped riding with groups as I got older. If and when I do ride on the road it's usually just 2 or 3 of us and we still get up early to be done before the roads get crowded,

robot7247 ago

I ride at night. My area quiets way down after rush hour and by ~8PM barely anyone is on the road.

QualityWhite ago

Lance Armstrong did this to us

Fuckle_Chucks ago

"Lance" is a faggot.

robot7247 ago

Show us your Fag Strong rubber bracelet.

FEMAcampsforever ago

A dickless dope snoring faggot!

Had ago

Never ride side by side when it is busy, and pretend you are a car when it comes to stopping and right of way laws. Stop signs aren't suggestions for bikes. Super simple stuff, follow the rules everybody else does and things will be fine. And don't be a cunt.

Charliethebum ago

don't be a cunt

A lot of sprocket heads have a real hard time following this guideline

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Most larger-scale organized rides I've been on were scheduled to start at the ass crack of dawn so that we'd be done before the roads got crowded. And by organized I don't mean official events, but rides taken by groups of people who meet up at a bike shop and head out from there.

Shotinthedark ago

There is one near Miami that happens at night and the fags actually stop traffic to let the several hundred bikes to go . They have no authority to do this.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

They have no authority to do this.

Certainly not without a permit they don't.

KikesOnTrikes ago

Your panties in a bunch because people are doing what they want without a permission slip? You know how I know you went to a government camp?

Jiwaveya ago

Electric scooter fags are worst.

TheyLie ago

I see a guy daily riding his motorized skateboard in the middle of a car lane on a very busy street blocking traffic. Due to this assholery, I pray for him daily... to hit a small rock and face plant, or be hit by a car.

Fambida ago

motorized skateboards take douchfaggery to a whole new level

Sosacms ago

Nah man. Nothing beats the faggots with wheels in their shoes. Luckily that trend didn't last too long.

ExplodingHead ago


ShakklezthaKlown ago

because you aren't pushing and using your own muscles to move, which defeats the purpose of skating in the first place.

ExplodingHead ago

It's like saying that motorcycles defeat the purpose of bicycles.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

i ride my longboard uphill all the time. takes leg strength sure but it's doable.

ExplodingHead ago

Now that truly defeats the purpose of a longboard.

registerinsecond ago

And ebikes. Somehow they manage to be worst. I didn't know it was possible, but they proved me wrong

Holonomic ago

Motorcycle or bicycle....or both? I've been driving quite a while, and I've seen far more unsafe motorcycle riders than otherwise. Bicycles not as much, mostly because they don't show up on the roads I'm on, but they seem to be more safe than the motorcycle people.

CowWithBeef ago

Cars, bikes and pedestrians need separate infrastructure, but we only built infrastructure for cars and pedestrians.

moarzor ago

Where I'm from the law demands bicyclists stay on the side that goes with traffic, and pedestrians go on the side against traffic (when there's no sidewalk for the pedestrian to use).

I can't tell if that's what you're saying, but I agree with above laws. As a pedestrian, either way you're equally close to moving traffic, so being able to see the car closest to you as they approach is the correct standard for safety.

It also means bicyclists and pedestrians move towards one another. That's also good; allows them to see each other and give room.

Again you might agree with all this, I just couldn't tell what you meant by "correct" direction.

CowWithBeef ago

The common city infrastructure in USA is roads for cars, sidewalks for pedestrians, and nothing for bikes. It's slowly changing, but any time you force any of these three to share infrastructure, you're going to have problems and sometimes bodies.

MinorLeakage ago

I always wanted an anti-cyclist bumper sticker, but it will just be used against me if I ever accidentally ran one over....

ShakklezthaKlown ago

if i saw that sticker your car would be tagged and keyed. to each his own. we are all one after all. and all that feel good bullshit.

AChinkInTheArmour ago

Go ride your glorified child's toy into the ocean.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

what do you do for recreational exercise? just out of curiosity.

reddit_sucks_dicks ago

we all know you wouldn't do shit you pussy... stop running your mouth faggot

it must be a pretty shitty life to feel so powerless that you fantasize about lashing out at the world in such childish ways

just be careful to keep it in fantasy land, because if one day you ever do make a mistake and anger the wrong person, you will have consequences will make your life much much worse than it currently is

ShakklezthaKlown ago

yeah yeah. i'd flatten your tires too FAGGOT. and you'd do nothing but bitch about it to your towtruck driver.

and i'd do it again, and again, and again. in fact. i might do a few cars tonight just to spite your bitchy ass

Sburban_Shitposter ago

oh, you must be a nigger. Welcome to voat.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

not a nigger. i just hate people like OP.

mitoriomyt ago


MinorLeakage ago

See? This is exactly the problem. Better to have a "share the road" sticker and a pig farm.

smokratez ago

I just hate mossad fags posting on voat.

Crackrocknigga ago

Is he mossad?

smokratez ago

Any of the power users who dominate the frontpage and post hundreds of things to voat in a day are.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

you. you're becoming one of my favorite users.

Crackrocknigga ago

Hey you're right, he wouldn't answer

Crackrocknigga ago

I have noticed his headlines are similar to reddits when they really started becoming controlled content

pimplepeter ago

underrated comment.

Laffey ago

Yes. They're allowed to ride on the sidewalk where I am. We even have special triple-wide sidewalks designed for bike traffic. They ride in the fucking street and cause traffic problems anyway.

Fuck 'em.

We actually have signs up warning them that they aren't allowed to ride on the highway, where cars are going 70. Because they're apparently that dumb around here that it isn't common sense.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

dumb people do dumb shit with bikes, so lets blame everyone who uses bikes

MrPim ago

We actually have signs up warning them that they aren't allowed to ride on the highway, where cars are going 70. Because they're apparently that dumb around here that it isn't common sense.


AlabamaNigger ago

Biking is a "white" thing. They ride on the roads like they have a nog iq

TheyLie ago


chickenphone ago

Similarly I hate those fags that walk on the road when there's a perfectly good sidewalk a couple of feet away. What's up with that?

bourbonexpert ago


That’s what’s up. It’s truly fascinating at how niggers are seemingly incapable of making use of basic things

ShakklezthaKlown ago

what's fascinating is your lack of recognition for their absolute disgust for white society and the rules therein. they know what the sidewalk is for, they just don't use it to spite people like you. it's on purpose.

so next time you see a nigger playing chicken with your car, keep in mind that he's checking you.

bourbonexpert ago

I get you. I do. Niggers do anything that goes against the rules. But I think they are so dumb I think that they would have to have a higher than 80 IQ to spite humans

the_illusive_man ago

There's a reason they call it the urban jungle lol

SparklingWiggle ago

Yeah, fuck getting around by your own power. What do they think they are doing, staying in shape and healthy? It's sucks so bad having to slow down for two seconds if I can't move to another lane. I'm far more important than all of these cucks. I have shit to do, like buy chicken tenders for my mom to cook for me. Plus, I have this great apartment in my basement with my own mini-fridge stocked with Mt. Dew.

TheyLie ago

Why do cyclists block traffic when they can cycle closer to the shoulder and allow faster traffic to pass? There's almost always room. But no, many of them insist on blocking cars. Why?

0rion ago

Because they crave attention.

SparklingWiggle ago

I don't do that but in many jurisdictions they actually have right to the whole 8ft. Getting too close to a curb or ditch has it's own obvious dangers. A feeling of being too boxed in could be part of it. There are plenty of dickhead drivers that either don't see or intentionally drive too close. I have had a number of occasions where a passenger will try to scare me by yelling or throwing a ball at me and if I were too close to the edge I could have wrecked easier.

Realize the danger differential between a guy in light clothing and a guy in a car with a seatbelt on. The guy on the bike is likely to do more to ensure his safety and being in the middle of the lane means it is actually harder for someone to race past you.

0rion ago

Found the cyclefag.

SparklingWiggle ago

Found the fatty.

0rion ago

I don't need to dress up like a faggot and ride my bike into oncoming traffic to lose weight, unlike you.

SparklingWiggle ago

I know you're a fatfuck because your perspective that I ride to lose weight. I don't ride to lose weight I do it to stay fit. And I wear regular clothes, maybe some dryfit shorts and shirt.

0rion ago

So in other words, you're a cyclefag.

SparklingWiggle ago

As much as you're a cumguzzler.

0rion ago

Yes, I am a cumguzzler.

And you are a cyclefag. You cannot hide from reality.

SparklingWiggle ago

Degenerate, feel free to neck yourself.

0rion ago

You presume to call ME a degenerate, while you dress up in tights and ride your bike in the street? Hahaha...yeah ok guy.

SparklingWiggle ago

I said dryfit shorts. Are you such a fucking louse that you don't know what dryfit is? It must suck to be you.

0rion ago

By all means...keep letting your inner faggotry shine.

SparklingWiggle ago


0rion ago're still a faggot, and no amount of deflection can change that, I'm sorry.

SparklingWiggle ago

You must really be upset that you're a fat fucking loser. Do you ever want to kill yourself?

0rion ago

Given that you dress like a faggot when you ride you bike, I'd say the only one with suicidal thoughts here is you. Once again: projection on your part.

SparklingWiggle ago

You still don't know what dryfit is, do you? Dumbass. I will find a link for you.

0rion ago

Did you seriously just link me to your faggy tights as if that's going to change my mind?

SparklingWiggle ago

They're not tights but I guess you're afraid to be wrong. Try not to kill yourself.

0rion ago

There you go projecting again with the suicidal thoughts! Is it because you dress like a faggot and humiliate yourself every day?

SparklingWiggle ago

89 111 117 32 97 114 101 32 97 32 100 117 109 98 32 110 105 103 103 101 114 46 32

0rion ago

Are those barcode numbers for the faggy tights that you wear?

SparklingWiggle ago

It is proof.

Thornamajig ago

I don't blame the bikers, I blame the city that doesn't provide a proper place for bicyclists or allow them to use sidewalks like other slow traffic

19990565? ago

Do you blame them when the city allows them to ride on footpaths, builds separate bikepaths and has on road cycle lanes and then they ride side by side on the road taking up half or all of a car lane?

Thornamajig ago

Well yeah, then I can blame them. But in most US cities at least, that's certainly not the case

Nigloo_Dismantler ago

Yeah sure but its those fucking carfags I hate the most.

19990072? ago

Yes. Fuck those bastards. When I'm a driver I hate them and when I am a pedestrian I hate them. On the road, on footpaths and on bikepaths they act like the cocksuckers they are.

Once, in peak hour, on a busy three lane road they like to populate, I walked in their cycle lane, real slow, then did what some of them do and switched to the pedestrian crossing at the lights when it was convenient for me. One dyke yelled at me, said I was endangering my life and slowing (cyclist) traffic (cars didn't care as I kept closer to curb than cyclists and was predictable, got a few smiles from them too). "oh was annoying for you?" I said and then I told her she was a hypocrite and I'm not endangering my life anymore than she was, it was pure gold. I wished some of the drivers clapped.

registerinsecond ago

Was there clapped too.

PS: you're a faggot

MyNameIsMud ago

I clapped

Barfin ago

i stood up before doing so

xXCreeperXx ago

Yes here in idaho they show up up in the summer and about one out of three will try to ride in the road insted of staying right of the white line, they are not as bad as the city ones but they are still a menace, but this year has been pretty good only a hand full so far.

Conspirologist ago

Looks fake. I have noticed that the video quality deteriorates right when the truck attacks the bike. This deterioration happens when VFX are added to the video on slow computers.

Corpse_washer ago

No. Excellent income source.

MrPim ago

I hate that bikefags are not allowed on the sidewalk. Where I personally think they belong. I can understand not having them on the SW in like Manhattan, but I dont live in Manhattan. The sidewalks in most of America are generally empty.

Luckily for me my area has a pretty large spanning bike path system. So when I want to ride I dont have to be a bikefag in traffic and endanger my life. My city/area gets a Lot wrong, but they've done the bikepath thing well.

DamonAxemaker ago

Bicyclists aren't allowed on the sidewalk. I've been hit by faggots on bikes riding where they don't belong.

One faggot was an out of uniform cop that told me we could "go to the station and talk about it"

Another was a tattooed, pierced wannalook tough faggot that wouldn't do shit when I stood up to him.

Bikes belong on the road. I don't care that they whine that it's more dangerous. If you're not a good enough bicyclist that you worry about being on the road you shouldn't be on a bike.

MrPim ago

Maybe if you can't walk well enough that you worry about being hit by a bike you should never leave home. Or just kill yourself in shame.

I would have agreed that both of those guys were assholes who shouldnt bike at all. But now I wish theyd have run you over with a car because youre just an illogical cunt.

DamonAxemaker ago

Aww little bikefag got hurt.

The tattooed asshole was a fun one. We were on a stretch of bridge that has guardrails on either side with only enough room for one person. Once you get on there's no way to get out until you're off the bridge unless you want to pick your bike up and lift it back on to the road. The tattooed pierced faggot was behind me and I was walking at a normal walking pace while he tailgated me to try to get off. When I didn't let him he clipped my ankle, I turned around and he still wouldn't start a fight. I was in a shirt and tie too- the enemy to a faggot like him, but he still didn't do shit.

Just like you wouldn't do shit if we were face to face you fucking pathetic pussy.

MrPim ago

lol the internet tough guy is always good for a laugh.

DamonAxemaker ago

Yes- just kill yourself is so tough. You're the one that started it. Now you're running off like a ball less faggot proving me right

MrPim ago

lol no. You should kill yourself, because you have the iq of a nigger. I didnt threaten you. I suggested you're too stupid to live and should just end it yourself.

DamonAxemaker ago

Wow, internet tough guy

No wonder you ride a bike, you ballless pussy

MrPim ago

You repeat yourself like a retarded nigger does when they get agitated. Thanks for proving me right about that.

Now, you bore me, so please shut the fuck up. Im sure you'll feel the need to repeat yourself one last time, but I am done with you.

DamonAxemaker ago

Repeating what I said. Imitation is flattery. You can pedal your faggot ass away so you repeat things I said proving I'm smarter. I know you want to suck my cock, I don't blame you. Just admit it.

In fact, you love me so much you'll respond to this post and act like you didn't do that at all.

I win

weezkitty ago

They are allowed on sidewalks in Washington state

Sum-of-Nun ago

I am going to guess Seattle/W WA.

MrPim ago

Its not. The glowniggers already know where I am, and Im planning a series of art threads which will doxx my location to voat( and even who I am to local goats) so, Im in Dayton Ohio.

Theyve managed to put together a really nice system of bike paths. Much of it runs through parks or is made from retired rail lines. I can bike to either Columbus or Cincinnati and much of that will never hit a street.

Element115 ago

Does anyone care if you do it? I've never been stopped for riding on a sidewalk. I've only been yelled at by spandex guys. Nobody else seems to care, and I usually use the sidewalk when one is available.

drakesdoom2 ago

I had a cop throw me into the road in front of traffic because I was walking with my bike on the side walk.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

people who bike understand why cops are pigs

TheyLie ago

What the fuck? How does that even make sense in the cop's warped mind?

drakesdoom2 ago

Cop? Mind?

Pick one they don't mix.

TheyLie ago

Wtf was I thinking, duh

TheFritoBandito ago

Fucking hell. I'm sure you wanted to tell the cop to fuck right off with that demand (or politely asking how you were violating any laws by walking a bike down the sidewalk) but would have landed you beaten and bruised, and in jail if you were not recording video at the time.

drakesdoom2 ago

From what I've seen video might get you money after the beating if you are black.

MrPim ago

Once I was actually stopped by a cop. I think he was pretty new. No one else around here cares and I do use them. My order of choice- Bike Path when available>street when I feel like it wont endanger my life>sidewalk.

registerinsecond ago

Bike on sidewalk is a really dumb idea

capnflummox ago

Bikes on sidewalks in a city is a really dumb idea.

Outside of that, bikes on sidepaths are a really really smart idea.

puggy ago

anyone over age 10 riding a bike on the sidewalk is a retard or faggot

Fambida ago

It's a better idea than biking on the road though.

BB-3 ago

No it isn't.

Fambida ago

Yes it is

MrPim ago

Why? When 95% of the sidewalks around here are empty? Tell me exactly why you think so.

Killeratlarge ago

Corners are probably a little hazardous if they dont stop. Otherwise not sure.

SRS-Airbag ago

It's called side walk, not side bike.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

i'll ride on the sidewalk all day every day. fat fucks in their cars can eat shit. i'd rather ride a bike than drive my car.

Barfin ago

so why do you drive on a parkway and park in a drive way

robot7247 ago

George? Mitch?

Killeratlarge ago

I was told parkways got their names since people would park and picnic on the sides. Cant see that happening nowadays though.

MrPim ago

In 95% of America its called empty.

Reddit_traitor ago

no one want's bikers around at all. people on the sidewalk have jump out of the way if bike come up behind them.

if i wanted to bike i'd put it my car and take it the bike trail.

to recap bikers are faggots and are hated by everyone.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

you're probably a fat fuck. honestly, a bike can fit next to a person on a sidewalk. unless youre a fat fuck.

everlastingphelps ago

A bike can fit next to a car -- but it won't.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

well mate it really depends on where you live. where i live, bikes are allowed on the sidewalk, but big whales don't make it easy to do so. otherwise, most people are fine with moving slightly to the right of their side of the walk to allow passage.

it's much better than using the road. trust me.

CameraCode0 ago

Biking is a great way to get around if you live in the right town. When I was in college I biked every day. Avoid the petroleum jew, bikes are super cheap, don't have to worry about finding a parking spot, and it's good exercise. Roads with bike lanes on the shoulder or side of a wide road are a good medium between having them impede traffic and forcing them onto sidewalks. And it costs almost nothing to add in taxes because the US has such wide roads already; all you need is the paint.

I think that's just your inner boomer talking- "liberals and hippies like bikes, me no like bikes".

midnightblue1335 ago

"Being a nigger is a great way to get around if you live in the right town. When I was in college, I nogged every day. Avoid the petroleum White man, nogging is super cheap, don't have to worry about parking, and it's good exercise. Roads with nigger lanes on the shoulder of a wide road are a good medium between having us impede traffic and forcing them onto sidewalks, before robbing them. And it costs..... more than nothing to add in taxes, because I'm a nigger- all you need is the paint."

"I think that's just your inner boomer talking- 'niggers don't belong on the earth, me no like earth.'"

MrPim ago

Thats due to the biker. When I ride no one needs jump out of my way and I dont impeed traffic. I do understand the hate though. Ive wanted to put a biker shaped dent in my car more than once.

TheyLie ago

Why do some bikers insist on being rude to motorists by blocking them? Why don't they just ride closer to the side so motorists can pass?

MrPim ago

Youd have to ask them. I guess my answer would be they're assholes. I avoid the street when I ride. Im also not a spandex wearing fag, so Im not really that group at all. I enjoy going for a ride on the bike paths and sometimes Ill use it for a short errand run or ride to work. Its generally hippie fags and spandex tards who are stupid enough to start arguments w multi-ton vehicles.

TheyLie ago

I don't have anything against them when they don't do this. I don't care what they wear, they could all wear bozo costumes for all I care. But such a large percentage of them practice this blocking cars thing, it makes me wonder what's up.

MrPim ago

My basic understanding is that: they have the legal right to the road. And at some point in the past a car driver did something stupid or aggressive and so now they have their panties in a knot. They also won't acknowledge how many bikers disregard the laws of the road which pisses off the car drivers. In the end they try to force the 'right to the road' issue and make the situation worse.

I personally try to stay out of the hungry maw of modern traffic.

registerinsecond ago

99.999% of bikers sux ass.

Source: I bike daily and im not being sarcastic

MrPim ago

I dont necessarily disagree, but it still comes down to the biker himself. Its possible to use one and not suck.

Also, its possible to make more than one point in a comment. Each idea doesnt require its own.

capnflummox ago

What the fuck do you care how many posts a person makes?

Stop being a faggot...

MrPim ago

Ahh good. @capnflummox will enjoy the ping bomb. I'll make sure to end each of my comments today raping your inbox faggot

capnflummox ago

The tactics of a Loser. Thank you so much for playing yourself.

Have a nice tantrum, faggot.

MrPim ago

I was going to stop because its just as boring as you, and Ive made my point. But I do have the day off.

capnflummox ago

You had a point besides being a faggot?

Laughing my fucking ass off...

MrPim ago

If you werent completely retarded you'd have understood that somone needlessly putting shit in your inbox is annoying. Maybe you need some more demonstrations to get it. You are completely retarded though.

capnflummox ago

It wasn't needless... you were throwing a tantrum. It was funny.

Sure, I'm retarded on your scale of the world. Good.

MrPim ago


capnflummox ago

Nah, not really a quitter.

capnflummox ago

Jesus Fucking Christ

capnflummox ago

This fucking faggot...

MrPim ago

Thats niggerfaggot to you good sir

capnflummox ago

Nah, I think that word is so fucking lame and childish. I'll stick with words that have real meaning: such as faggot. You're a bundle of dried cornstalks tied together near the top and then lit on fire.

MrPim ago

@capnflummox is a goat fucking muslim retard.

MrPim ago

@capnflummox has mental issues

MrPim ago

Also, if you cant organize your thoughts well enough to condense them into a single comment youre definitely retarded.


capnflummox ago

Also, if you can't possibly take a step back from oneself and appreciate humor in life, you're definitely a little pansy.

You missed the joke, dude. No need to lash out. Jesus Faggot Christ.

hollywood2020 ago

Yes, and there are millions of us! Those fucksticks lobby for their own lanes taking space on existing streets, which make the car/truck lanes narrower. Fuck them, bikes are for faggots and they should find a place to ride OFF the vehicle traffic lanes. Mother fuckers drive out to the country where I live and dozens drive the FM or county roads holding traffic up for miles, large fats who can barely peddle their carcass on flat ground. And those penis shaped helmits and cunt protecting bike pants, oy vey!

drakesdoom2 ago

There are no good people in this video.

Faggots going super slow in their race gear.

Violent criminal attacking people with a vehicle.

Sancus ago

This comment made me check my address bar to make sure I didn't accidentally end up on reddit.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

crime isn't crime if it doesn't conflict with my ideals

Sancus ago

This comment made me check my address bar to make sure I didn't accidentally end up on reddit.