G0P2 ago

Feels good man

Spectral ago

I remember when liveleak wasn't run by a bunch of cunts. Those were the days, it had a really good community a decade ago.

DamonAxemaker ago


tracheapunchables ago

He never even looked. Whatever was in front of him must have been the stuff of legends.

The_Ram_of_the_Sheep ago

If he were in Cali they would still try to pin it on the driver

username345 ago

If it was a faggot on a motorcycle with a camera recording his trip I'd expect him to get up and blame you

Wiserman ago

He was asking for it. Not enough time for car to slow down.

SparklingWiggle ago

What a polite driver! "Are you alright?" In such a pleasant voice.


Good hit...too bad it wasn't an industrial auger during a snow blowing operation...it's just a matter of time given that these useless eaters ride their bikes in a snow storm.

anon187 ago

soundtrack MAKES the video! thx

Pointyball ago

It was just like hitting a deer!

NiggerFaggot187 ago

Kid on bike right before crash: Hold my beer while I catch some air.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Hooligans are white niggers.

Bilzkits ago


eggsbenedict94 ago

Smells like an insurance scammer.

You just don't ride your bike into traffic like that unless you're looking for a paycheck.


Definitely an insurance scam.

shitstartercarter ago

I drive around for work and am in a car for many hours a day. Fuck bicyclists. Most act like they own the damn road and get pissed at you even when they're the ones being complete idiots.

invisiblephrend ago

and they CONSTANTLY run red lights!

Pronebone45 ago

The music fits right in with the 80's rad bike moves.

dayofthehope ago

Would you prefer he had been driving an SUV?

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Cyclists are going in the oven first.....

Shitonliblips ago

My southern community has been made into a cyclist haven. I hate it and hate them. We made multiple 30 mile long awesome bike paths and they STILL ride on every road imaginable hogging lanes of traffic. Imagine if I did that on my skateboard.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I don't really hate them that much i was just making a joke....

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

They're like muzzies. The more you interact with them the less of a joke it becomes.

Butterbread ago

Everyone in the line keeps having to step back to make room. We need one of those deli counter take a number dealies.

flats ago

Or a bigger oven

rspix000 ago

needs a spotter

fuckingmockies ago

I'd sue that cyclist for damages to my vehicle.

CantBuySkills ago

Lulz! I love the 80s power ballad too!

bambou1991 ago

I wouldn't know if I should be mad or impressed.

Yuke ago

I wouldn't even think about what it did to my car, I'd double his injuries purely due to him being so fucking stupid.

thislionsheart ago

That is funny shit

SparkS ago

eh from nowhere... he came from the bushes... the shity thing is that when u tell such a happening to most of the mfs they dont believe u... most of them think it was at least partially somehow ur fault too...

chrimony ago

Good thing he has the dashcam to back him up. I've been meaning to get one for awhile now.

Spectral ago

Yeah. I've been meaning to get one too, but its actually difficult to find one that reliable captures licence plates.

0011000100100111101 ago

i hope the bicyclist is paralyzed.

weezkitty ago

Jumping into the road without looking. What could go wrong?

Sir_Schadenfreude ago

Yeah, probably an insurance scammer. Notice it was in the crosswalk? Looking for a paycheck, but didn't count on the camera.

weezkitty ago

Dash cams can be a lifesaver

LettItBurn ago

Fucking douche bag. Who the fuck rides a bike like that? This is why I keep a katana in my car. I'd have cut his god damned head off and then slashed his tires.

shillaccount3344 ago

Dude! You just hit him with a car!

Cutting his head off when his arms and legs are probably broke is just going to far.

Camulos ago

Do you scream something about Aloha Snackbar before you do the cutting?

Leroy_Antoine ago

Are you of Syrian descent and do you now live in Germany?

Gunfreak ago

I'm not gonna tell you not to keep a katana, but I'd keep an AR right next to it, too.

Sharptooth ago

cyclist gets hit by car

driver exits vehicle, katana in hand

"You fucking douche bag!"

jammicsmith ago

scream "Allahu Akhbar" while cutting of his god damned head and the police will refuse to pursue you also!

flats ago

Ah yes. The "no homo" of violence.

fuckingmockies ago

Use a european longsword or arming sword you fucking cuck.

dawnbandit1 ago

English Longbow or BTFO.

HeebyKneegrow ago

I use my adamantium claws

FatBruceWillis ago

And my ass

LettItBurn ago

What? ....Did I overreact?

Podge512 ago

I hope the car wasn't damaged!

blumen4alles ago

FullSemiAutomatic ago

Thank you for your service.

Butterbread ago

How did you know he was Military?...

FullSemiAutomatic ago

Service to the community.

I don't know much about anyone here other than what they've shared, which is to say very little.

blumen4alles ago

Very welcome!

Quaintarrow303 ago

I almost shit I laughed so hard

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Did you ever shit so hard that you laughed?

475677 ago

more than once

YoHomie ago

Best comment of the week!

Godgiven ago

I shit my pants but because I wanted to.

Quaintarrow303 ago

Well it is your "godgiven" right to shit your pants sir.

Godgiven ago

god bless america

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