thebearfromstartrack ago

I agree someone is nervous that we are NOT fitting into their model of who WE ALL are (stupid maleable spineless cattle). But thinking this will STOP us is specious thinking. This is just a tiny outlet (view) of our perspective. We are legion. We are preparing and waiting. and those responsible WILL pay for their hubris and vindictive pomposity.

NotHereForPizza ago

We figured out Jack Dorsey loves the Standard Hotel.

Putt had the wrong thread this time.

TheTrigger ago

The truth makes jews nervous.

Planetoftheclown ago

It's not so much what is being discussed as much as it is what isn't being censored.

I come here not because I'm a racist although by reddit's standard because I wouldn't let my wife fuck anyone she wants, am not a reparationist and point out the overt systemic racism against white I'm sure they're feel like they're justified punching me in the face.

I come here because of the freedom of speech. I don't force my world view onto anyone through some self-righteous sense of being on the "right side of history" that I use to further delude myself and thusly justify to myself that silencing everyone who doesn't agree with me is just. Goats can read/not read what I have to say. They can ignore me. They can call me every name in the book. My feelings will remain unhurt.

On the other hand should the day come, I will die to protect other's rights to exercise their right to free speech.

awildbanannaphone ago

Ite harder to shill than 8 Chan, though those who lurk heavily should consider checking out the Chans

TheTrigger ago

There's too much shit to wade through. 8pol has its moments, but it's 80% D&C garbage. Most of the good threads get reposted here anyway.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Ipsos scientia potestas est. They want to control the information out there

CockroachKing ago

Or it's just known as an "Alt-Right" site and some liberal people with time on their hands decided to fuck with us. There was an actual conspiracy to get the Daily Stormer off the internet and even that wasn't the Pope, a rabbi, and some FBI guy huddled around a computer.

Edit for a joke: it was actually three rabbis huddled around a computer ba-dum-kssh!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

DS is run by rabbis.

My10thaccount ago

Yeah it's called Truth

BlowjaySimpson ago

JIDF kike shill says what?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

what did he say?

TheKalergiFan ago

Shalom goyim oy vey

gonight ago

lmao whoever you responded to deleted their post.

BlowjaySimpson ago

3rd Positionist ideology makes them shit their pants.

NarrativeControl ago

For me it's funny and strange how they always make Perón seem like a dictator. We can't have 3rd position in Latinamerica!

NiggerFaggot187 ago

Yeah...when you start giving out red-pills you upset The Jews and they throw an internet tantrum

blumen4alles ago

Why is that link dead?

con77 ago

free speech. Theyre arresting people in Britain for not using proper pronouns in online posts!

Goys-R-Us ago

Thanks for the reminder xir.

con77 ago

You can call me HE Man

antiliberalsociety ago

They're *

calls 999

belrial ago

Oy! You got a loicense for that typo?!

QualityWhite ago
