Neskuaxa ago

Got a link to the write-up mentioned in the post?

blumen4alles ago

@TechDumb @TheTrigger @ImmaLueserBaby @TopTierCIAShill @ninjajunkie @BillyLuath @Epictetus_Hierapolis

If anyone finds info about neck birth marks on people with German ancestry, please put it here.

hypersong ago

You nigger faggots are annoying as fuck. But I did learn about how jews are a race and not "just a religion" You can sometimes be helpful. So I stick around.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

abused by the the ccp system

voating itself is free speech, we get to have our say on the content posted.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ive bever had any issues. Ive said some pretty crazy shit. I fight with the cuckchristians and obviously the jews. I say very mean things that would have me banned on 99% of sites what the hell did you do to get censored?

Nalbarcam ago

you can still say whatever you want. vote manipulation however, is a bit different

RVA_Rooster ago

It's kind of crazy, I followed the link to voat from an ironic "Go PoSt YoUr HaTe SpEeCh On VoAt" comment on (the snowflake safehouse) of reddit, and I just want to thank reddit's The_MadStork for leading me to somewhere I can finally speak fucking FREELY!

This is why VOAT is the GOAT and must always survive.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago


indreams ago

saw that comment and blocked the user, glad you saw it too and came here :)

uvulectomy ago

So what kept you sucking reddit's greasy nigger dick for all this time? It's not like their faggotry is any big secret.

  1. You're a niggerfaggot
  2. Kikes did 9/11
  3. Beaners have to go back
  4. Fuck you

Iornukrum ago

I opened a voat account when Voat was just taking off. There was talk on reddit about increasing censorship. I thought to myself, lets see where this goes. I used to frequent all kinds of niche subs like Syrian Civil War or r/china, next to r/de. Several red pills later I find myself banned from my own country sub for asking about inconsistent censorship practices, left to a free speech sub in German r/edefreiheit (literally "f/reespeech"), which got nuked a few months later, so here I was.

Phantom42 ago

You're a National Socialist now.

You just don't know it yet. One year from now, remember this.

Gigglestick ago

I said I was a national socialist to someone in a pub last winter, he was taken aback, laughed and said “ you probably shouldn’t say that too loud” I think he secretly empathized and (due to social standing) didn’t want to vocally coincide.

CameraCode0 ago

Welcome, nigger-faggot. Don't fuck the place up!

Goys-R-Us ago

Hey dillweed, you can make a new account called Dial2 or DialSoap or DialWhateverTheFuckYouWantAsLongAsItFits.

Maybe then you could stop signing every post -dial, you fucking moron.

TechDumb ago

What is this neck birthmark that he refers to?

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Could this be referring to whites having a brain above their neck?

TheTrigger ago

Came here to ask this exact question. Apparently I'm not as based as I thought. :/ NEEDS MORE BASTE

ImmaLueserBaby ago

That's what I want to know.

kdragon ago

Can someone link the original post? I was reading it while logged out, but now I'm logged in and can't find it.

philmchawk ago

One of the best post ever.

dudelol ago

Yep /v/RomanQuestion not getting censored gives me a small amount of hope.

TopTierCIAShill ago

neck birth mark?

ninjajunkie ago

Seeing as I have an arrowhead on the back of my neck, I too am curious

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Lebensborn is my guess.

TopTierCIAShill ago

lmao the one who got away

BillyLuath ago

Wondering about that myself.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

This was fucking awesome. I'm still going through and reading and digesting all of this information. I can't thank you enough for this post. You rock so hard.

jonnyquest ago

Can you link to the orig. post? Search is failing us.

CameraCode0 ago

It's OP's post btw, I just got it from his history.

edgelord666 ago

So you think it's a good idea to listen to some delusional retardeded neckbeard on a failing Reddit clone rather than professional historians? I always wondered how people could be stupid enough to elect Trump, but if this is how some think then I guess i can see how now.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Yeah, all the idiots who think Trump supporters are idiots don't realize the definition of the words "stupid" and "irony." Do me a favor and shill for your buddy Osama bin Obama somewhere else.

CameraCode0 ago

Dudes, quit wasting your time replying to this guy's comment. It's the only reason he's around. Just downvoat and move on.

watts2db ago

so I guess you're trying to tell us all that Hillary Clinton is the smart choice I mean after all it was her fucking turn right? (((edgelord?))), I mean what happened? I guess all the 60 + million retarded neckbeards happened.

ruck_feddit ago

The butthurt is still strong with you, kiddo.

watts2db ago

(((professional historians))), (((professional journalists))),

ChiCom ago

How do you do that so well? Do you have split personalities or drugs that can dissociate your emotions?

Doglegwarrior ago

Can you point out some historical inaccuracies he talked about? Or you just going to go strait to jew style personal attacks and muddy the waters and not debate his content?

hakrsakr ago

Link to said post?

hakrsakr ago

Never mind, I was a stupid nigger for a second there.