MrPim ago

You have an example of Poal being not free speech?

antiliberalsociety ago

See above comment

Any mention of another site "belongs on those other sites"

MrPim ago Theres a sub specifically for Voat. Would you like me to create a thread about Reddit or Gab or somewhere? I have all confidence that I can and it wont be deleted. Can you show me Anything which shows otherwise? I honestly want any valid reason, but I also require some proof for your reason.

antiliberalsociety ago

Do you see Putt commenting on every mention of reddit that there's a subverse for it, and to take any drama over to that website?

MrPim ago

I can understand wanting to keep voat drama contained to a specific sub. BUT, I can say that after about six hours there today I wont be going back. So Ill retract any defence of Poal Ive made in the past and I wont defend them again. Fuck Poal. Have at em Goats Im done trying to defend them.

rusnoob1 ago

No he doesnt, why would it be important at all?

pandnh4 ago

Only think I have liked from there is the feature that lets you see who downvotes posts.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

What content?

antiliberalsociety ago

Welcome to POAL! Say what you want! ...Unless it's anything to do with Voat or any other site.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Or literally anything offensive.

Rotteuxx ago

You should have a look at all the Qtards on Gab, they got all jittery this morning thinking the deep state had deplatformed Voat.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

These retards are the type of people who give the "deep state" it's power because the "deep state's" power relies on how it's perceived. It's the same with any government. The US government, for example, is powerless against the people because the US government's power comes from the people and their willingness to cooperate.
We the poeple don't seem to understand how much power and control we have over our government because we are being tricked into perceiving our government as the powerful one. The governments power is nothing more than the power of the people entrusted to them. We can take it back at any time and for whatever reason.

NotHereForPizza ago

The normies are stupid. They shouldn't be minded.

virge ago

Aren't those idiots just the most amusing things in the world to watch?

It's like real-life lemmings. If one of them jumps into the volcano because they ran out of building material, the rest of them just follow until enough bodies clog the volcano for them to move onto the next suicidal object.

BushChuck ago

Lemmings are real.

The reason they are commonly thought to be suicidal is because of this fucking jew.

Interesting read here.

Zoldam ago

That was so dumb. Animals have been known to commit suicide (such as swans when their mate dies), but it's always individual ones, or part of the procreation, never entire species willingly.

virge ago

By "real life lemmings", I meant the video game.

BushChuck ago

So ka.

Rotteuxx ago

I'd reply meaningfully but then you'd just delete your comments at some point anyways.

virge ago

Oh. I forgot I was replying to a faggot. Don't mind me, do continue.

Rotteuxx ago

You mean a faggot who doesn't hide his posts and comments from others by deleting them ?

virge ago

Nah, just a faggot who hides in plain sight and is stupid enough to think there is a difference when there's not.

Your vagina is bleeding, by the way. Need a manpon?

Rotteuxx ago

Wow !

Much edge, very vroom !

antiliberalsociety ago

I only go on there to see what @TexasVet has stolen from here to promote himself.

Rotteuxx ago

Anytime Voat goes down I do a search over there to see what tarded theories are floating around.

There was a post saying we had been shoa'd and Qtards should move to Poal... I wish it would catch on.

WickerMan ago

Some online rag had an article about Voat being down.

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, and that kike @neonrevolt even made a auto felating post about it which he had to edit :

Vampyregod ago

Anything interesting?

antiliberalsociety ago

If there was, would I have made this post?