MDE_Refugee ago

Ginsburg has done more to harm this country and undermine the white race than basically any other "American" Jew I can think of. Fucking kike witch.

Zoldam ago

Is RBG still alive even?

Civil_Warrior ago

If you do it by voting records its just about ALL OF THEM.


jthun2 ago

Great, except the real power of the Jews comes from locking down the Federal Reserve, and the various committees.

As long as they have 30% on each committee, they control it.

CanadianAndProud ago

I love how every one is white. Stop letting mud monkey Muslims and filthy Jews and dirty niggers into white people politics

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

What's so wrong with Eliot Engel, David Kustoff, Lee Zelden, Adam Schiff, and Jan Schaovsky? They need to reinvest in some ((hedge funds)).

Workman ago

RGB needs an asterisk next to her name, we still don't know if the withered old bitch is even fucking alive.

Conway ago

I think it's pretty safe to assume she is alive. She probably isn't spry enough to pose for photo ops but, she is semi coherent at least.

The alternative being, that the other supreme court justices, staff, and security are complicit in a coverup. That could easily get them tossed in jail for the rest of their life. If that's the case then they don't believe they will ever face punishment for said offense. What do you think the implications of that realization would be?

SpreeFeech ago

They must not be very good jews if they are politicians and not millionaires.

jthun2 ago

Many of them are millionaires. Average return on stock portfolios for members of congress is 37% a year, I believe.

SpreeFeech ago

Yeah, many are but there are a few on this list missing the little money symbol.

DeltaBravoTango ago

Mnuchin is republican

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

You're missing a few, for instance David Trone is Jewish.

Broc_Lia ago

It's a couple of years out of date.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

I'm out of the loop. What is Floridas new law?

drakesdoom2 ago

Made naming the Jew punishable by colleges as hate speech. It only applies to students and faculty on campus.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

what. the. fuck. I've been desperately trying to black pill my family. Things like this I just dont see how they dont black pill people. thank you for the info tho

anamazonslittle ago

House is missing Luria (D-VA)

ravensedgesom ago

what about jared kushner

jthun2 ago

AOC says she is part Jewish.

ravensedgesom ago

shit that's right she did say that.

ravensedgesom ago

don't click the magnifier

EarlPoncho ago

mike pence is jew?

WhiteChickens ago

Correction to supreme court justices.

Sotomayor is jewish.

ForTheUltimate ago

That's actually quite little in proportion to positions. good to know

green_man ago

Al Franken is no longer a senator, he's been gone for over a year.

puggy ago

Al Franken resigned in disgrace Jan 2018. This is out of date.

invisiblephrend ago

it says "as of november 11, 2017"

conservativecanuck ago

I'm all for the sharing of data and information, but I haven't yet been red-pilled on the jews the same way many goats here have.

Anytime I notice or recall that Jews over-represent politics, media, law, medicine, finances, tenure-track, etc, I think to myself "let me help lift up my white brothers to be better as individuals and as a group to beat the jews at their own game instead of just bitching about the (((jews)))"

We sound like niggers who want hand outs

TheKalergiFan ago


conservativecanuck ago

I get it. They are a tight-knit group who work together to disproportionately succeed at almost everything.

So what?

Be better than the Jew

jthun2 ago

Individudal merit means nothing in this game. Either you compete as a group like the Chinese and Indians, or you are toast. The problem is that Jewish media discourages whites from competing as a group. They are already in a position of power and influence to the point where white people are now feeling ashamed of being white.

The solution is not to band together and try compete as a group, particularly not with idiotic white women who hate their own men thanks to years of propaganda. The solution is to fire up the ovens.

70times7 ago

Do one with Jesuits/Catholics in the .gov

It will be far worse.

jthun2 ago

No, it will not. Not in positions of real power like Treasury.

Name me a SINGLE Catholic head of the Federal Reserve. One.

Supreme Court, yes. That's about it. Treasury, no. War provisioning, no.

70times7 ago

So the catholics let the jews count the money.

Not real shocking.

CIA director and supreme court have far more power then the token position of treasury secretary.

ALIENS2222 ago

They are all dual citizens.

ericc ago

How has this changed for the current congress? I'd imagine there's even more Jews.

jimibulgin ago

John Bolton- National Security advisor and MAJOR Zionist.

TheDonaldTrump ago

He has a jewish grandfather:

Troll ago

What about those who hide the fact that they have dual US-Israel citizenship?

undertheshills ago

Of the 35 two are pro gun. Less than 10% are arguably decent sounds about right.