WickedVocalist ago

Well that sounds like a violation of A1.

SuckaFree ago

Which city or county did this? I live in Ctrl FL and haven't heard it seen anything on this.

binrobinro ago

Only because all the retired jews have moved there.

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Fuhrer1488 ago

Say it then sue the government when they arrest you

RustyEquipment ago

in K-12 schools....

i can still shout it from my rooftop

irradiated_toaster ago

To find out who controls you simply find out who you cannot criticize.

saimne ago

Sorry to any FLA people, but I've always considered that state to be one of the turds in the swimming pool of America anyway. Nothing should surprise anyone as far as Florida is concerned.

AlternateSelection ago

Now we need some big ass billboards saying exactly this all over the capital city.

arc02001 ago

Someone in FL needs to start making Cardboard Stencils which say "Jews Control Hollywood" then using white or gold or red spray paint, go an paint the same Stencil message under Bridge anchorages and abutments along the highway or on street poles or similar high visibility locations along the highway an similar. That should get their panties all in a bunch!

Osmanthus ago

Russia-insider.com? Really? Is this where you get your news about Florida? How fucking dumb are you?

ardvarcus ago

When a statement of the simple and obvious truth becomes illegal, you know your elected politicians have seriously fucked up your country.

mememeyou ago

How about

BaldMiscreant ago

Let's all call the Broward county sherrif and tell them just that.

jewsbadnews ago


Zoldam ago

Various Jews have admitted to it.

wokeasfook ago

But they do

halinflorida ago

I say the ?ew World Order. Any questions who I'm talking about?

tom9152 ago

'OK' means All Correct. Anagram with similar litters. So 'Kill All Jews' becomes cog. Interesting cog can mean one who is easily bribed.

Mustard_Monkey ago

We can use other catch phrase words like kike, hook nose, big nose and honkers.

Flint138 ago

We need the right to speak freely about any subject in the USA. I think the best bet is for someone to put forth a copy of the law substituting the word Christian for Jew.

llegendary ago

No way that shit floats.

pittsburghisapedoden ago

The state that has Broward County.

prairie ago

Used Console Follyhood

bloodguard ago

I'm going to donate -bigly- to a fund for someone to challenge this and fight it all the way to the supreme court. At the very least it'll flush out the traitors.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Jews control Hollywood. Suck it, Florida.

BurqaFart ago

Jews control everything. That's just what they do.

ElvisP ago

Remember lads, the law that says you can't say jews have power was signed into law by the governor... in israel... which is a country that is now against the law to criticize, according to said law.

Civil_Warrior ago

Jews control hollywood, florida, and the rest of this jew run zoo monkey house that was once america.

AlternateSelection ago

Uh, isn't that trampling on the 1st amendment?

bruce1337 ago

To prove the Holocaust was indeed real, it's illegal to doubt it was, at least in some countries...

thislionsheart ago

liberals hate liberty, and hate free speech.

Conway ago

This has to do with speech in public schools.


Read it yourself.

It's ridiculous but no, saying "jews control hollywood" is not illegal but, it will get you kicked out of school.

cantaloupe6 ago

Swej lortnoc doowylloh?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

No, it isn't.

Read the actual law, and stop getting your shit from Russian sources.

insanitea ago

  1. Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as a collective, especially, but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Who does that apply to genius?

Conway ago


Voat no long cares about the truth. I always get downvoted when I tell people truth they don't want to hear. Voat has joined reddit as a haven of the willfully ignorant. I have to wonder if that was Q's plan all along.

slowcrash101 ago

Maybe that's just human nature.

Conway ago

I guess.

Comfortable lies over hard truths.

slowcrash101 ago

convenience is a stronger drug than heroin.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

To flood voat with low tier boomers, the plan succeeded.

Any site that encourages group think is compromised or soon to be, and the CCP system works wonders.

CJFish ago

How the fuck is that statement even controversial? Jews are objectively massively statistically over-represented in Hollywood. That's not even necessarily a bad thing. There loads of highly talented Jewish performers and writers out there. Black people are similarly over represented in the NBA, because they are statistically good at basketball. Pointing that out doesn't insinuate a malevolent conspiracy or racist attack.

Sosacms ago

To prove to everyone the Jews don't control everything... It's now illigal to suggest they control everything...

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Just like Germael don't worship the kike master? Anti Semite nazi alt right bigot!

thislionsheart ago

Florida government is sucking israel dick, literally. They were busted having a secret meeting last week which was unconstitutional. I believe I posted it.

Been noticing their growingly weird deepstatish laws lately? I have.

Astroqualia ago

Care to share all of the laws passed that support your point? I am only aware of the ban of antisemitism in schools.

Obviously DeSantis is on Israel payroll. His top 2 biggest lifetime career contributors for donations are both obvious Israel front lobby groups, Club of Growth & Senate Conservatives Fund. Together they make up around $350,000 of his lifetime earnings, with the #3 lifetime contributor being just under $60,000. I tracked it all down tonight but stopped after the shill was confirmed.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Yeah and I have been noticing retarded Amerimutts in the street who don't know anything, and just keep eating at McDonald's and Chik-fil-a

HenryCabotLodge ago

Is it illegal to say JEWS CONTROL FLORIDA?

ShitPostMcGee ago

So what happens if you just say "Gentiles don't control Hollywood" and make the listener fill in the blanks.

Astroqualia ago

You post too many comments dude. Can you link it here? Cant find it.

ShitPostMcGee ago


Astroqualia ago

Nice edit

ShitPostMcGee ago

Your fucking retarded dude

Astroqualia ago

Shill confirmed. You know what you did.

ShitPostMcGee ago

I think youre replying to the wrong shit fuckwit but you still havent noticed

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ok but

jews do control hollywood for real tho

TwooPsy ago

by the numbers? It's irrefutable. not even passing judgement on if this is good or bad. just fax yo

nathanrosegoldberg ago

...but it is bad though

The_Venerable ago

We had to choose between this faggot and a nigger. Elections are just choosing a different versions of the same bullshit.

Base311 ago

The decision of "praise Israel and remove your 1st ammendment" or "1 million nigger importation and reppeal 2nd ammendment". The United States isn't going to stay so "united" in the next elections.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm going to stand on this side of the state line and scream stuff about jews into Florida

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I'm in Florida right now.

Jews control Hollywood.

Come at me, bitches, I have loaded AKs. They go through police vests.

JunOS ago

RIP to your dog. 😅

Drunkenst ago

Pass the tanning butter.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'll rescue you on a boat if need be. Have your peeps call muh peeps

clamhurt_legbeard ago

good shit

fuckin miami vice this shit

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Okay, but I get to be Don Johnson. You have to be the nigger ah ah

clamhurt_legbeard ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago

Nobody is as cool as Don Johnson. Nobody https://files.catbox.moe/0q6v1d.jpg

clamhurt_legbeard ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago


HoneyTrap1488 ago

Dispatching CIA niggers with plate carriers now.

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

Might want to tone it down a bit.

Astroqualia ago

Show me I'm the Bible where Jesus ever defended Himself, which we are told to be examples of.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Why? Self-defense is my God-given right. Are you upset about my facts?

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

Hollywood facts check out. Taunting authorities is bad mojo.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


FUCK their feelings. Anybody who threatens my life gets shot. Courts have ruled in favor of the homeowner multiple times.

Broward County, where you at?

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

Go back and read what you wrote. That is the kind of thing they want to see/act upon. They would love to make an example of you and show it on the Broward News.

Spouting that vest crap is bad for Voat, bad for your family. Courts don't rule in favor of corpses.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

That is the kind of thing they want to see/act upon.

You're telling me to stop saying things police dislike? lol, what a cuck.

They would love to make an example of you and show it on the Broward News.

I know the layout of my house much better than they do. Why do you think they'd succeed? Sounds like they would become examples of why evil people shouldn't try to murder citizens for no reason.

Spouting that vest crap is bad

Knowledge is always good.

Everybody should know that literally any centerfire rifle goes through police vests!

Maroonsaint ago

If you’re gonna die can I see your penis first

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i have a testicle i can show you

White_pride_cis ago

Just one?

White_pride_cis ago

oh that is definitely someone’s fetish...

Maroonsaint ago

Lemme See it

clamhurt_legbeard ago

no imma tease for a while first lol

Maroonsaint ago

Come on lemme seee it please

clamhurt_legbeard ago


only if im about to get shot to death by the cops lol

Maroonsaint ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

just call swat on me if youre that curious lol

Maroonsaint ago

I don’t want you to die I just want to see your genitals

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i know

but its all or nothing

Maroonsaint ago

Is it a normal testicle

clamhurt_legbeard ago

its confirmed grossly unremarkable


I hope someone snaps over this. I want big numbers.

Zanbato ago

fuck off


What, bitch? You like your rights taken away?

TheKalergiFan ago

Snaps and what kills people? But not even the right ones that actually put the law into place?

Delacourt ago

The guy just wants blood, he doesn't care about change. He's a nut.


Nigger, are you even American?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Killing random civs is ineffective and only works in their favor.


WHO THE FUCK SAID ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT? You imagined a scenario, then attributed it to me.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Everyone knows what "snaps" entails in this context. Don't be coy.

voatusernamevoat ago

Null and void "law," unconstitutional.

Thorne14 ago

Y'all ain't thinking properly. It's now illegal in the US to criticize Israel or Zionism. Most European peoples are descendants of the lost Israeli tribe of Dan. It's now illegal to criticize European peoples or discriminate against them. Thanks Rabbis.

GeneralDisposition ago

It's not unconstitutional to say that money changers run cultural centers. I remember a guy who made whips and threw over tables for that.

shitstartercarter ago

Obligated to oppose this.

LibertarianForChrist ago

If your favorite founding father isn't Patrick Henry, you're wrong.

American-Patriot ago

yep, freedom of speech trumps all.

GoyimNose ago

Sorry bucko the Constitution is just a piece of paper, if you aren't willing to fight and die for it then they can do and make whatever laws they want

ardvarcus ago

It's more than a piece of paper, it's an idea. Whether it lives or dies depends on us.

TheAntiZealot ago

Gun laws are unconstitutional. Drug laws are unconstitutional. Excise tax is unconstitutional. Income tax is unconstitutional.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

This is blatantly false propaganda. The only part of this which is explicitly unconstitutional are gun laws. Federal drug laws are covered under the commerce clause. Excise tax is covered in the original document:

lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States

Income taxes were unconstitutional (per Pollock v. Farmers) before the passing of the Sixteenth Amendment (1913), which made it specifically legal:

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Income taxes are just a shitty way to do it (it should be a flat consumption-based tax, and taxes on corporate expenditures instead of earnings numbers which can be fudged by accountants). But it was passed and ratified over 100 years ago.

YouAreASlave ago

Hmmmm what was that other thing that happened in 1913? Cohencidence?

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Sometimes more than 1 thing happens in a year without it being a conspiracy. Federal income tax was passed in 1861 by Lincoln to fund the civil war. It was repealed, then passed again. In 1908, it was struck down by the supreme court, which led to a battle, and the initial amendment was proposed in 1909.

I'm not saying income taxes are a good thing -- a consumption-based VAT is a much more sensible tax system that doesn't unduly punish the middle class -- I just don't like lies and misinformation being spread. Not by liberal news any more than by Voaters. And fuck blaming Jews for everything so you can pretend whites did nothing wrong.

YouAreASlave ago

Just a cohencidence then. Thanks for correcting this pattern noticing goy, Shlomo.

poly ago

The 16th amendment was never properly ratified by the required number of states. Therefore it’s null and void

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

42/48 states ratified it.

waucka ago

passed and ratified over 100 years ago

Why I Am Not a Conservative, Exhibit A

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

commerce clause

You mean the line used to justify every power grab by the federal government? The line convoluted to justify public schools, gun control, and glowniggers? The line whose sole purpose according to the author was to prevent states tariffing each other? That commerce clause?

Only the goodest of good goyim would cite the commerce clause as a serious justification for anything.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Do you think the federal government has the right to regulate any type of product? I hate to do this, but lets pull out the child porn card. If California decided to make child porn legal, do you think the federal government should have the power to overrule it?

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

No, fuck the Feds and fuck commiefornia.

TheAntiZealot ago

Nope. The federal government should stay out of state law.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

GeneralDisposition ago

Off topic. Good effort.

Fancy451 ago

So do like the Amish did and fight for your tax free status.

Atomized_Individual ago

& NSA data collection

mrgreenjeans9 ago

Scheiße, what about FISA?

MrShekelstein ago

That's the best part about these anti-semitism laws.

Even the most nigger of lawyers can argue it's unconstitutional.

Watching the jews try and argue otherwise and losing horribly will be so satisfying.

ChiCom ago

In other words only people with access to the media will be able to defend themselves. The rest will get hosed and never heard from again.

GeneralDisposition ago

So going back to life as normal. Media is for geeks.

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

but but ALL lawyers are heebs.

Sellyoulight ago

Not really. You’ll find some Itais, Irish and a few groids in the mix, although they’re all emphatically Jewish in spirit.

thelma ago

Depends on which side you say it on.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Russian/Romanian Jews literally did start Hollywood though

Grunge ago

Stop noticing things!

uvulectomy ago

Stop knowing, goyim!