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MrPim ago

Incorrect. Virge deletes stuff to avoid his DVs I realize everything there from him is deleted but it was his thread. The other users there can confirm.

virge ago

  • Be MrPim
  • Doesn't realize that statement was satire because deleting posts with downvotes does not delete the downvotes
  • Pray people don't realize this doesn't align with narrative of MrPim

MrPim ago

Bullshit. I'd go on, but youre doing a fine job making yourself look bad.

virge ago

  • Be MrPim
  • Narrative fucked up, call "bullshit" without specifying what is bullshit
  • Hope observers don't realize the misdirection and error
  • Continue shillin'

MrPim ago

Your claim that that thread was satire is bullshit. If it was satire why the extended conversation w @PeaceSeeker? Of course only his half still exists but even just that half makes it very clear it wasnt satire. You thought you were manipulating voats. You are a liar, among other things.

virge ago

  • Be MrPim
  • Desperately trying to clasp onto narrative after being shown to be full of shit
  • Fail miserably

MrPim ago

The only fail here is you redditor. You can keep on but everyone who reads this is going to see the truth.

Im going to enjoy watching your acct get wrecked over the coming weeks.

virge ago

  • Be MrPim
  • Get owned utterly
  • Declare opponent Redditor
  • Imagine a future where they get theirs
  • Jerk off in a sock before falling asleep drooling

MrPim ago

Lets see how that plays out Cotton. Hint, you're going to lose.

virge ago

  • Be MrPim
  • Run out of things to say
  • Declare victory, because fool proof strategy
  • Forget jerked off into sock, put on sock
  • Contemplate shower

MrPim ago

I have already won. And youre going to do all the work for me.

virge ago

  • Be MrPim
  • Wins.. at Minecraft