MrPim ago

Incorrect. Virge deletes stuff to avoid his DVs I realize everything there from him is deleted but it was his thread. The other users there can confirm.

virge ago

  • Be MrPim
  • Doesn't realize that statement was satire because deleting posts with downvotes does not delete the downvotes
  • Pray people don't realize this doesn't align with narrative of MrPim

MrPim ago

Bullshit. I'd go on, but youre doing a fine job making yourself look bad.

virge ago

  • Be MrPim
  • Narrative fucked up, call "bullshit" without specifying what is bullshit
  • Hope observers don't realize the misdirection and error
  • Continue shillin'

MrPim ago

Your claim that that thread was satire is bullshit. If it was satire why the extended conversation w @PeaceSeeker? Of course only his half still exists but even just that half makes it very clear it wasnt satire. You thought you were manipulating voats. You are a liar, among other things.

virge ago

  • Be MrPim
  • Desperately trying to clasp onto narrative after being shown to be full of shit
  • Fail miserably

MrPim ago

The only fail here is you redditor. You can keep on but everyone who reads this is going to see the truth.

Im going to enjoy watching your acct get wrecked over the coming weeks.

virge ago

  • Be MrPim
  • Get owned utterly
  • Declare opponent Redditor
  • Imagine a future where they get theirs
  • Jerk off in a sock before falling asleep drooling

MrPim ago

Lets see how that plays out Cotton. Hint, you're going to lose.

virge ago

  • Be MrPim
  • Run out of things to say
  • Declare victory, because fool proof strategy
  • Forget jerked off into sock, put on sock
  • Contemplate shower

MrPim ago

I have already won. And youre going to do all the work for me.

virge ago

  • Be MrPim
  • Wins.. at Minecraft

Muh-Shugana ago

So, pointing out that you can tell when someone is paid to deceive people when the establishment rules don't apply to them for seemingly no reason- is somehow reddit faggotry?

yeah, nah. there's no discussion or debate needed here. Though i do notice that the people who care the most about debate are the people who practice pilpul the most. It's almost as if you want us to keep doubting ourselves, even when the patterns become obvious.

Oh yeah, and that 'reasonable question' you made has an insult in it. Accusing Virge of disagreeing with 'free speech'. as if his entire point wasn't that 'homophobic abuse' is a term that the left uses, his entire point being that it was odd that the left wasn't cracking down on crowder saying anti-faggot things, when they crack down on real opposition without hesitation, especially recently.

As far as i'm concerned, most 'internet personalitys' like crowder are about as trustworthy as your average hollywood actor- about as far as I can throw them.

virge ago

Based on the OP's responses, it's pretty clear he still thinks I was the one who wrote the subject of the submission. He doesn't appear to understand that the entire subverse is an archive/link subverse, and he hasn't bothered to read the sidebar description at all. Then, he proceeded to try and pick a fight with me as if I was the one who wrote the submission written by @goatsandbros.

It's pretty comical from the outside looking in. I think I label the sub pretty well. I never claim it's my content. My opinions, if I have them, are almost always in the form of a comment on the submission itself - and instead of engaging me there, he engaged me on the archive link itself.

Hands down I'm going to delete 100% of these because they show the user is retarded. This user is retarded. Case closed.

Or, he's one of the subversive parasites who is trying desperately to distract away from the message you just wrote. Might even be both, in the end does it matter? Notice he's ignored every request to ask what his actual problem is. Very SBBH, makes sense that Le_Squish and her sock puppets would show up.

virge ago

Based on the OP's responses, it's pretty clear he still thinks I was the one who wrote the subject of the submission. He doesn't appear to understand that the entire subverse is an archive/link subverse, and he hasn't bothered to read the sidebar description at all. Then, he proceeded to try and pick a fight with me as if I was the one who wrote the submission written by @goatsandbros.

It's pretty comical from the outside looking in. I think I label the sub pretty well. I never claim it's my content. My opinions, if I have them, are almost always in the form of a comment on the submission itself - and instead of engaging me there, he engaged me on the archive link itself.

Hands down I'm going to delete 100% of these because they show the user is retarded. This user is retarded. Case closed.

Or, he's one of the subversive parasites who is trying desperately to distract away from the message you just wrote. Might even be both, in the end does it matter? Notice he's ignored every request to ask what his actual problem is. Very SBBH, makes sense that Le_Squish and her sock puppets would show up.

virge ago

Based on the OP's responses, it's pretty clear he still thinks I was the one who wrote the subject of the submission. He doesn't appear to understand that the entire subverse is an archive/link subverse, and he hasn't bothered to read the sidebar description at all. Then, he proceeded to try and pick a fight with me as if I was the one who wrote the submission written by @goatsandbros.

It's pretty comical from the outside looking in. I think I label the sub pretty well. I never claim it's my content. My opinions, if I have them, are almost always in the form of a comment on the submission itself - and instead of engaging me there, he engaged me on the archive link itself.

Hands down I'm going to delete 100% of these because they show the user is retarded. This user is retarded. Case closed.

SuperDoobie ago

Welcome to the conversation asshole.

Yanking his chain was for making a post and referring me to the article link instead of discussing the topic.

The first question was completely legitimate and did not include an insult it. You're reading that into it due to your own bias.

I am not standing up for Crowder, don't give a fuck about the guy. I was asking a legitimate question and the OP could not discuss it. Because of this it was my assessment they the OP was either posting for points or spamming.

Telling me to go follow the link has nothing to do with free speech. Nothing I said to Virge has anything to do with free speech. Nice try at tossing in a buzzword like "free Speech" which you seem to completely misunderstand.

So why don't you and Virge both fuck off and then fuck each other.

virge ago

Yanking his chain was for making a post and referring me to the article link instead of discussing the topic.

My archive post linked directly to the submission by @goatsandbros. It did not link to any article. My personal comment is already present in the submission in question prior to my archive link.

The first question was completely legitimate and did not include an insult it. You're reading that into it due to your own bias.

You misdirected the question towards me as if I made the submission that was made by @goatsandbros. It was deleted accordingly, and would be deleted again in the future if you or anyone else made this mistake.

I am not standing up for Crowder, don't give a fuck about the guy. I was asking a legitimate question and the OP could not discuss it. Because of this it was my assessment they the OP was either posting for points or spamming.

You asked the question in the wrong place. My subvoat is an archive and linking subverse. It's not the place for your dialogue on the subject of the archive link. Your failure to understand this appears to be intentional misdirection/misinformation.

Telling me to go follow the link has nothing to do with free speech. Nothing I said to Virge has anything to do with free speech. Nice try at tossing in a buzzword like "free Speech" which you seem to completely misunderstand.

Directing you to the conversation has everything to do with Free Speech. You directed a comment at me for someone elses content, demonstrating you either don't understand whats going on or have an agenda.

So why don't you and Virge both fuck off and then fuck each other.

You are not the sharpest tool in the shed.

SuperDoobie ago

AHAHAHAH! Thanks for the laugh, man. You're a fucking riot.

But seriously, go fuck yourself.

virge ago

AHAHAHAH! Thanks for the laugh, man. You're a fucking riot.

But seriously, go fuck yourself.

You are not the sharpest tool in the shed. I rest my case.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

'Munches popcorn'....

virge ago

Can I have some? We're both going to be one of the last ones around here eventually anyway, so we might as well make up and be friends.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/WhatYouMissed submission by @virge.

Posted automatically (#45786) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SuperDoobie ago

You sure seem to be full of posts now.

So are you gonna answer the questions about Crowder's videos or are you just gonna keep being a fag?


virge ago

You sure seem to be full of posts now.

Of course I am. You're actually engaging me in a place where conversation is intended, as opposed to making silly assumptions on an archive I posted of someone elses link/content. The confused one here is clearly you.

So are you gonna answer the questions about Crowder's videos or are you just gonna keep being a fag?

What question are you referring to, exactly?


Excellent advice! I agree completely, which is why I archived/linked to someone elses post and you still have yet to actually post there.

You are not the sharpest tool in the shed, sir.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

'Munches more popcorn'...

virge ago

Just wait till you get to Le_Squish and her sock having a conversation with herself, doing her usual half-asian mutt lying routine.

virge ago

I notice you very specifically left out the third one demonstrating your absolute ignorance for the purpose of the subvoat.

You cannot fix stupid. Have an upvoat, hopefully more people see this and look at it for themselves.

SuperDoobie ago

Eat shit you fucking pussy!

virge ago

If I was afraid of you, I wouldn't be here pointing out you're just trolling the subverse and I moderated accordingly.

invisiblephrend ago

i hope you're enjoying this brief little power trip of yours, because mods have been stripped of their authority for doing much less around here. why don't you make like a faggot and kill yourself?

virge ago

i hope you're enjoying this brief little power trip of yours

If you linked to someone elses comment, and someone came along and attacked your link as if you wrote the comment you were linking to, what would you call that?

SuperDoobie ago

Afraid of me? Why the hell would you be afraid of me.

It appears you are afraid of stating your position in an intelligent manner or admitting you don't know anything about what you posted.

You should be embarrassed for your self not afraid of me.

virge ago

It appears you are afraid of stating your position in an intelligent manner or admitting you don't know anything about what you posted.

Please kindly elaborate. You appear to still be confused and think I was the one who wrote the subject of the submission.

You should be embarrassed for your self not afraid of me.

I suspect you will look back on this particular comment and realize how funny it is later. You don't appear to be an especially bright bulb. You seem to think I was making accusations for posting an archive link, which is exceptionally difficult to understand your reasoning behind.

SuperDoobie ago

So, still..full of posts but unable to discuss the original topic.

Tsk....tsk. You must be a liberal socialist because you talk and act like one. Go back to reddit.

virge ago

So, still..full of posts but unable to discuss the original topic.

What is the original topic? So far you've completely ignored any questions as to what your issue is, such as the post above (which you changed the subject on instead of answering), and this one.

You've demonstrated no desire to have a dialogue, so I will consider any further responses to you a waste of time and probably defer them entirely.

SuperDoobie ago

I do not have any issues with the topic.

I was attempting to have a conversation about it and hear your thoughts and ideas. That's it.

You balked by telling to follow the link and I told you to go fuck yourself.

That is what happened.

virge ago

I was attempting to have a conversation about it and hear your thoughts and ideas. That's it.

You were engaging in conversation in the wrong place. It's really that simple. My comment in the linked thread would have been where you needed to ask your question. Still true this very moment.

You are not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Le_Squish ago

But you delete your comments so obviously you are afraid of something.

virge ago

But you delete your comments so obviously you are afraid of something.

Hi Squish.

Deleted comments are visible in the deleted comments section. I am not afraid of comments - but this users comment fell under 2 categories:

  1. They posted a comment aimed towards me, acting as if I was the one making the post. This does not make sense, I am linking to old submissions to increase visibility and create dialogue at the submission I am linking, not in my subverse itself.
  2. They accused me of not making my own observation, when if you go to the thread I linked it's quite plainly visible that I did - and the user in question refused to engage me there and instead simply insulted me in the subverse.

The bottom line is that the subverse exists to link to older content to create engagement and dialogue. Period. Any dialogue on the subverse that is directed directly at me as if I was sharing my opinion is going to be deleted, because that is not the intention of the subverse. It's an archive/link subverse to create dialogue at the end-point, so I reserve the right to sanitize the subverse itself from commenters who are trying to engage me on the content being linked as if it was my own.

If I see a comment that is clearly aimed at me, it's going to be removed. Period. Because the user has the ability to aim that comment at me at the thread being linked instead, and I have no ability to moderate that.

We all make choices. I don't need you to agree with me here, Squish - because I'm doing this for me and nobody else.

Le_Squish ago

Warning for nublets:

@virge does not want to engage in conversation with you. This user attempts to craft narrative and form opinions by deleting and editing their comments during and after discussion has taken place. This user also used canned copypasted responses. Beware kids. Know that if you engage @virge, this user will do their best to dilute the conversation. Every spook tactic will be utilized.

This has been a public service announcement.

WickerMan ago

Hi Squish.

Deleted comments are visible in the deleted comments section. I am not afraid of comments - but this users comment fell under 2 categories:

This gas lighting faggot knows that self deleted comments are gone for good.

virge ago

This gas lighting faggot knows that self deleted comments are gone for good.

So you're pretending doesn't exist? How fascinating. You appear to be a sock puppet.

SearchVoat ago

I'm going to have to set up a bot to correct you. Why do you keep presenting this falsehood that SearchVoat preserves deleted comments?

virge ago

I'm going to have to set up a bot to correct you. Why do you keep presenting this falsehood that SearchVoat preserves deleted comments?

If SearchVoat does not preserve deleted comments, why did I have to go in and manually delete them the last time?

PuttitoutIsGone ago

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!! 'Spills beer and popcorn'....

virge ago

Yeah, I think I was the dumb one here. I probably misunderstood what "preserved deleted comments" meant. I initially thought this was in reference to the deleted comments from the subverse.. whoops.

Then again, I had to manually delete comments the last time I did so at (which has only been done ONCE, that I recall @SearchVoat if not true), so I was under the technical impression that I would have to do it again and doesn't do so automatically. I'm still confused on that, so I just PM'd @SearchVoat.

Text inference is weird.

WickerMan ago

You appear to be a sock puppet.

You appear to be another manipulative and bored house wife. You demand attention at every turn then you revel in it, weather it's good or bad.

Le_Squish ago

That is why the best thing to do is just help noobs and boomers beware.

Notice when you engage this virge, it will use fake familiarity and pretends that its arguments are reasonable before it attempts the gaslight.

It then demands proof that it has taken meticulous care to erase.

When you tick the right box of whatever point in wants to defend, you'll get this huge word salad but the time to type such salad does not correspond to how fast virge replies. I have observed this specific thing before and it was a shill supported by a chat bot.

This shit is pure psychopathy. Whatever it is.

virge ago

For a moment I made the mistake of taking you seriously. Then I forgot that half-asian's always lie.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

'Grabs another beer and some more popcorn'...

Goys-R-Us ago

How many rounds you think it will go? I think virge is getting beaten pretty badly but he's still staggering around the ring. I'm on my third brew man. This is great.

virge ago

I found a vanilla porter myself you stingy bastard.

WickerMan ago

Spot on.

Le_Squish ago

Also for extra fun, when you encounter this sort of user, talk about them but only give canned responses when you reply to them. They hate it when you don't play fair.

WickerMan ago

You have to get them riled up first.

Le_Squish ago

You just have to not behave as they expect you to. These types of characters will then start probing you for weakness or sensitivities they can attack. Their ad hominem attacks will start to occur in themes until they find an insult they think will stick.

WickerMan ago

All they need to attack boomers/noobs with is to glean some insight into what values they hold dear and then attack with ridicule.

Le_Squish ago

I like harassing boomers and noobs as much as the next troll but I do it for lulz not to create a chilling effect.

WickerMan ago

Neutral chaos is cool, faggot builders are not.

virge ago

Also for extra fun, when you encounter this sort of user, talk about them but only give canned responses when you reply to them. They hate it when you don't play fair.

For extra fun, make sure you don't copy and paste any response to show when tactics like this are just lies by an observable liar.

No more replies for the troll farm today, thanks for playing half-asian troll.

virge ago

Excellent PSA! Can you source any of that so I can link to it in my archive subvoat? Or is it all just your opinion?