dawnbandit1 ago

Honk Honk

Artofchoke ago

This appears to be a radical misuse of euthanasia, however, we need more information.

heywaitaminute ago

These abortion laws are getting out of hand!!

ShitPostMcGee ago

Sexist double standard is apparent in the comments, if it was a male you'd all be complaining that he didn't shoot up a bunch of muslims first.

ForTheUltimate ago


con77 ago

Katy Perry says we just have to love refugees more

boekanier ago

Kate Perry is an idiot.

Uncle_Tractor ago

This is why 16 year olds shouldn't have the right to vote.

realmonster ago

looks like she cant now amiritelololol.

srsly though shes now a voter for more immigration for the next 80+ years

justregtoasku ago

How was she killed?

And what type of cunt would do such a thing? Dont tell me a doctor?

Jeepers things are so fucked up

midnightblue1335 ago


Hey, you know doctors all around the world have to swear this oath before they can become practicing doctors? It's called the "Hippocratic Oath". The old oath said something like "First, do no harm", meaning you cannot hurt people with the intent of causing harm. Cutting someone open to perform surgery does not violate this, because without the surgery, the patient may die or become more ill.

Here's a gem from the modern oath: "I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism."


Grunge ago

Oaths mean jack shit anymore. Every doctor that ever prescribed heroin outside of some extreme things, broke that oath. Every doctor that has been involved in an abortion has broken that oath. Almost every single politician has broken their oath. Judges are breaking their oath every day around the country. I believe in some areas, cops take an oath and they break them constantly. What good is an oath if it's constantly being ignored?

midnightblue1335 ago

I swore an oath, and it means everything to me. Even though my active military service is over, the oath I swore doesn't say "Until my discharge". It's for life.

We need to bring back oaths after we retake the world. Those who violate their oaths will be punished severely. For example, that school police officer at Parkland? He swore a similar (or same) oath as me. He violated that oath by hiding outside while the people he swore to protect were being slaughtered inside. He should be hanged for his violation.

BordelonLoop ago

the more i read of your comments, the more i think you have your shit together. you have a right and good mind.

midnightblue1335 ago

I appreciate the compliment, sir, but at times it seems as if I'm a lone sane man swimming among a sea of corpses and insanity.

ViperCarbz ago

Oral overdose of pentobarbital most likely.

NiggerGuy ago

A doctor has to sign off on it

first do no harm

Pick one

gazillions ago

Those doctors are on the list too.

fightknightHERO ago


Kleemin ago

she CLAIMS she was molested at 12 then raped by 2 men at 14 but didn't report it till 16? Take this story with a grain of salt depressed bitches make up ALL KINDS OF SHIT for pity / attention.

chubsta ago

and how much of the suicide was because of all the great attention it was getting her? probably a case of hoping she would be real famous when she has gone etc etc

agodgavemethisland ago

Take stories like this with a grain of salt since the repeal of Smith-Mundt.

Delacourt ago

Smith-Mundt has to do with legalizing US propaganda, how is that relevant in this case?

agodgavemethisland ago

Just as I suspected... https://voat.co/v/news/3260898

Delacourt ago

Wow. Well done.

agodgavemethisland ago

There is an ongoing effort to demoralize the human race. The American population is priority target #1 in this effort. If you can't make sense of how this story is likely bullshit, read Machiavelli's "The Prince", and then let's talk.

meglomaniac ago

Its not only demoralization, its also about increasing nihilism to encourage suicide as an honourable way out.

They are trying to fix over population by encouraging the west to kill themselves.

Guardbuddy ago

That's a very dumb way to attempt to deal with overpopulation, considering there will be about 4 billion niggers in Africa alone, not counting diaspora niggers in the Americas by 2050.

VetGoat84 ago

When you're right, you're right!

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Well, I don't think,they understand what moralizong and demoralizing is... This story is bound to moralize people.

Anomalia ago

Rapists were euthanized as well? Oh wait... there is no such thing as death sentence in the Netherlands.

midnightblue1335 ago

Nah- they're not depressed and anorexic. Thus, they have no right to be killed by the state.

I'm sure the rapists are living happy lives on the dole of the state.


In clown world, the victim is the perp, up is down, left is right, wrong is correct.

Calculations ago

I don't wanna love anymore

Wiserman ago

It is not like she had a fatal illness or something. I think decision was wrong here.

NiggerVirus ago

This is what sexual abuse does to a child. Its worse than murder. That's why I kill these fuckers.

YouAreASlave ago

Bullshit. As bad as rape is, the suggestive programming of psychologists and social engineers in general about how one should react to being raped has been far more damaging than the act itself.

midnightblue1335 ago

As bad as rape is, the suggestive programming of psychologists and (((social engineers))) in general about how one should react to being raped has been far more damaging than the act itself.

I've wondered about this, often. It seems like a lot of rape victims go to therapists or whoever and are made to believe that their rape is a fundamental core to their identity as a human being. They become defined by their rape. They even call themselves "Survivors", like they're part of some kind of special rape-victim club.

In my non-psychologist mind, I'd imagine that the purpose of therapy for a rape victim is to help the victim to accept that it happened, but to not let the horror of the act define them. They shouldn't be encouraged to "forget" the rape- that's impossible. They should be encouraged to accepted the truth, and be grateful that they are still alive and of sound body, so that they can move passed the horrible crime that was inflicted upon them.

Instead, they wear their rapes like badges of honor. This is fucking bizarre, and it seems (((someone))) helped to engineer this.

NiggerVirus ago

I'm talking about abuse of a child. I don't care if it's not even rape. It's worse than fucking killing the person because it fucks them up for life almost 100% of the time. It's sentences these kids to a life of misery and very often mental illness. Fuck you if you don't agree.

BordelonLoop ago

it is not worse than killing them. humans heal.

NiggerVirus ago

There's where you're completely wrong. Nearly 100% of the time that these victims never heal. I have first-hand experience dealing with them and if you haven't stopped speaking now because you have no real idea of the destruction and painless causes someone.

BordelonLoop ago

i'm not wrong. let's leave it at that.

PatriotLady1 ago

Agree. Destroys every attempt at a relationship with anyone on any level. This type of rape/abuse imparts the idea of shame. A shame so deep the child never tells anyone. It destroys a child's psyche. If it's a parent, the betrayal is a complete fait accompli of lifelong misplaced guilt, flashbacks and shame that destructs any human relationship. Many of these children dis-associate and have mental problems for years. It's a death sentence. Pedophiles should be killed public execution, fill a stadium. They deserve every torture man can devise.

YouAreASlave ago

It's definitely a death sentence when overexaggerated untruths such as "destroys a child's psyche and the ability to form future relationships" are wantonly bandied about as gospel.

NiggerVirus ago

I can't stand people who try to minimalized the effect this abuse has on these kids.

YouAreASlave ago

Being raped at that age, yes - magnitudes greater in impact but still SO overblown by feminists that it becomes impossible for a young mind to rationalize the incident and recover. In my opinion, kids who go through leukemia treatment are subjected to far greater physical and emotional pain yet there isn't a rabble of jew harpies calling leukemia the worst possible thing that could ever happen to someone.

trevmon ago

huge waste. doubt it was that bad

Iornukrum ago

Have the men in your family not avenged you?

midnightblue1335 ago

The article makes it sound like the father was opposed to this lunacy, while the mother was not. The girl turned 17 years old, and thus no longer required her father's permission to be killed.

Reread the sentence I typed above. Read it a few times, let it sink in. My fucking skin crawled as I wrote that. This is such a bizarre world we live in.

9NaughtZ ago

You mean the SoyBoy social warriors?

gazillions ago

Well rape is traumatizing and causes people to be sad. We'll be proactive and kill every victim to save them the bother.

9NaughtZ ago

Or we can keep raping them. Like using them as bait to herd the predators to run off the metaphoric cliff like they used to hunt in the old days.

Heathcliff ago

"Her mother, according to Dutch law, had a say in her daughterโ€™s decision, according to The Sun."

What the hell kind of "mother" signs off on her daughter's suicide?! ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ 

Illusory ago

According to the Daily Mail article I read, her parents were both against it but she was at the legal age of consent for it. It also had quotes from them so I'm more inclined to believe it. People should cool it with ripping on the mother so soon.

ForTheUltimate ago

respect for self determination and darwinistic freedom to make choices, to succeed and fail freely. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anam ago

The Mail article states several times that at age 17, she no longer required her parent's permission.

Noa's parents Frans and Lisette (pictured) were at odds with their daughter and wanted her to live, but at 17 she no longer required their permission to be euthanised

Heathcliff ago

Thanks. That makes me feel a little better until I remember what just happened to this poor girl.

Anam ago

According to the Mail article, her mother had no veto power over her daughter's decision

At age 17 Noa did not legally require her mother's consent to be euthanised

One-Way_Bus ago

A real mother would be demanding the rapist's death, not her daughter's death.

Anam ago

That would be islamophobic.

9NaughtZ ago

I'm so confused with all this. It's counter natural in so many ways.

Heathcliff ago

Much of the Western world is controlled by people--political leaders, business leaders, financial giants, religious leaders, filmmakers, celebrities, etc.--who serve Satan.

It sounds unbelievable, but once you accept it, the fact that they are actively trying to both literally, morally, and spiritually bring death to the Western World makes sense.

Does this explain why they want babies murdered? Yes.

Does it explain why they want men marrying men? Yes.

Does it explain why they want to cut the penises off of little boys? Yes.

Government supported suicide? Shitting in the streets? More violent crime? Men in women's restrooms? Drugs every where? Porn addiction? Divorce? Etc., etc., etc. Yes, yes, yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.

This isn't clown world

It's he'll come to earth.

9NaughtZ ago

It's Brave New World.

We were already warned about it but we headed right into it. Im not really surprised. It sounds like a hedonistic eutopia.

We need an EMP at this point

Blompf ago

I find it more likely we're in a Huxleyian nightmare than a satanic one.

YouAreASlave ago

Huxley worked for the jewish luciferians at tavistock.

justregtoasku ago

Devil's greatest trick

dassaer ago

Yeah and for his next one, I wanna see a life-sized rabbi pulled from his butt ....

AnthraxAlex ago

That's the most insane shit I've ever heard. Where the fuck was the Dad.

Black_Phillip ago

Probably divorce raped and ghosted.

trevmon ago

he was probably one of the men raping her. not mentioning him, now who the two men are, in the article is very telling, like when they don't say what a criminals race is you know what it is

Anam ago

At the age of 14, she was raped by two men in the Arnhem neighbourhood of Elderveld - but stayed quiet 'out of fear and shame'.

Of course it is fucking Muslims. The area is a hotbed of ISIS recruitment.

gazillions ago

The bureaucrats would be happy to see her dead then. Don;t want any future realists becoming activists against the rape of natives by invaders brought by the same bureaucrats... to rape..

gazillions ago

Never underestimate mother daughter jealousy and competition.

Black_Phillip ago

If women could get an abortion and still get child support, they would.

ModernChonger ago

Dammit as someone with a wife and three girls, this is something I've never realized but it makes a whole lot of things make sense.

Chiefpacman ago

Lot of people here just hate their moms.

Personally blessed with a great mom. Motherly love is a sacred and strong thing. It's unfortunate that so many don't know it these days.

Granted, she only had sons..

NestleStoleMyWater ago

Could you add any more context to that? Perhaps some examples of the kind of things you've noticed?

Socks_are_okay ago

I think @ModernChonger and @gazillions are talking about unhealthy mother daughter relationships, where the mother tries to live her life through her daughter, rather than the mother wanting her daughter to be her own person.

It can happen that the mother becomes jealous of talents, appearance, social status, or skills of the daughter, and will actively try to sabotage the daughter in order to not feel outdone by her daughter, whom she thinks of as a rival once the daughter gets more attention in a certain area of life. Examples would be a mother who starts dressing slutty after her daughter gets into cheerleading, claiming it's to be a pair of bff's, when in reality, she feels she has to outdo her "rival". Another example is a mother who has a talented daughter, and sabotages any chance for the girl to develop her skills further, only to later on be bullied by her mother about "you are worthless because if I had your talent I would not squander it and be famous". Another is a mother jealous of her daughter's hair, and then pushing her to get her hair cut off, only to later on bully her about the loss of long locks, and to brag about her own long hair.

Other times mothers use their daughters to get into relationships with guys they deem handsome and young, pushing their girls through abuse because they themselves want to feel young again by hanging out with the boyfriend. You can also see this in mothers who push their daughters into hobbies when they themselves could not, growing up, and then try to be part of the world surrounding that hobby through their daughters. You can have this with things like horsebackriding or musical arts. Think of the aggressive parent along the football field and you get the picture.

Source: grew up in a family with 3 girls, and mother was not a good mom.

@lanre in case you'd be interested too

lanre ago

Same here. Would be useful.

Heathcliff ago

The mother was probably mad that the rapists chose her daughter instead of her.

Apexbreed ago

The fucked up part is, you're probably right.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

I remember a long time ago in the midst of the debate to legalize euthanasia in the Netherlands was the argument that it would ONLY ever be used for cases of terminal diseases in the elderly where there is no hope for recovery and the existing pain is excruciating.

I said nope, it will eventually be broadened to include every sour case out there.

9NaughtZ ago

You win the sad beer award.

Sucks to be right sometimes.

Heathcliff ago

You're only on the slippery slope until you slide all the way to the bottom.

Blompf ago

It's never been a slippery slope, this was always an intentional decline

waucka ago

It's a slippery slope, and there's a boot on our collective face, pushing us down.

One-Way_Bus ago

Does that boot have Star of David on it? I think it does.

dassaer ago

Size 66 and a sixth. From the new Hugo Boss "Ashes to ashes" fall collection ...

alalzia ago

Murdered by the establishment .

9NaughtZ ago

It feels like they are just experimenting with social extermination. WTF is wrong with the parents.

alalzia ago

A bunch of degenerates probably . If it was my daughter someone would now have a head full of bullets .

9NaughtZ ago

Imagine if it was the father and his buddies. This was their way to make it go away.

gazillions ago

Do you have a daddy complex?

ravensedgesom ago

as would be just in a sane society.