observation1 ago

Unpopualar opinion. She was miserable and suffering and should not have been denied. We put livestock out of their misery. On the battlefield we put soldiers out of their misery. Even on tv, a once bitten zombie gets shot in the head. Nobody wants to see a girl suffer. In this world we live it backward. Reward the insane and punish the sane.

boekanier ago

"Yes whites, you better make an end to your worthless life" the message they, I mean (((they))) send through their slaves of the press.

EpiPendemic ago

felt like BS when I heard it. Guess there is money in euthanasia?

Would be funny is a business was to sue a medical establishment for ending the life of a person with an outstanding debt.

Sitnikoff ago

Life must be easy for a government that allows its citizens to willingly administer capital punishment upon themselves

DanaNordic ago

This is only one of many young females who have taken their life after rape/molestation in a western European country over the last couple of years. If the feminist politicians were genuine feminists the true cause of these suicides would be addressed and stopped. Instead, the feminist politicians blame and forever stymatize the young females.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago


Illusory ago

I have to say I'm relieved; I was flabbergasted that the legal requirements for euthanasia had been so low in the Netherlands that a teen could have it done merely for "depression". They really thought no one would fact-check it?

turtlesareNotevil ago

Fake news strikes again!

Ramblinman ago

This was mentioned on BBC Radio 4 on the Tonight program today. You don't get much more main stream media than the BBC.

I don't get though how there wasn't some kind of assisted suicide arrest going on though. Seems more than a bit wrong to let the mentally ill kill themselves.

Nosense ago

How does this push white genocide

PatriotLady1 ago

Where is the next Tarrant?

shifty_pete ago

Maybe I’m slow but how does her being euthanized push white genocide? Just because it makes suicide seem like a logical decision and an ethical way out? Or am I missing something?

NotEvenMad ago

Maybe it's not a conspiracy? Maybe it's just shitty reporting, and all of those sites got the clicks and ad revenue.

JimSoddell ago

Ok, so she was mentally ill, the socialized medicine system their denied her treatment, and she ended up sitting at home in a hospital bed on a hunger strike until she died of starvation.

I'd say the parents should be charged with child abuse for neglecting her in this way, but it sounds pretty clear the State supervised and even facilitated the girl's entire slow suicide by starvation, so really the state is at fault here more than the parents. On the other hand if someone is so mentally ill they are able to go through with starving themselves to death or setting themselves on fire, maybe it's the best to let them do that.

uvulectomy ago

So while the exact method was different, the underlying story remains the same. She was raped, everyone in her life failed her at every turn, and she was never able to get any semblance of justice (because that would be racist toward her (most likely) goat-fucking attackers), so she killed herself.

RockmanRaiden ago

This is word games. Not exactly fake news. The term euthanasia doesn't apply when the victim starves herself.

Maine is trying to pass a euthanasia bill. https://twitter.com/RaidenRockman/status/1136261133151612929?s=19

knightwarrior41 ago

thanks for the update

beece ago

Added link to this thread on V/LyingNewsMedia


SearchVoatBot ago

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Civil_Warrior ago


Aprioned ago

The story didn't even make any sense to begin with, they must think really low of people they tried to peddle this to.

courtjester1111 ago

Wow, nice scoop, the lying bastards. That's a new all time low.

selpai ago

Isn't this libel? Against the dead?

cthulian_axioms ago

The dead cannot be defamed. That's been a tenet of common law for the past 500 years.

sdfgsdf232 ago

So its basically a "kevdude"

https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3100916 <----- this is complete lies


IsaacJan ago

How many alts do you have, you pathetic kike?

sdfgsdf232 ago

blame the kike that only gave me 10 comments, limiting my freedom of speech.... NOW who is the REAL KIKE you fucking subhuman

IsaacJan ago

You, for managing to suck so hard you got restricted on a free speech site. Even gayest_shill and maroonfaggot don’t get restricted, and they’re the biggest losers on this site.

Maximum overkike.

sdfgsdf232 ago

Submissions: This user has upvoted 72 and downvoted 71 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 1106 and downvoted 1106 comments.

shit alt from the goon squad


IsaacJan ago

“I’m a fucking loser, that’s why I get restricted on sites no one gets restricted on. I suck that much”


Quick, call putt to come protect you, you scared little kike.

sdfgsdf232 ago

suck so hard you got restricted on a free speech site

did I tho? fucking goon squad... I wonder if you are on my list.....

nope, but added


(1) @SeanBox - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9566 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15719769

(2) @MadWorld - Member for: 3.3 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9923 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15719966

(3) @argosciv - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 1334 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720111

(4) @LivingRedInBlue - Member for: 1 year / Comment Contribution Points: 651 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720138

(5) @Professorballs - Member for: 1.8 years / Comment Contribution Points: 297 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720151

(6) @dan_k - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 5377 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720480

(7) @VicariousJambi - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 7846 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720111

(8) @hungry_mungry - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 2359 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720973

(9) @HillBoulder - Member for: 1.8 years / Comment Contribution Points: 8631 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720927

(10) @Shekelstein6M - Member for: 2.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 21182 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721180

(11) @kevdude - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 74661 (Waited till we hit 10 users before I added myself to the list. I hate this motherfucker)

(12) @BLOODandHONOUR - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 35090 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721795

(13) @I_Always_Lie - Member for: 12 months (1 year) / Comment Contribution Points: 2978 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721750

(14) @Crensch - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 33318 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721473

(15) @Javik2186 - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 4908 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722183

at this point he claims everyone on this list is a "Q-tard" https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722476

(16) @Rotteuxx - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 25482 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722629

(17) @Fetalpig - Member for: 1.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 5569 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722829

(18) @carlip - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 16272 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15723855

At this point he claims that all the people on the list are 3 month old accounts with 200 ccp (I updated the list to include user stats) https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2929314/15723704

(19) @Inaminit - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 6361 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15723961

(20) @Renatus - Member for: 3 months / Comment Contribution Points: 1084 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15724219 (EXCELLENT WRITE UP IN HIS SIGNING STATEMENT)

(21) @CameraCode - Member for: 9 days / Comment Contribution Points: 273 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15725053

(22) @Intrixina - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 1158 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15725768

(23) @RumpRangerRick - Member for: 2.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9003 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15727984

(24) @shewhomustbeobeyed - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 2660 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15728527

(25) @FridayJones - Member for: 3.1 years / Comment Contribution Points: 3108 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15730687

(26) @Hand_of_Node - Member for: 6 months / Comment Contribution Points: 5965 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15736801

(27) @TheKobold - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 21965 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15734244

(28) @turbola - Member for: 2.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 329 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15742234

(29) @blumen4alles - Member for: 1.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 607 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15751945

(30) @Shes2fat4me5 - Member for: 1.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 223 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15752451

(31) @Mumbleberry - Member for: 1.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11698 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15753673

(32) @AaronBuurr - Member for: 2 months / Comment Contribution Points: 188 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15762995

(33) @Runway22L - Member for: 2.2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11987 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15773666


(34) @Splooge - Member for: 9 months / Comment Contribution Points: 4443 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15797116

(36) @draaaak - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 23686 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/16099539

(37) @CognitiveDissident5 - Member for: 1.7 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11697 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/16156275

(38) @King_Leopold_II - Member for: 2 months / Comment Contribution Points: 1483 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/16553685

(39) @drstrangegov - Member for: 2.3 years / Comment Contribution Points: 6613 https://voat.co/v/funny/3060109/17016552

ive added these downvotes alts of the goon squad


Submissions: This user has upvoted 72 and downvoted 71 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 1106 and downvoted 1106 comments.

IsaacJan ago

No wonder you got restricted, look at you kiking. Literally kvetch.

sdfgsdf232 ago

You user name Isaac is jewish in origin, just fucking stop


IsaacJan ago

You’ve already tried that. I don’t care. You get pretty pissed when I point out how pathetic you are, huh?

sdfgsdf232 ago


Isaac Name Meaning. Jewish, English, Welsh, French, etc.: from the Biblical Hebrew personal name yishaq 'he laughs'. This was the name of the son of Abraham (Genesis 21:3) by his wife Sarah. ... Hence it is the surname of many gentile families as well as Jews.

IsaacJan ago

Again, I don’t care. How many alts do you have? Are those getting restricted too, because you’re such an unlikable cunt? Has putt EVER actually come in to help you after you begged for him to save you from mean words?

I have so many questions. We can learn a lot about how to avoid being a retarded, flailing kike by watching you.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

You get pretty pissed

im actually mellow, especially when naming the jew

listing to this, https://youtu.be/ZLPf4Q381P0

you seem to be the one pissed off, and by name a kike and also retarded.... you are no longer worth my limited comments. Its fairly obvious you a jew...... You are on my list.


IsaacJan ago

Hey kike, I can comment as much as I want. Wanna know how it feels?

IsaacJan ago

You have entire text files of copy/pastes for your kvetching, don’t lie, kike. But I guess kikes lie.

trevmon ago

every time

shoulda known

Fullmetal ago

Another MSM lie. Sad.

Gorillion ago

Had to soften that already suppressed muslim rape story, so why not turn it into an advertorial for white self-removal.

basedmangod2015 ago

how exactly does this push white genocide?

theHubrisOfMan ago

Remember when they told us “just let gays be gay in the privacy of their own homes- It’s none of your business!” And now faggots are throwing ones at children in bars.

Well it starts with “it’s okay for white women to get raped and then let the state kill them because they feel dirty.” Where do you think that’ll end up in 15 years?

Gorillion ago

Being obtuse = being passive aggressive = being female/obnoxiously beta.

Say what you mean, you sick tranny pedo faggot. Stop hiding behind rhetoric.

basedmangod2015 ago

im meaning theres no fucking difference between if she killed herself or was euthanized by the state. somebody dropped a fake news story so you beta male pussies could complain that the real victim here is white people...again...somehow

Octoclops ago

white girl gets raped and beaten and driven to suicide by rampaging sand apes

"Oy vey how are white people the victim here, you incels? Haven't you though about how the rapefugees FEEL" -you.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/HDLunited comment by @VicariousJambi.

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jnola2 ago

Thank you for posting this.

wig ago

Double thank you! And also.. the media is vastly over-controlled by Jews, in any metric used possible. Foed this mean Jews have an agenda they are pushing? Why push this narrative? Normally jews I think woul dbe against this depravity, so they would highlight it as an abomination... and yet... because it was a blonde white... I wonder if they have other agendas? Do they even have an agenda other than sowing confusion?

WHAT DO JEWS WANT in this false news agenda?

How does it fit clumsily into either "divide and conquer" or "The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan" ?

It does not fit either in a tidy way. I cannot see the agenda being pushed unless it is to numb us and demoralize society.

The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: White Genocide by Design



Infamous short video :

How Zionists Divide and Conquer


Letting her slowly starve herself to death doesn't seem much better

ThisIsMyRealName ago

She would've died from dehydration first, if that's any consolation.

jasonleeg ago

No wonder no one trusts the msm

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @agodgavemethisland.

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CognitiveDissident5 ago

Thanks for posting this.

canbot ago

I don't see how this is pushing white genocide.

pathlesstrod ago

While it is tenuous, why is it a white girl that they decided to lie about? Do you not think part of tranny prevalence is due to media? "It's hip to be trans" is the story. Even with many having regrets. But it is hip! Maybe ... and I say maybe now. But will it be hip for Whites to euthanize themselves due to the depression they are feeling since they should not be on Earth in the first place according to the jew media?

I didn't see how a gay pride parade back in the 80s and 90s was going to lead to this current faggotry. Slippery slopes are fallacious for intellectuals. I saw what happened when we cut some slack to faggots. The slippery slope exists.

mudbear ago

the slippery slope is unique among fallacies in that it is generally factual, they just arent good arguments since they basically just skip steps within an argument. Just because its a fallacy doesnt mean its wrong, fallacies are just poorly presented arguments.

pathlesstrod ago

Fallacies are a fault in pure philosophical logic. You are absolutely right that a fallacy does not mean the argument is wrong.

WordCorrector ago

Gay pride parades started off really just wanting to be left alone, quit being harassed, and get morons rights. When they got that, their movement was subverted by the extremists of their bunch. The extremists are louder, more militant, and just make better news because it's more interesting. Sooner or later, you couldn't be heard unless you were extreme.

Same goes for feminists.

NotEvenMad ago

Lord of the Rings. ANY group that gains power ultimately corrupts. Do you honestly think if Voat-mindset people took over that things would be different? Think of the dumbest people on this site, and know that they would end up running things. I wish it were different, but power-seekers don't give a shit about truth or balance. Just power.

WordCorrector ago

Did you just use LOTR as a foundation for your narrative? That movie is a fantasy world and while it does have relevant parallels to real world concepts, it isn't representative and can't be used without exception.

In fact, it is ironic that you brought up a movie because in LOTR the good guys won. We live in a world where the bad guys won. If a Voat-minded person had power that would be a good start. However, they would undoubtedly be undermined at every turn by an already corrupt system. If they themselves did not fight tooth and nail to cling to their power they'd undoubtedly lose it.

The question is not so much of people are incorruptible or not, but which corrupt person would you rather have? A corrupt Redditor or a corrupt Voater?

Maroonsaint ago

Send me a picture of your dick

pathlesstrod ago

Gay pride parades started off really just wanting to be left alone ...


... parade ... wanting to be left alone ...

YouAreASlave ago

If you've been raped then there is no hope for you, white girl, just kill yourself. It's what all the other victims are doing.

Drunkenst ago

Aloha Shlomo

crazy_eyes ago

small steps. if this girl would kill herself over being raped then maybe you should too, and look how many girls have been raped in just england, for example. If you get rid of the child bearing women, there wont be any babies, genocide

llliilliilll ago

I’m so over this shit.

ImPhilippe ago


derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/naomiohreally/status/1136191644896829440 :

Naomi O'Leary on Twitter: "Infuriatingly, it's too late: this misinformation has already spread all over the world from Australia to the United States to India. Her name, #noapothoven is even trending in Italy.… t.co/HKOSRBlIrP"

This has been an automated message.

hollywood2020 ago

Fucking MSM, why is there no justice in the world?

Marku1 ago

Go break a fucking window or just stfu

Atomized_Individual ago

Need more IRA style militants 🍀 http://magaimg.net/img/813j.png

heretolearn ago

because you're at home and not in the streets demanding change.

Scablifter ago

Yeah, OK. It would very vain to think I was the solution to any problem of changing society.

A very manipulative socialist slogan from a long time ago "Either your part of the solution or you are part of the problem"

Chad88 ago

Lol people "in the streets demanding change" are wearing pussy hats and protesting capitalism.

midnightblue1335 ago

Yeah, go ahead and laugh at them- those pussy-hat wearing communists are getting the changes they demand. THEY'RE WINNING.

Say what you want about them, their REEEEEing gets shit done for them, and pretending otherwise is folly.

Chad88 ago

You can always sell your dignity for short term superficial gains. That's not anything new.

midnightblue1335 ago

Short term? Abortion has been legal for a loooong time. Faggots have been allowed out of the closet for decades. We are more openly communist than ever before, part of a process that began in the 30s. Don't talk to me about "short term" gains.

We're losing the long game, and the short game, because we cling to principles and dignity that our opposition mocks us for.

There comes a point when you must lower yourself to your opposition. How many times do you allow someone to punch you in the belly before you "lower yourself" and retaliate?

Hebrew-Virus ago

Really; can you list all the pussy-hat protests and EXACTLY what they accomplished?

midnightblue1335 ago

Abortion is still a thing.

It's not just the modern pussy-hats, but their predecessors. THEY'VE SUCCESSFULLY TURNED US INTO A COMMUNIST OLIGARCHY/WEIMAR REPUBLIC. Yes, they had some (((backing))), but it couldn't have happened without the sane people passively standing by and allowing it to come to be.

I'd imagine during the suffrage movement, there were men like you sitting inside saying "Bah, look at those screeching harpies- when is the last time a bunch of people mobbing up and demanding something got anything accomplished?" Joke's on that guy, but I'm not laughing.

Hebrew-Virus ago

Now, one more time: List all the pussy-hat protests and EXACTLY what they accomplished?

You made a specific statement about pussy-hat wearing communists getting the changes they demand. I don't need to read about shit that happen 50 years ago because some other groups protested about some other shit.

RealBiggly ago

No he's right. As Mead said "Never doubt the ability of a few determined men to change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has."

Hebrew-Virus ago

I'm still waiting for somebody to show me explicit proof that these mysterious, all-powerful pussy-hat protestors have altered government policy.

RealBiggly ago

Maybe you don't see it yet, but their foremothers sure did, which is why the West is falling down around your ears, or didn't you notice?

TopTierCIAShill ago

It's actually more ideal to assassinate people in assassins creed without increasing your renown otherwise you'll have to pull down posters of yourself

selpai ago

Can't tell if you want him to protest or be a bum...

HeavyBrain ago

Demanding wont change shit, you have to enforce it. Nobody gives a crap about waht you want until you drive a boot onto their neck.

heretolearn ago

I agree 163%. Who is going to place the first boot. who's going to be the attached to the first neck. When will it happen.

ChiCom ago

It's not that nobody gives a crap it's that none of THOSE people give a crap and they're in power.

PatriotLady1 ago

The only answer.

jewsbadnews ago


buffalo_fart ago

would be a good tee shirt. do you have that in pink?

yt4cz9 ago
