memememema ago

There is glory and beauty in the constant attempts to find peace and hope.

LazyJello9 ago

A fools glory and a fools hope.

insanitea ago

I live in Canada and I'm surrounded by degenerates. Lift every day, eat lots of meat, very decent programming skills, don't treat women like human fleshlights, exact opposite of a wanker and not a brain-dead atheist. The catch: I haven't graduated and Indians+Asians overpopulated the area so nearly every employer for jobs I barely qualify for prefer non-whites. Luckily living rent-free thanks to family so I'm not shit-poor but I'm otherwise stuck where I am. Add to that seemingly life-long stress issues so what else am I gonna do besides work out and browse Voat?

I just need a fucking job.

LazyJello9 ago

Learn a trade nigger. Or get married and have kids. It's not hard, you just have to want to do it.

LazyJello9 ago

Get married and have a family. You can have that in less than 2 years.. that's what you do. Then you start planning on getting out of that shithole. Loving around non whites and subhumans, gross.. you need to move somewhere else. Even a whole new country, learn a new language, start a new line of work..

Easier said than done, but it's doable

Ocelot ago

Kys faggot. Your comments are a pox upon this site.

LazyJello9 ago

Lol I butthurt someone. Who are you exactly?

H3r0n ago

Some days I do, same days I don’t. Hell, even God rested on the seventh day

Masaze ago

I do, no tattoos, no degeneracy. Not fat. Shoot guns. Exercise. Aspire to be in the revolution.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

i have not read past a single headline

Gigglestick ago

I’m not a saint. I’m human. I err here and there, but I do what I do when I can how ever often is applicable, and without being noticed for “going out of the way” of being a prancing faggot. I ask people blatantly why is it always black guy white girl in interracial couples? And they’re always like “who knows...” because it’s ta-fucking-boo. Fuck you cunt drool.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Shopping at Walmart is a sin but I still have to. Not rich enough for target.

Gopherurself ago


NPCGator ago

I haven't cut my dick off to make a vagina, so yes I am, thanks for asking :)

Seriously though, yes, as close to it as I can get.

DeliciousOnions ago

Eh, maybe be 50% of it.

But we're so used to hypocrites advocating lifestyles for us, I figured I would fit right in.

subscribetopewdiepie ago

I'll admit it... I'm not actually subscribed to PewDiePie

Forgive me.

LazyJello9 ago

Ok sinner, I forgive you. Shoot up 3 mosques and say 2 hail Mary's and be forgiven.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Zoldam ago

Within what I can without being sent to jail.

srgmpdns ago

"Of course I don't practice what I preach. I'm not the sort of person I'm preaching to."

  • Ivan Stang

Maddmartigan ago

None! If you don't know that then you don't know the truth.

rogskel ago

I do... I'm broke ass poor and rich with happiness, just like most broke asses out there. LOL

oioiiooi ago

The devil is in the details.

14WordsToFreedom ago

White babies ✅
One income household ✅
Homeschool ✅
Attend mass regularly ✅
Getting out of debt ✅

Am I perfect? No. Am I headed in the right direction? Yeah.

LazyJello9 ago

How do you handle homeschooling? Run me through that if you don't mind. I'm tossing up the idea with my kids.

14WordsToFreedom ago

I have a stay at home mom for a wife. Imagine helping the children with their homework every day, except you have to figure out what the homework is. You can focus on art, or STEM, or religion, or history and literature, because you aren’t spending any time on ESL or sodomy or diversity. Rules vary by state, find a local homeschool group if you’d like to talk with local about rules, field trips, sports, and social time.

LazyJello9 ago

I'd like to do that. I'll look into it fren. Thanks for the advice.

Not_C ago

As I become more and more racist, I keep holding myself to higher and higher standards.

I spend more time and effort keeping my home and yard looking nice, because I'm not some lazy East Indian. I work out more often, because I'm not some weak little chink. I take care of my appearance more because I'm not some dirty Paki. I treat my neighbours and neighbourhood with more respect because I'm not some worthless disrespectful nigger.

So yes, I do practice what I preach.

XSS1337 ago

If I did.... this world would be free from Jewish control and free of Islam. A paradise for civil men and women.

thelma ago

That would be illegal.

CrudOMatic ago

Repent sinners

Neck yourself, nigger. Poplar tree's over ---> there.

Simonsaysgoat ago

I am, its just the way I am wired

iitpanun ago

Before I started my business I was neck deep in libtard land and was a consultant/contractor with the most NPC of NPC companies (Apple, Google, Startups, and so on...). On a daily basis, I had to grin and bear it when they would openly trash everything they didn't know I believed in. At the time, I literally would lose my job/contract if I spoke up (it happened once and it financially hurt) I had to deal with it. I opened my own company right before Trump won and things started changing for allowing conservatives to finally be open. Don't get me wrong though, for me, and what I do, I still have to weigh the risk reward for what I say. I feel so much better now, and happier, that I can be more open...I don't preach anything really, but now I push back and call people out who say things that deserve a reality check. I am more interested in building and expanding my business though, rather than shit on libtards openly. And for anyone who says "suck it up and you should have just said what you wanted before". I'd like to see you do that with large financial contracts on the line.

DavidHogg ago

I try not to preach here or in life except to my family. I live a pretty straight laced life. Work too much and that’s not good for my family but other than that I feel like I’m a good person, husband, and dad.

VerbalWaterboarder ago

I live outside of the US. - I haven’t talked to a nigger in years, and that time I called it a nigger to its face and told it to get out of my neighborhood before I called the police. You can openly refer to niggers as niggers in casual conversation here. - There are very few muslims and they are closely watched. - Spics can’t swim this far. A few years ago, I was on a flight that arrived in country at the same time as a flight from Mexico City. While standing in Immigration, I realized that although I had encountered many spics, it was the first time I had ever seen a Mexican passport. They were all as white as snow, too. - We have kikes. They uniformly call for “more diversity” and “multiculturalism.” But they can’t do the “fellow whites” thing here, and the natives are rightly suspicious of them. - The number of out-and-loud fags is increasing. Cross-dressing has always been a thing, and there are a few prominent cross-dressing celebrities. A few tried to get into the schools to “help educate” and were immediately shut down by angry parents groups.

Trust me, nothing will make you more racist than NOT having to deal with subhumans in your day-to-day life. It’s only when you DON’T have to constantly account for diversity’s antics that you understand what has been lost in America. Here, I can ride the bus because normal people ride the bus. I can have a pleasant lunch in the park without being approached multiple times by crack dealers, lunatics, and beggars. I can leave my bicycle unlocked outside of my house with the reasonable expectation that it will not be stolen. I can put my birds outside for a few hours a day to enjoy the sunlight with the reasonable expectation that a nigger will not happen by and kill them just to relieve a few minutes of boredom.

People living outside of the United States seriously don’t know how bad they look. I’ve visited twice in the past decade, and it was always long enough for me to swear that I will never move back willingly. It’s like a goddamn insane asylum, and the inmates don’t even realize it.

Yamau ago


H3r0n ago

We realize it, just need to get enough angry men to bind together and fix this shitheap before it collapses under the useless sacks of shit

fuckfuckfuck1 ago


unlimitedrulebook ago

You can openly refer to niggers as niggers in casual conversation here

Where is this utopia?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

In the CIA's Main Central Office

jimibulgin ago

I have a tattoo, I don't have a foreskin, and I drink more than I would advise anyone else.

Other than that, I'm pretty forthright.

CowWithBeef ago

2nd white baby on the way for me. In the past year I quit porn, alcohol, and caffeine. I have a long way to go still to prepare for what's coming.

Kalergi ago

Caffine???? I got the other 2 beat, but my java...dang.

Anger can be very powerful when properly channeled.

CowWithBeef ago

I didn't want to be dependent on anything in case shit hits the fan. I just slowly diluted my coffee with decaf until I got to zero.

Kalergi ago

That's what the ammo is for: take coffee from safe spaces.

Ocelot ago

That's a good mindset to have. I only go through about a day of headache to recover from coffee withdrawal. Every few months or so quit it for a week or two just to detox.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I TRY. It's difficult. LOTS of miles. What was not important IS now. Visa Versa. KNEW things I've LEARNED. Stuff, it's HARD. Repenting...Good time Charlie..regrets...never ends.

midnightblue1335 ago

You aren't.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is.

Romans 12:2

projection ago

Very good.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I am!

Emulate clammy, bitches.

NJAnon ago

“Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it.” ― Epictetus

SpreeFeech ago

I will lose my job if I start preaching about the greedy jews and lazy niggers.

Goys-R-Us ago

You are trapped in the Matrix as am I.

dudelol ago

I try my hardest

illbrbwithmyflipflop ago

Clearly based on the time of the posts and the tone as it progresses of new voaters people are just preaching on the internet hoping someone else does as they command rather than then doing their part in the slightest

OrdinaryFaggot ago

I think the only thing I've "preached" is being financially responsible and avoiding taxes to the max (legally), which I do and will continue doing.

GasChamber ago

You mean not being a fucking retarded, hypocritical, soyboy, liberal piece of nigger loving shit? Pretty easy path to walk if you ask me.

googoogagaimababy ago

I neither practice nor preach here.

selpai ago

It's a nice dream, and self improvement/independence/edification a worthy goal. Few live as they preach, but fewer still are the sermons that are worth living. It's the content that matters, i think. The ideal.

MrShekelstein ago

Jesus is my nigger.

Shieldmaden ago

I’m in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, making food for the family while my Christian conservative husband is busy providing. Do I pass?

notyouraveragellama ago

Really depends on if the puppy is your husbands' or Tyrone's.

Shieldmaden ago

Tyrone’s not welcome here.

NymphantTree ago

Do you mean all black people or a certain subgroup?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

So he isn't welcome anymore after he nigged out?

unlimitedrulebook ago

She can't leech off Tyrone.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I bet she is sad that she didn't win her vote for more welfare so that she could leech off of Tyrone

unlimitedrulebook ago

Possibly, but Mr. Tradcuck probably provides more money for her than welfare will ever able to.

Shieldmaden ago

Lol. I’ll have to show my husband all these salty comments, provoked by my mere existence. NAWALTS are out there, even Nordic ones—not that it matters for you Tyrone-obsessed lot.

Make sure you check under your beds lads.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

What are NAWALTS?

Keep up the good work

Shieldmaden ago

Thanks! It’s a “red pill” term for Not All Women Are Like That (i.e. like feminist whores who will divorce you on a whim).

H3r0n ago

I’m binge really took a left turn there

Shieldmaden ago

It certainly wasn’t right.

Kalergi ago

Ignore the assholes and stay the course. Raise them to be Warriors.

Shieldmaden ago

No worries, this doesn’t get to me.

They are being raised to be the Vikings that they are.

SilverDollar ago

The ones that are living it the right way don’t worry about making sure everyone else knows that they are...

LoginOrRegister ago

How many of you are actually living the life you preach?

---> I feel personally attacked by this.

Redcobra ago


ggolemg ago

Raising a white family w/ trad stay at home wife, don't drink don't watch porn, participate in my community. Next up is diet and exercise, started both a few weeks ago, then it's on to find a white nationalist group that'll have me.

SilverDollar ago

That’s my plan when I’m older. How is it working out for you?

watitdew ago

Hello fellow white nationalist would you be able to help me out with delivering this package to the mosque? I'm really busy with my crops and gun cleaning and the kids.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Damn you for spoiling the last of my vices.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm a skirtchasing traveler and bibliophile. I more or less 'preach' that here. Though I haven't traveled recently.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I work at seaworld on the late shift for clean up crew, most weekend nights its just me alone with the animals and there are not any cameras where we keep the dolphins when they are not doing a performance. It started out as me sneaking in their tank to chill with them while i was high but they started rubbing up against me and i got turned on. Their teeth are really sharp and i could never get one to sit still long enough for me to try it with the females but the males were always trying to get close to me anyway. Turns out if you tuck your dick down and stick it in the blowhole it really ads support while you straddle the back like a bronco horse. I like to see how long i can ride before i get off.


AlaskaMountain ago

I don't really preach a lifestyle. I have strong views about which activities and practices I consider harmful and self defeating, and I don't do any of them.

I have a lot of room for improvement though. I often think about how inefficient I am or how I need to pursue my goals harder.

Intrixina ago

What you said is what I do as well.

H3r0n ago

This stage sucks, but at least my life is getting better

Hetmann ago

I know the feeling. Its difficult to break a lifetime of habits that no one told you were bad.

Damnpasswords ago

Or that they actively encouraged

Haywood_Jablomeme ago

Masturbating is totally healthy and normal! Eat tons of carbs it's okay! Here, look at these screens! No wonder why everyone is so sick.

armday2day ago

I just dont have the time to hang the (((bankers)))

LightningAndTheSun ago

This is why people hate Varg, he's one of the only people on the "right" who is absolutely practicing what he preaches.

Joe_McCarthy ago

In my experience people 'hate' Varg mostly because he's needlessly anti-Christian and frequently doesn't know what he's talking about in discussing details of topics like anthropology. I know from personal experience that he's also very anti-American - but that is emphasized much less.

unlimitedrulebook ago

needlessly anti-(((Christian)))

Uh huh, so needless

Joe_McCarthy ago

If going around pissing off most of the Western population is your hobby have at it. Just don't be surprised if they don't like you.

unlimitedrulebook ago

That's beside the point. Fact is, simply being pro-white will piss off most whites. If you're worried about pissing people off, you might as well not say anything at all.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Being pro-white is not needless. Though in a public setting offline one should be careful in order to avoid getting in trouble needlessly. You'll probably even annoy most pro-white people with anti-Christian diatribes though. After all, that is Varg's audience.

This is a guy that committed arson against churches. Even most pro-white agnostics are going to have enough respect for their cultural heritage to find that objectionable.

unlimitedrulebook ago

Likewise, being anti-Christian is not needless. It's literally a Jewish invention to cuck Aryans. And to date, it has been super effective. That saying it pisses of people doesn't make it any less important.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Militant anti-Semitism is also needless. It's a crank fixation.

unlimitedrulebook ago

Militant anti-Semitism is the most pro white thing there is. If you care so much about the white race as you pretend to, you would find Varg very agreeable.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Being pro-white means being pro-white, not anti-Jewish.

unlimitedrulebook ago

Being pro me means being pro me, not anti enemy

That's right, turn the other cheek, like a good goy.

C_Corax ago

In the next few hours Voat is gonna get slightly more lighthearted because it's weekend and the goats get shitfaced. You wouldn't think they had time for that working at the farm and coming home to their trad wife and 7 kids..

@TheBuddha You've made similar observations I believe.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Several kolsches are fantastic after working in the garden all day. Light and refreshing enough to keep you hydrated without washing out all of your electrolytes, while not raising a buzz if you are actually working.

I can't stand being buzzed, let alone shit faced. I have kids to look after and work to do.

watitdew ago

I've had a lot of fun drunk posting on here in the past but I'm like 10 days stone sober now and I'm not going to make it to the gym at 6 tomorrow if I slip up.

TheBuddha ago

Also, the most bitching about taxes and welfare are also the people who seem to have a lot of time to post here.

watitdew ago

We can post on our phones at work gramps.

TheBuddha ago

Maybe you could do your job.

watitdew ago

Ha ha you're so old fashioned and silly

TheBuddha ago

That's kinda a sad thing.

When I employed tech folks, they didn't punch a clock. Go home when you're done.

watitdew ago

Done with what? Facebook?

CameraCode0 ago

In my experience most of the people who drink on Voat are the non-trad shitposters (some exceptions of course).

Not_C ago

I've found that the more racist I've become, the less I drink. Mainly because I'm holding myself to a higher standard.

I don't care (and actually would like to encourage) the lesser races to drink. But whites shouldn't. Alcohol is poison. Being intoxicated, hungover is our body's reaction to the poison.

We're the superior race. We shouldn't be poisoning ourselves. That's something you'd expect the lesser races to do.

Hetmann ago

I drink, but I drink what I brew. It is important to keep the ritual. It staves off overindulgence and keeps you thinking so that you can improve your craft.

BushChuck ago

I have two kids, a wife, and I'm a farmer.

I don't drink, though.

I smoke a lot of weed, but I gave up alcohol when I realised it was a slave's drink.

blackguard19 ago

I know a lot of right-wingers are vehemently anti-weed, and it certainly lends itself to a degenerate and embarrassing lifestyle if used in the wrong hands, but I’ve noticed the people who are staunchly against it are the same ones who don’t enjoy it personally. Have had bad experiences etc. Alcohol is the much more damnable drug. I haven’t given it up but it’s very hypocritical to overindulge in alcohol while scathingly censuring people who enjoy smoking weed.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I don't enjoy it personally, but I am not opposed to its use. I've used it a few times, mostly for pain, but I don't really like the effects of it. Beats opiates though.

My dentist prescribed me some kind of opiate until I can get a broken crown fixed. I'm pretty much just dealing with the pain and the meds will get tossed in my shtf supplies. I'll take it if I'm recovering from a gunshot or something.

If you want to smoke weed, fine. Just don't base your life around it and let it invade your duty to your family and race.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I suspect that people that are vehemently most bad habits are often scarred by the use of it. The militantly anti-porn people for example.

Alcohol and weed shouldn't really be compared though. Alcohol has a much more established record of legitimacy culturally.

blackguard19 ago

Much more established record of puking onto one’s own shoes.

Joe_McCarthy ago

A pretty silly response. Pot has a record of countercultural illegality. Booze is ingrained in the cultural mainstream. Has been forever.

blackguard19 ago

Then you realize that the mainstream culture itself is sick and whatever is promoted as good is actually not good and vice versa.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I dunno. I'm basically of a conservative mindset so something tends to have a modicum of legitimacy in my mind just by virtue of being long accepted.

BushChuck ago

If you had a "conservative mindset" you would mind your own fucking business.

Drug prohibition is commie bullshit.

I don't give a fuck what drugs people do. I think drunks are embarrassing, and junkies are pathetic, but have at 'er.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Curious argument.

I haven't commented on whether drugs should be legal or not but the drug war is often said to have begun with Richard Nixon. Notorious 'commie' that he was.

If anything the 'commie' position is a loose view toward drugs. The various anti-war types, hippies, flower children, etc., were not exactly conservatives.

BushChuck ago

Nixon was absolutely a commie. They all have been since the JFK coup.

The hippies were a cia operation, and 90% of actual war protesters were men who had fought in WWII and Korea.

You made some comment about how weed and alcohol aren't comparable, and you are correct for, I suspect, the wrong reason.

Alcohol is a powerful, highly addictive depressant enjoyed by billions of addicts world wide.

Cannabis is a mild, non-addictive hallucinogenic with several medicinal benefits.

And, no. The drug war was invented in the USSR. You would get sent to the gulag for a joint. Kinda exactly like the USSA, eh?

As a contrast, Heroin was created by Bayer, and sold over the counter for almost half a century. There was no such thing as an illegal drug in the USA until prohibition.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You lost me when you said Nixon was absolutely a commie.

With comments like that I can see why you like pot.

BushChuck ago

Great argument.

projection ago

"something tends to have a modicum of legitimacy in my mind just by virtue of being long accepted."

Do you mean things like the Fed, the holohaux, 9/11?

Joe_McCarthy ago

None of those things are particularly old. But if you're trying to disparage a centuries old drinking tradition with 9/11 tooth conspiracies that's more than a little out there.

blackguard19 ago

I do agree that alcohol has a place in what we probably both view as civilized society. And I probably wouldn’t trade the image of a social glass of wine with a bong.

ALIENS2222 ago

Oh boy it's easy to get trashed and work on the farm. No DUI on a tractor or in a 'dozer. Corn and apple moonshine in the fall and mead in the winter. Pigs eat the fermented mash as well as chickens. As for the kids. Well the trick is go get the older ones to take care of the younger ones.