virge ago

It turned a spotlight of all the parasites of Voat on me and the community just popped popcorn and watched.

If that's what I can expect from the community for any effort for the community, then I'm leaving it as I found it. It's yours.

pathlesstrod ago

Today on Voat the guy that did the "Today on Voat" is gone.

virge ago

Just needed the net ready before the bait.

Loveraft ago

I dug them too.

Delacourt ago

They're back, here is my first one:

alalzia ago

Those kind of threads are not copyrighted , make your own . The user that started them has 20 submissions in 4 years .

virge ago

Oh look, another person projecting this lie for the subversion team. Surprise.

ruck_feddit ago

Have you not been on here over the last few days? There's basically a cold civil war going on. Things peaked with srayzie leaving, crensch taking her place (and possibly leaving himself, not sure there), putt banning then unbanning people, and the army of "bad guys" actually turning out to be the good guys. Voat's immune system didn't play out the way the usual "builders" expected it to, and the pressure on them proved to be too much. That's all in a nutshell.

@Caesarkid1 has a good response, and he's had some great posts/banter about it, too.

BentAxel ago

Thanks. Been working. Busy week.

Delacourt ago

I've rebooted the "Today on Voat" idea here, check it out:

ruck_feddit ago

You're kind of lucky. Half of it was Q drama, so nothing of value was lost.

Goys-R-Us ago

Haha, virge was a psyop.

thelma ago

He don't undestand english...when he doesn't want to.

virge ago


Ina_Pickle ago

I was looking forward to the Voat: Battle of the Broads edition. Virge would be biased in his reporting though.

virge ago

Virge would be biased in his reporting though.

Nah, I would have just cussed at the other team a lot more. I'm all for fair play-by-plays.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Was exposed as an shill just spreading hate and misinformation.

virge ago

Said one of the subversion faggots.

MrBateman ago

Definitely need these back

Delacourt ago

I'm making a new version, check it out. Upvotes and comments appreciated.

C_Corax ago

I preferred @peaceseeker's version of it. The fact that it took off from official announcements and voatstatistics made sure it was made sure it was about relevant stuff and not just something the poster happened to take interest in. It took a lot of work though and perhaps didn't get the attention it deserved, so I guess they stopped doing it.

Example of one of the posts

Delacourt ago

This is a really neat idea. I might have to add it to mine, right now I'm just copying what virge did.

virge ago

Anyone can do it. My formula was simple - categorize all threads with something either new, interesting, or actually newsworthy. Pick the ones with <10 views and/or <2 upvotes. Bring them up again with a comment on why I thought they were interesting and note-worthy in an effort to bring conversation to the subject.

My entire objective was to cause Voat to grow by creating dialogue where there was none on a subject that isn't overly political but I still consider news-worthy. That's it. Anyone can do it - just good luck dealing with all the subverting faggots on your own. I wasn't willing to.