EnsignPossible ago

Thanks! I think those vote manipulators (go into your account and downvote EVERYTHING you posted out of SPITE, right?) are the most obnoxious little shits. I BET their entire lives are full of vindictive little assaults on people around them who displease them in some way.

modsrcuntz ago

I don't even know what vote manipulation is.

GreenSlug ago

Ive said since before i deleted my original account sbbh is a cancer. Those faggots DONT keep the shitposting and trolling to their sub, their attitudes follow them everywhere. I have and will never understand the constant dick sucking so many people do for the big names that come from there.

Trolls ought to be hunted https://youtu.be/TLEo7H9tqSM

heygeorge ago

How is water flat if earth is round? CHECKMATE, TRANNY

Ihateyuppies ago

Bummer @9-11 wasn't banned.

Ina_Pickle ago

Smokratez was one of the few bans where the target was a 1 and himself. if you were the reason he was banned it would have listed your name and -1

ShitPostMcGee ago

Why are we banning anyone? I'm not a bitch I can handle a bit of spam and downvotes.

TRexTranny ago

Tranny @puttitout banned @smokratez because he would talk about flat earth and the trannies.

FoundingUncle ago

Thank you for the openness!

Planetoftheclown ago

aren't used in good faith, but just to shut down valid questions and shut up valid criticism.


Saturday405 ago

Voat is there only site where getting banned does not earn you a badge of honor.

BentAxel ago

I've been banned by faggots like this @andrew_jackson from subs he is a mod on because he couldn't argue his point without resorting to being a cunt who is also screaming what a travesty this is.

SO? Hypocrisy? Jews? Or just Cunts?

No one fucking cares. These salty tears are just as tasty as those faggot liberals.

Planetoftheclown ago

Wow....coming from Reddit a few weeks ago, I can't remember the last time I questioned "official" policy and not been labeled a racist, bigoted, transphobe, misogynistic asshole using his white privilege thinking he actually has the right to voice his opinion and immediately been banned from at least 4 subs I've never visited.

This feels kinda.....good.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Get used to it faggot

slowcrash101 ago

Those SPLC TMOR faggots are trying to fuck with this place? This reminds me of the tactics they use to shut down subs.

heygeorge ago

Don’t worry, I can assure you smoky is still here with other alts. Unfortunately, smoky was also my favorite personality of his.

CanadianAndProud ago

Who the fuck cares

Planetoftheclown ago

push Flat Earth ideas that might make us look like a pack of nuts

When you start banning people because of optics you fall prey to "The Advertisers".

The rest of it, sure, vote brigading sounds bad, but if someone shows me a post I really don't like and decide I want to downvote it, have I brigaded or have I spoken my mind? What criteria is Voat using there?

GreenSlug ago

The fact i dont see crensch on there is telling. Someone whonl pings dozens of people in separate comments with each comment receiving dozens of upvotes, is vote farming. Someone who targets new users and pings others to come downvote them, is downvote brigading. If ANYONE deserves the ban in these cases, thats crensch

TRexTranny ago

Mumbleberry is just as bad, also theoldguy would constantly follow each of my accounts around commenting (even tho i muted her) and downvoating. All of my accounts get heavily downvoat brigaded and uts obvious who they main ones are, but @puttitout supports the shills. They will never be punished for vote manipulation.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

He probably isn't blatent about it. Use separate IP's and you don't get caught by systems like this. If you want to catch crensch you would have to show that certain accounts that consistently voted for him and only looked at his threads/posts.

GreenSlug ago

Heres some proof.


How is that NOT vote farming?


And how is that NOT downvote brigading? On my first comment they showed up. And then every comment i made for at leastba whole day after that gor 1 or 2 downvotes slapped on it. Ill still get randomly downvoted in the middle of conversations with no explanation.

TRexTranny ago

If you think @puttitout cares about shills doing these things youre WRONG. hahha

GreenSlug ago

The only part anyone needs to see is he goes 4 or 5 comments deep, on his own comments, just pinging people, and each comment gets dozens of upvotes. Thats blatant and obvious vote farming

DayOfThePillow ago

KDs_Other_Burner - Banned

Good, this faggot was using alts to stop people with new accounts joining then following them around and downvoating their CCP into oblivion

GreenSlug ago

Exactly the the same thing crensch does

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

I'm not going to miss Sara.

Themooninthesky ago

All 47 of her

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

JEWRIPPER_9000 got banned for downvoting (Target: fuark_auf) This place is retarded.

Plant_Boy ago

I'm still here so you're all still plagued with my idiocy! Mwa ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Ina_Pickle ago

If Smokratez got the axe, then none of us are safe. We have no idea why he got the ban. Manipulation is very vague. What did he do? Downvoat cynabuns one too many times?

TRexTranny ago

@smokratez talked about the trannies. Putt is a tranny.

heygeorge ago

If smoky was the target, that means he was found to upvoting himself with alts. Although I am hoping @PuttItOut will soon lend some clarity, at least as much as possible without compromising security.

Ina_Pickle ago

thats a suck way to go out

heygeorge ago

Smoky has had many sus posts make it to the front page. This sort of narrative control manipulation is exceptionally important to combat.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

You faggots banned EdSnowden? Really? Fuck this place.

Morbo ago

Yeah, ban EdSnowden but leave the spamming faggot GhostSkin/TheAmerican/GishKnots/NiggerVirus/Jeww here to trash up the place. Fucking clown world is infesting Voat. It's a warning to us goats: conform or be cast out. And fuck that ping spamming, vote manipulating niggerfaggot Crensh too. Pining all his buddies to come vote manipulate a comment or post is worse than making alts to do it. He and his buddies are Voat's protected class I suppose, kind of like jews are IRL.

TRexTranny ago

Putt is a dumb censor happy tranny. They just pretend to love free speech but have you ever seen a place with more anti free speech rules than voat?! The ccp requirements and shilling are out of control here.

Ina_Pickle ago

I agree EdSnowden was a great user to chat with.

GeneralDisposition ago

immune system working as expected. We must accept them goy.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Cockulator....probably not "Vibatron"

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Turns out a bunch of anti-white jew lovers were using bots to upvoat themselves. Who'd have thought!

Oveass ago

@smokratez @Katharz0 banned

Interestingly there are accounts banned for vote manipulation of @Crensch @TheBuddah @Niggervirus but those main accounts didn't get hammered

NiggerVirus ago

Say what?

Vic_V ago

Uh, there are a lot of recognizable names on there. Some are some pretty old accounts and don't seem like bots.

Take a look at https://voat.co/u/Laurentius_the_pyro/submissions?page=1 for instance. And he got banned for -1 target on some complete random who made 8 submissions? https://voat.co/u/70times7

This looks really sketchy. Also banned was EdSnowden who made this post: "Putt didn't update the canary after admitting he's been contacted by a US agency" his crime? -1 target on https://voat.co/u/Broseefus_ who has made only 10 submissions.

The fuck?

TRexTranny ago

Putt has deleted multiple accounts of mine for allegedly 1 targetting MYSELF even though its impossible to upvoat your own account....hahha @puttitout is a dumb tranny

Vic_V ago

I don't think it works that way, I think that's just how it's displayed in the modlog? Was there another account? Maybe some other alt account targeted you with upvotes, in order to ban you? Be honest please.

heygeorge ago

Lol this asshole @savethechildren has been gaming Voat for years now

andrew_jackson ago

Actually, you just called it. And now I'm going to flat out say it - this is complete bullshit.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

Probably running more than 1 account from the same IP address and just targeted threads they don't like. It's really easy to catch vote manipulation when you do that. Calling it vote manipulation rather then multiple accounts makes it sound more insidious.

andrew_jackson ago

Calling it vote manipulation rather then multiple accounts makes it sound more insidious.

This is what happened with Facebook. They just ban people they find inconvenient.

BentAxel ago

I wish I was lying - OP is a Jew Hypocrite. How can you cry about censorship when you are in fact a Jew Censoring people?

CantDentTheBrent ago

Yes, he is a sad little nigger child

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

JEWRIPPER_9000 got banned for downvoting (Target: fuark_auf) This place is retarded.

Niggardly_Jew ago

I guess we need to be able to see an accounts voting history to be able to determine if this bans are legit for vote manipulation or if they are about getting rid of undesirables.

andrew_jackson ago

about getting rid of undesirables.

It's a purge, Bro.

CantDentTheBrent ago

It wasn't a very good one, you're still here.

SearchVoatBot ago

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OhRutherfordBehave ago

Interesting take. I guess LtheP was a part of the pedo crew? I don't know that's what I was told here: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3240549/18812241

What does "-1 target" mean?

kneo24 ago

The target only shows the first instance found of vote manipulation, not all of them. The "-1" means downvote. If you just see "1", it means upvote.

That person could have only engaged in vote manipulation with one account, or a bunch of accounts.

Vic_V ago

I think it means everything posted by their target, they would automatically downvote.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

So that means they only had 1 target?

Vic_V ago

Maybe there is stuff unseen. idk. it would be strange if they only had 1 target

heygeorge ago


The ‘target’ field is/can be misleading. Last time the bans went through, Puttsy explained that when the user’s own name is listed they were generally guilty of a multitude of manipulation. @Puttitout am I being accurate?

theoldones ago

laurientus the pyro was an Aged enabler.

alalzia ago

Everytime you are voting you are manipulating the vote count , i don't get how some people can be banned for -/+ 1 .

heygeorge ago

don't get how some people can be banned for -/+ 1

+1 and -1 are ‘type’ codes. They don’t mean the person made one illicit downvote.

Anam ago

It could involve systematic downvoting from the user-profile instead of voting on comments in threads. The administrators would be able to detect such behavior. Used to be a big problem on reddit where you could lose thousands of karma in the course of a few hours. The upside was imagining some triggered day-glo haired freak wasting an hour of zher's life, silently weeping while xhe stabbed at arrows on the screen.

theoldones ago

it's organized only against certain users for certain score directions. it's cheating the game with bots or alts

alalzia ago

Still some of those users have less than 2 upvotes per post or several posts and submissions with zero votes , the admin mentioned something about IP .. well there are thousands of users in my TOR exit node and some big office buildings use a single external IP .

After being here for while i and i believe others have developed certain habits like upvoting the entire front page , upvoting all the posts in some submissions or downvoting content from specific sites . I don't know man i just don't feel safe to use the arrows anymore .

kneo24 ago

One thing to keep in mind is that the ban list only shows us the first instance of vote manipulation. We don't know if there were other targets or not, and it's likely there were other targets for some of those who were banned.

Anam ago

Not just IP address. It ought to involve IP + browser fingerprint + behavior pattern over a period long enough to establish such a pattern. Maybe the admins are just flailing about in the dark, but it is still credible that they are acting on good evidence.

Ina_Pickle ago

our admins are smart, but that wpuld take some next level genius to implement correctly. there have already been instances of incorrect bans that were later reversed

Niggardly_Jew ago

I don't doubt that it can be done well, but I don't know if it was in this case.

Travisty ago

interesting, @EdSnowden didn't have the worst content, but is a name I recognized, so possible manipulation?

CatsControlTheEU ago

Some pretty big names on here...

lol, @Joe_McCarthy is gone. 'jews are not the problem'

BillyLuath ago

Joe_McCarthy gets banned on a lot of boards. Based on his posting schedule (time stamps), I was pretty sure he was more than one person.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Actually I kind of agree, I saw both Kattie and Joe posting over on poal despite being accused of being the same person. Both denied vote manipulation, and I suppose it could just be Joe lying, and posting as Kattie but would there really be a point anymore?

I've been in arguments with Joe and many of his views especially the defense of jews is widely unpopular on Voat, and he has been heavily downvoted in the past. He does not come across as someone who particularly cares about CCP.

I'm not sure how the ban system 'worked' because I have a limited knowledge of such things but I would have guessed that it maybe checked to see if some account upvoted another that was registered as belonging to the same IP or something like that. Is it not possible that Kattie and Joe...live together?

BillyLuath ago

Is it not possible that Kattie and Joe...live together?

I doubt it, I've chatted with those screen names, including live chat going back to sometime before 2012, can't remember exactl date.

Kattie claimed to live in Finland and presented a pretty good case for it, Joe claims to be in Phoenix. At first I thought he must be a bot or an invalid, because of the frequency of posting on another (now dead) forum, but on Voat I once noted he only took a 3 hour break in new posts over a 48 hour period.

That's not normal, so bot, or multiple individuals posting as one person.

CatsControlTheEU ago

That's not normal, so bot, or multiple individuals posting as one person.

He just does not seem like the kind of guy who would care about votes. I mean look at many of his submissions and comments, downvoted to shit. It just seems off to me.

I once noted he only took a 3 hour break in new posts over a 48 hour period.

If Kattie has access to Joe's account, and also upvotes Joe's account off her own account. Do you think that could trigger a false positive even though they are separate people?

BillyLuath ago

I hadn't considered that, but yes, and the different time zones would explain the almost round the clock posting.

But, then again, perhaps both of them only exist as a room full of shills, in some other part of the world posting to push the agenda.

I could never understand why a Finn (Kattie) would be so pro-jewish, pro-isreal.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Yep and he was brigading his own stuff make himself seem more credible. We need to find a real leader now for Occidental Enclave.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Food_Stamp ago

I nominate zyklon_b or whatever his username is. Dudes been calling out jew mccarthy for years.