KosherHiveKicker ago

This coming from the Kike_Fag that repeatedly accused me of personally running a squadron of downvoting_bots against him .... WITH ZERO PROOF.

@Joe_McCarthy has repeatedly threatened to ban me for this as well, and also /whined to Puttitout via PM's to specifically ask him to look into banning me as well.

The Jewish Double Standard on full fucking display.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Tu quoque much?

You celebrated because I was banned.

Your counter-accusations are even full of ridiculous errors. Obvious ones too. I'm not a Jew dumbass. There can this be no 'Jewish Double Standard' here.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Typical tricks Shlomo.



  • My simple celebration of you getting banned.

You logic is lacking.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I never actually called for you to get banned. Though I did something approaching that. I suspected and still suspect you have used a bot to downvote me. In which case you'd be in violation of the site's rules. You though were just really happy I got banned. You constantly downvote differing opinions. You're intolerant of different opinions. If I were you wouldn't be here.

Not that I'm exactly the biggest libertarian on earth... but the way I operate online is pretty tolerant and laissez faire.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Now you are lying intentionally as well?

I just lost about 30 comment points. That is now the second time I've seen a mass loss of that sort right after having this kind of discussion with @KosherHiveKicker

Interesting situation.

If the downvotes pick up again don't be surprised if we go back into private. **Also don't be terribly surprised if someone gets banned from Voat. ** -

The above is just one example specifically naming me. There are many more below.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Not sure what you're accusing me of here.

KosherHiveKicker ago

You being the "authoritarian minded individual" actually calling for someone to be banned with no proof supporting your claim, while complaining that others simply "celebrated" you being banned.

I guess you can't grasp the nuance of this admitted fact.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Again, I did not call for you to be banned. This is now like the fourth time I have told you this.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Again. For the fourth time I will ask. WHO EXACTLY where you talking about getting banned then?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I said don't be surprised if someone were banned. You were the main suspect but not the only one. Someone was most definitely mass downvoting me. Almost certainly some kind of bot activity. And quite suspiciously I got hit with scores of downvotes on two separate occasions immediately after arguing with you. Not once but twice. I think you're guilty personally but it could have been someone else. Hence someone may could be expected to get banned for that behavior. I didn't say you, after all. I said someone.

Dortex ago

Just going to leave this here:

u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt. He likes to use it to sniff his own farts. Does he get banned? No.

Guess who also cheers whenever users get banned.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Is that intended to help your position? It only highlights the Jew fixation which is the main focus of intolerance I'm referring to. SJWs are intolerant of various forms of 'bigotry'. You lot are similarly intolerant of disagreement on Jews.

WickerMan ago

No one buys your shit.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I think you're quite wrong there.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I agree with @WickerMan.

Why don't you put it to a poll and ask the rest of Voat to confirm it?

WickerMan ago

Why don't you put it to a poll and ask the rest of Voat to confirm it?

You should do this, khk. You are detail oriented and a well worded poster.

Joe_McCarthy ago

The question of whether you lot would win a poll and whether 'no one' is inclined to agree with me here are of course very different.