SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @theoldones.

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theoldones ago

FALSE, it did have an issue that says malware

I ran it through virustotal and got zero positives, but Calibre couldn't open it, despite the content appearing to have been made with Calibre.

For safety's sake, best to delete the post.

Anam ago

There was a version of Tarrant's manifesto with malware. Could that have been it?

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

I knew @70times7 was a kike-fucking shill, his alt @laurenitus_the_pyro was always trying to incite violence and trying to get voat banned. Fuck all these people.

CantDentTheBrent ago

That's a lot of banned users.

Wolfspider ago

What was the malware attempt?

theoldones ago

a suspicious book that isnt right.

shadow332 ago


kneo24 ago

I'd be other in v/occidentalenclave celebrating with @KosherHiveKicker, but I guess this suffices.

That rat kike was super obvious. "Here, let me post something I know my target audience will hate, and I will do this repeatedly."

"Guys, I want to discuss serious issues but you're all too stupid for that!"

"Oy vey, why all of the downvotes! I am such a victim!"

It's not even a clever troll since he was so serious about it all the time. It was just stupid on his part.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

A Jew doing vote manipulation with two accounts? No wayyyy!

How come all the people who piss me off turn out to be shills? My jewdar must be calibrated.

shadow332 ago

I just give these "newer" accounts the benefit of the doubt and think, okay, they might be new, from reddit, etc. You're right Dumb_Comment, I should have known better.

memememema ago

Can I come out of my cave?

albatrosv15 ago

When you visit Greatawakening sub, it says that the server certificate has expired. No other subverse does that.

Morbo ago

Calm your tits. Turn off the "Use custom CSS" in your Voat settings and it goes away. They have an image in the CSS that is hosted on an image server that has an expired certificate. The GA mods or whoever made the CSS for them caused this error by adding outside content. That outside content could be tracking you too. You're better off not having the custom CSS to prevent these sort of issues.

There is no conspiracy here.

albatrosv15 ago

That outside content could be tracking you too

There is no conspiracy here.

Morbo ago

That outside content came from the CSS creators not Voat. If there is a conspiracy, then it lands squarely on the shoulders of the GA mods. If there is tracking content, then they added it. Makes you wonder what side they are on if there is tracking happening.

albatrosv15 ago

then it lands squarely on the shoulders of the GA mods.

That's what i'm implying.

Morbo ago

Well perhaps there is conspiracy afoot. They could be using CSS images to obtain user IP addresses, sniff browser fingerprints, adding tracking cookies or other nefarious misdeeds. MolochHunter has admitted to having "an IT guy" he uses to do technical things on GA. MH is also afraid to open image links from users for fear of tracking/exposure. Perhaps, like with the Dems, MH fears image links because he is projecting his own use of images for tracking purposes onto those he believes are shills. This is starting to look interesting. The recent (and past) GA mod behavior suggests they are more than they claim/appear to be. I'd watch that group very closely and not take them on faith. They may be tools of the DS or other (((operatives))) for all we know.

DIY-Guy ago

This is one of the reasons I keep my "Enable Adult (NSFW) Content" - ░░ - (unchecked). I came here to vent / discuss not to look at that demented stuff in those subs and/or even just general / regular porn for that matter as well.

Someone was keeping the site safe from the demented stuff though. Not sure what it was exactly. Just going to take their word for it when it comes to this type of stuff.

i_scream_trucks ago

thats my only real issue with this place. if i want porn ill go look in far better places for far better porn. i have no issue with other people that want it, not my problem and im sure there is shit i like others dont want to see. so i just block the subs then i move along.

two issues with that tho, is that its the same few people starting or re-starting three or four new subs a day and spamming the same shit, so you still end up blocking a few subs a day, and the 'random NSFW subverse' button is way too close to the 'next' button when youre on a mobile phone, so again, i end up with a random porn sub from time to time in an awkward place (meh, fuckit) but i also run the risk of this fucking pedo loli shit which im not comfortable with being anywhere near my phone especially not on the train or somewhere in public.

So do you ban one kink but not another or what? And then we get into that policing shit. Maybe we need another type of tag on top of those, "Not Safe For Staying Out Of Jail" or some shit like that so fine, the fucking degenerate cunts can still have their fucking safe space but it doesnt even show up under the accidental 'random sub' click.

DIY-Guy ago

Will they use the tag though? I had the same idea myself before you posted this or a while back, but will they use said tag?

Sounds like they need to redesign the user interface for phones then. Redesigning the user interface for phones would help out there then.

NSFW / NSFL - Not safe for life? - NSFL

Not Safe For Work (NSFW) Not Safe For Life (NSFL)

All subs that fall into very sketchy if not beyond sketchy up to illegal if not illegal go into NSFL or Not Safe For Life then.

If it were me personally. I'd just remove it completely and/or entirely for the most part. Not worth risking anything for something like that. I'd be way more into freeing speech and such rather than trying to make ends meet for something like that. Speech is already under attack heavily enough and such so risking something like that just wouldn't / isn't worth it to me personally. But I'm not the Admin myself.

i_scream_trucks ago

admins can force it on a sub, mods can force it on posts within their sub. that would be my thing.

i would lean towards removing them as well but its a slippery slope. whose laws do we decide are the ones we follow? do we region lock? youre absolutely right about the tags we have. but we have shit that some people just plain dont want to fucking see of various tastes, and then other things that are just flat out illegal, for debateable reasons for some places (like the whole gun sales/parts thing) or the obvious (fucking pedophiles)

lots of bullshit goes on here but overall the really nasty shit does get publically outed and not supported so no one can pretend that it is in anyway a 100% organised army of subversives hell bent on defending the indefensible.

Anam ago

I just systematically blocked the porn and the pervert stuff by hand. There is some valid material that is marked NSFW.

Reverse-Flash ago hand.

You sick faggot.

DIY-Guy ago

True you can always do just that, but I don't want to hassle with that all the time.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Who could have possibly thought that some nice, totally innocent, pedophiles would turn out to be the highest degree of degenerate scum that would engage in vote manipulation and the spreading of malware?

I am flabbergasted. What a shock.

shadow332 ago

This is the greatest news I've heard all day. There are so many assholes on that ban list, I didn't even realize that was some group working together but now it makes sense. Every one of those accounts was posting either subversive kike shit or pedo/porn garbage. Thanks @theoldones, you just made my week!

TheGrandMaster ago

Yeah holy shit you're not kidding, there's a bunch I recognize. It's interesting to see who they're targeting too.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Who was banned?

Reverse-Flash ago









Personally, I think we missed one of his accounts.

theoldones ago

IT'S u/OhRutherfordBehave!

this user just attempted to point and fire me at gabara

Reverse-Flash ago

It can't be him, that would be too obvious. Apparently he is being framed by the real perp. Poor bastard, he's probably clutching a bottle of gin and a pack of smokes right now. I hope he doesn't try to smoke the gin.

theoldones ago

Intrixina ago

Wow, SHIVASHIVASHIVA and his spam about gypsy sub saharan cannibals, and calling everyone "babes" (and his alts) are on that list. I always thought something was weird about that guy.

Ina_Pickle ago

finally! that indian asshole had a dozen alts at the very least and thought it was okay to use his alt army to brigade anyone who called him out on his bullshit.

Locked_Account ago

ruck_feddit OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE BITCH

Helbrecht ago

Who's gonna patriotically write patriot every third patriot word now, patriot? Patriot!

Locked_Account ago

I put on my YMCA Indian Guide feather, woo-woo-woo with one hand on my mouth and a tomahawk in the other.

Anam ago

I put on my smirk and MAGA hat. BTFO!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Who was the known pedo and who was the pedo crew? Any specific subverses?

theoldones ago

the pedo was fuark

relevent names i can list from my encounters in the banlogs are:

Obrez Vote Manipulation (Target: Decidueye, Type: 1)

Laurentius_the_pyro Vote Manipulation (Target: 70times7, Type: -1)

Inaminit Vote Manipulation (Target: BrokenCanary, Type: -1)

Decidueye Vote Manipulation (Target: Dortex, Type: 1)

SphericalHorse Vote Manipulation (Target: Blapta, Type: 1)

h8grenade Vote Manipulation (Target: Dortex, Type: 1)

Maggotbait88 Vote Manipulation (Target: Maggotbait88, Type: 1)

fuark_auf Vote Manipulation (Target: fuark_auf, Type: 1)

Phantom42 ago

Revelations got the boot too. I never saw anything suspicious from him though. Feel free to correct me.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @OhRutherfordBehave.

Posted automatically (#42111) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

These were people you were familiar with or people known to post cp?

theoldones ago

several pedos or pedo enablers who banded together to brigade pedo-hunters, which has included me

Maltherian1 ago

I supported your war against aged in gaming. Fuck that guy

Croat_Goat ago

And yet Aged is still walking the streets of voat.

andrew_jackson ago

Gee, wonder why management is so afraid to ban Aged?

Astroqualia ago

Because he probably is a government pedo hunter.

Anam ago

Not surprising. Look what happened to Seth Rich...

larryhuston ago

he has his pedo buddies do his up/down vote brigading

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ooh, joe mccarthy got the ax, probably the biggest name on that list. I always knew that dude was an obvious shill.

Rellik88 ago

Holy shit, so who gets his subverse?

WilliamCutting ago

What did he get banned for?

Hebrew-Virus ago

Extreme faggotry.

albatrosv15 ago

Yeah he was obvious.