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Vic_V ago

Uh, there are a lot of recognizable names on there. Some are some pretty old accounts and don't seem like bots.

Take a look at for instance. And he got banned for -1 target on some complete random who made 8 submissions?

This looks really sketchy. Also banned was EdSnowden who made this post: "Putt didn't update the canary after admitting he's been contacted by a US agency" his crime? -1 target on who has made only 10 submissions.

The fuck?

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Interesting take. I guess LtheP was a part of the pedo crew? I don't know that's what I was told here:

What does "-1 target" mean?

kneo24 ago

The target only shows the first instance found of vote manipulation, not all of them. The "-1" means downvote. If you just see "1", it means upvote.

That person could have only engaged in vote manipulation with one account, or a bunch of accounts.

Vic_V ago

I think it means everything posted by their target, they would automatically downvote.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

So that means they only had 1 target?

Vic_V ago

Maybe there is stuff unseen. idk. it would be strange if they only had 1 target

heygeorge ago


The ‘target’ field is/can be misleading. Last time the bans went through, Puttsy explained that when the user’s own name is listed they were generally guilty of a multitude of manipulation. @Puttitout am I being accurate?

theoldones ago

laurientus the pyro was an Aged enabler.

alalzia ago

Everytime you are voting you are manipulating the vote count , i don't get how some people can be banned for -/+ 1 .

heygeorge ago

don't get how some people can be banned for -/+ 1

+1 and -1 are ‘type’ codes. They don’t mean the person made one illicit downvote.

Anam ago

It could involve systematic downvoting from the user-profile instead of voting on comments in threads. The administrators would be able to detect such behavior. Used to be a big problem on reddit where you could lose thousands of karma in the course of a few hours. The upside was imagining some triggered day-glo haired freak wasting an hour of zher's life, silently weeping while xhe stabbed at arrows on the screen.

theoldones ago

it's organized only against certain users for certain score directions. it's cheating the game with bots or alts

alalzia ago

Still some of those users have less than 2 upvotes per post or several posts and submissions with zero votes , the admin mentioned something about IP .. well there are thousands of users in my TOR exit node and some big office buildings use a single external IP .

After being here for while i and i believe others have developed certain habits like upvoting the entire front page , upvoting all the posts in some submissions or downvoting content from specific sites . I don't know man i just don't feel safe to use the arrows anymore .

kneo24 ago

One thing to keep in mind is that the ban list only shows us the first instance of vote manipulation. We don't know if there were other targets or not, and it's likely there were other targets for some of those who were banned.

Anam ago

Not just IP address. It ought to involve IP + browser fingerprint + behavior pattern over a period long enough to establish such a pattern. Maybe the admins are just flailing about in the dark, but it is still credible that they are acting on good evidence.

Ina_Pickle ago

our admins are smart, but that wpuld take some next level genius to implement correctly. there have already been instances of incorrect bans that were later reversed

Niggardly_Jew ago

I don't doubt that it can be done well, but I don't know if it was in this case.