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CouldBeTrump ago

OP context:

Pippa van Rechteren, left, and her two-year-old twins are blocked from leaving their house on the white-owned commercial farm, Chiripiro, by Zimbabwe war veterans in Centenary district, north of Harare, March 29, 2000. (AP) (

Another photo:

s4mhide ago

2000 Whats the chance they are still alive?

CouldBeTrump ago

She lost the farm but she was still alive and talking about it in October 2012.

Pippa van Rechteren who lost her farm north of Harare 12 years ago [from October 2012] insisted that the facts irrefutable: “As part of a group of ex Zimbabwean farmers, my husband and I fought and won a landmark legal ruling entitling us to compensation for the loss of our land, property and livelihoods. The court ruling of 2009 remains unsettled and we are asking the UK Government, EU and others to do all they can to ensure the Government of Zimbabwe end our ordeal and our battle for justice.“ (

s4mhide ago

Thanks for the reply.

CouldBeTrump ago

You're welcome.

a11en ago

I find it interesting they cropped out the Axe (I assume) in the upper right of the image- they couldn't chop out the more traditional axe the fellow in the middle is holding. Interesting that they're playing music and brandishing weapons at the same time. Perhaps it's a sport to them.

Proveitorloseit ago

In Liberia they call the sound of gunfire music.

It is a sport to them.