CouldBeTrump ago

13 singing protesters at the gate, but how many police and government soldiers in Harare? This photo was taken in year 2000, 20 years after the Bush War had been lost: the van Rechteren family had been farming in an occupied country for a generation.

CouldBeTrump ago

I'm sure a white shooting black high-profile singing protesters in front of cameras in Mugabe's Zimbabwe would have gone over really well.

boekanier ago

The dog (good boy) isn't afraid of those feral niggers.

Manapotion ago

That would be a lot of dead monkeys at my fence if they harassed my kids.

Civil_Warrior ago

That dog has his tail between his legs...

13445123751 ago

Look at this oppressed bunch of doctors and engineers just waiting to graciously enrich the culture of this diabolical white woman and her daugther

jthun2 ago

except the dog has its tail between its legs and ears back

an aggressive dog has ears forward and tail up

i've owned a ridgeback. Good dog, very protective. This one looks scared.

NosebergShekelman ago

This racist shiksa should've opened the gate and fed these poor African men as part of reparations oy vey.

saimne ago

Disgusting animals. Why does anyone believe that they're capable of rational thought? You can see the inner chimp shine right on through in that photo.

Wynterwhisper ago

Why not a homogeneously white country instead?

whiteshower ago

I hate niggers. They are worse than animals.

jimibulgin ago

3 are needed at an absolute bare minimum


1 kid is mommy & daddy's little angel.

2 kids are mommy & daddy's little angels with the young emulating the older on every little thing and the older resenting the younger.

3 kids starts to even the playing field. Now they are just "the kids" and the older once starts helping (to an extent) take care of the baby. they can generally share clothes and rooms so additional kids don't get any more expensive on a 'per kid' basis.

4 kids and they are definitely just "the kids" and they plot with and among each other. This is were the real family begins. There are too many of them for the parent to interfere with there lives. There are too many of them for other kids to interfere with there lives. They always have each others back (when they are not stabbing each other in the back, but the is the parents job to teach). When they are adults family gathering actually mean something and require better planning. This is a FAMILY. Brothers have brothers AND sisters, sisters have brothers AND sisters (usually). Everyone except the first and last has older siblings and younger siblings and can interact with people of different ages and levels of maturity. It is great for their development

5+ kids is just a more chaotic extension of 4 kids.

Maybe ~10 could be considered "too many", but who am I to judge?

You should strive for like 4 or 5 kids, but 3 at "the absolute minimum".

Proveitorloseit ago

Was going to go with 3 but changed it to give leeway

Regarding pets, I completely disagree. My boys love the dogs we have, and we intend to get more animals (I own a horse but my son's need to learn to ride on a smaller animal)

Having animals teaches children responsibility, how to care for another being.

Sure, a toddler shouldn't be around a large animal alone for long, but to say they're too dirty to be around is just silly. Kids need dirt in their lives.

Also, children are quite self sufficient if given the chance. They don't need constant coddling, that's how you get a leftist.

Nobody is suggesting you strap your baby to a pitbull's back and let it run the child's life ffs.

Bobtheviolent ago

"Kids need dirt in their lives" so much this. Exposure increases immunity

Proveitorloseit ago


Proveitorloseit ago


You get a dog to protect your family

The ideal American family is

1 father, 1 mother, 2 or more kids, and a dog.

Just because leftists try to replace children with dogs doesn't mean we should just start hating dogs.

They are great companions and family members, and kids love them.

Aleste2 ago

Buy an AK and open fire.

LogicalLobster ago

I had a Rhodesian Ridgeback growing up, her name was Kunta. Outside of the four of us, only a handful of people could go near her- she was completely vicious to anyone else. She had to be chained up when company was over. Great guard dog for a woman who was alone with her kids. Always wanted to get another one some day.

version7 ago


CouldBeTrump ago

Zimbabwe, year 2000.

Shotinthedark ago

Are they too dumb to go around the fence?

CouldBeTrump ago

They're not trying to get in, they're just harassing the whites and preventing them from leaving while Mugabe's government finalized land confiscation.

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

That dog is pretty intimidated. Looks like he is ready to run.

hang_em_high ago

Yep. Every last one of them.

SkippyMcSkipperson ago

They will be starving and waterless a month after whites leave

invisiblephrend ago

lol already happened. zimbabwe literally begged white farmers to come back after they pushed them all out.

LightningAndTheSun ago

Not to mention what happened with Haiti.

uvulectomy ago

Didn't the first white farmer to come back after Mugabe left not only get his original farm back, but even more land, massive tax breaks, and basically have the new administration sucking his dick?

zeroexit ago

a big trench with spikes covered with leave is more then enough tech to deal with these people.

Proveitorloseit ago

Mimicking gook tactics now are we?

FridayJones ago

Worked on us all too well.

lord_nougat ago

An even bigger trench with spikes covered with stay will keep them permanently!

Saltyhymen ago

Goddamn I hate niggers so much.

THEx1138 ago

My neighborhood is starting to get this way.

lord_nougat ago

You'd better go on some rampages.

[in meinkrafft].

CouldBeTrump ago

OP context:

Pippa van Rechteren, left, and her two-year-old twins are blocked from leaving their house on the white-owned commercial farm, Chiripiro, by Zimbabwe war veterans in Centenary district, north of Harare, March 29, 2000. (AP) (

Another photo:

s4mhide ago

2000 Whats the chance they are still alive?

CouldBeTrump ago

She lost the farm but she was still alive and talking about it in October 2012.

Pippa van Rechteren who lost her farm north of Harare 12 years ago [from October 2012] insisted that the facts irrefutable: “As part of a group of ex Zimbabwean farmers, my husband and I fought and won a landmark legal ruling entitling us to compensation for the loss of our land, property and livelihoods. The court ruling of 2009 remains unsettled and we are asking the UK Government, EU and others to do all they can to ensure the Government of Zimbabwe end our ordeal and our battle for justice.“ (

s4mhide ago

Thanks for the reply.

CouldBeTrump ago

You're welcome.

a11en ago

I find it interesting they cropped out the Axe (I assume) in the upper right of the image- they couldn't chop out the more traditional axe the fellow in the middle is holding. Interesting that they're playing music and brandishing weapons at the same time. Perhaps it's a sport to them.

Proveitorloseit ago

In Liberia they call the sound of gunfire music.

It is a sport to them.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Lol. My house, my rules.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

That dog knows what a nigger is.

RustyEquipment ago

would a pitbull defense be acceptable here?

of course the stats for pits killing humans wouldnt increase very much... cause those are zooooombies... zoom vroom

lettersofmarque ago

You should click. I didn't want to either but it's a decent write up, surprisingly. Sickening what they did to that country.

Crackrocknigga ago

All those big tough niggers and none brave enough to pop that lock and face even one dog. Fucking cowards.

CouldBeTrump ago

Their government was already in the process of evicting the dog, why would they go in there themselves?

nukeclear ago


lettersofmarque ago

We just need to pull the joos off the afrikaners and turn them loose. They can take care of themselves when not hampered by parasites.

Skins ago

Why not both?

lettersofmarque ago

Take an online street view tour of any suburb in south africa, NOT the city, in the suburbs. Every single white residence has a fence, wall, and gate with razor wire or spears on top. What does that tell you about life in the SA?

getshanked ago

I had a Boer friend in university who said the thief niggers in SA are so stupid they will return to the same neighborhood for several consecutive nights. I can’t remember if it’s just a saying or if he knew someone who did this, but he said all dead intruders are buried at 45’, because when they’re laying down they’re breeding and when they’re standing up they’re stealing.

Proveitorloseit ago

Filthy orcses

nukeclear ago

Whites in SA should just leave and help whiten up the west even if just a little bit. South Africa started going to shit right after apartheid ended.

LightningAndTheSun ago

yes goy, keep running

idiot, there is nowhere left to go, there is nowhere left to run. It's high time to stand and fight.

Bobtheviolent ago

It's not running to regroup when facing astronomical numbers

nukeclear ago

still very white areas in the US (if you took out like 5 states the US is back to 70% white), still very white european cities that aren't cucked yet. for now there's still places left.

lettersofmarque ago

there is nowhere left to go

This is what I'm writing on my flack vest in sharpie when the time comes.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

I should get a dog.

cosMICjester ago

FUCKING savage primitive angry apes

Prussian ago

Correct. It is Rhodesia in the 80s.

Lundynne ago

Off by 20 years mate. This picture was taken in 2000

nukeclear ago

Why do you niggers make shit up? It’s from Zimbabwe.

trevmon ago

cecil rhodes = was based

but they give rhodes scholarships to cucks now

zxcvzxcv ago

At least one of those nogs came armed.

lexsird ago

Shoot him first. Then anyone who tries to pick up the gun. Then the fast runners first.

MyNameIsMud ago

I would love to see my 100lb Rhodesian Ridgeback fuck up some niggers!

FH_Rileys_MaitreD ago

They need 2 or 3 more

nothingoriginal ago

But whatever you do, goy, do NOT enact your own strong constitution. The many jews who dogpile this comment will be very angry that you become strong, wealthy, and fruitful overnight.

Sosacms ago

Here I'm thinking....Do not let them get that close to your women and children...

VicariousJambi ago

Here I'm thinking "rack your shotgun and tell them to fuck off" before they all chimp out and try to rape those kids.

TheKalergiFan ago

Shotgun only holds 5 rounds

CouldBeTrump ago

Depends on the shotgun, but your point is still valid.

TheKalergiFan ago

There's only one pump shotgun that holds 20 rounds and I'm sure he's not talking about a keltec

CouldBeTrump ago

>not carrying competition speed load tubes around your farm

goblin_ghost ago

Here I am thinking "it's not a good idea to engage a mob of 14+(that I counted in frame) wild animals armed with melee weapons with a tube magazine-fed weapon that holds no more than 7 rounds."

Shotguns are for fudds.

CouldBeTrump ago

Which seven do you think are the seven Bantu willing to get shot?

goblin_ghost ago

That's like asking "Which seven of this pack of coyotes are willing to get shot?"

My bet here isn't that they're smart enough to judge the situation as tactically achievable and mount a response, it's that they're too dumb to break off attack in the face of overwhelming damage. Then the seven rounds (six when you account for the one lost by either keeping an open chamber or ejecting the chambered shell for intimidation purposes) are gone and you're still facing 8+ feral animals with nothing but a shotgun-shaped club and a pissed off Ridgeback between them and your children being turned into smoldering broken corpses.

CouldBeTrump ago

Coyotes moght not be the best example to support your views: last time I was surrounded by coyotes at night, I took a potshot with a subcompact 9mm and they all scattered.

goblin_ghost ago

Good point. We'll adjust for continent and say hyenas.

VicariousJambi ago

You assume niggers are intelligent enough to realize that and wont simply scatter.

getshanked ago


CouldBeTrump ago

It's not as old as people think:

Pippa van Rechteren, left, and her two-year-old twins are blocked from leaving their house on the white-owned commercial farm, Chiripiro, by Zimbabwe war veterans in Centenary district, north of Harare, March 29, 2000. (AP) (

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


CognitiveDissident5 ago

A very old picture from Zim

based80 ago

A family that has a farm and is holding out in South Africa.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

no it's not - it's a very old picture from Zim

getshanked ago

I gathered that. I was hoping for more details than that.

CouldBeTrump ago

She's calm because they were just singing songs of protest while the government finalized the land confiscation in year 2000. They're not trying to break through the gate or hurt her physically, they're just blocking her from leaving while being loud and annoying (or maybe they could actually sing well, who knows).

vastrightwing ago

Why do I think of the walking dead?

vtusr2 ago

It's possible black people are easy to "control".

Proveitorloseit ago

You're worried about them having omniscience.

The god machine is what you're looking for.

How does it work? It is fueled by minda.

Memes are alive.

MrTotenkopf ago

Always remember to set up directional, controlled explosives near the base perimeter.

CaucasianSlavery ago

And if you have claymores sometimes it’s best to not have them in series in case one will do the job.

TopTierCIAShill ago


Goys-R-Us ago

Minecraft meh.

gazillions ago

Kick out every Bantu immigrant and get borders set up to keep invaders out. Shoot on sight every border jumper like a normal fucking country.