DIY-Guy ago

Don't feed them - don't feed the people and/or don't feed the trolls (which they can be in many situations).

Goys-R-Us ago

Hmm, I wonder which post you're thinking about.

GutterTrash ago

Good luck ignoring all this shit when it has penetrated just about every facet online. I just wanted to play games and watch videos, now they are all hell bent on getting woke and fucking it up. What else is there to do? I have decided to pick up woke-resistant hobbies and so far it has yet to fill in the void of the other stuff.

DHmountainbiking ago

Lift weights

JohnnyLaRue ago

Don't tell me what to do you fag. Kill yourself

DHmountainbiking ago

But you just told me what to do

Omnidempotent ago

It is not about entertainment.

BeetleLord ago

Voat is a unique hub of free speech on the internet. Free speech is essential to the preservation of a society worth living in. "For entertainment" is an utterly fucking stupid and limited outlook.

DHmountainbiking ago

So you're not here because you find it entertaining?

BeetleLord ago

No. In fact 80-90% of the stuff that one reads here should be upsetting and off-putting. It's a litany of everything that's wrong with society. A record of a society in collapse. What sort of agenda are you shilling for? Or is it just a bad case of millennial ironic detachment syndrome?

DHmountainbiking ago

I'm a boomer. The only person I shill for is Q.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Many of those "attack posts" are goats sniffing out JIDF, ShareBlue, CTR, and others. These organizations are after one thing, to destroy this site, like they destroy nations and societies.

I personally applaud those that take matters into their own hands and use their God gifted talents to Secure A Place For Our People.

Sitting around doing nothing about the infestation of the degenerate Jews and their lapdogs is precisely the reason Sweden has fallen. Followed closely by Germany, France, and other EU nations.

Freedom of speech is what it's about. Contrary to how it sounds it is not free, and it must be protected at all cost.

DHmountainbiking ago

What good do you think it does though? Everyone here has known that Z is a shitposter. Do you think it's going to make him go away?

Armpit_and_Ass ago

>basic bitch life advice
>armchair psychology
>just ignore them!
>disclaimer to make sure no one gets offended

DHmountainbiking ago

Case in point. I own your emotions

Omnidempotent ago

You think pizzagate investigations are done for more entertainment? Not everything is about pleasure. Sometimes (and I know this is hard for you to understand) people unironically care about things (such as CHILDREN) and will dedicate precious time from their lives not because it entertains them but because it is important, significant, and meaningful.

Zoldam ago

There is fewer dumb people here.

ooberlu ago

Crensch's last 2 posts are going to go down as "That one time Crensch put together a 10,000+ essay on an internet profile going by the name Zyklon_b"

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

A voice of reason! ATTACK!

ratsmack ago

This is a gross understatement.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Spending everyday on the net is probably what is not healthy. Saying this is all just entertainment or has no real impact on thought processes is just bullshit though. Some people are on the internet for things other than just trivialities.

DHmountainbiking ago

It's ridiculous to say that this site is for anything other than entertainment. Now that doesn't mean that you cannot learn things here, share ideas or spread information. Everyone on voat is on voat because it entertains them.

Omnidempotent ago

Stop projecting your limited consumerist worldview on the rest of us.

DHmountainbiking ago

No I will not

Omnidempotent ago

At least you admit it

Joe_McCarthy ago

Effectively Voat is a space for Jew hating fringers, violent racists, paranoid anti-government activists and similar sorts. You make this place sound like a Britney Spears fan site.

Rotteuxx ago

Oy to the Vey !

AR47 ago

Look at how often some people post or are active within the site.

These are the people that feel a responsibility for sites such as this. ZB has mentioned his disability a few times so it makes sense he is here so often. Then again first time I spoke with him he said he was some kid and his dad was atf so who knows right?

Everything is an emergency to those here is all. Everyone within that circle preys on drama and urgency. It’s how they attract others to the cause.

DHmountainbiking ago

It just makes me laugh because I'm getting a lot of people saying that it's because these people seek truth. Getting butthurt because someone says something you don't like and then spending hours researching them is pointless and accomplishes nothing. The only thing it does exist gives that person complete power and control over you, they are controlling your emotions, they're controlling your time oh, they are controlling your thoughts. It's a weakness and a waste of energy and focus. It's also a losing battle of because people like the guy he was talking about will always be here and the best thing you can do to fight them is just ignore them.

AR47 ago

I won’t deny that because I used to be the one searching for who a person was and how I ca get the better of them.

It is pointless really and so time consuming. Holy shit the time I spent was crazy, but was on disability at the time and really just needed something to do.

Now I just watch and laugh.

Even got asked by C if it was ZB that doxxed me last year and such. Really don’t know if it was them and don’t care as it didn’t really effect me much, save getting the ATF to knock on my door and talk to the neighbors.

DHmountainbiking ago

How exactly did they dox you?

AR47 ago

I made it pretty easy really.

Thing was is that I made a subverse called diyguns and was very very detailed in my methods of making them. I mill out 80% lowers and wasn’t shy how to do it either.

Well in doing that of course the spergs come out and I got a few messages from people asking me to make them a firearm to which I always denied saying it was a felony.

Then the emails started and that was when they used the ATF to launch an investigation.

So I killed the name and lost my shit. Demodded myself from all the subs first and then erased my history.

DHmountainbiking ago

That sucks and that's really crappy someone did that to you.

zyklon_b ago

he told me his drone footage got him busted and he ratted and is still snitchin

AR47 ago

Meh part and parcel of this site really.

I learned my lesson and decided not to care as much. Don’t get me wrong in that I do treasure this place, but many people here just want to use it for their own playground because they are bored and they think this is a good use of their time.

DHmountainbiking ago

I didn't know there was ever a mystery with him. Hes a shit poster plain and simple from what I've seen.

0rion ago

I think you are a massive faggot.

That's the beauty of Voat, a difference of opinions are allowed here

DHmountainbiking ago

And you are entitled to your opinion

lexsird ago

What kind of faggot are you OP? Hmmm? This is really a chickenshit, backstabbing, nigger kike, WOMAN LIKE attack on @Crensch. Too big of a fag to confront him personally? Or is this another fucking shell account by whoever he was in the ass of earlier? Hmm.

Go. Fuck. Yourself.


zyklon_b ago

kill your self

lexsird ago

no u

zyklon_b ago

post more gore and porn and loli un GA

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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zyklon_b ago

post more gore and porn and loli un GA you pedo bitch

lexsird ago

That's a proper faggot nigger bitch. This is why fags like you lip off here. You'd get broke in half in real life.

zyklon_b ago

sure thing keyboard tough guy...aka weak ass impotent bitch

DHmountainbiking ago

I'm not attacking your boyfriend calm down. I'm not even solely speaking about him because I see posts like that all the time. Again you're obviously one of those weak minded individuals that gets too emotionally involved in stupid things like internet forums. Look at the way I've owned your feelings

lexsird ago

Listen this pretentious dickbag of shit. Go fuck off back to reddit fag.

DHmountainbiking ago

Case in point, are you African-American by chance? Just asking because of the poor control over your emotions

lexsird ago

Are you a homo by chance? You keep asking the gayest questions.

DHmountainbiking ago

No, sorry.

gnaardog ago

there's a culture war on kike

Blehblehbleh73 ago

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words send me spiraling into a crippling depression."

DHmountainbiking ago

Apparently for some of these people!

Bfwilley ago

ignor, report if needed, block or ban - Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

DHmountainbiking ago


FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Hey guys don't take the internet so seriously! I mean, yeah you are being demographically replaced and your values and cultures are eroding, but you don't want to be one of those guys who "cares" about his people. Just go consume popular media and drink your coke and enjoy the decline. Right goyim? I mean friends.

Omnidempotent ago

but you don't want to be one of those guys who "cares" about his people

This is called "ironic detachment" and is one of the symptoms of postmodernist thinking.

DHmountainbiking ago

How does any of that have anything to do with someone upsetting you on voat?

gonight ago


CapinBoredface ago

shit it down

Neskuaxa ago

I come here to shitpost and get redpilled in the process.

Chiefpacman ago

That's just crensch. The only reason he is here is to start beef and create witch hunts. That is his entertainment, trying to garnish some kind of respect

Everyone else is generally pretty chill.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ya i defend my self and probably take it to far sometimes, but none of it really bothers me.


All censor faggots should fuck off.

zyklon_b ago

@crensch got cucked by @srayzie and is trying to deflect from the fact that q is a kike psyop and he is promoting israel

Rotteuxx ago

I've been thinking the same thing since he went after... wtf was his name, the guy who was always trolling Qtards and "left for work" for a while.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.

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TheBuddha ago


Rotteuxx ago

Thank you, your geezer memory always surprises me !

TheBuddha ago

Booger plays guitar. [redacted]

AR47 ago

Pretty much went after anyone within a higher standing then they were. The sheer amount of emotion and vengeance used with C tells me they are a woman.

Just a thought.

Rotteuxx ago

A very interesting thought nonetheless... I thought the post was white knight fuelled, incels can get emotional when defending their waifus.

AR47 ago

The day that everyone came to help me of voat was the day I got to know more than a couple people.

You were one that did help me, and you sent me cool ass shit even before that (the keychains) and you I know as far as intent and methods.

The drama types that only wish to connect via strife and shit stirring......well I always have suspicions.


VoatContainmentGuard ago

Maybe....just maybe....Crensch is Srayzie? IMA poet

Rotteuxx ago

Well that would mean he/she's a trained professional because both those users have diametrically opposed writing styles.

jsac ago

shut up scumbag niger jew.. you have been outed.. go slink off and change your name AGAIN.

zyklon_b ago

rent free i kilt u

Native ago

Oi does the j In your name stand for Jew Sac?

Ha ha ha ha aha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha

zyklon_b ago

j mean gay

muffalettadiver ago

I would NEVER

offed ago

This place is for entertainment


Libtardscum ago

This is all satire

DHmountainbiking ago

Is it not? What is it then?

bb22 ago

No, you’re right, boomer. Everything here, like life in general, exists solely for your personal amusement.

DHmountainbiking ago

Okay typical liberal, putting words in my mouth. Crazy I don't remember the part where I said everything in general is for amusement but I guess I must have said that huh?

bb22 ago

Yes, liberals are the worst, boomer. Tell me more about those damn Democrats! Oh hell, it’s awful. Just don’t say anything racist now!

DHmountainbiking ago

Do you even follow Q?

bb22 ago

“We’re saving Israel for last.” Hurts doesn’t it boomer?

DHmountainbiking ago

That I have to wait until last, yes

bb22 ago

This all ends in rapture for you huh Jew boy?

Omnidempotent ago

Imagine seeing the world as nothing but entertainment. Everything stripped of its meaning and significance and packaged as a mere artifact to be consumed. All in order to provide precious feels for your vapid, empty soul. How depressing.

DHmountainbiking ago

Oh I totally agree anyone that sees everything is entertainment has no passion.

Omnidempotent ago

And yet

ratsmack ago

Voat has different meaning for everyone... unfortunately for some, it seems to define their very being.

DHmountainbiking ago

It's very unfortunate

Omnidempotent ago

Spreading the truth.

ruck_feddit ago

Voat is both and even more. Enjoy your work and you'll never work a day.

BordelonLoop ago

i think it's more of a community, not mere entertainment. though the humor and information here is fantastic. if there is a cancer in the body, it is a good thing to know.

offed ago

It must be because I laugh a lot at posts here

Sheeitpost ago

Discussing mountain biking and appearing to appeal to reason and not understanding information aggregators.

DHmountainbiking ago

To me it seems more like someone seriously got to him emotionally and he was dead set on taking out revenge. The problem with that is you have let someone control your emotions. If you're allowing someone to do that to you over the internet it is not healthy for your mind.

zyklon_b ago

i live in @crensch head rent free due to fact i exposed he was incel cuck supporting q so he thinks he has a chance to fuck @srayzie .. if not then why he adamantly support q and trump and his pro israel rhetoric??

DHmountainbiking ago

Is she hot?

zyklon_b ago

of course

DHmountainbiking ago


zyklon_b ago

no she aint hot like that hot like its summer time

DHmountainbiking ago

Did you start yet God damnit?

zyklon_b ago


IamAserialKiller ago

True true

SeaSaltStan ago

All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing

DHmountainbiking ago

Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you. This is an internet forum and all's it is as words.

fr33europe ago

^This is on my top ten of stupidest things i've ever read online. Spelling and poor grammar aside, why do you think reciting inane childhood bullshit is worth anything?

DHmountainbiking ago

Case in point. Look at how emotional you are over a silly post. I think you need an internet timeout

fr33europe ago

Me too, I want to go fishing

DHmountainbiking ago

That would probably be really good for you

PuttItOut ago

This is only true for those that seek truth.

AR47 ago

All this serious shit boss?

Hey what kinda weapons you have? When I mentioned awhile back that I mill out my own recivers you said we gotta talk?

I am planning a new one soon myself. Going to do a 7.62x39 pistol with a 10.5 inch barrel.

DHmountainbiking ago

How is getting upset over something someone says on voat related to seeking truth?

Chiefpacman ago

You - "words cannot hurt me"

Putt - "This is only true/applicable to those that want to know the truth.

He is agreeing with you, I think he's saying that those of us that really want to understand what's really going on, don't mind being disagreed with. We do not mind being insulted or belittled, if we can still gain new insight/information from the speaker

DHmountainbiking ago

Yep I misinterpreted what he said. I thought he was saying that people were getting upset because they were seeking truth..... that's why I didn't understand @puttitout