think- ago

I am crossposting my comment I left on the v/news submission you linked -

So, in 2017, Strache was set-up to make incriminating statements regarding the FPÖ's methods of obtaining donations and potentially getting around regulations against illegal campaign donations, e.g. from abroad.

He was set up, but from what he said you can see that he is corrupt. End of story.

He offered the 'Russian' lady access to public contracts, if she would buy one of the leading national newspapers, and help his party with an election campaign.

This is corruption.

If he would have been a decent man, they wouldn't have been able to set him up.

He, too, is part of a swamp.

Scroobius ago

You're right. The swamp is deep. But, when the left does the same actions nobody is there to film it. People on the right have to be that much more righteous because they are going to be held accountable for their actions.

think- ago

I don't agree. I'm a Pizzagater, and we've been really giving the Dems a hard time.

What he did sucks, because from what I've read, the new Austrian government really implemented some great policies.

Please take into consideration that corruption is the breeding ground for organized crime, and elite pedophilia.

It undermines democracy.

SubhumanDeplorable ago

Stupid man. Kickbacks<dont be a greedy weasel.

nothingoriginal ago

Use the opportunity to clean house since power may be at hand.

Scroobius ago

Here is a post in v/news that better sums it all up " AUSTRIA: sting op against Vice Chancellor Strache (Conservative-Right Party FPÖ), resignation, Generation Identity and a Christchurch link"