SearchVoatBot ago

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Scroobius ago

Very solid post. Was gonna make one about it but you did far better than I ever could.

Iornukrum ago

Thanks. Every once in a while I put all my energy into one post. Feel free to add and correct info.

Scroobius ago

I made a post in whatever and Im gonna link your post in the comments

think- ago

So, in 2017, Strache was set-up to make incriminating statements regarding the FPÖ's methods of obtaining donations and potentially getting around regulations against illegal campaign donations, e.g. from abroad.

He was set up, but from what he said you can see that he is corrupt. End of story.

He offered the 'Russian' lady access to public contracts, if she would buy one of the leading national newspapers, and help his party with an election campaign.

This is corruption.

If he would have been a decent man, they wouldn't have been able to set him up.

He, too, is part of a swamp, although it's not the globalist swamp.

Iornukrum ago

Agree with you, but I have no skin in the game anyway. Change will not come through political parties, because all parties just cement the system, perpetuating corruption, which is a feature of it.

bilog78 ago

For being someone with no skin in the game, you sure spent a lot of time preparing this submission.

I wish more voat submissions on the topic were to the tone /u/think-'s comment rather than trying to reframe this sting operation by making a victim of Strache. Seriously, the only relevant information here is that Stracher got caught in a sting of operation, and he got caught in a sting operation because he was willing to sell his country for money and power.

That's the only important thing. Just because he was allegedly on our side, there's nothing to downplay or sideplay here. He was corrupt and a potential traitor. He got caught. Good riddance.

But that's not what's going to happen on Voat, is it? On Voat, we need to divert attention from the corruption and the filth in the conservatives and nationalists, and pretend that it's all about the conspiracy on the other side, because that's the only defence we're going to have when they'll get to the really big fish, and voaters must not realize that they got stringed along for years, they got played as puppets, with the pretense that the rich and the powerful give a shit about their ideals and aren't there just to get even more rich and more powerful at their expenses.

think- ago

Thanks for this comment.

bilog78 ago

You're welcome, but I should really be the one thanking you. I've mostly lost hope (and interest) in Voat because of how much it has been flooded by one-side and acritical posting and commentary, so it's really refreshing seeing that there's still level-headed people able to exert the necessary critical thinking.

think- ago

Thank you for your compliment, @bilog78. Right batcha' you!

Yes, Voat gets flooded by one-sided news, many bots and shills operating here.

But there are still many people who have an independent mind as well.

Maybe you'd like to come over to v/pizzagate, and see for yourself. ;-)

Our research focuses on elite pedophilia, and how it is being facilitated by corruption.

The lesson I have learned in the past 2,5 years - corruption is a prerequisite for other crimes, like trafficking and organized child rape. It's all connected.

Hopefully, more people will educate themselves about the nature of political corruption (it's clearly a bi-partisan issue), and will have a closer look at aspiring politicians, who start their career at council level.

That's where they get introduced to the system.

bilog78 ago

It's really a pity that not enough attention is given to corruption. Even when people do care, it's always focused on “the other side” doing it, and closing an eye (or both) when it's an ally (or perceived such).

People need to be (made) aware of the fact that an individual that can be corrupted isn't on their side, not even —or maybe espeicallt even— when they seem to be: corruptible individuals only care about themselves, and what they can sell to get the next bribe —and you can count on that being the supporters they've managed to gather.

But how do you get people to pay attention?

think- ago

Here's a great example how corruption is the breeding ground for sexual abuse (see last paragraph for info about corruption).

think- ago

Even when people do care, it's always focused on “the other side” doing it, and closing an eye (or both) when it's an ally (or perceived such).


But how do you get people to pay attention?

From my Pizzagate research experience -

collect info, connect dots (who's connected to whom - infographics are great), find other people who also want to expose corruption, create a research board like v/pizzagate, spread awareness on social media (Twitter, Youtube), write comments on online news sites, redpill people in real life.

bilog78 ago

collect info, connect dots (who's connected to whom - infographics are great), find other people who also want to expose corruption, create a research board like v/pizzagate, spread awareness on social media (Twitter, Youtube), write comments on online news sites, redpill people in real life.

But does it actually work? Doesn't it always fold into “yeah, but that's the best we have anyway”? Because that has been my experience so far.

think- ago

Unfortunately, you are probably right.

theHare ago

Wow. And Tarrant sure seems to have gotten around, making sure to firmly connect himself to certain movements and people. Hmm. It's pretty obvious he is an agent provocateur or a useful idiot. Either way, not good.

Iornukrum ago

I am beginning to think that Tarrant might be an avatar of Poe's law.

novictim ago

I get it. This is the new style of dirty tricks. It is like the Trump Tower Meeting set in motion by the Hillary Clinton Opposition Research Company, Fusion GPS to make it appear that Trump was coordinating activities with Kremlin agents.

These are public entrapment schemes meant to create "evidence" of impropriety or imply associations that do not really exist.

But notice how the Trump campaign handled it. They held firm. They stated the facts and did not back down. Trump et al. did not issue ridiculous apologies or demonstrate weakness on an issue they were not guilty of. That is how you handle this.

Here is the big picture: Populist causes are not a fabrication.
People are clamouring for real leadership and for national pride and purpose. Eliminating leaders does not change the underlying vacuum but just makes the current establishment leadership suck even worse in the minds of a ever growing constituency. Nobody respects traitors and people who praise degeneracy or invasion.

As I have said with regard to Trump, "Hitler" is not found in the populist guys running for office today. "Hitler" is the guy you will get when you violate the rights of the current reformist populist leaders and shit on the public for desiring their national identities back!

Iornukrum ago

As I have said with regard to Trump, "Hitler" is not found in the populist guys running for office today. "Hitler" is the guy you will get when you violate the rights of the current reformist populist leaders and shit on the public for desiring their national identities back.

Exactly. He may already be around, maybe already member of some movement or other. The current crop of famous dissidents won't be it, perhaps.

Corpse_washer ago

Nice post.

Iornukrum ago

Much appreciated. I thought I make myself useful for a change and bring goats up to speed on the up-hill battle we fight in Europe.

Corpse_washer ago

Interesting times, indeed. I am curious what Kurz does in a reelection scenario. There is something fishy with him.

derram ago :

Meine Meinung zum "Strache Video" - die Macht der 4. Gewalt - YouTube

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