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Myan ago

maybe she removed it

ephesians5_11 ago

They wouldn't have a message like this if she did

Myan ago

thats thing about "hate" speech... there is no definition, only interpretation. I could say youtube is in violation of hate speech for this.

GreenSlug ago

I report anti white videos and comments as hate speech. Not one has been removed yet

Myan ago

fucking jews

GreenSlug ago

Everytime a nigger comments "damn cops shooting so many black people!" I report it, cuz its statistically proven cops shoot white people more despite the fact blacks commit waaaaaay more crime. So, thats a slandering piece of hate speech if all roles and statistics were reversed. Nothing comes of it. Jewtube is thoroughly ran by slimy kikes. But its fun to rustle normies in the comments

Myan ago

one name, Kelly Thomas

fartyshorts ago

For sure.

Myan ago

well... I guess im wrong. Fucked up