Justice2k ago

CAn someone post a link to the video that works? Bitchute isn’t working for me.

ephesians5_11 ago

Works for me. Maybe try refreshing the page? Don't know what to tell you.

Justice2k ago

Thanks bro

Don_Tomaso ago

Help spread her channel.

Romanium ago

The future is bright.

MDEfugee1939 ago

A good video, but I think she misses the point on one particular thing. She says that leftists are all weak willed, feminine men who wont resort to violence and are nothing more than keyboard warriors. But, this is incorrect. With the increasing sectarianism that she mentions, the leftists will simply use the tools of the the state (military, police, etc) to commit violence against rightists. There was a great 4chan post about leftists using concentrated violence vs rightists using distributed violence about it.

BentAxel ago

Deleting that video proves whoever is correct. It has them Scared.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

I’m a fan of bitchute and all but why the fuck is it so slow on mobile? 2 minutes of loading and I gave up after that.

mostlyfriendly ago

Bitchute is pretty amazing. They can scale without spending major $$ (that they don't have) on infrastructure. They are using peer-to-peer tech. So, when you watch a video, you are also uploading to help other people watch the video.

This is the only way they can compete with the unlimited funding that Youtube has. Especially given their content isn't 'advertiser friendly'.

So, step back and enjoy a cup of coffee while you wait.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

That would explain a lot. What happens if there’s no seeds? Does the video ultimately die? I should probably read their faqs.

mostlyfriendly ago

My understanding is that they always have a source that can be pulled from. (So, they do have real hosting costs, but not nearly as much as Google.) But, when concurrent viewers watch the same video then they may only share parts of the video with each viewer and then the video is shared between all the viewers.

Odds are:

  • 10% of the videos on the site account for 90% of the bandwidth. (I have no idea on the actual #s for their site, but I've seen similar numbers for other youtube like video sites.)
  • At any given time, when you watch a video, there are several other people already watching the video a few seconds or minutes ahead of you.

Seems like an impressive algorithm that makes it mostly seamless.

hatecrime ago

i think it uses peer-to peer like torrent tech

Locked_Account ago

God bless @BitChuteArchive

thehighzombie ago

I am wondering at what age it is appropriate for my daughter to begin watching her.

mostlyfriendly ago

Hehe. I've wondered the same.

Splooge ago



OhRutherfordBehave ago

Wow they're on a role right now.

hatecrime ago


pimplepeter ago

the ironic thing is that they claim youtube should delete this to prevent radicalization of kids, but the mere act of deleting it is going cause a far greater effect in spreading awareness. LULZZZ.

Fraiture ago

Yup, I never heard of the channel until now. Thanks a lot, regressive leftists!

Ziekk ago

"fucking reddit homos"

lmao this kid is hilarious

Revelations2_9 ago

"Keep crying about how (((you're))) scared that we're being weaponized for the upcoming Crusades. What're (((you))) gonna do? Tell me to watch contra points? Kill yourself Fagott."

Pure. Fucking. Gold.

odd_pain ago

dotr can't come soon enough

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Well honestly crusades are a waste of our time because Muslims wouldn't be here if it wasn't for KIKES FILTHY KIKES FUCKIN HELL

Revelations2_9 ago

The Catholic Church was the only institution that ever removed Muslims from Western Civilization, and the Jews as well. Which is why Jews still hate Catholics

lexsird ago

That and the romans burned their religion to the ground and killed a bunch of them. They've been butthurt over it ever since and wanting revenge.

polygeek ago

Holy fuck this kid is on fire...so many good LOLs.

The_Crusader ago

Fuck me. She deffo brings credit to the phrase "generation Zyklon".

lexsird ago

I don't know, I'm not a big fan of weaponizing children. The left does it constantly, faggots having them dance for them and fag story book hour for the little kiddies. Give me a fucking break and let the kids be kids.

Did some adult script this kid into being an Alt-Right Catfish? How did this kid get this far in the age of censorship? You may not like these questions, but they have to be asked or would you have us all blindly follow after her because she says something you like?

How demoralizing would that be? Which seems to be the whole point to the internet, on one hand it informs and on the other hand it demoralizes and god knows what else.

But the optics are weird at best and 'oh the right now follows children'? Creepy either way. Fucking clown world.

ExplodingHead ago

Kids are naturally rebellious and today conservatism is new punk rock.

The_Crusader ago

Its more the fact that normally everything you read hints at this generation being one that needs safe spaces, trigger warnings, and don't even know which fucking gender they are. Normally you expect them to make videos talking about how they're transitioning from non-binary to twinspirit pansexual...whatever the fuck that means.

Yet somehow, someway this girl has been redpilled to fuck. Maybe it was her friends or family or maybe shes been reading a lot online, but either way she knows her shit and isn't afraid to say it. Makes you wonder how many more there are out there like her.

I certainly wouldn't want her weaponized though. In fact she needs to back out of the limelight a bit in my opinion because I have a feeling this will all end horribly. The far left have no limits. She seems confident but I don't think any 14 year old can handle the sheer amount of shit, doxing, harassment and mob hatred they will no doubt send her way.

lexsird ago

It's probably too late for her to 'back out' of the limelight. The leftists/jews/vermin/wtf ever evil running wild, has her number by now I'm sure.

Martyrdom might be in her future. I wonder if (((they))) or their shitskin golems are stupid enough to do that?

squishysquid ago

She's been around for a year or two doing these kinds of videos, it has bothered me for a bit, it's not normally stuff a 14 yr old to puts together. But she doesn't speak like being taught the lines, I've watch a couple of her videos, if she's being coached/scripted she's got a great future in acting. I guess we'll find out in what probably like 5 years.

lexsird ago

I'm thinking it's a culmination of her being exposed to gaming and the verbally abusive online community, the lack of parents that see such as problematic because of 'things' and someone building a proper catfish. It might be a perfect storm, but is it grown in a test tube?

Ever watch Dune the movie, when Paul had that fucked up little sister? "Because he's the cuisinarts hat rack!" Creepy shit. She could CGI some blue eyes in and get a kek.

odd_pain ago

i like soph

fartyshorts ago

I like to think I "grew up on the internet" because I started in the early nineties, but these kids have been online since birth.

TheGrandMaster ago

We didn't grow up on the internet, the internet grew up on us.

ephesians5_11 ago

That was my first thought when I saw this.

Myan ago

maybe she removed it

ephesians5_11 ago

They wouldn't have a message like this if she did


Myan ago

thats thing about "hate" speech... there is no definition, only interpretation. I could say youtube is in violation of hate speech for this.

GreenSlug ago

I report anti white videos and comments as hate speech. Not one has been removed yet

Myan ago

fucking jews

GreenSlug ago

Everytime a nigger comments "damn cops shooting so many black people!" I report it, cuz its statistically proven cops shoot white people more despite the fact blacks commit waaaaaay more crime. So, thats a slandering piece of hate speech if all roles and statistics were reversed. Nothing comes of it. Jewtube is thoroughly ran by slimy kikes. But its fun to rustle normies in the comments

Myan ago

one name, Kelly Thomas

fartyshorts ago

For sure.

Myan ago

well... I guess im wrong. Fucked up

Myan ago

they deleted it? bullshit

ephesians5_11 ago

They deleted it because of a hit piece by (((Joseph Bernstein))).


fuckfuckfuck1 ago

Fucking Blockhead Shlojoe strikes again.

Myan ago

yeah, but did youtube delete it tho is what im questioning.

I know she got striked hard on a couple videos to which she couldn't live stream. She may have struck a deal to remove a strike if she took down the video. All im saying

its not they monetized anyways. She usually streams daily playing minecraft.

youtube generally doesnt remove content, but rather makes it inaccessible