LazyJello9 ago

So, If someone were to say "we are going to [verb] [noun] at [location] and at [time and date]. (Fillvin the blanks yourself)

And simply write next to it " this is just an example" it should be ignored? What's to stop people from planning a [adjective] [verb] of [noun] this way?

Come on Voat, on the 3rd of May at [LOCATION] we should go and shoot up a synagogue and kill a bunch of Jews..

Ha! I didn't put a location, therefore its not a threat or a call to violence!

Seriously now voat, you can't be that stupid that you could legitimately believe that isn't a valid threat..

What about if a bunch of Muslims said "on the 4th of May we Muslims will go and murder a bunch of Christians in Churches all across [location]... And you wouldn't want that treated as a legitimate threat? Bullshit..

Sara16471 ago

Cute dog walking at rope Even humans can't do this See the video

World's highest truck jump

See the video of cute dog walking like humans

Most dangerous bird of the world see how he killed own owner

Very funny video of 2019 just try to control your laugh

Love of animals with humans Just see their love Even you will feel amazed ..

DontEatSmurffs ago

well...its the media, what else should we expect ? they will fucking read the first sentence, include their feelings and opinions about said sentence and totally ignore the rest of the argument, its their thing you know, thats why I stoped following unless I wanna laugh about stuff they write

bourbonexpert ago


turtlesareNotevil ago

You not realizing that people on the right are being railroaded on a daily basis at this point and then giving the left a reason to railroad you. You must be a major badass to be willing to go to prison for a comment. I wonder if anyone would care if you did. Is anyone helping those militia guys in jail, no. It's over. Don't sacrifice yourself for people that don't give a shit.

turtlesareNotevil ago

We don't have a leader. There is no us. People are too drunk, stoned, and fat to do a fucking thing.

Sara46496 ago

World's biggest truck jump

See the video of cute dog walking like humans

Very funny video of 2019 just try to control your laugh

Love of animals with humans Just see their love Even you will feel amazed

NosebergShekelman ago

haha My fellow jews are on this. You Voaters are all going to get banned from Amazon and PayPal. Shaloms✡️

Charliethebum ago

Nooooooo! How can we prevent this rabbi?!?

NosebergShekelman ago

By moving dreamers and black men into your home. Its your only chance!! Shaloms™

ps7240172 ago

i dont care

theoldones ago

@ps7240172 is a spamming mexican account

Pattern_Blind ago

As long her name is not silver-black-berg-en-stien-gold-baum we are are going to be kool!

cursedcrusader ago

Hey Sarah Emerson, fuck you.

lexsird ago

Hey it's the Yoko Oh No of Voat!

I just passed spiritual judgment on her, with a snap of my fingers. BAM! Let's see what happens.

cursedcrusader ago

What the fuck is that? It looks like Liu Kang.

Merchant_Menace ago

They argue in bad faith. They know most of their audience will not check.

Intrixina ago

That's because it is the only way they can "win" an argument - via manipulation.

Merchant_Menace ago

Well, we need to adapt and start assuming they'll be pieces of shit and act accordingly.

Intrixina ago

I already do this.

Merchant_Menace ago

OP doesn't.

BenSilverburgstein ago

These people have names, email addresses, and Twitter accounts. Her Twitter proves she's just another braindead journo who's never written anything better than clickbait and thinks destroying something other people enjoy will finally start her career (it won't)

Derpfroot ago

So some money is still earmarked for operation mockingbird.

ViperCarbz ago

This comment was still up at the time of writing

Yeah, and? This isn't Reddit, faggot.

SexMachine ago

Why does this link not work for me?

oneinchterror ago

Could be a DNS thing.

Derpfroot ago

I just had this problem using an alternate DNS. It's almost certainly it.

waterniggas ago

Huh, I couldn't think of a more inaccurate way to interpret a quote if I tried.

yellowthread ago

She's so lazy and stupid she couldn't even spend 5 minutes to find someone actually saying something offensive.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Just when I think the niggers have reached peak faggotry, they go and pull this shit

All journalists get the gas first

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Actually I was wrong these fucks have subhuman IQ and zero sense of humor

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Wait voat is in the media right now?

C_Corax ago

Breaking news: There is a platform on the internet that is actually willing to let the users know if they might be legally forced to hand over information without the users knowledge or consent!!!


PunishedStaple ago

They aren't brainlets they are perfidious and crafty.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Yes most uncucked whites will not fall for it but shitskins,chinks,, and cuckolds will feel like there is a Nazi regime against all non whites and will violently revolt because the truth is non-whites only have racial empathy for themselves

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Doesn't even provide a link

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I wasn't talking about you I was talking about the Jedia

progressbin ago

"Gave example" is semantically ambiguous between: "engaged in behavior that was an example" and "described behavior that would be an example". The author knew this and was seeking to misrepresent voat. This is why they hate free speech. They hate the truth. They lie.

EyeOfHorus ago

So, what you're saying is gas the media? Kinda redundant. Where and when?

CobraStallone ago

...specific call for violence against an specific synagogue on an specific day

Not even. There's two Fremonts in Cali, there's one in Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, two in New York, one in NC, Ohio, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and three in Wisconsin. There's at least two synagogues in one of the ones in Cali.

Which Fremont? What Thursday? At what time? Kill them how? Not really a specific call nor a specific place, nor a specific time. Not shitting on the OP goat who typed that, just pointing out the layers of lying the media is pulling here.

Trousersnake1488 ago

I think you could be right, but also, you might be overestimating some of these people. I knew a girl that was this dumb. Dumb to the point I had trouble believeing she dressed herself in the morning

Damnpasswords ago

A girl like that almost became my high school class's valedictorian, so the school started using weighted grades.

heygeorge ago

Weighted grading allowed me to graduate in the top percentage of my class.

Two_Soup ago

She probably descended from the lowliest thralls. Just smart enough to toil in the fields without questioning anything.

Not me. I'm an Aristocrat of the Soul

Hipsterrr ago

and to think her genetic lineage as made it to this point.

CringeAnarchy2 ago

The ones in the media aren't retards, they know exactly what they're doing.

It's a deliberate narrative spin designed to garner a specific reaction from low-info normies.

DayOfThePillow ago

This, thinking it wasn't deliberate is foolish.

Eualos ago

Your brain is a muscle if you never use it, it goes soft

Intrixina ago

Because life is easy mode these days and coddles these types.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Retardation is a chancy form of optimism.

Drunkenst ago

Modernism is the synthesis of all apostasies.

LightestHour ago

Sadly, Nature doesn't cull nearly as much as it used to.

Hipsterrr ago

a testament to how far medicine as come if anything

Trousersnake1488 ago

Yeah, she was pretty though so she had that goin for her

carlip ago

Name them; gas them

Gumbatron ago

That would require them to understand what "for example" means. Gotta give them a break, they're only journalists.

In reality though, they understand what was said, but they don't care. 99% of their readers will not go to voat to confirm what the actual content was, they will just accept the update to their NPC programming

Derpfroot ago

they're only journalists.

'tard-level. maybe even sub-'tard-level.