24601_JeanValJean ago

too bad there's a huge white block of "we want your data" over the article...

myriadic ago

The first comment on Chastain’s post opened with an anti-Semitic slur and call to exterminate Jews.

classic voat lol

trotskyberg ago

So we've figured out that Gab.ai is the Jewish Gabbai, but has anyone looked into who is behind Voat? Judging by the fact that it is actually oriented towards functionality and not sodomy, I think Voat might check out as safe. However... Please reply if you've looked into the people behind Voat :)

PoundMe2 ago

begging would only enfore the power this website has. if the creator has to beg to get people to stop using their freedom of speech then its working as intended.

Timmy2 ago

Great point. Sheeit

heroinwinsagain ago

As if vice has sway over a good dam thing.

fluxusp ago

I bet those regressive faggots have been visiting us for a long time now and invented an excuse to scribble how 'objectionable' freedom of speech is.

reel_poltergeist ago

Voat 🐐

letsdothis3 ago

Who is Sarah Emerson? Asking for a friend...

thebearfromstartrack ago

Don't they realize that 99.99% of that is empty (albeit angry) RHETORIC?

So, what about generic "death to....(parasites, evil)" statements?

The Bible is CLEAR on death. Happens to EVERYONE who is BORN. Wishing death upon them is NOT tantamount to an assault. It's an OPINION! It's a CLEAN solution that if God agrees, WOULD make life BETTER for those that are NOT members of those groups (eg fornicators, sorcerers, adulterors, murderers, unruly children, etc)

Timmy2 ago

Libtards love to create enemies that they use to scare the public. Their tactics have been dividing people for a very long time. Scaring people away from a website, where open thinking is allowed, is their intent. There is nothing illegal about Voat. Yet, the anger of a few it turned into fear of the many with articles like this boneheaded one.

thebearfromstartrack ago


boekanier ago

So, PO is in fact JC.

edgydude69 ago

It’s almost like there are some kind of Trojan shills in here. Hmmm

56378907654678 ago

Meeeeeeeeeeeeeh. Death threatz are pretty fucking gay

jfaskljf434 ago

voat censors

Gorillion ago

He said "Threats" for those playing at home. Complete with scare quotes.

Cid ago

I wanted to read their comments, but they didn't have a comment section. Fancy that.

wokeasfook ago

This is what happens when you try justify, apologize, rationalize, reason, explain anything to them.

Never give their lunatic disingenuous accusations anything but ridicule.

Every time we engage with them on their terms by defending and explaining ourselves they are controlling the narrative.

prairie ago

It's true, not being able to make specific threats towards specific people is just so stifling, the soul can't flourish without being able to do that. /s

Sara2637 ago

...See the video of cute dog walking like humans


Most dangerous bird of the world see how he killed own owner https://youtu.be/cRB1xdy3yYg

Very funny video of 2019 just try to control your laugh https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6gkrz5

Love of animals with humans Just see their love Even you will feel amazed https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6eexa2

jaya876 ago

Its on slashdot as well

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey you medias should interview me!! I could tell you some stories of being jewish and on Voat. They tried to shoah me 6 million times and each time I have escaped. It would make a great Hollywood movie and book. Shaloms✡️

BuffaloTheDude ago

Notice how the fucking cunt doxes him in the first sentence..

beece ago

I noticed that the article had no way for anyone to add comments below. LOL

Bigdeal ago

Vice is such a shit show.

LongyyBearr ago

How disappointing of an Asian American. Brought into this country by her father who emigrated. Goes to backstab the very foundation she grew up on. Does this not hit some people?!

level_101 ago

Its on slashdot as well. Calling voat a haven for racists and bigots.

Its like.. They dont even try to research what they write and just "make shit up" as they go.

Commie_Meta ago

Voat is a haven for racists and bigots. It is also a haven for everyone else.

What if the racists and bigots gain control through Voat? Voat will still be a haven for everybody else. Everybody else will fix the extremist problem using Voat and sites like it.

level_101 ago

Not going to argue with that. I also don't see a reason to censor groups like that.

This is quickly becoming one of the only "free" spaces on the "normal" internet.

Sad times.

GoodGodKirk ago

I guess she felt the need to out @putitout and his real name. Had no comment from him, i wonder if she asked permission to use his real name?

Timmy2 ago

His real name has been known for quite a while. It's not like she did any actual research to post that shit.

FriedChicken ago

"Voat users took offense to the perceived curtailing of their ability to post racial slurs and endorse violence."

You just have to roll your eyes

Timmy2 ago

Yeah. Fuck that damned censored Islamist censored sandcensored.

franklinobrien4 ago

the author of this piece

Rothbard_Block_Hoppe ago


Whiteflourguy ago

What is with all this no threats bullshit? I have never threatened anybody and I really don't recall anybody doing it to anybody else.

Timmy2 ago

They're trying to quite Voat down. The truth is online. Globalists want people to believe its just lies. I don't recall any actual threats either, just comments on how conservatives can only take being shit on for so long. That's an observation.

PatrioticAmerican ago

I don't read every comment, but I don't recall seeing threats, either.

Whiteflourguy ago

Ya same <I don't read no where near all comments or even threads but have never seen any threats but if somebody would happen to threaten to drop a bomb on the million nigger match I would smile and not care

freedumbz ago



Durm ago

Motherboard is gone. All are Vice. Whole thing is stupid.

LoginOrRegister ago

Put quotes in the title next time.

Splooge ago

Putt: "Hey goats, chill."


nsight141 ago

If Sarah Emerson (Author of this article.) ever somehow put me in harms way or threatened me, I would slaughter her. I would beat her to the point that even the trained clean up crew would be sick. I would stomp out her eye sockets until her skulls was nothing more than a puddle. This all would only happen of course if I had to protect myself.

TestForScience ago

https://twitter.com/sarahnemerson - the anti-white bitch in question.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Guardbuddy.

Posted automatically (#35358) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

cjtendon ago

From the article:

In 2017, Chastain told members that licensing and hosting costs were unsustainable without outside funding which the site was struggling to secure; no longer relying on PayPal donations since the payments platform cut ties with Voat over “obscenity.”

I am not highly skilled in cryptocurrencies. My understanding is that most cryptocurrencies are not anonymous at all. However, if it were possible to make truly anonymous donations with cryptocurrencies, then it would be possible to run free speech websites with considerable resilience. The USA has convenient freedom-of-speech laws, and has a long tradition of anonymous political speech, but I don't know of any existing USA company that enables anonymous contributions.

CRKT_M16Z ago

So basically Vice doesn't like free speech.

That's the impression I got after seeing all the articles on that link. Ironic for "journalism" website.

carlip ago

Some people publicized some things. This is a good thing.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Marou.

Posted automatically (#35356) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Darwinxmachina ago

Notice Putt doesn't ban!! He's not censoring anything. He's warning what the a-holes in gubment are up to and hopefully we will take that under advisement. They CAN and WILL censor us if given the opportunity- those rat bastards- so lets not give them too many opportunities So I would echo, "be smart be careful." BE FREE GOATS!!

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

This thread is full of redditors. Sack up, faggots.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Speech has limits.

LibertarianForChrist ago

I'm going to go red-pill so many people now with the original post. Thanks NPC leftist media for the assistance.

Timmy2 ago

Israel doesn't like it that Netanyahu was recorded saying that American's are so easily manipulated. Show your friends this also.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

I love all this rent-free space inside their heads we get. I can stretch my legs out so far.

CockroachKing ago

Man, this will get buried but: I wish the announcement had clear guidelines for what exactly is a threat. It's supposed to be a gov't agency so there should be a clear rule. We're creative enough to have our fun within guidelines. The fact none were presented seems fishy to me. Idk dude.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

"Enclave for Far-right ideologies." So, v/traditionalwives, v/traditionalhusbands, v/justgrowit, v/beauty, v/crochet, v/preppers, are all "far-right". Fucking clown world. Honk. Honk.

crazy_eyes ago

Seems like someoone is trying to set the stage to take voat down

BordelonLoop ago

"chill out" is "begging."

pby1000 ago

Death threats are not protected Free Speech.

drstrangegov ago

he wasn't begging, douche. he was giving us a heads up.

NiggerVirus ago

You ever EAR fuck?

18260459? ago

Puts didn't found voat dumbo

EndWorld ago

ive actually had people arrested for making death threats against me before online. I take them very seriously

Drunk-Driver ago

This is kind of a non-story since it's really just about people exercising their free speech on a message board. Then again, these days controlling what people think and say is a business.

This doesn't pass as solid journalism in my view. Journalism should use unbiased language so that readers can interpret the story relative to their own truth and understanding.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Did this cunt of a blogger just doxx Puttitout?

TheBuddha ago

No. His name is already well known and has been published many times before.

She's half retarded, but didn't dox him. He's long since been doxxed. That boat has sailed.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Thank you for the reply, Mein GoatVolk.

TheBuddha ago

Gas the bikes! Race war now!

I did write a new joke for the occasion. It's in the thread somewhere.

0100100-100110 ago

I don't think users should make threats, but hey. That's just my opinion, if they want to make threats let them make threats, and these agencies should investigate credible threats.

Splooge ago


Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)-︻デ┳═ー - (ಠ_x) ༼☉

voats4goats ago

Your ASCII art has given me PTSD Said no one ever

goatsandbros ago

Cocksuckers. Now we know it was them doing it.

logos_ethos ago

The death threat seems to have come from an 8chan user, who posted on 8chan, and their post got mirrored onto Voat via a bot. According to https://voat.co/v/Voat/3178819/18219952

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

That was a poorly written and painfully biased article. I expected as much when I saw the URL but I clicked over anyway. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I did that.

randomfuckingidiot ago


stinkydogfart ago

I have read thousands of posts wishing the vilest of things on leftists, but it is ALL venting and in jest. I have NEVER read a single post that I took serious as threatening anyone or anything. Considering the real threats that occur daily on other platforms by leftists, this is absurd.

Cat-hax ago

Again they call us the violent ones yet they actually carry out and perform all sorts or real violence on anyone who dose follow the script.

oneinchterror ago

Same, and I've been here a good while.

Jungun ago

Provocateurs gonna provoke.

Crikes ago

A sign of an elightened, principled, person. One who uses pursuasion, over force.

BTW, if owner decided to make any restrictions, requirements, exclude some or all, or shut down, it would have nothing to do with censorship.

We all are within our rights to do as we wish with our property as long as we don't violate the rights of another. No one has any rights to another's property that the owner doesn't allow them.

Carefull, the communists are always at work trying to get you to turn your back on our principles of freedom, so that they may recruit you to assist in destroying us.

fightknightHERO ago

i'm going to kill

an onion.

TheBuddha ago

Onion is the new code word for Jew?

Oh shit!

I made up a new joke!

What's the difference between a Jew and an onion?
Only one makes you cry when you cut it!

Hell, I don't even mind Jews. That's still funny!

voats4goats ago

Into the Jew Joke book you go my friend

TheBuddha ago

I suspect it'll be even more amusing to the readers if they know it came from someone called TheBuddha.

NeedleStack ago

That author's a jerk. Does she not know about v/knitting?!?

TheBuddha ago

That sub is a hive of scum and villainy!

version7 ago

I thought the founder was atko?

zezima04 ago

Putt was formal and reasonable as possible with his post. Nowhere near "begging". Fuck off vice.

SandHog ago

Here's some more hot takes from Sarah Emmerson. So stunning and brave. I heard she gives handjobs to hobos in her spare time.

voats4goats ago

That woman is a poster child for birth control. Maybe in 20 year we'll have late, late, late, late term abortion legalized where the parents can still abort the child up to 25 years of age if they wind up being a collosal fuckup

EngineeringReverse ago

Wtf is this? Fuck you jew shill. Im sure you'd love it if the death threats were allowed, then when someone follows through, Putt would have to comply with authorities. Go back to buzzfeed, you drama-pushing clickbait faggot.

midnightblue1335 ago

then when someone follows through, Putt would have to comply with authorities.

Why? Why would Putt be punished because some other retard decided to hurt someone?

EngineeringReverse ago

Why is the NRA attacked after every major crime involving a firearm? Why are whites blamed every time a nigger gets killed by police? Because people place blame where they can. Things like threats, libel and slander aren't protected under the law, and even if they were, sjw faggots would lok for a scapegoat.

Buff_Awesome ago

Unironically promoting censorship.

oneinchterror ago

Leftists dropped all pretense of caring about censorship ages ago.


"We faked a bunch of death threats on the site to make them all look like shit, now we're going to vilify them for not actually being murderous psychopaths~"

Yawn, just Jewish logic.

the_magic_man ago

Not fake. I've reported several threads on voat to the relevant authorities. Maybe when a voat user bombs somewhere or shoots up a school some notice will be taken and it'll be shut down


Well what are you waiting for, go stage a false flag event and point a finger at everyone here for your own crimes. You're obviously salty free speech is still allowed, what do you even come here for?

the_magic_man ago

Free speech isn't allowed, ccp limits make sure the circlejerk cannot be broken. I come here because I find it funny how retarded the right wing are


I like putting words together, too.

waucka ago

That's the same thing that AHS did to CringeAnarchy on Reddit. Given the obvious success there, it's no surprise that they would try it here, too.

mostlyfriendly ago

Feels so obvious that these 'threats' are from shill accounts trying to bring down Voat.

Fuckyounigger ago

Nah I just like to tell people I’ll kill them in creepy ways

diodine ago

"The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies (spooks, feds, etc.)" - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

Required reading.

oneinchterror ago

I thought we determined that the "threats" were from a bot that automatically reposts 8chan comments?

American-Patriot ago

removing posts in "grey areas" is where is all begins. your freedoms and free speech will soon follow.

oneinchterror ago

More people need to watch Christopher Hitchens speech(es) concerning freedom of speech. If only he were still around.

eulogyjones ago

Jesus fuck how I wish that brilliant man was still with us.

oneinchterror ago

Sucks that we lost him right when we needed him the most. We need all the prominent anti-Islamic voices we can get.

Inaminit ago

I think everyone should just smoke a joint and chill a second... It's not like nobody didn't know this was coming. The solution is the problem. One of the things that set our union apart from other countries was the right of dissent... But of course that all went out the window back in 1861 as far as I'm concerned... I see the water being drained from the tank and soon there will be a few unfortunate fish flopping around about to be devoured by a mangy, stray cat.

WhitePaladin ago

I blame Putt for this, he should´ve kept his mouth shut, he knows damn well its alts, but whatever. Part of the false flag and all.

goatsandbros ago

You can be sure that this kike was involved in the threats being put on 8chan, and putt's response was just a good way to frame the story. It would have been written anyway. When's the last time vice wrote about any of the awesome horrible shit that goes on here? Then they suddenly find this one? Nah, this smells of Jew trickery all the way to the oven.

Moodog ago

Begged, but has not banned.

Vindicator ago

The user then gave an example of a specific call for violence against a specific synagogue on a specific day. This comment was still up at the time of writing.

The user then gave an example of a specific hypothetical call for violence against a specific made up synagogue on a specific day. This comment was still up at the time of writing because @PuttItOut isn't a retard.

Fixed it for her.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

I refguse to believe she's actually so stupid as to not understand that context. This is clearly manipulative.

admin2 ago

To be fair you CAN always legally wish for IMMINENT UNLAWFUL ACTION if no specific target or subclass of targets is mentioned. Its established by SCOTUS multiple times.

The catch? You cannot do so with a SPECIFIC TARGET if a TIME DURATION under 365 days is aso stated.

You can for example shout in public in USa forever leagally :

GAS ALL THE JEWS TOMORROW!! (lacks subset of a class of objects)

and you can also likewise proclaim legally

""In the next 18 months I think someone should burn down the Synagogue at 12th and Main street."" (lacks imminent test of under one year).

A specific call for violence against a specific synagogue on a specific day, means nothing, violence is not a concept of the law, but crime is. If the action is a crime and has a target, and a date, it is NOT PROTECTED US SPEECH!!!!!!!!

Exception : A threat by telephone across state lines lacking both components but delivered directly to the target in a threatening way... is a FCC crime, and possibly a criminal threat. SCOTUS has exempted WWW or posted flyers in this case though.

Vindicator ago

my own post here is a made up synagogue address by the way.


Great explanation, btw.

WeekendBaker ago

I hope your fix was the .... final solution...

Marou ago

Vindicator ago


WilliamCutting ago

Seriously what a hack.

RealAlexJones ago

still waiting on those points in order to comment...

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

have a downvote, you fucking nigger

Derpfroot ago

The shit this dumb bitch considers "news."  Astounding.

Goathole ago

The first comment on Chastain’s post opened with an anti-Semitic slur and call to exterminate Jews.

Which one of you dirty pigs did it?

TheBuddha ago


Not really, of course.

oneinchterror ago

The first comment on Chastain’s post opened with an anti-Semitic slur and call to exterminate Jews.

Fucking based

Anam ago

Pigs? Or was it pugs?

Goathole ago

It's so awful I can't even re read the post they are talking about! I'm literally shaking. Sooo triggered right now.

65Creedmoor ago

“Chastain”. I’ll take this and cohorted attack on putt. Want to know who contacted putt to censor people? The deepstate.

midnightblue1335 ago

Want to know who contacted putt to censor people?

More specifically, it was obviously the FBI, or impersonators of FBI agents. The timing lines up too well with the two 8 chan users who got visited, and were basically asked to become informants.

I'd wager anything there are at least 20 Voat users who are acting as confidential informants for these assholes due to visits just like the ones we saw yesterday. Only difference is, they didn't film it, or the agents had dirt on them and said "Look, you play ball, or we'll bury you".

P33psh04h ago

Hmm think that's it? Regular posters?

midnightblue1335 ago

Could be. People come online drunk, stoned, pissed off, etc.. People say retarded shit, totally careless about how they phrase things.

thelma ago

I read it as Death Treats .....

Am I wrong?

rhy ago

Douche bag state controlled media puts out hit on free speech website. Shocking!

teamviewer ago

That's exactly the situation. It's fucking bullshit that others don't see it that way. They support MSM and the establishment.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I remember when certain leftists took "an unwavering commitment to principle" in regards to free speech & the First Amendment: https://www.aclu.org/other/aclu-history-taking-stand-free-speech-skokie

Long gone, those days... now they're all a bunch of censoring communists

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Liberals take that stance. Not leftists. Liberals are libertarians. Leftists are fucking commies.

oneinchterror ago

Yup. Very important distinction.

PoliticalGoast ago

Are you suggesting that death threats should be considered protected speech?

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Not even remotely.

I am suggesting that the former supporters of free speech pile on the dung on the the dwindling bastions of free speech at any opportunity instead of celebrating the existence of such.

The_Ghost ago

Unless there is actual intent to carry out the threat, death threats should be protected. For instance, gas the kikes is protected because the chance that the speaker is actually going to gas anyone is miniscule.

PoliticalGoast ago

Excellent point!

"Credible" is the qualifying word. "I'm gonna kill you!" said in faux anger should absolutely be protected. That same sentence, given a context that makes the threat credible, should not be.

I suppose my point is "Context matters".

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

So liberals can make threats towards the right and the Shoah any rightist that threats towards the left? 😕

PoliticalGoast ago

What? I made no mention of a particular position. The speaker and the target of the threat aren't considered here.

The question was, universally, should death threats be considered protected speech?

WilliamCutting ago

Don't use weasel language faggot. A "death threat" has to by legal definition directed at a particular person and also be possible. This falls under Specificity and Reasonability.

Criminal threats are made with the intention to place someone in fear of injury or death.

You cannot commit a criminal threat if the threat is vague or unreasonable.

This is the majority of so called legal "death threat" tort which covers it in reality.

What putt was actually talking about were 'calls to violence' and the shitty Vice writer doesn't know how to read.

Either way legal statute says what I said before about Specificity and Reasonability. You can make general statements about things that 'should' happen, but it only crosses the legal border if you say you are going to do those things. Than it also needs to be possible.

PoliticalGoast ago

Read below - I was digging for exactly what you posted. I used the term "context" to describe it. Context matters. That's the key.

cdglow ago

When I was growing up, one of the reasons we were taught that Nazis were so evil is that they were burning books and shutting down speech that opposed them. Today, the people who advocate shutting down speech call themselves the good guys and the "Nazis" are the ones defending speech. It's amazing how by literally not changing my views on what is traditionally American (absolute right of free speech) I've become a fucking Nazi.

PS: It's only when you do more research on what the Nazis were doing is that they were burning Pedo/Tranny and other horrendously degenerate literature from Weimar Germany (((Sex institutes))) that were experimenting with vile stuff like and other (((psychiatrists))) works.

refugee610 ago

Even more amazing is once you learn what books were being burned you realize that it was well and truly for the best. They were eliminating harmful fiction being pushed as fact.

lanre ago

Yeah, they never mentioned that in school. I still don't agree with it though since I think it's more effective to fight ideas with ideas instead of book burnings.

VoatVoyeur ago

Sometimes medication stops working and you need to cut the cancer out before it kills you.

The_Ghost ago

It’s all about power. Any group in power at any given time will try to suppress speech, while any group out of power will promote free speech.

PoliticalGoast ago

This sort of overlooks the whole Aryan supremacy thing and the mass murder of entire classes of people. Those are not generally positive things.

cdglow ago

muh Aryan supremacy

Victors write the history books.

Hell, forget the history books, look at current news. We have virtually everybody walking around the planet with an HD video camera and instant worldwide communication at all times and the media is STILL a lying sack of shit on benign current events.

Do you really think you got a fair appraisal of Hitler's views on race from 70+ years ago in current public school? Look up some of his quotes about Arabs. Or look up his quotes about Asians. He was so darn complimentary about them you'd almost think he was an Asian Supremacist.

"Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply contempt for other races - is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them."

mass murder of entire classes of people

Little babby went to public school, heard about muh 6 gorillion, and thinks he knows what actually happened. If only you knew.

Carl_Moore ago

Shut up faggot

Acerphoon ago

You have no right to be here, if you didn't watch either TGSNT or Europa - The last battle.

These are great documentaries and everyone on voat should have ATLEAST some understanding of Nazi Germany. Your post is actually very bad. It's an insult to the intelligence of the members here.

Watch atleast one of the two documentaries right now and don't return before finising it. Then you can maybe discuss things.

PoliticalGoast ago

Wait, so this platform is only for people who ascribe to a particular belief system?

Then, the whole TGSNT thing... It's an infamously revisionist piece of media, and has already been debunked point by point. Heck, it barely took me seconds on Google to find one of them: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/nUtifYK

Acerphoon ago

Actual garbage.

Doesn't even mention half the things we know. The november revolution point didn't even address Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Radek, Paul Levi, Kurt Eisner, etc. Which you can easily find even on Wikipedia. Why didn't your shitty infograph mention it? - Oh I know. Because it's utter fucking trash. Do you really think that kind of garbage can convince anyone? WE KNOW OUR SHIT.

I'm just saying: Know. Your. Fucking. Shit.

Percentage of Generals in the NKVD that were jewish? Leaders of the bolshevik central government that were jewish?
Come on, dude. Tell me the number. Or are you not educated enough?

If you aren't, you should watch the documentary

PoliticalGoast ago

Okay, the hell does any of that have to do with anything? Some basic research shows none of those people nor the NKVD have anything to do with my original question.

The Nazi party engaged in genocide, and firmly believed in Aryan Supremacy. Whatever facts may exist, none of them erase this reality. I cannot even begin to fathom what facts you're attempting to summon that provide a justifiable context for those actions.

Acerphoon ago

Well obviously, because "Suddenly, for no reason at all, Hitler and the Nazis hated the jews" is a dumb explanation and would actually require some background. That's why I bring it up.

Also no genocide actually occured. There were most definitely incidents of atrocities. But those weren't allowed in the Wehrmacht. People who would rape or steal from citizens were shot, if found out.

The Nazi party didn't mention "Aryan Supremacy" anywhere actually. Just that the germans have a great history and culture. Hitler himself actually thought that the japanese had a better history and culture than the germans, which is why he greatly repsected the racially conscious japanese Nation.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Maybe entire classes of people should stop bothering us. We don't owe shit to anybody.

PoliticalGoast ago

...what? Bother "us"? Who is "us"?

Who said anything about anyone "owing" anything?

And... Are you saying that genocide is an acceptable solution to whatever the issue is with them?

randomfuckingidiot ago

And... are you saying that putting up with criminals is better OWO

you type like a fucking faggot

PoliticalGoast ago

Criminal acts? What the heck are you babbling about? Are you suggesting that classes of people the Nazis worked to exterminate were composed of criminals?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Nobody was exterminated you fucking idiot, but the world would be a better place if those dirty thrives were actually exterminated via a rollercoaster of death and masturbation machines like they claim.

oneinchterror ago

Please go watch "The Greatest Story Never Told" as your introductory course. You know the phrase "history is written by the victor"? Well consider its implications regarding everything you think you know about Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler in particular is easily the most slandered and unjustly vilified man in all of history.

WilliamCutting ago

member for 10 minutes

ardvarcus ago

What a leftwing piece of shit Sarah Emerson, the author of this piece, is. Women like her have been so perfectly brainwashed and conditioned, they are little more than meat robots. They have no opinions of their own and long ago gave up any pretense of rational thinking. They do as they are bid by their masters, and they get paid for doing it.

beesmeesmonies ago

bAbes... she's ovulAting.... and apparently it's "politically" "correct" too agree with any female on any subject irregardless of logic!!!

Lobotomy ago

Irregardless isn't a word.

beesmeesmonies ago

well bAbes... it certainly is, in fact you just used it!

sinclair ago

Motherboard is leftist garbage with zero credibility. I stopped reading when they started their passive aggressive "reporting" with a political slant. Judgy bunch of bitches really.

BlueDrache ago

... They're part of Vice.com ... that should tell you all you ever need to know.

sinclair ago

oic, they're wanna be investigative journalists. Try hards, if you will.

BlueDrache ago

It's not even that, they're leftist morons that are pushing an anti-free-speech agenda. That's even worse.

18259170? ago

She needs to visit v/TraditionalWives. We'll whip her into shape in no time. There's absolutely no way she's happy munching on her microwavable mac & cheese, chugging her boxed wine, while leaning on her cat(s) for emotional support.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Lmao its funny because that's probably a accurate description of this Sarah lady

Intrixina ago

You can't fix the unfixable - those who parrot NPC opinions are so far down the well that no rope will reach them.

Ifckstacy ago

If anybody can do it, you can, Empress. Here's what your working with: http://archive.is/7IPH5

AnarchicAlpaca ago

what in God's name

watts2db ago

my wife is actually from china and does not like these types at all

18260811? ago

Oh dear. I have my work cut out- that's certain.

P33psh04h ago

Stupid profile pic.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

There is good reason the NPC meme exists.

oneinchterror ago

Yup. I've never seen people kvetch so hard about a meme. It really struck a chord.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

It really did, even though the NPC meme is something that could apply to many types of people. E.g. lolbertarian NPCs, MAGA NPCs, Q-NPCs, "neo-nazi" NPCs* and so on. It's like for the first time in their life they actually self-reflected, even if it was for a fleeting moment. But then they quickly went "No, it is the nazis who are wrong" and just ran with the leftist narrative of NPC MEME BAD.

*What I consider to be "neo-nazi" NPCs are low-brow edgy kids who will say things like "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" and "HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG" but cannot back up the reasons why because they're just as dumb and just as lacking in the ability to think critically as the leftists who get triggered by these things. They just happened to stumble upon this type of humour somehow and just went with it. These types will not be of not much use in making things right again as they lack intellect and critical thinking ability, and for all we know they may even switch sides if their peers also became liberal NPCs in the future.

BlueDrache ago


But ... but ... muh roadz.

Corpse_washer ago

Begging not to make death threats and simply censoring things are not the same, but you should already know this, but what would you write for your fbi handlers if you would admit you knowmthe difference?

DayOfThePillow ago

Hey ma!! We're on the news ma!!

derram ago

https://archive.ph/QD5Xs :

2019-04-26 | Founder of Voat, the ‘Censorship-Free’ Reddit, Begs Users to Stop Making Death Threats - Motherboard

'Voat was founded in 2014 as a free speech Reddit knockoff and became an enclave for far-right topics. '

'Voat users took offense to the perceived curtailing of their ability to post racial slurs and endorse violence. '

'The Reddit clone Voat has reportedly been contacted by a “US agency” about threats being made on the censorship-free website, according to its founder Justin Chastain. '

'Chastain said he didn’t want to litigate free speech, but that Voat would cooperate with law enforcement and remove “gray area” posts if asked. '

'The user then gave an example of a specific call for violence against a specific synagogue on a specific day. '

This has been an automated message.

Octocopter ago

Did you add new Vivian pics? Noticed a few new ones. Any ways I love you Derram!

Marou ago

yay, my comment made the news.

midnightblue1335 ago

Expect a visit from the FBI or their impersonators very soon. Film the encounter, don't answer any questions.

Corpse_washer ago

Newsflash. Thex didnt visited a real anon. They visited another agent.

midnightblue1335 ago

What? Citation please?

I'm referring to the pair of 8 channers who got visited a few days ago.

Corpse_washer ago

Me too. I dont believe for a second it was a true anon. Now everyone is intimidated and is excercising self-censoring. Soviets handbook.

midnightblue1335 ago

Interesting, you watched both videos? And you think both anons are plants?

I could maybe understand that with the guy who was being questioned by the elevator.

But the other guy... just listening to him speak and interact with the agents, it became abundantly clear he's on the spectrum, so that's like a 75% chance he's a chan user.

Corpse_washer ago

Yes, i think both are plants. Plants wont sue you for intimidation and win fuckton of money from you.

juniperspaceweed ago

Fuckin kikes man

ideologicidal ago

1st Amendment, best Amendment. Voat, besides being among the foremost defenders of free speech, is providing an outlet for the collective psychic bile of its substantial audience. In such a "say something, especially if you see something, but say something" environment, the expressions of violent or murderous individuals are inevitably going to be part of the conversation.

That conversation might just be the tip-off that prevents a tragedy.

Stand firm, @Puttitout, and continue to say what is true. Voat is a platform, upon which users WW voice their opinions. That is Constitutionally sacrosanct.

agodgavemethisland ago

I think voat is referenced in the beginning of I, Pet Goat II. Think about it.

Bravo1XRay ago


ThoughtTheDragon ago

So, violence. The second amendment, second best amendment

You see, our country was founded upon violence. How can you so readily denounce violence, and conflate it with being murderous?

The jews have a monopoly on the mind. But they are weak in body and spirit.

Bodily war is thus a way to counter their war on the mind of the west. It is effective and relatively easily performed, but with dangerous side effects. Engaging in The War of the Mind is like out jewing the jews- and I'm not so sure about that. Now spiritual warfare is the third of these choices- and perhaps the best. The downside is that it is more difficult to commence, but it is quite possible. One reason it is more difficult is because the jews use mind power to conflate their religion of words with true religion, spirituality. I am inclined to wage peace, though the path is hazier.

But violence is one means to an end, in fact, the very amendments you cite. Take care in denouncing it.

Hebrew-Virus ago


Violence is endemic to the way Nature and the Universe operate. Those that cannot handle it are swept away by those that can. This is reality.

worldly ago

the jews have nothing...you are so sick and warped about your hate for jews...will be like the guy who took to off the net and walked into a shul and murdered one jewish woman and shot 3 others...is this your goal? you need help badly..one i am sure you have never met a jewish person in your life and two....you are not a true Q follow or a trump supporter...you...are ...using Q has a platform for your weak minded vile hate.....you are either insane or muslim.. get a fucking life

VoatVoyeur ago

Look messiah, we all hear you, but we live in a world where dudes in black suits will show up and disappear you if you talk about all your "Let's revolt!" fantasies in too much detail, so while we all understand violence is necessary bla bla bla, we're also adults who know how the world works and we don't want cool people to go to prison for saying ever more radical shit on the internet instead of just lifting weights and having kids.

prairie ago

Defense versus initiation of force (aggression). The second amendment is about self-defense.

anthonylancer ago

If a tyranny has banned activities or items, in defiance of the constitution, if we act or possess illegally we may defend ourselves from the legal enforcement officers that may come to assault us. The second amendment is about self-governance. Self-defense is an afterthought

prairie ago

Fuck. I'm ignorant. Thanks.

anthonylancer ago

Thank you!

YouAreASlave ago

The jew has waged war on us for a very long time. What part of killing an aggressor isn't acting in self defence?

ideologicidal ago

Which jew?

prairie ago

I was countering the implication that the second amendment is about a right to violence (something the gun grabbers love to imply).

Hebrew-Virus ago

Agreed. The second amendment is about using lethal force when deemed necessary by the holder of the weapon. Declaring that it is for "defensive" purposes only is kikery.

Diggernicks ago

Violence, the answer?

dtaraasdfasdf ago

pssst putt isnt american

peacegnome ago

God given right. Some/most governments don't mind oppressing their people though.

ideologicidal ago

Freedom of Speech isn't exclusive to the US Constitution.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Being genuinely curious, can you name another nation that has a "1st amendment"?

hedgefundhog ago

Most civil republics have a constitutional right to free speech/expression

dtaraasdfasdf ago

this wasnt what he asked

article 13 eu?

hedgefundhog ago

I'm not sure what he was asking, bit my best guess was that it's about articles in constitutions that guarantee the right of the private citizen to express himself freelyx like the 14th article of Singapore's constitution, 73rd of Ireland's, 21st of Good Korea's, 16th of Switzerland's, 12th of Finland's, etc etc

dtaraasdfasdf ago

eu doest have free speech, ask tommy robinson and many others

hedgefundhog ago

Nowhere has perfect freedom of speech, but some countries have it better than others.


My-Name-is-Mud ago

My point being that if you have the freedom of speech, but....

You dont jave the freedom of speech.

ideologicidal ago

In my country, at least, we have 230ish years of judicial precedent defining that "but". It's a fraught issue; one that doesn't lend itself to absolutes.

EndWorld ago

Stand firm, @PuttItOut, and continue to say what is true. Voat is a platform, upon which users WW voice their opinions. That is Constitutionally sacrosanct.

I agree with him, if someone is physically threatened someone should be report them zero thought just do it.

ideologicidal ago

If the FB_ had shown the slightest competence in preventing terrorism not of their own making, preventing human trafficking, or eliminating CP, their continued encroachment into Americans' civil liberties might be justified. As it stands, the Federal Bureau of Investigation ought to be abolished, with what few good apples remain being absorbed by DHS or MI. It is beyond useless: it is, and had been, knowingly complicit.

As it is, anons are better served digging for themselves and publishing their findings publicly.

Sheeitpost ago

Totally agree. Voat isn't a "group" it's a platform. People will say dumb or dangerous things just as they will say smart and helpful things. It's no different than Reddit or Twitter except it allows freedom of speech whereas Reddit and Twitter have a different code of conduct much like what a company HR would dictate for its employees.

Diggernicks ago

Voat is a group as much as the "hacker known as 4chan" is a group.

cursedcrusader ago

That never gets old.

Fagtardicus ago


ForTheUltimate ago

Reddit and Twitter have a different code of conduct

that is disengenious and fraudulent, where double standards are applied.


no-hurry-no-pause ago

disengenious and fraudulent, where double standards are applied.

Isnt that the description of leftism in a nutshell?

ForTheUltimate ago

and the point was that private companies are not allowed to commit fraud. So that would send the leftist platform censors straight to the McGulag.

Bravo1XRay ago

Love Our Voat.co Goat 🐐

PoliticalGoast ago

Exactly. It's business. Voat is under no legal obligation to respect the first amendment, but they choose to do, and have made a business from that slice.

worldly ago

they can still be sued for allowed incite of death

Vindicator ago

great comment

ideologicidal ago

feeling vindicated

Vindicator ago


not_drunk ago

Please put Kalb-ash on this Voat has an angel.

The future of Voat has been hanging on tenterhooks for several years now. In 2017, Chastain told members that licensing and hosting costs were unsustainable without outside funding which the site was struggling to secure; no longer relying on PayPal donations since the payments platform cut ties with Voat over “obscenity.”