Conway ago

If they did their job and arrested him on all his warrants that kid would still be alive. Instead they let him walk free because it would be racist to toss another criminal negro in prison.

Anti-Stupid ago

Big surprise that @texasvet is spreading misinformation.

Octocopter ago

Why are you posting fake news? Makes me really believe all the shit people talk about you.

CrudOMatic ago

>Emmanuel DESHAWN Aranda

...but, but, but, but >>>/leftypol/ has been shilling on /pol/ all day and night telling us Mr. Emmanuel DESHAWN Aranda was white, or at least he's not black, and that only tinybrained raycises are assuming he is black, and that the picture of him is fake & from a movie none of them can name. He CANNOT have a nigger name like DESHAWN, anon, he just cannot - else that means /leftypol/ are spreading FAKE NEWS and are niggerlovin' on a murderer who attacks chillens!

Goys-R-Us ago

That's horrible. That nigger should be lynched.

LordWalMartOfAmerica ago

Just checked their website and the charges say attempted murder. Hopefully the little boy pulls through.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Can soneone make a go fund me for this family? I'll donate $20, you have my word. Let's start helping those of us that have suffered at the hands of the Jews. I think if we help those people it will show,that we are the normals, we are the ones who want,peace and to keep our people safe.

peanut-head ago

There are some people I could actually kill and sleep like a baby knowing the world would be a better place with them gone.

Shekelsteinblatt ago

Was there an implied motive ever given?

Zanbato ago


LetItGo ago

All I've seen in articles was that he has mental issues and is prone to aggression which is why he was kicked out 2 prior times.

There was a post by someone on Twatter who implied she was somehow associated with the mother and that, just before the attack, the boy asked his mother a question (unsure what that was). A 60 year old man was reported to have attempted to step in to stop the monster, but was assaulted himself.

This is unconfirmed and should be taken with a grain of salt. There was no evidence posted that the poster did indeed know the mother. Her handle was blackrose09(something forgot the rest). And it was, again, on Twatter.

Trasheconomy ago

Is the only evidence the kid died this murder charge? I don’t see anywhere else that the boy died?

conservativecanuck ago

This breaks my fucking heart

God damn niggers to hell

Anon1492 ago

That fucking nigger killed a white boy. When are we going to learn these animals are our ENEMIES. Yes, it's because of the god damned jew, but they have their own special place in hell. Fuck non-whites, Jews and the rest of their weaponized golems.

symantec ago

This is why no one goes to malls anymore.


Literally. People quit going because of niggers

uvulectomy ago

Exactly. Last time I was in a mall (no other choice at the time), it was fucking full of niggers. And I don't mean "there were a lot of blacks, and I don't like blacks" either. I'm talking straight up niggers.

Bucks screeching and yelling at each other from dozens of yards away. Sows laughing hysterically over stupid shit at 10x the volume a normal human would consider even remotely appropriate. And in every store with a mirror, a bunch of ratchet-ass HS-aged sheboons dancing in front of it like they thought they were hot shit with their nappy, greasy hair and clothes that were a size or two undersized, exposing their cellulite farms to the world.

I saw maybe 20 whites walking around the entire fucking complex. The only other ones were the actual employees, who seemed just as disgusted by all of this as I was.

I haven't set foot in a mall since.

Inaminit ago

I blame Obama.

Ina_Pickle ago

As of 2 PM est, the boy is still alive

LetItGo ago

Thank you for that. This post threw me for a loop as the fundraiser is still going and it was started 5 hours ago as of this comment. You would think, if the child did pass, that they would update the GFM to state as such.

Pic of GFM Description and Current Funds - Granted GFM is not really a source, but it's still getting passed around by some media and e-celebs.

Ina_Pickle ago

No problem. My source was a local news station that quoted the family asking for privacy.

LetItGo ago

Yours is a much better source! Most of the articles I keep coming across, even ones posted today, are just copy pastes from yesterday.

I truly hope everything works out as best it can for the family.

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Cops still said he was alive today recently unless that has changed. But but but he was "banned" from the mall before, doesn't banning things keep us safe? Fuck Cuckisota, the only thing they will do is use this as a lightning rod to further Islamic immigrant tolerance classes for everyone. They are going to claim victomhood on this, just wait. What does Towel Omarhamed have to say for her kind on this one.

uvulectomy ago

She's too busy fucking her brother to give a shit about what goes on with the "common rabble."

nullifyNWO ago

Sorry but when i see blacks with their children i miss the love. Same with Arabs.

thelma ago

They'll settle for just the traffic violations.

After all, he did not know that there was a law against tossing kids over balconies ... he said he looked at the code before he did it and there is nothing like that in the law book he read.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

This is a real problem with our system today. When prosecutors have a slam-dunk case they always go for the plea deal where the criminal gets like... a week probation. It's so ridiculous. There is no concept of making restitution in our judicial system today.

PatrioticAmerican ago

Foreigners. Civil war will need to thin them out.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

It's here, it's just that only one side is currently fighting.

Whites are awakening.

Jahid2231 ago

Plz give me some point i am new

lord_nougat ago

I clicked on the thingy there. Hope that helps.

lordvain2 ago

I see why they are worried about lynch mobs. People are getting pissed.

midnightblue1335 ago


Only Africans, Arabs, and South Americans still do shit like this. I saw a bunch of these when I went down my "gore rabbit hole" a little while ago.

bambou1991 ago

Aww, they got to light it on fire after all. Warms my heart.

midnightblue1335 ago

How about that brick to the back of the head at about 2:05? I'm pretty sure that broke the nog's neck, based on the way he was moving when he tried to stand up. His limbs weren't responding.

Hilariously, in almost all of the videos like this that I saw, Africans rarely fully incapacitate the victim... so usually the first time they set them on fire, the victim leaps to his feet and runs directly at the crowd until he trips or someone hits him with a rock. Usually they have to set the fucker on fire at least twice before they finally burn to death.

FuckshitMcDickTits ago

If it were my kid, aranda would have gone over the railing too.

YouAreASlave ago

Mall of America would've been renamed dead nigger storage for the day if he had been mine. There wouldn't have been any choice in the matter.

My10thaccount ago

Makes me want to go kill one of theres. The Bible says an eye for an eye


1 of ours 10 of theirs.

Duchozz ago

You sound like a kike just saying


Did you learn grammar at the same place you formed your shit opinion?

WhitePaladin ago

They are doing that for yourself, they kill each other in quite impressive numbers.

My10thaccount ago

I'd like to help them in some way. I am a charitable person

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

That's not justice. That's them being niggers. Punishment for being a shithole nigger like him should be a painful humuliating death.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Not impressive enough.

mf1776 ago

This should have been enough for the humans left in MN to remove the invaders once and for all.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

Remember last week congress had hearings against white nationalism and white hate crimes? Like 3 days ago?

antiliberalsociety ago

Fake news

There's even a GoFundMe to pay his medical bills. My money is they won't spend the "excess" on rifles.

Obligatory OP is a FAGGOT

uvulectomy ago

The one where a bunch of kikes and mudslimes wanted to shit all over white people, and the only voice actually speaking up for whites seemed to be Candace Owens?

You know shit's fucked up when no whites stood up to say "wait just a fucking minute here" in that hearing, and had to get a shegro to defend them.


Zoldam ago

I don't think I have heard the term "Shegro" I like it.

uvulectomy ago

Came across it here on Voat for the first time not too long ago. Has a nice ring to it, no?

CrudOMatic ago

I'm still partial to sheboon.

uvulectomy ago

I like both. Changing back and forth ensures neither one goes stale.

Zoldam ago

It does.

FoundingUncle ago

Anyone criticizing White Nationalism and ignoring Black Ntionalism should be arrested.

Blunt_Echo ago

And go before a leftist kike judge?

FoundingUncle ago

You have a point.

TheAntiZealot ago

Blacks don't have a nation. It's just plain bigotry.

Blunt_Echo ago

They have a continent; time for us to have the same.

CrudOMatic ago

>implying nation only means the dirt people stand on

Nigger, read a book.

TheAntiZealot ago

>implying nation only means the dirt people stand on


Jews have always been a nation, before Israel was founded in 1948. Their law is the Talmud.

Likewise, Muslims are a global nation under Sharia.

Similarly, English rule was bound by common law, not "the dirt people stand on."

It would be more accurate to say that "a nation is its people and their laws."

WalnutMeat ago

Blacks have so much more group cohesion than whites. If you think about it, it’s true and very upsetting.

Blunt_Echo ago

Blacks have so much more group cohesion than whites.

A lot of fucking good it's done them. If it wasn't for retarded whites feeding these animals they would almost be exitinct.

gazillions ago

Transparent attempts at manipulation. They are garbage people and should be disposed of in trash bags.

Landrictree ago

Whites need to start organizing. Seriously.

Gopherurself ago

It's already happening good Patriots will share the money for a battle


We need money

TheKalergiFan ago

Why give them bags? They should be staked to the ground with milk and honey poured on them.

kammmmak ago

POS should be thrown off from a height where he doesn't die right away a good few times like something out of the movie 7.

uvulectomy ago

Fuck that. The Boats is a far more effective method.

Cat-hax ago

Fuck that just break his lower back and leave him out in the sun

uvulectomy ago

If you do that, he's dead within hours.

The Boats can take days, in which they're in complete agony the entire time.

lord_nougat ago

This honestly sounds totally fair. I'd allow it.

Drunkenst ago

Minnesota - What’s Up With You?

antiliberalsociety ago

Heavily populated by Jews. The city of St. Louis Park is nicknamed St. Jewish Park

YouAreASlave ago

Swede Syndrome.

Duchozz ago

It's not swede syndrome that the US government air dropped thousands of Somalis on our city

YouAreASlave ago

But that it matters a fuck anymore since the two parties are indistinguishable, but your state has voted democrat for the last 45 years.

Drunkenst ago

Weird genes those fuqqers carry around.

Alhambra ago

and now he'll get 3 hots and a cot instead of 24 hour whipping session follow by a tree dance (ie an actual deterrent).

what white people need to start realizing is that prison for the average nigger is an upgrade, not a punishment. they don't have the same living standards we do, and for all their moaning about muh slabery, they don't really give a fuck about freedom. as long as they food and a hole to stick muh dik in they're as happy as they'll ever be.

Cat-hax ago

They actually love being told what to do

voative ago

I believe white inmates will do him in even before trial.

SoupSandwich ago

Mall Of America


Somali controlled USA. He'll be hailed as a hero.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Exactly why Africa is still such a shithole, and it's the single largest landmass on Earth.

Alhambra ago

with virtually infinite resources. 90% of the arable land in africa is unfarmed meanwhile millions of niggers are starving to death. that should tell you all you need to know about these creatures.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

Whites are their enemy. Lets start acting like it.

YouAreASlave ago

Fuck me. This one hurts. Rest in peace, son.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Avenge him. Don't apologize to boy, he is dead. He can't hear you anymore. Nigger took his life away.

The more you guys wait, the more innocent little boys like this will die.

YouAreASlave ago

How much avenging have you done lately?

antiliberalsociety ago

bullshit he's alive. OP assumed he was dead because it says MURDER on his charges, too stupid to know it includes ATTEMPTED. He's not even officially charged yet.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Does that changes anything?

readysetgo ago

ha Minneapolis, diversity's paradise

TXRepublicMovement ago

Move out of negro infested areas.

antiliberalsociety ago

Or not be a defeatist faggot and retake your cities

TXRepublicMovement ago

Go ahead.....I'm waiting.....crickets

antiliberalsociety ago

Name includes Movement

You go first, virtue signaller

TXRepublicMovement ago

First in what, LARPer? Everything is fine where I am, and not a shot fired.

antiliberalsociety ago

Because you fled there?

TXRepublicMovement ago

I travel, but never to dumps like where you live

Kalergi ago

Miinnesota was Nordic Chrisitans, that is why joos airdropped Somalians in there. I call them: shitseeds.

GassyMcGasface ago

Next police commissioner, honk honk motherfucker!

StanTheTRex ago

Nice to see Hennepin County is still hanging onto that God awful logo drawn by a four year old. I mean, I understand they're kind of stuck with it since they built their courthouse to match it, but update that shit.

antiliberalsociety ago

I am privy to information that among certain county employees they photoshopped the eye of sauron in between the two towers, and is posted in various county buildings.

offed ago

The guy is a sick fuck who should have his punishment the same as his victim.

On a side note;

I just signed up here and tried to post to introductions but it gives me a notice that I must have 10 CCP to post. Doesnt make sense considering it states a way to get CCP is in v/introductions.

batnig ago

Doesnt make sense considering it states a way to get CCP is in v/introductions.

Where you dumb nigger? Brand new account here and it says you need 10 CCP before submission. Never said I should go there. Maybe learn a thing or two and participate with comments to get the 10 CCP. It's advisable to be to be a whiny bitch in your comments as wel.

offed ago

Are you fucking retarded? I say you are

uvulectomy ago

Whining about it in an unrelated thread is the best way to not get upvotes, you fucking nigger.

offed ago

baaahaahaaa! Thanks for letting me know I hurt your pussy faggot :-)

offed ago

Sucking a niggers dick dont make you a man either fag

NoTrueScotsman ago

It only doesn't make sense if you didn't read the part where ccp means comment contribution points, not submission contribution points.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

...and another.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

Get out kike faget.

Legalize-Murder ago

Here's a downvoat, faggot.

offed ago

Thanks fag but I dont really care about votes down or up as long as I can comment and post so Im halfway there

bibleisplagiarized ago

just pander for a while. eventually the downvoats won't mean much unless you are brigaded.

offed ago

Only heard of rreddit here.

bibleisplagiarized ago

No this is my site. Reddit is for idiotic leftists and children.

offed ago

Who is this redbit guy and why does he hurt your feelings so much

VitGet ago

Stick with it niggerfaggot, you got this!

B-------D ago

Keep your kids away from niggers... Or lose them.

Landrictree ago

That's getting harder by the day thanks to these fucking democrats.

Can't teach your children not to be racists if every single interaction is negative.

Jewed ago

Show me how the Republicans have stopped niggers? If anything the border is more open than ever before.

Landrictree ago

Show me how niggers have anything to do with the border.

peacegnome ago

Many white areas became very dark during the Obama years. Most of those places haven't gotten worse under trump. The places that were going to shit before Obama are still headed that way.

LarryBagelstein ago

Left vs. Right is a false dilemma. It's whites vs. swarthy niggers and neither political party is doing much for whites.

peacegnome ago

i don't think of trump as a "Republican", he is simply a populist. I wouldn't expect kucinich or gravel to weaponize third worlders to genocide white people. Trump, obviously, plays the game with the jews, but doesn't openly hurt white people like obama, hillary, romney, bush, bush, etc. do.

LarryBagelstein ago

Republicans being better than clowns like Obama and Hillary doesn't really say much though. It's the classic jewish bait and switch -- "think yourself lucky you didn't Hillary, goy".

Kannibal ago

given the info coming out, looks like a basic case of being a nutjob.

YouAreASlave ago

Damage controlling kike. We won't forget who let them in, cunt.

ribaldr ago

How much inhuman behavior can come from a group of people before it is just 'how they are' instead of a exceptional 'nutjob'?

Whiteflourguy ago

Jailhouse justice is only in movies. Besides I doubt they even let the other inmates know why he is really in the pen, and not to mention I am sure the DA will say he is not fit to stand trial or the attorney will get him off with insanity. Niggers get away with killing Whites all the time, But if a White even gives a Nigger the finger at a red light they call it a hate crime.

Legalize-Murder ago

Yeah that's some dumb hollyjew shit, niggers protect each other inside.

Charlez6 ago

Is there confirmation of the boy's race yet? I still don't know whether to care or not.

Astroqualia ago

What a prick.

B-------D ago

WHITE KID... Do you even have to ask?

whipcracker ago

I dont know why white people would even go there, it is nigger infested

peanut-head ago

That's because you've got the cause and effect all backwards.

whipcracker ago

Avoid the groid, not much else you can do in clown world. Let me know when GTKRWN starts.

B-------D ago

Winning a Darwin Award for their kids.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Yes, niggers kill niggers too.

Anon1492 ago

But that's fine. They can do what they want to each other.

Inaminit ago

What we NEED to figure out is how do you make niggers kill more niggers... Everyone needs to do their part.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

That would involve voting democrat.

Inaminit ago

There has to be a better way, democraps are too fucking slow.

Chimaeric ago

Yes it was a little white boy thrown to his death by a nigger.

If the races were reversed all hell would have broken loose as all whites are collectively blamed.

Chimaeric ago

Yea i'm aware. Was fooled by the niggerfaggot who made this post into thinking he died at the time I wrote "to his death."

Still just a worthless nigger throwing an innocent white boy down 3 stories, though, and there'd be fucking riots in the streets right now if the races were reversed.

Tubesbestnoob ago

A Somali child needs to die now

AinzOown ago

Where'd you get this? Not calling you a liar... But you might be.

Hecatonphallus ago

All I had to do was search the name on the image OP posted. Here is the first search result. You probably spent more time asking for proof

Gopherurself ago

True like a bitch

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Unless I missed it, that article doesn't confirm that the victim is a white boy, or that he's dead, which is what the person was asking for.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

For real I want to spread this but I'd like full details.

Hecatonphallus ago Further down the front page I found this

ConquistadorCoronado ago

Explains why we haven't heard about it on the news.

CameraCode0 ago

I'm ready to riot and collectively blame all somalis.

Gopherurself ago

Lol I'm not fucking joking kill them all

Heathcliff ago

The mall would have been looted and there would have been two weeks of riots with the MSM telling us how evil white people are 24/7.

antiliberalsociety ago

Sand nigger* he was Somali

TreblinkaRebuilt ago

Except /u/Heathcliff is correct. Sand nigger normally refers to arabs and pakis. This is a nigger nigger.

antiliberalsociety ago

Sand niggers come from African deserts. Hence the term.

chris ago

...what the hell is that about?

antiliberalsociety ago

4.8 years and you haven't seen our back and forths?

He's preaching one thing and doing the opposite. A pied piper to the right. He's also a scam artist. I do a public service by exposing these facts so no one else falls victim to his deception.

You're welcome

chris ago

yeah man, i dunno...i dont pay that much attention here or to any social media these days, this is the first ive heard of it. what's his end game in exposing stuff like this, though?

MDEneverdies1488 ago

TexasVet had a go fund me an made more money than he asked for. He spent the extra on a gun. I don't really have an opinion on the situation

Glipglup ago

Dude you seriously need to get your head checked. there's something wrong with you.

antiliberalsociety ago

Oh look, another sapling account... Weird.

Glipglup ago

Do it. Call me a Jewish shill. Do it faggot. I know you want to.

antiliberalsociety ago

You act more like a snowflake

Glipglup ago

Oy vey, Hillary paid me to make this post. Shaloms goy. Off to eat my matzah balls.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Nothing wrong with him. He's exposing a snake. TexasVet is a snake in the grass.

I did not know this, but now i do. Cheers als

interneth8machine ago

It's attempted murder you liar I hope you get raped by a pack of pozzed niggers

Fenrir-1488 ago

No I’m seeing posts elsewhere saying that he has not died. You might be right here.

Samchay6 ago

Euther way, our forefathers would have effectively solved this problem with about 10 feet of rope and a nearby hickory tree...

interneth8machine ago

Or some rope and a truck, but I agree

antiliberalsociety ago

Horses, make it slow & painful

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Nice try, nigger. The young boy died. Go fuck yourself.

interneth8machine ago

here's the archive of the charges I looked up I went to the source instead of just posting a screengrab. If OP wasn't a faggot, he would've known to post the sauce instead of stuff that can be edited.

MadWorld ago

You may be interested in this submission:

@antiliberalsociety, check this out!

antiliberalsociety ago

Thanks! Added to the post.

Rellik88 ago

But the attempt succeed making ti murder.

interneth8machine ago

Maybe, but when I checked the charges for him, the charge was still attempted murder making me suspect that the image OP posted was doctored here's an archive of the charges in case the link I originally posted is updated

carlip ago

(OP is a massive scamming faggot.)

I knew the guy was a shitskin the second this story broke yesterday.