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Simonsaysgoat ago

Calked the FBI in voat!? For what!!??? @TexasVet

TexasVet ago

No I did not. Man fuck all this conflated misrepresentin bullshit. I'm tired of talkin about it all day every fuckin day. If anyone cared about the truth around these parts this all woulda been settled ages ago.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Why do they say these things? I don't see anything that jumps out about you,in your history. I didnt dig too,deep but unless someone here shows proof I dont beleive a word they say. Only Jews run around accusing people of things with no proof. Dont worry brother if,your a target it only,means your telling the truth and Truth telling,isnt for pussies

TexasVet ago

Dude accusing someone of something does not make it true. He has conflated and misrepresented 99% of the stuff he says about me. Furthermore look at all the things he says about me that have nothing to do with buying a rifle with some EXCESS gofundme money. If this does not scream JIDF smear campaign then I don't know what would. Just by responding to you I will lose more comment contribution points because every time I say anything on here he and his sock accounts downvote me while none of you nigger faggots ever upvote me to counterbalance it.

antiliberalsociety ago

He has conflated and misrepresented 99% of the stuff he says about me.

Proof? Links? Evidence? I'm open to answering to fraudulent, misrepresenting, or false information I've given. I just need verification that it in fact, is. Your dodging a proper debate makes you look bad.

Simonsaysgoat ago

But all he linked to was your,go fund,me that showed you took in over 4k. You apparently violated thier rules, I say apparently because I haven't read thier guidelines. You used money for something other than what you said You needed it,for and it wasn't clothes or a vehicle or to catch up on bills it was a fucking rifle. While important it is a luxury item. You still have skin cancer? My mother in law just so happened to work for one of the biggest skin cancer centers in America and I know for a fact it doesnt just go away and your better. Let me ask you, where did,you have this cancer and at what stage? What treatment have you undergone? A simple medical file with your personal info blacked out isnt hard to provide and would clear you of all the accusations. Your not providing any details to anything yet these guys have provided an entire unbiased history,of the entire event. Your dishonest and it saddens me your,not even man enough to admit you did wrong. Your no Anglo in my eyes.

antiliberalsociety ago

It's those kinds of questions that gets him to play victim and accuse you of being JIDF. He won't answer, he'll just accuse you of trying to dox him.

His argument pattern looks familiar...

Simonsaysgoat ago

Lol its terrible that even though you present facts and evidence he just denies it. Typical.