antiliberalsociety ago

I will still keep fighting for you too

Umm, exactly what is it you do that's considered fighting? Posting memes online? Taking selfie videos calling for others to take action? I haven't seen any actual WORK come out of you, just regurgitating the same shit we all talk about but on different social media accounts. What march did you attend? What political event did you speak at? What militia did you actually join? Why are all your selfies of you doing jack shit? Did you ever even visit that border?

TexasVet ago

The gofundme was in Feb of 2017. I have been gainfully employed since May of same year. You're just pissed that I pointed out your lie / exaggeration. Besides I thought you said we were done. Why you still here?

SearchVoatBot ago

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antiliberalsociety ago

got employed 3 months later

kept the begging site down for over a year later

antiliberalsociety ago

Ohh, didn't see that one before. Thanks!

TexasVet ago

You said I called the fbi on all of voat. The entire fucking website. It was not a phone call nor was it a complaint against this whole website. If it would have amounted to anything at all it would have been a complaint against one specific user. So yes you are a mother fucking liar.

antiliberalsociety ago

You threatened to have Putt give up my IP in a federal lawsuit for mental fucking anguish. You faglet.

TexasVet ago

You absolute lying motherfucker. I only submitted a god damned question to website. Not only was this not a complaint against voat itself, I did not even mention the user's name when I made the inquiry. Furthermore the "FBI" did not even respond to said inquiry. Fuck you to hell you lying sack of shit

TexasVet ago

You absolute lying motherfucker. I only submitted a god damned question to website. Not only was this not a complain against voat itself, I did not even mention the user's name when I made the inquiry. Fuck you to hell you lying sack of shit.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Calked the FBI in voat!? For what!!??? @TexasVet

Simonsaysgoat ago

This guy seems to be a piece of shit,and is playing victim. If one had skin cancer and,kidney failure you'd think they could show us or tell us exactly the details if how he got,over it. Instead he just says he better now as if he just had a cold. I smell a rat, a fat greasy Jewish rat

antiliberalsociety ago

I asked him to prove it, he asked how he'd be able to. I said post your discharge papers and blot out the address, he freaked out claiming I was trying to dox him (that's in his cry video)

Simonsaysgoat ago

Wtf, I didnt realize he was doing all of this. Just plain greasy jew schemes

TexasVet ago

No I did not. Man fuck all this conflated misrepresentin bullshit. I'm tired of talkin about it all day every fuckin day. If anyone cared about the truth around these parts this all woulda been settled ages ago.

Nosferatjew ago

You absolutely did call the FBI, and you committed fraud, both of which you admitted to.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Why do they say these things? I don't see anything that jumps out about you,in your history. I didnt dig too,deep but unless someone here shows proof I dont beleive a word they say. Only Jews run around accusing people of things with no proof. Dont worry brother if,your a target it only,means your telling the truth and Truth telling,isnt for pussies

TexasVet ago

Dude accusing someone of something does not make it true. He has conflated and misrepresented 99% of the stuff he says about me. Furthermore look at all the things he says about me that have nothing to do with buying a rifle with some EXCESS gofundme money. If this does not scream JIDF smear campaign then I don't know what would. Just by responding to you I will lose more comment contribution points because every time I say anything on here he and his sock accounts downvote me while none of you nigger faggots ever upvote me to counterbalance it.

antiliberalsociety ago

He has conflated and misrepresented 99% of the stuff he says about me.

Proof? Links? Evidence? I'm open to answering to fraudulent, misrepresenting, or false information I've given. I just need verification that it in fact, is. Your dodging a proper debate makes you look bad.

Simonsaysgoat ago

But all he linked to was your,go fund,me that showed you took in over 4k. You apparently violated thier rules, I say apparently because I haven't read thier guidelines. You used money for something other than what you said You needed it,for and it wasn't clothes or a vehicle or to catch up on bills it was a fucking rifle. While important it is a luxury item. You still have skin cancer? My mother in law just so happened to work for one of the biggest skin cancer centers in America and I know for a fact it doesnt just go away and your better. Let me ask you, where did,you have this cancer and at what stage? What treatment have you undergone? A simple medical file with your personal info blacked out isnt hard to provide and would clear you of all the accusations. Your not providing any details to anything yet these guys have provided an entire unbiased history,of the entire event. Your dishonest and it saddens me your,not even man enough to admit you did wrong. Your no Anglo in my eyes.

antiliberalsociety ago

It's those kinds of questions that gets him to play victim and accuse you of being JIDF. He won't answer, he'll just accuse you of trying to dox him.

His argument pattern looks familiar...

Simonsaysgoat ago

Lol its terrible that even though you present facts and evidence he just denies it. Typical.

antiliberalsociety ago

angry people won't follow a toofless fraud

sguevar ago

Oh bitch please.

Playing the victim card now?

All that distrust you, including me, have a juste reason why: You defrauded people with you gofundme account. Put a maximum, and received more. Never returned the extra.

You are untrustworthy and you have to deal with it. And your pro white posts clickbait is not going to divert us from your real you.

You even tried to use alts to promote your narrative and when you got caught suddenly you stopped doong it.

To sum up, go play the victim card elsewhere faggot.

Corpse_washer ago

You made a mistake. You care too much, and the world does not care at all.

Simonsaysgoat ago

What does this guy post that is so bad? Looking through his history it doesnt seem that bad.... What am I,missing here?

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I can't say I've followed the drama close enough to say for certain, but it seems like TexasVet has become the victim of ritual defamation for his perceived offenses. Note how people never seem to debate the specifics of his wrongdoing, they always assume the absoluteness of the offense. They'll exaggerate the claim and hurl rather extreme insults at him, ones disproportionate to the original offense. And so forth. This whole thing has pretty much all the elements of ritual defamation with the goal of persecuting the man.

Interesting to see it here in action, since you usually see it done by people on the left.

antiliberalsociety ago

never debate the specifics of his wrong doing

Obviously you don't follow too closely, or you cognitive dissonance your way around his blatant fraud, but I address this here in full detail.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Thats why I was asking. All of these posts that call someone out yet never say why they are a kike, etc. Its easy to spot but its getting worse on here

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

Are you a vet like a veterinarian, or a soldier? If you're proud enough of having served Israel to put it in your handle, you're as useful to white people as a nigger.

Communism4Israel ago

Lol, Valhalla. This dude is a pagan LARPer.

FannyKaplan ago

Are you the faggot that stole from voat?

antiliberalsociety ago

yup and he always flees the conversation

Le_Squish ago

Yes, he is.

TexasVet ago

You see this is the perfect example of what I am talking about. No motherfucker, I did not steal anything from anyone. The gofundme you are referring to went viral on reddit not here anyway. Every penny above the initial 500 dollar goal was mine to do whatever I wanted to with, but you mindless cretins don't even care. All your simple minds can grasp is "ooh look someone accused him of something so it must be true." Stop being an idiot and take just a minute or two to look at my submission history. I am 100% pro white in every post I have ever made since day 1.

antiliberalsociety ago

Except you deleted the incriminating posts, but I have screenshots😊

sguevar ago

You know, since @TexasVet likes to keep on playing the victim card, you should make a reminder post of all the shit he has done so he stops playing the victim here.(as you hold a good amount of screenshots on his faggotry)

This should prevent any doubt by new comers on the TV whole matter. Let me be clear on the fact that this is not a call for brigading. Is simply to show the other side of the story that he is conveniently hiding and let the users make up their mind.

antiliberalsociety ago

Liiiiiike, this?

I keep adding to it.

sguevar ago

ROFL didn't see it before!

My bad. Thanks, saving the post.

cyclops1771 ago
