Artofchoke ago

Holy fuck, it's the same wth my brother- he breaks EVERYTHING. This year it was my fucking dishwasher on top of dozens of other things. Doorknobs, dishes. Everything.

Crux ago

I used to work with the developmentally disabled. It is a common mistake to assume that they have no moral agency and are incapable of being outright bad people like anyone else.

But when someone is retarded, people make all kinds of excuses, protect them from consiquences and act like the retardation is the only thing causing them to misbehave.

RogerByam ago

I'd like to give some advice from a man who has been in a very similar situation and has seen his family torn apart.

For us, it was my older brother, and while not a tard (something else, I'd rather not get into), the behaviour you described is very familiar. The most familiar is the stupid sounds they make: my mother (analagous to your brother) said "he can't help it", but if my father told him to shut it, he would.

Now, I was a kid, so I wasn't able to do much, but when I got older, my mother was given ultimatums by me and the rest of the family, that we won't see her unless the brother is in a home, and it worked. Your brother needs to feel that isolation and loneliness to ask himself "is the tard worth it?"

If you go this route, be prepared for your brother to dig in his heels and for you and the family not see him again for years, maybe ever.

There's not point talking about "what if", but for certain, that tard needs to be in some kind of group care home.

FreeinTX ago

Relax dude, my sister's a tard. She's a pilot, now.

DanijelStark ago

Sorry to tell you this - but I think you have to cope with two retards here ...

Hopefully , your brother can come to his senses , but thats hard for me to give objective view ... such scenarios occur when bleeding hearts that simply need to virtue signal go step further , not realizing theyre ruining everyone's life around them .

BurqaFart ago

Life's hard enough. I can't imagine taking in a retard I have no bond with and parenting it 24/7, not to mention properly wiping its ass.

swinston79 ago

Sorry man I worked with tards for 20 fucking years,people like your brother is on of the reasons I stopped. Asshats who Free range their tards then dump them in a group home,Ect. because they can't handle them. Then at the meetings when you talk about what they need,I.E. Behavior Mod, Meds,Ect. they won't let you do anything because... Reasons.

Live_Wire ago

Seems like your brother is at fault more than anything.

culofiesta ago

He sounds pretty normal to me. Most people that aren't retarded act this way.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Sounds like you and the rest of your family have a problem helping those in need.

In fact it sound like your family is stocked with shitty people.

God forbid you get a brain injury and become " Retarded ". Your family would disown you and there would be nobody to help you except maybe your brother, who is doing gods work.

But for the grace of god, there go I.

He may be able to talk , and shut up occasionally but remember.. he does not understand. And when you abuse him, all he understands is the hurt. Oh you are so troubled by the sounds he makes and the way he acts. Would it take getting you a lobotomy to understand the way he feels. He has feelings you know.

Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

Oooh ouch - my fee fees

BigGay69 ago


TheKalergiFan ago

I went to a high school witj a whole department of retards. I felt sorry for them until I actually had to deal with them.

I have the exact same feelings for them as I do homeless or niggers because all three groups act exactly the same. Aggressive without cause and completely selfish.

Fuck em all.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

It’s amazing that this description could literally fit for an Nigger also:

1) constantly talking and saying “what that”

2) breaks shit when angry

3) shovels food in its mouth like an animal

Was this just a clever allegory about how your family adopted a nigger?

tomdogg ago

Oh man I feel your pain. My brother in law’s piece of shit (soon to be ex) wife tried to kill her kids (both) in utero by drinking them to death. One of them ended up being a mostly mute autistic kid. He’s only 4 now but all he does is scream when he doesn’t get what he wants. He also can’t communicate with words to tell us what he wants so it’s a vicious cycle of us telling him to stop playing with dangerous shit and him screaming in return. When I have him by himself he acts completely different then when his dad is around because I spent an entire day smacking his hand with a wooden spoon when he was getting into shit he wasn’t supposed to get into. His little tard brain only wants to get into dangerous shit like playing with knives, picking up limbs. Climbing up to the highest thing he can find, etc. I spent an hour one time following him around my house while he opened every drawer repeatedly looking for something dangerous to play with. One time he found my wife’s curling iron right after she used it and picked it up from the hot end. That was a fun day.

That one day of hand smacking was enough to do the trick because now when he’s at my house he is bearable. He has also been going to a local private Christian school so that has helped his behavior immensely and BIL got a restraining order against mom so she can’t fuck him up anymore than she already has.

I guess what I’m saying is that the tard problem you have is 80% your brother’s fault like you said and 20% the tard’s fault. Even retarded people need discipline but unfortunately I think once they get to their 20’s it’s too late. I’m sorry you have to deal with this.

Nosense ago

One of the schools I went to had a special ed kid that people just said was a little slow but he sure was fast to whip out his dick at inappropriate times and beat it like it owed him money.

Iornukrum ago

Sounds like your brother is retarded.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

They can be funny, though. These people I used to live next to had a tard. He was like 35 or something, but yeah, mentally about maybe 6 yrs old.

There was a school a couple blocks over, so kids would always walk through the neighborhood on their way to wherever when school got out. So one day I'm watching the mailbox because I'm waiting for a delivery. It's 2:30 or 3 or whatever, and school just let out. The mail truck comes and goes, and I'm walking out to my mailbox. These two girls that live further down the block, maybe 13 or 14, are walking by on their way home, and it's like late February or early April, so it's still snow on the ground and pretty cold. That's the scene - me standing at my mailbox and two rando teenie-boppers just strolling by. Then, out of the blue, here comes the tard.

I hear someone yelling, "Up up and away!" like four times. But, it's all nasally and goofy sounding, so it's more like, "Upup naway!" I turn around and look just as these girls are entering stage right, and here comes the tard, running at top speed right at them. He's wearing bunny slippers, red sweat pants, a Superman t-shirt, he has a Winnie the Pooh blankie tied around his neck like a cape, he's wearing an football helmet (not a tard helmet - an actual football helmet), he's swinging a five pound sledge hammer while he runs, and he's running right at these girls as they pass the end of his driveway.

One chick screams, drops her shit and runs. The other one just kind of froze and bunched up and cowered in fear. My jaw is practically on the ground, because I can't believe what I'm seeing. Then, just as he gets within striking distance of the cowering girl, he sets the hammer down on the ground, opens the mailbox, grabs all the mail, and tries to do that Thor thing to call the hammer back to him. But the girl is still huddled up on the ground, so he's reaching his arm over her with his hand open like six times trying to get the hammer to fly back to him. She's looking at him like wtf and flinching every time he reaches out for the hammer. Finally, he walks past her, grabs the hammer, and yells, "Upup naway," like four times as he runs back home swinging his hammer and carrying the mail.

Such is life living next to a tard.

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Shotinthedark ago

Mail thor sounds kinda awesome.

HarpoonIt ago

I mean, he did once scratch his ass so hard he ripped a hole in his shorts, so that's something. Not as good as mail Thor, but still worth a laugh at the time.

Battlefat ago

Mail Thor

Capitalization, mine

HotFarts69 ago

My friends wife was an elementary school teacher, a really pretty blonde vibrant woman. A year or so ago she was standing in the hall outside her classroom door during class change as all the other teachers to monitor the children. Along comes a tard down the hall with it's handler, and with no provocation - tard goes full fucking apeshit fists and elbows on her about the head and torso and such. She quit the following week and has been in a legal battle with the county to get workers comp ever since. Really, why are resources used to try to inject these people into public education in the first place ?

82328874A66E ago

The law forces the schools to accept them and pay for all the costs associated. That's the number one reason public education is so expensive - not because it costs more to teach kids to write, but because of how much it costs to tend to tards all day.

ranch-othelioma ago

No child left behind. Introduced by Bush's wife.

Zacchaeus ago

They want to normalize it so when the vaccines turn your child into a tard you think its totally normal and just happens all the time.

Mudslim_OGunbomb ago

Just your average liberal/leftist bullshit I'm afraid.

It's a natural extension of programs designed to bring standards up for those that traditionally perform badly, like niggers for example. Once you've had a few years of doing that, then a natural consequence of this is to extend the net further, and then you get tards edumacated. Completely pointless of course, just like those government run schemes to give them useful jobs to do which actually cost the taxpayer money. It makes far more sense to just have some day respite care if parents want them at home, of permanent residential care if not, even at the taxpayers expense as that's relatively cheap to introduce and replicate. Work opps and edumacation require a new approach for each individual due to, well, individuality.

This is course all removes opportunities from those wit the potential to make a difference to the word through their higher capabilities and intellect.

22trilionAsecond ago

If you do leave make sure to communicate this to them. At least try to make them understand.

There is a 4year old in my life. The kid could do with more discipline but still seems better behaved than that retard.

You could try to show your brother how well behaved 4yeards can be. Sure they will scream if you refuse to give them a a sugary drink before bed. But thats all it will be a short scream and then off to bed.

eggsbenedict94 ago

Your brother sounds weak or at least weak to retards.

Everyone needs to be put in their place from time to time, or all the time. I've dealt with retards before, the violent kind of retard and I've lost all patience or potential patience for any other retard I come across.

The mentally handicapped really do need to be aborted. Not all life is precious and not all lives deserve a chance. In the wild, retarded animals die quick. No exceptions.

FuckYourSafespace ago

Altruism is truly our weakness.

Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

We have technology to detect alot of these retards in the womb. Abort them then or leave them out for the wolves - the strong need to live.

Shotinthedark ago

You may have missed the point where the brother knowingly adopted it.

BeingReplaced ago

If your brother won't teach him then you should.

Not_a_redfugee ago

Is your bro married? Why did he choose to adopt a retard?

HarpoonIt ago

Nah, divorced.

He encountered the tard at the school he works at, which now makes him sound like a pedo but he's just a bleeding heart lib.

The tard's birth mother has eight kids, pregnant again, even though they keep getting taken away because she's a druggie/alcoholic/hooker. Dregs of society always seem to breed like rabbits.

FridayJones ago

He sounds like a genuinely nice person. So be careful, those types tend to drag the people closest to them down into their many self-inflicted problems. They are almost always deeply in debt, for example.

HarpoonIt ago

Don't get me wrong, I love my brother but I'd be prepared to never see him again to get rid of this blight.

He's currently sitting across from me, picking pieces off his feet and eating them.

Kinda needed to vent.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Why don't you and your father get together and talk to your brother.
You vented on the internet to a bunch of randoms but, in reality, nothing has changed. You'll be right back where you are now in the future and the cycle will continue.
Tolerance is incredibly desstructive. You're already talking about ending your relationship with your own brother.
Talk to your brother. He obviously needs help since he can control the retard.

Battlefat ago

Sounds like your brother adopted a Peter Pan version of Wreck it Ralph

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

Sounds like you are envious of the love your brother gives the retard

DoesKnowHarm ago

Yeah, what that tards "father" has done (or more aptly, NOT done) is the opposite of love. You can't let ANYONE just do whatever the feel at all times. He is ruined for any place in society. His "father" didn't know that what was best for him would be for him to understand and abide by social niceties so that he could be apart of society by being as nornal as possible for his disabilities. Instead, he fucked off and didn't train the child. Now he will never be able to remotely survive in society.