eseoficial ago

What free speech? You're banned from making posts for having low numbers. LMAO I don't even get to participate other than commenting. LMAO

panxerox ago

LOL the last free space on the internet and we can only talk to ourselves.... BRILLIANT

stealthninjataliban ago

GOOD!!!! No vacancy here. No immigrants allowed.

Dismal_Swamp ago

Shill Wall !!!!!!!!!!!

facepaint ago

So how do current users invite a worthy participant?

GapingAnus ago

Aww. It's usually fun to spot the registration date of accounts that post excessively vulgar and/or aggressive calls for violence and see which violent event happened the day before. It's a good way to spot checkmarks fishing for rage for some hit piece.

Augsberger ago

This is new to me and I like it!

Gorillion ago


1488HailFireRain ago

I love this site

FriedChicken ago


halinflorida ago

When will it be reinstated? I am not very supportive of this but then it's not my site.

uvulectomy ago

1488 degrees.

rusnoob1 ago

Now start reviewing last 2 months and ban everything suspicious. Shills do the same on twatter - reviewing posts and deplatforming.

B-------D ago

Imagine if it were that way forever...

Nadeshda ago

How did you come across it?

thelma ago

I thought that this was a lark.

It apparently is not.

I guess one of my subs was bringing in too many people that were questionable.

I talking about aliens. Spacemen.

Whiteflourguy ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

good, close those borders

Fetalpig ago


Pulverizor ago

Pool's closed.

Palindromedan ago

Everyone else* please sir, how does a niggerfaggot get an invite around here?


SolarCore ago

Never thought to I'd feel exculsive being here.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Dear asshats looking to get past the wall- I have been trying to sell my account for 3 years. Please buy it give me your shekels.

lord_nougat ago

Best I can offer is...

Evarett ago

I made it in just in time!

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

What happens when you start a new account?

Bfwilley ago

Good the number of shills, troll,s trogs, and NPC has been sky rocketing.

We need a brief rest from the mass of BS.

PatriotLady1 ago

That's one way to stop the shills.

10poundpoop ago

The way is shut. It was made by those who are Dead, and the Dead keep it, until the time comes. The way is shut.

Calculations ago

How will it grow and expand? This is pretty fucking wierd a social media website doesn't want to grow larger.... Honey pot much?

lord_nougat ago

Cellular mitosis.

I'm splitting into two identical copies of myself just now!

Garglemysac ago

So you're saying there's a wall?

lord_nougat ago

Duh, yeah! We wrote "NIGGER" on it and everything! How did you not notice?!

Garglemysac ago

It doesn't even stand out to me since it's in my everyday vocabulary.

kenlane ago

Fuck that, I aint inviting nobody.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Probably a good thing for the short term. While I think it's important to get different perspectives (this place is way too echo-chambery), right after a major incident (and after some news articles came out) is not a good time. We need users who value free speech and open discussion, not any more users who think Voat is an alt-right troll farm (whether they like or dislike that).

ViperCarbz ago

Good call. Should have called Voat "quarantined" for the lolz.

PhilKDick ago

Any club that would have me is not worth joining. (quote stolen from (((Groucho Marx))), Karl's distant cousin

eorily ago

Shills keep purchasing old accounts and I'm pretty sure big brother has been a member since alpha, but at least voat can control it's own borders a little.

KVD ago

Can I disinvite some people who are already here?

8_billion_weiners ago

Oh great. More of an echo chamber.

Grunger ago

Nice. We have a wall!

Toroidal ago

If Sam Hyde just wouldn't have gone on that NZ shooting spree this wouldn't have happened.

tokui ago

Now if he can kick all the kikes out.

iwasthey ago

Hahahahahahaaa. It's like that Seinfeld episode when Kramer erased the lanes from his section of highway making them extra wide and luxurious.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Please keep it that way forever.

Mumbleberry ago

Great job drawing out all these sleeper acts, Needle.

RndM_FggT ago

Good thing i created my account some months ago.

Rajadog20 ago

What's going on?

lord_nougat ago


Mumbleberry ago

Pajeet shitskins are targeted. Delete now

Rajadog20 ago

Fuck off gamma nigger.

lord_nougat ago

The gamma radiation gave him incredible hulkish abilities! You should probably be nice to him. I bet you wouldn't like him when he's mad.

I mean... he's only barely tolerable when he is sane! When he's mad, I just adore him!

Rajadog20 ago

Gamma as in bottom of the social pyramid

lord_nougat ago

Wouldn't that be more like omega?

GoodGodKirk ago

Other than stopping shills, is there an advantage to going "invite only"? Should/could we block access to posts and responses?

That would prevent users from posting CP and submitting it to authorities in attempts to scare investors or shut the site down.

65Creedmoor ago

Why? Stinks like censorship

NeedleStack ago

It's only temporary. It probably has to do with bandwidth issues. No doubt there are tons of new curious visitors to the site now that there are so many governmental shutdowns/blockings of 'alt right' sites like ours.

65Creedmoor ago

It’s probably an order from voat’s handler. Don’t allow normal new people to sign up until the interest is gone.

obama_sin_laden ago

i use a vpn and interestingly when i used a korean address was unable to log in but could straight away with a san diego one

Hentai ago

I sure am glad I got in early

MagicDoorHinge ago

Voat will not survive without accepting refugees from 1st world boards like reddit and 8chan

Baconmon ago

Is this a joke?.. Why would it be invite-only now?.. Wouldn't putt post a message about it?.. Can people still read posts with out an account?..

GoatDay ago

Posting in epic thread. VIVA LA REVOLUSHEEUN

Deadleftist ago

Shotinthedark ago

How do you invite someone?

lord_nougat ago

By being cool and awesome. If you're not cool and awesome, you lack the inviting ability.

getshanked ago

Users can’t, only Putt can.

Shotinthedark ago

So how would we go about getting a friend in if we wanted. Or is this a temporary fix to keep out the unwanted attention ?

lord_nougat ago

WTF, you got a friend?!


Shotinthedark ago

No but hypothetically if I did have friends and they were voat material.

lord_nougat ago


May you get one someday!

Shotinthedark ago

I'll work on it!

getshanked ago

I’m sure it’s temporary.

Shotinthedark ago

Just curious. I don't tell anybody voat I just show them the funny stuff.

56378907654678 ago

Definitely for the best, for now.

Crackrocknigga ago

JIDF and shareblue have been incredibly active these past few weeks. This is a good move, we need to separate the wheat from the chaff and identify these fucking shills.


Drunkenst ago

Proves White Privilege

SkrutinizeYou ago

Cool kids club checking in.

shauze ago

How fortunate that I chose to register months ago.

alalzia ago

We don't need more accounts from letters agencies .I doubt Putt will invite anyone on his own so keep your eyes peeled for forced ones , be sure to downgoat them so they cannot post .

Those guys inhabiting mediums banned down under already know our existence and don't think they will make accounts just for the reaction .

HuginnOgMuninn ago

I'd like more fucking shills, edgelords and crybabies.

We're missing out on great debate. This is what free speech is for. Using our gigantic vaults of red pills on unsuspecting normies.

MrShekelstein ago

Reminder that voat is owned by the rothschilds.

lord_nougat ago

Much like your mom.

Inaminit ago

Good job, Putt. Perhaps it's best to keep it this way.

friendshipistragic ago

As we are no longer accepting immigrants we can now become a recognized people group

120050HH ago

TIL you can follow an account. Cool..

DrunkViking ago

How can one follow an account? My "follow" button is whited/greyed out.

Dismal_Swamp ago

I didn’t even get a follow button.

DrunkViking ago

I hope it soon will get a "white only", and not just "invite only". See what I did there. Hehe. Homonyms is great.

Aephiraxis ago

I've got the same problem.

DrunkViking ago

I hope it soon will get a "white only", and not just "invite only". See what I did there. Hehe. Homonyms is great.

thebassdude ago

Mine too, and I've been here a while.

120050HH ago

I didn't try it when I looked at it and commented. After reading your reply I get the same result. Fuck if I know?

DrunkViking ago

Thank you. I hate you too.

Rajadog20 ago

Christ haven't seen that for years

Yamau ago

For some reason i want it to stay that way...

2fat2move ago

If you havent made it to voat by now do you really deserve it?

Hand_of_Node ago

Locked out? You'll just have to wait your turn.

friendshipistragic ago

I noticed that

Drunkenst ago

I pledged a fraternity once, cocksuckers poured cornflakes and Karo syrup down my pants and made me run around a lake. VOAT initiation much less unpleasant.

Dismal_Swamp ago

You’re luck that’s all that happened. You could have been jerking off to dudes in a coffin.

Drunkenst ago

After the initiation I told them to fuq off, I endured the insults and never joined up. Bunch of sadistic POS. I was a fool to play along but got smart about that shit right quick. As I age I’m outliving some old enemies / misbegotten “friends”. Feels good man.

Dismal_Swamp ago

You could age a bottle of Boone’s Farm for 40 years and at the end of those 40 years it’s just an old shitty bottle of Boone’s Farm. I think people are the same way. Some things just don’t get better with age.

eseoficial ago

Well, Voat isn't a place for free speech when people get butthurt and downvote you to the point you can't share valuable posts with the community... Voat is a land of snowflakes.

getshanked ago

I upvote posts I strongly agree with and also the ones I strongly disagree with. I think both need to be discussed.

2fat2move ago

This is the truth but youll usully get downvoated for pointing it out.

Drunkenst ago

Mr. ItOut: please to make exception for Yellow Vests. Mazeltov.

Drunkenst ago

You don’t understand, I’m not locked in here with you, you are all locked in here with me.”

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Yeah, well, i just shat myself

Drunkenst ago

Day drinking will do that, ask me how I know.

lord_nougat ago

How do you know?

Drunkenst ago

Been shit the bed drunk, but only twice.

lord_nougat ago

Third time's the charm!

Drunkenst ago

Nuffin’ charming about it Lucky.

lord_nougat ago


Drunkenst ago

Leprechaun hangover.

lord_nougat ago

NOT magically delicious.

Drunkenst ago

That took U too long. Power up on the rock.

lord_nougat ago

Sry, I fell asleep again.

Drunkenst ago

Think nothing of it. Pleasant dreams.

lord_nougat ago


But this time it was another alcoholic stupour. Sorry about that!

Drunkenst ago

sumtin sumtin about a prefrontal lobotomy

lord_nougat ago

Bottle in front of you!

Deplorablepoetry ago

Sleep while the sun shines the moon equals youth

Truth for the blind a white stick in the dark

Bark of the hound, the only sound as you stumble around

Guide dog should lend a paw but just barks away at the maw

Crowd gathers ‘round to hear the sound of the deaf

The1stLantern ago

Should stay that way honestly

CrustyBeaver52 ago

This should increase the monetary value of a Voat invite dramatically. Just two days ago I was thinking, "I should buy some more Voat invites right now just in case." Once again, a missed opportunity.

I remember when bitcoin was like $10 and I was like "It's just another internet fad."

Story of my life.

lord_nougat ago

I bought like four thousand of them yesterday! Lol at your poorness, poorfag!

Deplorablepoetry ago

TV Comercial:

“Cartmanland! Where all the rides are super awesome and YOU CAN’T COME

*Thats right, at Cartmanland/Voat, you, can’t, come.

“Especially you Kyle and Stan! Fuck You!”

VOAT is, and has always been CARTMANLAND

Hand_of_Node ago

$32. "This is going to blow up." Still haven't bought any.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Same here. Then I looked at Ethereum, and same thing happened. Knew about it at $10. Watched it go to $400. Not having money to invest when you know something is going to pop off feelsbadman.

Drunkenst ago

Didn’t even have to lie in a coffin and masturbate or nuthin’.

Drunkenst ago

Now they will know how Mr & Mrs Jesus felt.

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Damn Reddit imgrants wanted to come up in here and live off welfare

Deplorablepoetry ago’s a living...

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

This one cracks me up because of the pink HPOP historical buttplug on the floor.

Phantom42 ago

"Anyway, so what were we talking about again?"

Wooden doors, rookie. Wooden. Fucking. Doors.

"No shit?"

Not even joking man. Stick around.

anamazonslittle ago

So wait, you're telling me they were ordered to reduce camp deaths in the face of typhoid outbreaks?

Explain that to me slower. What is Zyklon B?

Phantom42 ago

Zyklon? Ah, nothing real harmful. Good delousing agent. Certainly would help with Typhus outbreaks. Nazis were pretty good at keeping their camps as orderly as possible. Shame we killed them. I think the Reich would've been a beautiful place had they been allowed to exist. I mean, look at Prora back then, and all their other engineering projects! And that was in ten years!

Imagine what it could've been in 80!

Drunkenst ago

I wuz kicked outta the Boy Scouts, off the Police Force and out of the US Navy. Looks like I’m finally found a home. Home Sweet Home.

TheBuddha ago

I was kicked out of Boy Scouts for eating a Brownie!

obama_sin_laden ago

my scout master got put in jail for eating a scout

Hand_of_Node ago

Drunkenst ago


Itsdone63 ago

Is this what the elites feel like? Feelsgoodman

mydadbeatupyourdad ago

Yeah except we aren’t a bunch of fetus eating fags

TheSeer ago

Infiltrators BTFO. LOL

lord_nougat ago

Infiltrators outfiltrate!

FlailingEnt ago

Voat should embrace the shitshow

carlip ago

Quick invite @aged!!

slumbermachine ago

Not bad, the shills and idiots that believe the things corporate media tells them are running crazy around here lately. I pray truth finds those lost souls.

Anonymous171717 ago


Mumbleberry ago

Nominated for "best post of the month".

Nadakai ago

You have to go back!!

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Not a bad idea for now...

trevmon ago

more proof that they know their servers can't handle more people so intentionally make the site suck to stay dead

lord_nougat ago

Your mom can't handle more people!

Bless her hard working heart. She does what she can to provide for your faggy existence.

trevmon ago


Jay_Mac ago

Borders closed, turn around and go back to reddit

Veghead ago

My posts on fatpeoplehate are being downvoated. Good Riddance Trolls!

Turkeypotato ago

Oh vey. Better go to the shelf accounts

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

I feel special.

Deplorablepoetry ago this the short bus to heaven?

lord_nougat ago

Like the olympics!

ScrewdriverOo ago

Don't. I still have my account.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

I don’t recall asking for your opinion, homosexual.

ScrewdriverOo ago

Oh man. I need to cry for 5:30 to relieve the PTSD I have from this comment. I'm totally triggered, more triggered than when I was checking my weight. I'm starting to gain thin privilege. I can't handle my oppression points being lowered.

17494246? ago

How do you invite?

Deplorablepoetry ago


How are you?

It’s been so long since I’ve seen your face.........I’ve forgotten how to puke

Kalergi ago

I thought you were taking hiatus? Or are you just here for the train wreck?

Deplorablepoetry ago

Love a train wreck

Jewed ago

You mean you don't have the invite button in your account?

lord_nougat ago

Sadly, that feature is disabled for super-faggy users.

17496861? ago

No I actually don't is that not a real pic or do you actually have an invite button?

Yamau ago

You dont

BaconFlasher ago

I dont know why but this seriously made me chuckle.


I approve.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Good. Keep out the riff raff and all that.

Mumbleberry ago

Riff is ok, raff, not so much

revfelix ago

NosebergShekelman ago


slevin_kelevra ago

Fuck off we're full!

lord_nougat ago

Just one wafer thin mint? It's wafer thin!

Glory_Beckons ago

Too many kids

That's clever.

Stephen89 ago

Best to keep out the boomer cucks still trickling in from reddit. Looking at you v/QRV

Mumbleberry ago

STFU, newfag.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

I haven't invited anyone, and I'm not going to start now just because of this.

Fuck the rest of the internet!

lord_nougat ago

Liar. You totally invited me!

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

You clearly mistook my gyrating hips and waving hand and finger gestures for someone excitedly trying to wave you over. Since you are already here I warmly welcome you to join me in shooing away the Redditfag hordes, misdirecting the Jewnalist invasion, and telling the feds to get a fucking warrant!

lord_nougat ago

Sounds good. I'll twerk them into submission!

aliasunknown ago

I am glad I stopped my lurking for over a year and finally got the nerve to create my account a month ago before it became invite only.

lord_nougat ago

Grats, you timid shit!

For what it's worth, the meek are supposed to inherit the earth.

...if you ask me, that sounds like a somewhat shite inheritance. But you didn't ask... sorry.

aliasunknown ago

Thanks for the compliment. My husband appreciates my meekness as well.

SIayfire122 ago

Well established account for sale. This week only! $6,000,000. Contact me @SIayfire122.

SporadicSpasms ago

How much is that in shekels?

SIayfire122 ago

21,620,000 Shekels

Inaminit ago

I'll give you tree fiddy.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

You can have my account for 100$.

For 1000$ I'll decode the whole site for you in a language that a shill will understand.

SIayfire122 ago

For $6mil, I'd happily walk away from Voat and even give them a few weeks worth of content to post.

SandHog ago

Only six millions? Why not gorillions?

Native ago

I have a very nice pedal powered skull crashing machine if you would like to trade for account access?

It’s very efficient (and eco friendly) you don’t even need to use bullets!

Gimmethelolz ago

Can we change the greeting to "Fuck off, we're full"

bourbonexpert ago


Please.... mak this happen, even if it’s for just an hour.

It might make the press

QuantumDiarrhea ago

All these fucking people that want to join now never had any problems with free speech. Fuck off - We're full.

clubberlang ago

That'd be the Aussie side

dassaer ago

Car park's full, how many f***ers are in there ?? " - Quote from internet-chan-coined ' You brilliant mad mad bastard '.

Mogumbo ago

Dats wut I'm saiyen bradah

Dinosaurium ago

This would make me happy.

Kingssman ago

legal migration only

Privacy_Terms ago

"You can crash on the moon if you want"

knightwarrior41 ago

hilarious lol

Privacy_Terms ago

I kind of dropped the ball though. I should have said "You can crash on 4chan" in my post.

Mumbleberry ago

I would upvote this more, but that would be brigading.

Gimmethelolz ago

Thanks. I want it to honor our Australian friends that can't be here today.

Professorballs ago

Spent an hour or so swearing and squirming my temporarily voat-less existence yesterday, then stopped fucking around and used a VPN.

Mumbleberry ago

Don't leave the kiwis out!

moarzor ago

A desire to brigade without doing it. That's thought crime.

bitxbitxbitcoin ago

Double plus bad.

Fancy451 ago

Talking about thought crime, that's a thought crime.

Justsomeone ago


That's a crime, mate.

fuckyourownface ago

Crime? That's a paddlin

elitch2 ago

Oi! You got a loicence for that skit?

Justsomeone ago

I don't know, cunt, u got a licence for asking for licences?

elitch2 ago

All right! You're coming with me!

Fancy451 ago

The front fell off.

Mumbleberry ago

Only in New Zealand.

NiggerVirus ago


beece ago

So undesirables working for other intelligence agency's can invite invite invite each other in?

SIayfire122 ago

No. It means only Putts can invite people.

Drunkenst ago

Hot dog said Frank with relish.

NosebergShekelman ago

@PuttItOut built a wall holy shit take note, Trump

worthlesshope ago

We should simulate what Trump has to go through. Instead of voat under a monarchy it should have been a democratic process to make voat invite only. Putt can only make voat invite only if he gets 50% of the current users or elected users of various subs to agree with building a wall around voat.

KVD ago


HillBoulder ago

Whoa when did you start going out of character?

NosebergShekelman ago

It's called SHAPESHIFTING, fegit.

HillBoulder ago

Haha nice werk shaloms

Fullmetal ago

Just like Trumps wall!

Mumbleberry ago

You win.

NosebergShekelman ago

I always have that one down-vote when I ping the man and in the back of mind always wonder if it is he...sadface.jpg

Mumbleberry ago

100% sadface

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Le_Squish ago

I love it when we're full.

totes_magotes ago

<wink wink nudge nudge>

Le_Squish ago

How you doin'?

Edenz ago

I support while, not for long though. While I fully agree with free speech as long as you are not criminal yet it is clear voat has been under attack the past 48 hr. Shills, jihads, fascists, commies, jew zionists, glow in the dark niggers and journalists I warn you voat is not for the faint hearted, it will change you just as wikileaks news might change your opinion. Also it is almost impossible to get banned from voat unless someone does something very stupid, degenerate crazy or criminal. Voat respects free speech the first amendmentof the US Constitution a great country, perhaps one of the greatest nations to exist. What's happening now is a media narrative is collapsing, NZ and Aus want the interweb shut down! Oy Vey! If you're looking for the vid last I seen kiwifarms and brighteon was hosting it! video!

AvariciousNose ago

That's a long wall of text that nobody will read.

Le_Squish ago

I've really been wondering if the guy was a former spook that had enough.

SporadicSpasms ago

This whole event seems to glow in the dark.

Le_Squish ago

It does but the glowies haven't decided on a narrative that sticks. They are doing damage control and can't properly address shaping the narrative. Even if the shooting was suppose to happen, I get the feeling it wasn't supposed to go down the way it did.

SporadicSpasms ago

Have you seen this yet?


It's already been shoahed from jewtube.

Edenz ago

I don't know or maybe the Kebabs, the guys in Eastern Europe and Norks caught him and turned him, the music was like hypnotic programming, the places in Pakistan would connect him to Shiia & he shot up a Sunni mosque with absolute rage he went back shot them again to make sure they were dead and the weird thing when he this white dude in battle camo arrives with a gun they great him as 'brother' before he blasted them. Some body wants the story buried and to move on with a narrative, they even published a BS story about a muslim tackling the gun man and saving people, the nations of NZ and Aus are censoring everything not fitting the agenda, absolute BS.

MaximilianAldorfer ago

You got a problem with Fascists?

matthew-- ago

I do.

No one can explain what the fuck they are. Sure, they can point to "examples" of "fascists"... but they can't explain any of their core political beliefs, and when they try, it just sounds like applied communism.

Edenz ago

yeah you're gay, I like those jackets though, cars are cool. Hitler was also going to ally with street shitting Indians and Somali. The guys who fought battles and won, bleed on the beaches, the winners of WW2 should not worship its German losers although there are many things about Germanic culture I think great and many things about Germans that I like. Looks Whos Back

BlowjaySimpson ago

Patton was right. We fought on the wrong side. The only winners in WW2 were (((them))).

MaximilianAldorfer ago

What if I told you you could be a Fascist and not be a Nazi?

moarzor ago

Over-full. There are too many. We must send some back.

Phantom42 ago

Start with QRV.

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

We should start with u/aged

Hand_of_Node ago

This shill is PANICKING!!1!1!

It's usually a clown-show over there.

anamazonslittle ago

Missing some caps lock. And a dash of plan trusting.

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

And prayers to (((Q)))

Cultivator ago

Let's not forget the wwg1wtflqbtbbq

canyou ago

Agreed, because the shills are in a panicked state

Hand_of_Node ago

Nah, "shills" just go mock the Qcumbers on QRV because they react so retardedly. No one actually cares about whatever "Q" is up to. It's like going to kiwifarms without leaving home.

canyou ago

Lol, no one cares what Q is doing? Yeah if you say so

Hand_of_Node ago

I mean people outside the cult. The people who supposedly would be panicking.

glassuser ago

That's a good start.

fspu ago

Beats being hungry.

elitch2 ago

Thank you!

sometaters ago

I think that's an okay move. It's clear that it's intended to be a temporary thing until this all settles down, and there is still a way in if you know somebody. It'll keep those spam accounts we say earlier down.

yellowthread ago

Who got banned from somewhere else now?

fattyfatigue ago

It won't settle down until WW3 is over. Any predictions when?

modsrcuntz ago

What settles down? I'm assuming something is going on that I'm not aware of..

MrPim ago

To be clear here. There is no way in. There are no invites. There never have been. When we go Invite Only I means the doors are locked. If you do not have an account right now, you can not get one.

160065002 ago

I feel special..

LOLZebra ago

thx for this i was looking for like invite links somewhere

MrPim ago

There's confusion every time it goes up.

MaximilianAldorfer ago

This is bullshit! Media: I am selling accounts for $100 each. I will update with my bitcoin address

Jewed ago

I have more e-peen points, so I'm asking $200.

jollux ago

what's up lurkers? ha ha fucking losers

CameraCode ago

Pretty smart. Keeps away the trolls and shills, and if people like what they see, they will stick around until user creation is reinstated.

mmabouncer ago

Not really. It closes us off to the public, whose only exposure of the site comes from the mainstream media. So now a new person can't form a full opinion by inspecting the site itself, they'll just go with their programming and be told VOAT is bad.. like Orange Man.

eseoficial ago

Really, because the shills and trolls spam downvoted me for dishing out the same crap they do.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

maybe they downvoted you for crying about downvotes


eseoficial ago

LMAOOO oh yeah because the last -50 were from that. LMAO This site is filled with snowflake white supremacists who will target anyone they don't like and they OF COURSE can never handle the same crap they dish out. LOL. Hilarious pussies

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

it's easy to look at your profile and see your most downvoted comments are calling a white nationalist a muslim cock sucker

this site is full of white nationalists, what did you expect? you have a grand total of 224 CCP (upvotes and downvotes) and you're crying. this means you have contributed next to nothing to this site for the last 3.4 years since you made your account.

you can easily get the 174 CCP that would be required to lift all restrictions on your count in less than a week if you weren't a fucking retard

quit crying

FatBruceWillis ago

Learn to curl your pubes at Manhood101

RedditHasDied ago

You lovely fucking bastard, this is beautiful.

RedditHasDied ago

I'm hysterically cackling at these. This is funny shit.

SIayfire122 ago

Be sure to read the others posted under my comment.

SIayfire122 ago

I knew I had to miss something, but I wasn't about to search your entire post history. I need to save these for future reference.

HerbieTancock ago

Looks like @Discoball let the security cert slip again, expired on the 16th

lets_get_hyyerr ago

This and also Voat is too "hot" right now. Its widespread news that we were banned in NZ and AU. It definitely brought unwanted attention. Invite only was a good move on Putts end.

Kekalicious ago

I can't wait to have me bits checked. It is a lonesome memory.

Haywood_Jablomeme ago

Killin it, Putt. We love ya.

Odin_inspires ago

Hopefully it is temporary. Some people who are under increased scrutiny need to delete accounts often and start anew (NOT sock puppeting), in order to not leave a self-doxxing track.

Doglegwarrior ago

Im pretty doxxed but when you realize all the facebook fucks in the millions have been doxxed for years it doesnt bother me as much. Luckily i dont have a standard job thats when the doxxing really matters mybcomment history would have me fired from most normal jobs especialy if jews were invovled at all.

MaximilianAldorfer ago

How do you know you’re “pretty doxxed”?

Not that I DOUBT these kikes make lists

Doglegwarrior ago

I showed a video of me dunking and it says my name. Guy talking shit thought i was lying i had the video on youtube already. Fuck it. I dont know what anyone could do to me anyways. And the jews if thry want you thry willndestroy you finacialy first.

CameraCode ago

5 days old and you already need a new account? Wtf are you doing?

trevmon ago

that's not what he said. but we need to make new accounts every 2 weeks or so so this isn't an issue yet but could become one

CameraCode ago

Ok I think I get it. I don't see how that could really be a problem if you don't talk about stuff that would identify you.

trevmon ago

yeah I make up subtle lies like saying I work at a bank in kansas (I really don't) but in case I slip up need new accounts. They have bots that run intense algorithms to match up with us, snowden showed this.

RacistJew ago

So? I am sure they know who I am. Fuck them. You hear me fuckers?

trevmon ago

just be careful, make a new name every now and then

NoKnothing ago

Naming the Jew.

CameraCode ago

I've been naming the Jew since I've created this account. You get downvoated because you're a shill.

NoKnothing ago

Fucking paranoid man. I'm just commenting on this thread making a joke. Now I'm a "shill" whatever the fuck that means.

CameraCode ago

Ok fair enough I take that back. I'm not convinced you are a shill, but I'm also not convinced you aren't.

NoKnothing ago

I understand why you can't trust anyone. This is an anonymous site which is invaded by dishonest people running multiple accounts...

However the shill-naming must be hilarious for the actual shills. Divide and Conquer.

NeedleStack ago

Look at us being the cool kids!

Not_a_redfugee ago

H, hey, you boys wanna buy a cigarette?

thelma ago

I'm running around without underpants !

jqueso ago

  • at Wal-Mart

seattlethrowaway ago

where else?

thelma ago

Last visit to Wally World I saw 100 moo moos. And one hot hot hot chick. I followed her around. She did not ask me out.

SporadicSpasms ago

Did you show her the swastika tattoo on the head of your penis?

thelma ago

On my balls...a pair of them. More impressive.

NosebergShekelman ago

That uppity shiksa! You should've dragged her into the bathroom supplies isle and raped her with a plunger! oy vey

17494589? ago

With a plunger? Really? Sounds like a good time to me.

Drunkenst ago

Not so fast, used the end mute coronets with.

lord_nougat ago

Wah wah wah.

Drunkenst ago

Blow Satchmo, blow

NosebergShekelman ago

kek I am a samurai with a plunger!

17494950? ago

En garde!

NosebergShekelman ago

plop plop plop lol