Baconmon ago

This is great!!!! remember lads, praise kek

NosebergShekelman ago

I hope hateful nazi goys dont post it to prestigious jewish websites

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

...I felt a great disturbance in the Force. As if millions of kvetches suddenly cried out...

Kekalicious ago

My friend loved The Simpsons. One day he is sick and stays home from work. Girlfriend of three years stops by with dub copy dvd of The Simpsons and homemade brownies. Tells him to enjoy his sick day and enjoy the cartoon. Later on he plates up the brownies and watches the show. Eating brownies, watching Simpsons. First episode was fine. Five minutes into the second episode the video changes into a close up of a dudes dick. Followed by a mass of hair and moaning. Camera pans back to show his girlfriend face as the dude blows into her mouth. She grabs a bowl from nearby and spits out her prize. Then she grabs a bag from nearby and adds brownie mix. She looks at the camera "I'm breaking up with you"

yewotm8 ago

This happened

NeedleStack ago of that post.

White_pride_cis ago

The autism never ceases to amaze me

meowmix56 ago

The funny part to me is that this is going to be the oceania equivalent of the tiananmen square massacre. Whenever it gets posted you see all the australian shitposters suddenly disconnect.

boobio ago

fucken based!

Elemental_Lightning ago

Hell, this is how I say the first 10 minutes for star wars the last Jedi. Before I said fuck this shit and went to bed

nevertriggered ago

As someone in another thread said, it's the new rickroll

CowWithBeef ago

This sounds dumb to me. What am I not getting?

hillaryisabitch ago

Make people click the video by accident. Especially in NZ and Australia forums. Heavily target them because of their faggot censorship.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


gazillions ago

That's fucking brilliant.

If only stupid girls knew that they were on their side.

boekanier ago

This must be 'porn' in the eyes of porn addicts.

shrink ago

Unsurprising really, it does make for some excellent fap material.

ISellDownvoats ago

Oh shit. If they embed it in the middle of porn videos... wouldn't be fairly unstoppable? And genius?

yewotm8 ago

But then they'd have to watch porn. It'd be like a cop who has to do drugs with drug dealers in order to catch them.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

Not only can you embed it in the middle of a video, you could overlay it, picture-in-picture style. that should also fool any detection algorithms.

PewterKey ago

If they follow the youtube anime scene, they could just overlay it on top of a porn video and reduce the porn audio. And it'd basically be impossible to automatically remove.

They could even title it something like Facebook stream and tag it amateur interracial group incest to get promoted on the main page.

WyattMale ago

They're already doing it^^

ThyCultOfQ ago

Do it on some goat porn and Rick Roll the caliphate

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

Do it faggot

theoldones ago

to the glory of kek. information wants to be free.

Privacy_Terms ago

Free information distribution

Not sure why no one has brought up blockchain options yet. Not to say that Gubments can't effectively block access to blockchains if they want (This WILL happen eventually- see China), but that's the point. Force them to over reach and be total tyrants right out in the open so that everyone gets it.

This is an interesting option piggy backed on Ehtereum:


From what I could glean from their fuzzy whitepaper, the content is non-curated and no individual server has an entire copy of anything. Kind of makes it tricky for Big Brother to pin down the source.

Artofchoke ago