Baconmon ago


Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

Benton would be proud :,)

melissastricklin ago


Merlynn ago

Should we have "Never Gonna Give You Up" playing?

Civil_Warrior ago

Rag Rolled

SearchVoatBot ago

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insanitea ago

8chan is already posting the video to porn sites. This can be done. So it shall.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gorillion ago

Add the music and it's a deal.

superspathi ago

What absolutely slays me about this lunacy is that hollywood puts out endless movies that are more gruesome than this. To the point that people were saying "This shit is fake! Where's the blood?"

PugOverlord ago

Splice the NZ and videos like the Moroccan hikers with Rick song and give it all sorts of titles that are trending on YT.

JuanPaco ago

I'd rather watch President Trumps inauguration speech over and over. At least it's uplifting. The vid shows murder. I don't think it should be censored, but it's not "cool".

Newmemba ago

ten years in jail for possession of this video? PM of NZ must have had her family threatened.

Thelegend27tons ago

Lets do it.

Newmemba ago

that video gun action sure looks fake, how many shots through the windshield and no broken glass? One shot through the passenger window and glass all over the place, whats with that huh?

BlackCrimesMatter ago

And send it to those spineless NZ Cops.. there is nothing those NZ pigs can do outside their jurisdiction.

TrevorLyman ago

Or this one! ==>

EpiPendemic ago

it already is a thing, someone got me 2 times yesterday

NosebergShekelman ago

Play that song over the vid fucking brilliant godammit

or Tiny Tim - Living in the sunlight

Zednix ago

Start referring to it as the Facebook Shooter

Tubesbestnoob ago

Two different things.

It's impossible to jerk off to Rick Astley.

B166-ER ago

You guys are doing it wrong... the reverse rickroll is more effective. Create posts that indicate you are sharing the shooting video, but instead it just videos of past Muslim atrocities committed against white people. The Ariana Grande concert which killed children, the Paris theatre, the trucks of peace, the beheading of those two coal burners in Morocco... The best part is that those videos are all allowed so you avoid legal action because you didn't actually distribute the video in question. Additionally, it would be best to use soft language to describe the event, just like they do when a bunch of Muslims rape and murder a bunch of whites. The media wants to call this "The Christchurch Massacre" instead we can call it "The Christchurch Tragedy". The shooter is not a terrorist, he is a migrant from his home country of "X" or whatever... you guys are more creative than I am. But you get the idea.

BumFightChamp ago

Hey dummies, you know this NZ guy is a leftist and is fucking us over, right?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Lord_Mari ago

I don't see why not. Got a guide?

hillaryisabitch ago

I tried making a post on pol, it didn't gain any traction. The jannies there are trannies. But it would be nice if we could talk to some Kiwis and Aussies about what types of forums and public square places there are that are based in those countries. Try looking for the top sites in AUS and NZ.

I've kept up to date links to the video here:

If you have any ideas, I'm all ears. We can crowdsource this effort, I just had the idea and hoped to spread it.

Humanicide ago

I agree because people slaughtering other people is funny stuff. They should turn into a cartoon so the kids might be more interested. The whole damn thing is fucking hilarious.

DeadFox ago

Yeah, it is. weve been battered and abused by these people for almost 20 years now. Payback is awesome! It's hilarious watching that sandnigger try and crawl away but his legs won't work.

hillaryisabitch ago

Glad we're in agreement!

Themooninthesky ago

While playing never gonna give you up. Over dubbed!

The1stLantern ago

This is a fucking amazing idea.

thewebofslime ago

No, you should make it the Sinaloa cartel video to show everyone why we need the wall.

They laugh and peel a guys face off while he is still alive, while listening to Michael Jackson.

King_Leopold_II ago

Have you seen the one where they cut a guys abdominal muscles away, break into his chest cavity and rip his heart out?

thewebofslime ago


King_Leopold_II ago

Which ones worse, I've not seen the one you mentioned?

thewebofslime ago

Face flaying way worse. You think he is dead, when all of his skin is off, then he starts screaming and they shove a machete in his mouth.

tastelessinvective ago

When the Aztecs send their people they're not sending their best.

King_Leopold_II ago

Hey essay that's racist.

MrPim ago

An entire essay?

hillaryisabitch ago

One of the most fucked up videos I've ever seen.

Fullmetal ago

If we do that then the Australian government would need to ban the entire Internet.

Sounds like fun.

hillaryisabitch ago

The point is, they can't protect their countries from the world. We need to show them what the internet is about. They are all fucktarded and deserve to be bombarded by trolls around the globe.

unclegandhi ago

Anybody wanna shoot me a link?

hillaryisabitch ago

Check the main posts, I'm updating with link.

Fagtardicus ago

replace a section of captain marvel with the video and seed it?

MaunaLoona ago


Fagtardicus ago

nawsir, im just shamelessly ripping of GNAA techniques

gerberlyfe ago

I'd rather not catch terminal soy induced rectal cancer instantly

SporadicSpasms ago

You only catch it if the soy is injected into your ass by a faggot.

Fagtardicus ago

your loss

Yogus ago

Use the doom version.

Cutsprocket ago

There’s a doom version?

Cutsprocket ago

Oh man that tickles me in just the right way

Hipsterrr ago

holy shit that is great

17469124? ago

Who's got a working link for me?

17469945? ago

Danke, mein nigga.

Doglegwarrior ago

Brilliant idea. How about a clip of high lights to the rick roll song?

Samsquamch ago

Never gonna give you up (Bang bang bang)

Never gonna let you down (body his floor)

Never gonna run around or desert you (runs to car, then runs back inside)

Doglegwarrior ago

I down with that.

bnard88 ago

Yes! My thought exactly!

d33t ago

I found all the ways people are finding to re-enact the video in various video games to be hilarious as well.

ShitPostMcGee ago

If anyone reskins an assault rifle for new vegas give me a shout

RedditHasDied ago

Hahahah, he renamed the bow Kebab Remover

0cra_tr0per ago

brb re-enacting it in roblox (will deliver video once I'm done)

hillaryisabitch ago

I added it to the info dump! LOL

0cra_tr0per ago

Well, I guess we can now assume video game re-enactments will be added to the infodump.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

hooktube does nothing

use bitchute

Neon_daemon ago

Im on vacation. Can you put the Leroy Jenkins audio over top and sync it with the footage?

talmoridor-x ago

Lol. Just as convincing as the official video.

0cra_tr0per ago

Thanks! I'm planning on making a GMod version tomorrow.

GoatyMcGoatface ago

We really are living in bizarro world, because OP FUCKIN DELIVERED

0cra_tr0per ago

I'm not OP, but thank you.

TheTrigger ago

OP, please, Mister. P-please deliver. I 'aven't 'ad a good kek in a fort's night.
*clutches hat in hands*

Anonymous171717 ago

Ha! And then, a cooked goose for everyone!

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

You’ve inspired me to create a rimworld version, but I’m not sure how well the birds eye view will play out.

0cra_tr0per ago

Well now I feel like making a GMod version now.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

If you have the free time, go for it. The more the merrier.

I don’t think I can do rimworld. I tried it but the shooting mechanic just isn’t right. My friends still play wow, imma try and do something with them later.

0cra_tr0per ago

Have you tried using the Combat Extended mod for Rimworld? It completely overhauls the combat mechanics, mainly ranged weapons.

As for me making the GMod version, I'll need to quickly make a little mod to create a M4A1 for the sandbox gamemode as well as some kind of semi-automatic shotgun. After that, I just need to get the NPCs inside the building and the props used to make the building ready, and then I can make the GMod version. I'll start working on the GMod parody tomorrow.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

I did for a while and then I started playing in dev mode and said to my self “there are too many fucking ammo items”. I still have a few saves without cheating, but I mostly play with mods that help with quality of life and less mechanic changes. Roof support is a fucking godsend. I’m tempted to try the sea ice challenge again after so many failures but I need to plan for that.

0cra_tr0per ago

Oh. Well if you install it for the duration of getting the recording done, and give your pawn doing the shooting a gun with plenty of ammo, and save the game before making the re-enactment unfold, then I think you can pull it off. Once you get a finished recording of the shooting, you can go back to the non-CE gameplay.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Hmm, haven’t thought of that. I’ll give it a try.

hillaryisabitch ago

You glorious bastard.

0cra_tr0per ago

Alright, got everything ready for the 4th Highest Score re-enactment in ROBLOX, just gotta get it recorded.

CantDentTheBrent ago

As In link the video in place of rick?

Kippering ago

To avoid the filters, you need to put artist frame around it like you frame a painted picture. Put a wonder woman pic, transformers or harry potter frame art around the Vid that plays...another trick is to flip the vid horizontal like looking in a mirror. Also twig the audio a little pitch it up a note or down a tone, their bots will be unable to find the vid and remove it

PugOverlord ago

Political news clips are popular too. Thumbs nails of the NZ PM's mummified face and her talking for the first few seconds. Then bam! Straight into the remove kebab roll.

RacistJew ago

You guys are fucking genious. And terrifying.

hillaryisabitch ago

Yes. Bonus points if you go to New Zealand forums.

Alpha-As-Fuck ago

And the manifesto

Baconmon ago

Yes! Every one needs to read it!

hillaryisabitch ago

Added it to the info dump:

Know of any more that I haven't covered on there?

materialismo ago


Black_Chopper ago

The manisfesto is so much more important

Civil_Warrior ago

Because it makes no mention of the Jew as a probkem

ForTheUltimate ago

sponsored by the jews nonetheless

Fullmetal ago

The manifesto is retarded.

talmoridor-x ago

This. Alt-lite Ben Shapiro "based magapede" bullshit.

freshmeat ago

the manifesto looks like an AI bot scraped a bunch of random right wing troll sites and shittily put it together. Everyone knows its fake and troll.

Fullmetal ago

It's not fake, but it may very well be a troll. It certainly says nothing really worth reading.

About half of the lunatics that go on these types of rampages leave some kind of a manifesto. They typically say the same thing, and this one's no different. The author's typically appear to have some kind of diagnosable mental illness.

Sheeitpost ago

Like the Russian Dossier?

DeadFox ago

Only the shill caste is pretending it is fake. Swear to god your employers overextended your hand today, the list is clear as day now.

freshmeat ago

navy seal copy pasta, spyro 3, playing remove kebab. Why are people making this shit seem legit? its obviously a fuckin troll

DeadFox ago

Because, you fucking pedo, he is one of us. He was an average autist that got fed up. You think it takes someone heroic or exceptional to do this? Nope. Any one of us could do this, any of us could get fed up and start fighting back. And that's what scares you and your bosses.

Fullmetal ago

And that's what scares you and your bosses.

No, what really scares them is the notion that someday they'll royally fuck up, and actually trigger a mass uprising. They don't know when to quit pushing, and I doubt they'd be able to stop even if they did.

Occupy Wall St. had the numbers, but they didn't have the anger, resolve, or will to make a difference. When that shit show started, however, bankers were calling journalists asking if the revolution had finally started. Once they realized OCS was a bunch of cuck-weasles, they understood they could be ignored.

freshmeat ago

oh my gahh, now im a pedo. Kill yourself nigger

DeadFox ago

Everyone knows you're a pedo.

freshmeat ago

kill yourself tranny

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

See, the thing about AI is that you can’t manipulate it into spewing the liberal bullshit you hear all day. The I stands for intelligence.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

of fucking course you're one of the shills pushing the "it's fake goy" meme.

freshmeat ago

if you believe that shit and want others to think it is then i got a bridge to sell yall

TheTrigger ago

His whole purpose is to make voat look like a bastion for pedos; of course he has other directives, as well. The main thing I'm glad for, from the pizzagate crowd, is that they put an end to most of his shenanigans.

Chadsden ago

No u

talmoridor-x ago


hillaryisabitch ago

We need to meme parts of the manifesto. Make it into a rap song or something catchy.

ThyCultOfQ ago

I will do this later... meme the manifesto

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

We need to meme parts of the manifesto.

The Manifesto is like 80% memes.

yellowthread ago

Honestly I think it was 100% and no mere mortal recognizes all of them at once.

Merchant_Menace ago

I did. But I went blind for 10 minutes and my ears bled. My mind went blank and I lost it... but I can still see Candace Owens laughing maniacally when I close my eyes.

yellowthread ago

Check your gun safe to make sure everything isn't covered in names of dead Slavs.

Merchant_Menace ago

That's weird... I don't even know this language but it looks like my writing...I can almost hear Candace whispering to me now... i... I gotta go lay down. I'm sure it'll pass by morning.

JoeKerr ago

The manifesto is a meme. That was the whole point of it.