We should make the NZ shooting video the new Rickroll. (whatever)
submitted 6 years ago by hillaryisabitch
Seeing as they're trying to ban and punish people for viewing the video. We should make an effort to Rickroll people with it to increase its exposure.
Links to post: https://voat.co/v/news/3096459
Operation Brentroll sound good? Someone think of a better name to coin this?
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d33t 6 years ago
I found all the ways people are finding to re-enact the video in various video games to be hilarious as well.
0cra_tr0per 6 years ago
brb re-enacting it in roblox (will deliver video once I'm done)
Neon_daemon 6 years ago
Im on vacation. Can you put the Leroy Jenkins audio over top and sync it with the footage?
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d33t ago
I found all the ways people are finding to re-enact the video in various video games to be hilarious as well.
0cra_tr0per ago
brb re-enacting it in roblox (will deliver video once I'm done)
Neon_daemon ago
Im on vacation. Can you put the Leroy Jenkins audio over top and sync it with the footage?