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Glory_Beckons ago

I think this hits the nail on the head as to why they are censoring this video so rabidly.

They always try to control the narrative by ensuring the corporate, globalist media has a monopoly on information. But it's much more drastic than before in this case.

Think about this: They are throwing people in jail for murder-tier sentences... for distributing true, unfiltered, unedited information about a major event in the world. In other words, for bringing you the news.

This is why. This video teaches White men the forbidden truth they've worked so hard to beat and guilt and shame out of you, from childhood:

You have the power to fight back.

And it's easier than you think.

iamlegion ago

video was debunked

another false flag


LDIP ago

Keep digging that hole deeper and deeper. Eventually we will remove you Q parasites

iamlegion ago

just deep enough for you to fall into

don't get hurt, we're much faster than you EVER were

LDIP ago

Biggest joke on this site folks

iamlegion ago

way faster than you cowards.... way bro

you still mad?