Steinmacher ago

They'll use any excuse to kill non-muzzies

Niggertown ago

The kikes are astroturfing voat to get it shut down. Notice the massive influx of posters promoting violence.

beece ago

I thought that's native Voaters who are supportive of the shooter. Can you provide specific instances?

Professorballs ago

The "muzzies" have killed way more muzzies than anyone else.

Othmar_Regin ago

So did the christians (as in killed more of their own folk than anybody else) -- funny how those monotheist religions work, huh

Professorballs ago

Sorry friend. I should have been more specific. In a contemporary context, and particularly in context with the original post (implying that Muslims over compensate for the killing of Muslims, by non muslims, with a disproportionately large killing of non muslims) I am just pointing out that Muslims are ( a contemporary context) killing proportionately more Muslims than non muslims. Not sure how the mono theistic religion theme integrates with the original post, except that it's a way to identify the targets of the recent attack. Yes Christians killed a lot of Christians. Jews killed a lot of Christians. None of that refutes my point.