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UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

They can't start loving them selves. There is nothing there. They have to have things to hate because they are such failures.

Othmar_Regin ago

You know why the jews (almost) always win against people who hate them?

They got Experience! 5000 years worth of experience!

You know that saying.. never argue with a retard on his terms because he will just beat you with experience and enjoy it - well that is what will happen if you give the jews what they want and need - your hatered

Othmar_Regin ago

Instead of hate there are better options, that you can show in most situations without getting your self socially "decapitated"

  • disdain
  • disgust
  • mistrust
  • detesting
  • or just plain ignorance if all else fails

those are the emotions of a cultured man - hate is the emotion of a simple man(yes you need it in certain situations) but it eats you up as much as it eats up your enemy

Othmar_Regin ago
