neogag ago

Look up vitamin K2. It makes the calcium go where it's supposed to go, e.g. out of your soft tissues and into your bones and teeth.

It needs your vitamin D to be in order though (D, A, magnesium, calcium).

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Thanks for posting this. In the 70's, it was commonplace for dentists to drill holes in healthy teeth and fill them with toxic mercury. It took me decades to find out the hard way just how corrupt the medical establishment is. Despite a healthy lifestyle,I have multiple autoimmune diseases and one life threatening condition. I am convinced the autoimmune diseases were caused by mercury toxicity and a root canal. By the time I had the root canal extracted and the mercury removed in 2013, the damage was done. After all the half life is 30 years and your glands and organs soak it up, it crosses the blood brain barrier.

That Christopher's remineralising toothpaste was excellent, which is no doubt why it became unavailable (bought out I believe).

I will never set foot in a dentist's office again. I rinse my mouth with organic coconut oil every morning for 15 minutes and it's done wonders.

I also avoid fluoride like the plague, but that goes without saying. If you have kids, the best thing you can do is keep them away from dentists and avoid fluoride toothpaste.

Moms_spaghett1 ago

I've healed a couple small cavities with coconut oil, people don't believe me. I stopped eating sugars and quit using flouride toothpaste with gylcerin. I make my own tooth paste and I swish organic coconut oil around my mouth for 30 minutes everyday. Teeth and gums have never been healthier.

neogag ago


Good call. Even though few studies support this idea, it seems to me glycerin greatly inhibits natural dental remineralization.

I don't believe in oil pulling though.

Moms_spaghett1 ago

Oil pulling worked for me only when using organic coconut oil. I don't think it oil pulling does all those other crazy things people claim it does but it did heal two small cavities and made my gums and teeth insanely healthy looking. I watched two black cracks in different teeth remineralize with oil pulling alone. I was skeptical of it at first too because I only started oil pulling because it got rid of a tooth ache I had. I tried it and it went away so I just kept doing it. Coconut oil is the only one that works in my experience though.

DefenderOfTruth ago

I forgot about mentioning oil pulling. I did that too, but not often.

Moms_spaghett1 ago

It made all the difference for me. My gums are incredibly healthy looking and my teeth are a real natural white color. It doesn't work as well if you still use glycerin based toothpaste though because it puts a coating over your teeth and prevents the oil from getting where it needs to. That's just been my experience.

DefenderOfTruth ago

I’ve been meaning to post this for a long time. Hopefully I picked a “Voat approved” way of sharing. I’m not used to sharing documents and didn’t want to use Dropbox.

StoneRights ago

don't use docdroid either

DefenderOfTruth ago

That doesn’t give me an alternative though.