nozeno ago

"Hate your ancestors, ethnic Europeans! The destruction of your culture and collapse of your civilization is THEIR fault (not ours). Hahaha those weak pathetic fools! They fell for our tricks and now look where you are. Let the self-hate flow through you (and don't direct it at us, no matter what)."

Frostgrip ago

This meme sucks....

  • Destruction of family
  • Divorce
  • Spiraling Debt
  • Suicide
  • Pollution
  • College drop out
  • Destruction of white people
  • Endless wars over non-renewable resources
  • Importation of cheap labor, forcing massive demographic changes, social unrest, and a massive welfare state
  • Dramatic increase in the government bureaucratic state
  • Rise of Centralized power, with the same reduction of civil liberties seen throughout history
  • And on and on..........

phillyjoe ago

It's the truth

Whitemail ago

If there's a popular label, it was most likely made popular by the Jews and means the exact opposite of what it is actually about.

The Greatest Generation means they were the greatest pawns of the Jews.

Ocelot ago

Feminism: the conversion of beautiful, virtuous and feminine women into repulsive, miserably inferior men.

Anti-semitism: countersemitism, or self-defense.

Black person: nigger.

White person: European humans.

White supremacy: European self-determinism.

Sexism: healthy traditionalism and role delegation between the two sexes.

Sexual liberation: perversion of women.

Whitemail ago

Sexism, assigning roles to people that they are generally good at and made for. Women really are baby making machines. Men are builders, protectors, and resource acquirers. Put them together and you get the ideal environment for children as long as the parents aren't crazy and abusive.

LettItBurn ago

One can learn much from your words, sensei.

AmazingAutist ago


LettItBurn ago

It's the niggers and jews.


LettItBurn ago

Fuck me. Thanks @draaaak and Caesarkid

I renamed it The_Greatest_typo.

Goys-R-Us ago


Look, a whole new generation you can cry about. Cry soyboy cry.

LettItBurn ago


boo-hoo. boo-hoo.

I'm not crying for you, my young brother... I'm crying for our kids and grandkids.

We all fucked up... every generation since Wilson... by letting the kikes take over our money. Nothing short of Armageddon will bring about change.

solvire ago

This applies to everyone who holds debt against the people.

The only real outcome looks like a large scale war. We need someone like a Napoleon to step up and threaten the institution as it sits in it's comfy power chairs.

LettItBurn ago

There will be one.


There will be a man to rise up and rally the entire WHITE world around him to face this evil enemy, this evil force upon the earth... ...and if history has taught us anything, it's that he will be defeated and vilified by the following generations. It's been a vicious cycle that has been repeated over the last thousand years and frankly, I think it's a losing strategy. This world is controlled by evil. Evil has great power. But righteous people will always confront and fight evil. It's what we do.

There is no such thing as "situational ethics". (as president clinton said) There is right and wrong.

Maybe we're in Hell and we just don't know it.

Goys-R-Us ago

Your are unfortunately correct. The future looks pretty bleak.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Equal rights is one of the things this toon has wrong.

LettItBurn ago

How so?

The GG voted in LBJ and a liberal democrat government that changed the demographics of America for all time while the BB generation were still children. Hell, the federal government even sent armed troops to the south to enforce integration. ...and they shot George Wallace during his presidential campaign.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Equal rights under God. Don't be a hippocrate.

Inaminit ago

Sorry, but even Lincoln was against giving equality to nigras (or so he said) Honest question: Have you ever lived next door to one?

CarpenterforChrist ago

Abe Lincoln? You mean the one who held a seance in the white house?

Yes, one of my best friends is from Barbados and got his citizenship the right way. I'm not saying they are all peaches and cream, especially when you get into inner cities. However, they deserve a chance at the American dream just like everyone else.

phillyjoe ago

Oh look the boomer with the token black friend.

Are you his token jew?

CarpenterforChrist ago

Lol. You and your assumptions are hilarious. Love you too! God bless!

LettItBurn ago

We are not equal.

Any denomination of Christianity that interrupts the Bible that way is wrong. Don't be a hypocrite. You see a stupid nigger that can't survive without assistance from "White-Christians-that-believe-we-are-all-equal" to feed its offspring or resort to crime for money ....or cannibalism for food ...and you still believe in equality? Who's the hypocrite, pal?

draaaak ago


Come on.

LettItBurn ago

OK... maybe Welfare can be attributed to the parents of the "greatest generation" after the depression. (what are they called, btw?) But they all voted for it's expansion in the late 50s - 60s.