puggy ago

sounds like you need a safe space and a new coloring book, little guy

ll0O-O0ll ago

Na, boomers are just faggots

0fsgivin ago

No the headstone is courtesy of there "reverse mortgage" so they could take all that they could have left their kids and spent it on wine vacations.

Inaminit ago

I think they tried what you're describing back in the 1930's... It's called National Socialism.

SearchVoatBot ago

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13Buddha ago

Get off the soap box. Boomers. You don't have a clue. I am a Boomer, several of my cousins are boomers, and just about all of my friends and acquaintances are Boomers. Every single one of us worked our asses off. I did 38 years full time and am still working intermittently now.

A huge percentage of the 20-somethings today are clueless. The reasons why could be either their home life, public school education, or college education sucked, or it could be 2 of these factors or all 3.

Helbrecht ago

Yeah, so clueless. Hey thanks for handing off a nation in worse shape than it was when you found it, for the first time in this country's history.

Whose fault is it that the children and grandchildren of boomers are "clueless?"

phillyjoe ago

They are clueless as they never worked. You idiots were busy handing out participation trophies and hiring illegals for teen summer jobs.

You all fucked up.

Retire already, get out of the labour market and let someone else in.

You generation finished the job, your clueless parents started it all with LBJ, and if he didn't get his brains blown out it would have been Kennedy.

At least the kids today with their gender studies and intersectional feminisim will fire up the ovens to dispose of the boomers to make way for the Africans.


The fact that you think working hard is a virtue in and of itself is the entire problem.

Being a mindless drone, paying no attention to your society, ignoring your family, and working hard to serve those that seek to subvert and destroy the society is the entire reason all of the things listed in your second paragraph are shit.

The difference between the Boomers and people under 35 or so is that there are at least some people in our generation who have broken the conditioning, who question authority, who want to live in a society where things like family and meaning are more important than serving your master like a good little goy.

You have been brain washed since you were a child. In some ways I feel bad for you because you had no chance. You were the first ones to have TV, to get the full dose of conditioning, and you didn’t yet have the resources or technology to break free through anonymous networks. Yet, I feel no remorse when faced with your vile existence, your sin and your servitude, you choose not to repent, but to lash out in anger at those not falling in line the way you did, letting your society collapse in front of your eyes.

13Buddha ago

Well, it appears that you just have it all figured out. Enjoy your quest of winning friends and influencing people.

13Buddha ago

You are making many assumptions and generalizations, but, whatever. Regardless, I don't care what era one refers to, none of us started the fire. Our government started it, and the media fuels it.

6gorillion ago

Our government started it

Sooooo, the boomers then?

13Buddha ago

Uhh, that would be "The Greatest Generation," if you know who they are. So whatever birth group you blame it on, the government is not a government of the people, by the people, and for the people as it was set out to be since pre WWII if not before. The government controls the people. There are many in all birth groups who know that, but too many fat, stupid Americans don't know anything and believe everything they hear on the news, read in the newspapers, while they are entertained by mind-controlled trash on TV.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Rotteuxx ago

The reasons why could be either their home life, public school education, or college education sucked, or it could be 2 of these factors or all 3.

All things screw up by their parents generation.

zn_zb ago

Fuck off...boomers did this as much as you fuckers are responsible for going to the moon. They want you divided.

It was the banks stupid.

ll0O-O0ll ago

It was the banks stupid.

I think you mean jews

Goys-R-Us ago

Don't blame boomers for the eternal jew's machinations.

ll0O-O0ll ago

Boomers bought what the Jew was selling, and then forced us to pay for it.

phillyjoe ago

Did they ever.

I remember meeting the people who made Woodstock possible. Guess (((who)))?

ExpertShitposter ago

Boomers permitted the jews to migrate to the west to being with.

ll0O-O0ll ago

Boomers sold us out. They passed debt on to the next generation. We will be paying off boomer spending long after they are dead. The amount of people who don’t understand this is scary.

Goys-R-Us ago

"Wahhhh, I'm a baby that can't handle life so I'll blame it on boomers."

GFY faggot.

ll0O-O0ll ago

"Wahhhh, I'm a baby that can't handle life so I'll blame it on boomers."

Boomer comeback. You are literally the meme.

Enjoy your heart disease cunt

Goys-R-Us ago

Enjoy your heart disease cunt

Heart healthy and have a pile of cash. Eat your hear out faggot.

ll0O-O0ll ago

Heart healthy and have a pile of cash.

Heart healthy and have a pile of cash plus 40 years younger. Why do you cunts always assume that millenials are unsuccessful?

Eat your hear out faggot.

hear out

Get new glasses grampa faggot


They always assume millennials are unsuccessful because the don’t realize the poor ones are the retarded leftists. The successful ones are those of us who have woken up and take advantage of the system as it is.

They think everyone young should be poor because everyone should work their way up through a company, taking no risks, asking no questions, and being a blind sheep the entire way.

ll0O-O0ll ago

Yes. And anyone who sees the flaws in the system, and its impact upon their people, and dares critize them, must in fact be a “whiny little bitch”. Its just a way to invalidate the criticism with a straw man, because they have no arguement. Everything fell to shit on their watch, and we have to clean it up. But the deck is now stacked against us.

Also, who the fuck do they think is paying for their pensions??


Exactly, if anything they should be agreeing with us that their generation is shit, applauding is for realizing ours is, and encouraging/supporting us in our efforts to fix this mess.

ll0O-O0ll ago

I couldnt have put it better myself.

Goys-R-Us ago

and have a pile of cash plus 40 years younger

You're a lying piece of shit. Why else would you be crying about boomers? You have nothing and you know it. Enjoy your 100K in college debt Mr. Barista.

ll0O-O0ll ago

You're a lying piece of shit.

No u.

Why else would you be crying about boomers?

Because my children have no future thanks to the boomers. Shit like the 1963 immigration act. Thanks boomer.

You have nothing and you know it.

Meh. You know nothing about me and you know it.

Enjoy your 100K in college debt Mr. Barista.

I have no college debt, but if I did, that would be down to awesome boomer policy. Thanks cunt.

Goys-R-Us ago

Shit like the 1963 immigration act.

It was 1965 idiot and I was three. Still feel like blaming me you fucking retard? Also educate yourself because you look really stupid citing the immigration act as the cause of your problems.


ll0O-O0ll ago

Still feel like blaming me you fucking retard?

if the shoe fits

A self absorbed, narrow minded race of narcissistic low IQ NPCs. Completely absorbed in their own world and give zero shits about their progeny at average, and only care slightly at best, while saying, "There's nothing we can do about it." The generation that destroyed the world, and will ultimately be responsible for the future catastrophic wars to come because of their narrow-mindedness. Preaches the traditions of their forefathers but did everything throughout their lives to undermine them, and still do.

What generation?:

introduced free love

supported communism

bought into consumerism

fought for civil rights

corrupted the Churches, began the worship of the Israeli state

supported abortion

called porn "art" and made it free speech

Gave into diversity quotas

took drugs and subsequently started the war on drugs

abandoned their traditions and returned with a bastardized version of it

sold your country to China

failed to raise their kids, teach them life lessons

commercialized the medical system

mandated vaccinations

created the welfare state

invented transsexualism

turned America into the world police

abandoned eugenics

destroyed the ozone layer

put fluoride in the water

and sold the entire country of America to globalist, communist jews

Goys-R-Us ago

So you blame a three year old for your problems? You really are a giant baby.

Also you don't know shit about what started the degeneracy. It was the jews with the help of intel. Societal events are engineered but I wouldn't expect you to do the research to truly understand how the world really works. Easier to blame three year olds for your problems.

Enjoy your apocalyptic future faggot. I'll be dead and gone and you and your kids will be in a living hell, lol. That warms my heart.

ll0O-O0ll ago

So you blame a three year old for your problems? You really are a giant baby.

No I blame dumb boomers like you. That was just one example, I’ve listed more, but your defence seems to be that you were 3 when one incident occurred. Straw man defense?

Also you don't know shit about what started the degeneracy. It was the jews with the help of intel.

Aaaaand boomers.

Societal events are engineered but I wouldn't expect you to do the research to truly understand the world.

Lol you faggot, I understand all of this. But your generation handed over a plate of shit, and wont take any responsibilty. Thats why you’re a boomer cunt.

Easier to blame three year olds for your problems.

Straw man. Already debunked.

Enjoy your apocalyptic future faggot

This is why boomers are faggots!

That apocalyptic future includes all your progeny. The selfishness of your generation continues. I guess no 14 words for you then?

. I'll be dead and gone and you and your kids will be in a living hell, lol. That warms my heart.

Oy Vey, the jew begins to glow.

Goys-R-Us ago

Yes the boomers created the Federal Reserve, started WW1 and WW2 and even the civil war. The boomers brought niggers into the country to use as slaves. The boomers are to blame for all of the worlds problems. Do you see how stupid you are? Of course not. Stupid people don't know they're stupid. I'm going to sleep especially well tonight thinking about your miserable future faggot. Thanks for making my week!

ll0O-O0ll ago

You argue like a boomer. Thats a nice straw man, but you still handed over a pile of shit, and now you’re sulking because you were called out on it. Your generation are parasites that left my generation with a mountain of shit. Half of my generation are useless NPC SJW faggots because of what YOU taught them.


You really are beginning to glow shlomo

Goys-R-Us ago

I'm sulking? Hahahaha, you couldn't be more wrong. I'm actually laughing at you. You need some strong butthurt cream, lol.

6gorillion ago

You are definintely the one acting butthurt you stupid boomer... People that are laughing at other people, don't need to say it. Saying it in fact pretty much solidifies that you are lying.

Goys-R-Us ago

The boomers fucked up the world and we're going to die and leave the mess to you. I find that funny. Also GFY.

ll0O-O0ll ago

Goys-R-Us ago

Why would I be crying? You've spent the last hour posting about how badly the boomers fucked you over. I'm agreeing with you and I find it funny as hell that you got screwed and you're crying about it.

I won crybaby.

Hand_of_Node ago

Why do you cunts always assume that millenials are unsuccessful?

Because of the way they whine and complain. They're unsuccessful even if they have money.

ll0O-O0ll ago

Because of the way they whine and complain.

So we shouldnt complain about things being fucked up? Guess thats just whining

Diggernicks ago

Boomers unwittingly helped them

Goys-R-Us ago

The key word is unwittingly. There were three TV stations when I was growing up and one or two local newspapers. You got to see exactly what they wanted you to see. People don't realize information was not available the way it is now with the Internet. The narrative was so much easier to control back then. People have to be willfully cucked not to see what's happening now. Not so back then.

Hell we all believed man landed on the moon, lol.


Yet even now, seeing this, you still stick to the programming fighting against those who realize your generation is the worst American generation.

You even admit it here that you’re generation is shit and brainwashed. Just repent and we will welcome you into those who have woken up, but no, you care more about identifying with some stupid fucking age group than the truth and the health of society. Which, again, shows why boomers are shit.

Goys-R-Us ago

Go cry to somebody else soy boy. Better yet go do something about it instead of whining on the Internet faggot. GFY.


Time after time you cling to your pride, hurling insults to hide from the fear and shame of your failure.

Goys-R-Us ago

Lol, you're actually making me laugh. Let's discuss your stupid beliefs, shall we?

A. You don't know a fucking thing about me.

B. I was reading John Birch material thirty five years ago about the pending one world government, which is probably before you were born. I had to teach a guy with an MBA in finance that the Federal Reserve was a private bank. I'm as far from programmed as is possible and have been for most of my life.

C. I never made office, made policy, did degenerate shit. I went to college, got a degree, got a job and moved up the ladder. I despise the corporate world, the fake reality we live in, the media which is mind control on steroids. I have zero debt, own multiple properties and have millions in the bank, because I fucking worked my ass off, didn't drive fancy cars and useless toys and SAVED my money.

D. Lumping a bunch of disparate individuals into one easily targeted group is the height of stupidity. In case you're missing it, I'm calling you stupid.

E. I could go on but why bother? You're a low life whiner that blames others for his problems. GFY.


Jesus you’re IQ is low and your ego is showing. No one cares who you are or what you’ve done, tits or gtfo.

I know this may be hard for you to understand, but we group people together for ease of conversation. Just because Thomas Sowell exists doesn’t mean blacks are able to maintain a civilized society. The point is, acting like the anacdotal evidence of your own life matters at all is something only a low IQ individual would say.

Boomers in general suck dick, mellenials too, the difference is you’re triggered and it hurts your ego to admit your generation blows. You can’t admit to yourself the very thing you talked about (ie working your way up the ladder) is a mistake, that there are more important things in life than money, and that hard work is not a virtue in itself.

You’re retarded and blind. Triggering you because you won’t wake up amuses those of us who are tasked with fixing your mistakes, or at the very least what you ignored and passively let happen.

Goys-R-Us ago




Lmao, good one.

epik- ago

Eh, it's still fun to shit on them.

Goys-R-Us ago

Shit on jews/elites/banksters/whatever you want to call them. They're your real problem. They're everyone's real problem.

lipids ago

Don't have to revoke soil citizenship. Deport the mom. She'll take the baby with her.

Zille ago


Guess the Qoomers are triggered

Chempergrill ago

@Petevoat to the oven

am-i-me ago

I hate having inherited so many problems from the previous generations. Boomers suck

Inaminit ago

Disregarding the luxuries you have inherited in your life by fixating on other peoples' perceived problems as your own implies a deep seated sense of self-loathing... You may be suffering from white guilt complex.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

At least you can take solace in the fact that you won't make any problems for the next generations. They won't exist because of the problems created by previous generations.

Helbrecht ago

That blackpill...

truthwoke33 ago

Can't fuck up a future that doesn't exist.

watitdew ago
