ElijahBrown ago

Heads were shaking purely because they don't know if it's safe to agree with you. They were silent because they agreed. You don't have anything to worry about.

Bluetoothache ago

Lol. You sound like a kid playing Pokémon. I showed my power card and doubled my energy but lost 200 health. Fuck this us vs them! Go do better instead of blaming the Jews

whatdowehavehere ago

It’s crazy to think how bad these things can get! I work in construction, not many agree with me but they’ll all entertain it engage it joke about the 6 million all sorts basically anything goes. I’d hate to have that stripped from me in the work place!!!!!!!!! Is it woman? Because their aren’t many in on site construction.

SkippyMcSkipperson ago

I feel so fortunate. I work for a mid-sized all white , right leaning company. I sell industrial automation components to manufacturers and oems.

When I go to training or seminar it's usually exclusively white. The industrial automation industry seems like a good stronghold for white folks, the white collar side at least. May be a good option for you if you need a switch and are willing to get some training.

holaymackal ago

It's OK to let your power level creep a little, just don't use non-PC words like nigger, spic, jew. IF you can lay out your argument with one or two sentences that sound smart people will be more likely to respect you for it.

I always answer the old anti-white talking point about how its wrong to be so pro-white by saying 'Doesn't it make sense to root for your own team?'. Leaves the leftist thinking...

heygeorge ago

Sure, I mean I skimmed over a bunch of the _____ begot ______ shit, but do go on.

Cat-hax ago

I gotta be careful when I'm tired at work because I often catch myself about to drop red pills.

getshanked ago

Ask them when and where Jesus ever said we don’t have enemies.

sguevar ago

Let him know that true Christians do not support zionism, nor the (((jews in the letter))), nor the synagogue of satan, nor the earthly israel that praises the start of remphan.

Verse showing that Jesus says that because (((they))) deny Him the denieth the Father also and that (((they))) can't no longer hide (((their))) sin:

John 15:21-25 - KJV:

But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me. If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin. He that hateth me hateth my Father also. If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father. But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.

Verse showing that (((they))) cursed themselves:

Matthew 27:25 - KJV:

Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

Verse showing that (((they))) are not Jews in God's eyes:

Romans 2:28-29 - KJV:

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Verse showing their covenant with the start of Remphan:

Acts 7:43 - KJV:

Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

Verse showing that they are the synagogue of satan:

Revelation 3:9 - KJV:

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. - You can see why God doesn't think they are Jews when you compare the verse in Romans above.

And you can also show him this video of a Christian brother being smeared, attacked and insulted by (((them))) when he is preaching to them to come back to Jesus before it is too late for them:


The (((jews in the letter))) are in disfavour before the Father and supporting (((them))) is supporting the synagogue of satan. Any true Christian would denounce zionism in a heart bit.


talk to a leftie in work - get fired.

22trilionAsecond ago

Had some one say that its good that a school in Manchester is forcing kids to write gay love letters to each other.

I think i should find ways to drop some of the facts from this image


SlawaAK ago

Have to do it slowly... Don't just blurt out shit like "Jews did 9/11!!!" Instead bring up shit like Irsrael killing poor brown kids, then, Israeli dual citizen congressmen, then slowly ramp it up over months. Play the long game.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Based. Good luck. Probably should be fine as long as you didn’t go tinfoil on them.

yellowthread ago

Jump straight past it to tinfoil suit and they'll let you say anything.


Keeps your power level hidden, and is a persuasive argument to get people to agree, but unfortunately can come off sounding like muslim - sympathizing: "Israel just takes from us but they never give anything back. They use what we give them to oppress palestinians which makes the entire muslim world hate us for some shit we didn't even do. They spend tons of money lobbying and donating to political groups to get the government to do things that are harmful to our interests just because it's good for israel."

Whiteflourguy ago

I got in an argument at work because he thinks people dis like Jews because they like money and he says so what who don't like money. I said Jeff, You have no fucking clue about anything

DurkaMuhammadJihad ago

I'll never forget when I exposed my power level to my faggy, leftist family at a big dinner. I was ranting about how BLM is full of shit, cops aren't racist (except against whites, technically, but I'm not gonna cry about it), that "black people" just play victim every chance they get, and there is no white privilege. Same thing you experienced, dead silent room. I don't get invited to many family dinners anymore, but fuck them. They never did anything but take from me anyway.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Did you bring up revelation 3 : 9?

Tranix ago


Supporting innocent people being shot in the head.

Pick one.

theshopper ago

Turn the other cheek lol.

Sabino ago

I struggle to keep my mouth shut at work. So far, so good.

Attac ago

I struggle where to begin. The ignorance some people have is so big, you have to teach them the basics first. For example yesterday a coworker asked me, why I consider it a bad thing that people come across the border illegally. Then I started explaining rationally all the costs and downsides for society instead of going: "because open borders is a Jewish plot to destroy the white race and I don't like my kind being overrun by low IQ Niggers and Sandniggers."

MarauderShields ago

This. I find there's only so long I can go without blaming the Jew. 5his is bad if you don't have a real human to vent at. Having a few buddies around to shoot the shit with is essential when trying to ease the red pill door open. Otherwise it all comes tumbling out. Breadcrumbs work if you lay the right ones. It has to be a seed of thought that unravels.

Attac ago

What works great are funny memes from hdl

TheAntiZealot ago

"because open borders is a Jewish plot to destroy the white race and I don't like my kind being overrun by low IQ Niggers and Sandniggers."

Nice little bullet.

TheSeer ago

NPCs have the memory of a goldfish. Go in tomorrow and say something bad about the Koch brothers, and the power of NRA lobbying, and you're good to go, again!

CowWithBeef ago

It's true. They'll think they can get you on their team if you do this.

StudSupreme ago

Antisemites are shiny heiny rump gauchos.

theshopper ago

noun plural noun: gauchos

a cowboy of the South American pampas.
"Argentinian gauchos"

Look at you and your Kikey ways, influencing our minds with your subtle word manipulation in order to bring about a mindset more favorable to foreigners.


OhRutherfordBehave ago

Dude I dropped some pit bull facts at work the other day and everyone lost their shit.

Mr_Mee6 ago

What kind of facts? Against them or for them? I'm genuinely curious because I haven't thought of them much.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Dogsbite . org

Chad88 ago

Against. They've been bred to be strong and aggressive, and have mauled plenty of babies. They're a ridiculous breed to choose given that there are plenty of dog breeds that are are gentile, athletic, smart, and interesting.

From what I gathered, somehow we got to an absurd point on race dialog where in order to be anti-racist you need to virtue signal pro-pitbull propaganda and reddit went hard with it. /r/aww and other subs top posts were mostly pitbulls for months.

Nonetheless ago

They kill less than your idiot brain kills smart shit to say you bitch ass nigger.

Rellik88 ago

Bred to be athletic and animal aggressive. Rotts, dobbies, have mauled babies too. HAte to break it to you but American Pitbull Terrier is the all american dog.

Chad88 ago

Your missing the point. They just aren’t family animals. It’s fine if you want one it’s just not a good idea to let your one year old play with it unsupervised.

lion4liberty ago

the dog was bread to not show that its about to bite...NEVER let a baby play with one.

holaymackal ago

I've noticed the pitbull thing too! Folks that are pro-pit tend to be very emotional in their defense.

Other sensitive topics that are not directly related to politics: supporting sports (college, NFL, NBA), climate change, 9/11 / moon-landing, vaccination.

Chad88 ago

Well you can’t talk about the real issues pretty much everything becomes a proxy for them. Welcome to 🤡🌎.

theshopper ago


whisky_cat ago

as much as I want your message to be shared, non-MSM politics at work never work out, even MSM-approved politics, may not work out. (e.g. MN's Omar).

also it's not a power-level... please don't think having an opinion places your above or below anyone.

theshopper ago

It's not a self importance thing I've just seen it referred to on this site as a power-level which makes sense.

Most peoples opinions about life have a prefabricated air about them and coming out openly about the problem with the jews hits people like an intense blast of massive cognitive dissonance, so ergo power-level. Plus I watched dragonball z as a kid so I imagine the final red-pill going down much like Goku going SS3 for the first time.

"You mean Hitler wasn't a monster and there were swimming pools and a community band as Auschwitz? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

whisky_cat ago

I agree on the cognitive dissonance part - and I suppose there's a ton of gamers here which makes "power level" resonate well. It sounds like a pre-teen said it, or a passionate atheist from the 90s. It seems easier to just say "I educated people on the lies they were fed growing up, and they reacted well [or poorly] to these facts". You don't have to explain Mario or Morpheus semantics that way.

facepaint ago

wanted to know why I disliked christians supporting israel...

How about an easier answer. It is a fucking mess over there. And the country of Israel keeps on sticking their dicks in the hornet's mess. They are not exactly making friends and improving relations over there in the middle east. They are free to conduct themselves any way the want. But they shouldn't expect us to bail them out with our tax dollars to the tune of 40 billion. And to back them every time they start a fight.

Just like with any friend, you would back them if someone started to attack them. But when they head out every Saturday night swinging fists and throwing the first punch, you are going to just let them learn from their actions & stop dragging your ass into these messes. They start it, and it is up to them to finish it. Not us.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Israel is a literal apartheid state that leads the world in human trafficking

prairie ago

How about an easier answer. It is a fucking mess over there.

How about "Israel support a wall. We shouldn't fund a country with such an awful thing." Play the left's own game against them.

tunsku ago

This is fine in quick one on ones, but it pushes the overton window left.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

This is the game I play. My coworkers think it's funny when I say nazi shit because they think I'm a radical leftist hipster.

Laserchalk ago

This is the tactic I always use. They don't like be associated with white supremacist so I show them how Israel is a Jewish ethno state.

Native ago

This is the correct answer

theshopper ago

"How about an easier answer. It is a fucking mess over there"

That's true but I've watched videos of Israeli snipers shooting kids and laughing about it. You just cant sweep that shit under the rug and call it a mess.

facepaint ago

I've watched videos of Israeli snipers shooting kids and laughing about it.

"kids" can still be lethal depending on what they will be doing. A solider laughing about a bad situation is a coping mechanism.

How old were the "kids?" And by any chance do you have a link to said video? I want to check that myself.

theshopper ago

Links and vids that I have seen in particular have been scrubbed.

A simple search for Israelis shootings kids will give you enough to go on.

facepaint ago

Thanks for the thought. I know it sucks when links & videos get deleted.

I found this video, but it isn't clear enough to know that those are children on that roof top, nor know that was what they were shooting at, or if one of the kids was shot.


There is so much propaganda coming from both sides, I really prefer to see somewhat clear evidence before I jump on a bandwagon.

Hand_of_Node ago

There's nothing wrong with killing people threatening your border.

theshopper ago

If your threatened by teenagers with rocks 300m away, while your armed with the best weapons America can buy, your a jew faggot.

Derpfroot ago

It'll at least het one looking into what you said, and finding some truths. If you're booted, so be it. There's a lot worse things than losing a job (full of cucks).

Chempergrill ago

Keep your resume polished.

Search local job boards to know what employers are looking for. You don't have to quit if things don't get bad. But be ready for it.

R4G3 ago

That is when you knew you fucked up. You should've been smarter than talking politics at work. That is a big time amateur mistake. Rookie move, especially if you're a white male.

lion4liberty ago

Yes goy, only let leftists talk about politics in the public square. Never challenge them, be a nice little conservative and try and conserve what you have while they push harder and harder to take it from you.

Intrixina ago

Oh look, the faggot is trying to be all sanctimonious.

Fuck that shit. Policing your thoughts is the reason the world is currently in the mess its in - affording too much leeway to snowflake fuckwits like you, instead of putting them through a wall or publicly calling them out on their horseshit.

MarauderShields ago

Can I double upvoat somehow?

lion4liberty ago

I don't upvoat often but i did it for you.

Hand_of_Node ago

Being weak and pathetic is your recommendation?

theshopper ago

22 day old account telling me to forget about my first amendment rights?

the_one_you_see_last ago

But its the truth

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Just be quiet and don't ever talk about these things goy!

R4G3 ago

Oy vey! your account is only 22 days old.

If you want to keep your job, keep your mouth shut about politics, dumbass. Are you part nigger, or just don't give a fuck about keeping your job? If you don't need the job, fuck it, go full on 1488. I don't give a fuck.

theshopper ago

Then stop replying to my posts faggot.

R4G3 ago

OK, nigger. Good luck with the job.

theshopper ago

See you care because you responded. That or you're a narcissist.

You just can't stand to not get that CCP and SCP so you can sell your influential account can you, you kike shill!!!

R4G3 ago

Oy vey someone disagrees with me he must be a paid kike shill! Oy vey he's gonna sell his account!

Haha, you fucking faggots kill me with this bullshit. Here's where all you dickwads are wrong: I couldn't give a fuck less about my up or down votes, or this account, because I have a life in the real world and this stupid fucking account doesn't matter in the slightest. I also work for myself, so fucking blow me, you ultra niggerfaggot piece of shit @Hand_of_Node. Before you start bitching about me responding again, I'll respond to whomever I please. Also, I've been in the real world workplace for decades, so I was speaking from experience about not talking about politics around coworkers, IF you want to keep your job. How fucking stupid are you?

Hand_of_Node ago

I also work for myself

Also, I've been in the real world workplace for decades

Are you someones trembling servant, or a legitimate person? If you put yourself in a position where you have to wear a mask to conceal your actual beliefs from your master, you are less-than. What kind of person would want to stay in that position?

Your anger is amusing, though. If I were your boss, you'd be required to keep that in check or you'd be out the door!

Hand_of_Node ago

@R4G3 is probably just weak and subservient.

Are you part nigger, or just don't give a fuck about keeping your job?

Literally grasping at the chance to be an employee... Yikes.


The fact that he is getting more upvotes than downvotes is fairly good proof there are subversive fucks on here.

Hand_of_Node ago

If you want to keep your job, keep your mouth shut about politics, dumbass. Are you part nigger, or just don't give a fuck about keeping your job?

I donated one upvote in the above thread. IMO, this quote exemplifies the weakness of your argument. Firstly, I look askance at people who seek to be employees, because, how inadequate is that? But if you do go that route, why would you even consider an employer who would fire you over your political beliefs? As soon as you learned that, your immediate goal should be to GTFO. No, you do not want to keep that shitty job and be a subservient, pathetic weakling who "keeps his mouth shut".

Yes, there are undoubtedly people who do that, and we know them as shallow-chested, soy and cum guzzling cucks. Not that I'm biased or anything...


Look who you’re replying to, not sure that’s meant for me.

Hand_of_Node ago

You should've been smarter than talking politics at work. That is a big time amateur mistake. Rookie move, especially if you're a white male.

I think it is. Don't associate with people you can't talk politics with. It's not a mistake to associate with people you can talk to, and avoid those you can't.


Again dude, look at my name and comment versus the guy that started it. Very different, and my original comment was about how he is getting upvotes.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm just disagreeing with being an employee at a place that would fire you for political reasons.


No, dude, not talking about the topic. I’m literally telling you that you’re replying to me as if I’m R4G3 when I’m not, I’m a different person.

I can see why you got confused since we both start with R but cmon, idk how much clearer I can make it.

Hand_of_Node ago

Lol, that was much clearer. At this distance from the screen, the faint blue usernames blur together, as I'm half blind without glasses on. I just leaned in and saw the difference. 🔍 BTW, how about those upvotes?


Haha no worries man. But yeah, not sure who is upvote those comments, maybe bots.

theshopper ago

Lol, pretty spot on.

canyou ago

Lol currently looking for a new job because of the same reason. Best thing ive ever done!

NotHereForPizza ago

You guys are insane.

I stupidly pushed my coworkers' overton windows today without thinking of the consequences.

Why is risking your lively hood a good idea? Maybe you retards need to help get smarter people new jobs if you want to be less stupid, but Jesus this isn't a good idea...

16782076? ago

Learn a trade! I get to redpill everyone all around me always and theres nothing they can do.

ElijahBrown ago

Go hard Left. Explain your positions in Leftist terms.

Israeli is not legitimate and was created to exploit Jews as human pawns for the oil cartels. Jews were forced to immigrate to Israel when George Bush Jr.'s grandfather, Prescott Bush, funded Hitler's rise to power in order to secure Middle Eastern oil for the oil cartel.

oligarchsalamander ago

Everyone at my work likes to compete on being edgy so I took part. But I started to realise I think they are all kidding and are starting to realise I'm not.

theshopper ago

If you can give a short synopsis, I'm all ears!

canyou ago

Basically spilled the beans about the 6million jew bullshit story from like the 1800's. Talked about how shit was going in our country, and to be honest I think even at that point things were ok, but when i started talking about Hillary, child trafficking, and the lot. Everyone got super quiet. My female boss walked out of the break room. Within a week i was gone.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

You could always sue and get money because that's discrimination because of political beliefs.

Rajadog20 ago

Yeah don't think they can fire you for that?

Vindicator ago

Pizzagate...it's a bitch

massiveprivilege ago

At least you stood up for something in your life instead of being a background noise eating bullshit that is served to you daily and regurgitating it back. Good luck to you.

FH_Rileys_MaitreD ago

I told two Black co-workers that Hillary was a crook and stole from Haiti. They only partly acknowleged it and tried to rationalize her behavior. They were both men and one was French-speaking from Iviry Coast. It is very hard to show Black Dema logic. They will not stop suckling at that teat.

theshopper ago

Why is the first response always a defense to those in power who commit these crimes?

Yanx ago

Because people NEED to believe that the government is ultimately benevolent in order to salvage the foundations of their worldview. Most Voaters forget that most normies on the left and right believe that although the government may be misguided about this or that issue, when it comes down to it daddy government tries to do what's best for its citizens. Of course, with Trump, the conditioning is breaking a bit on both sides, but it hasn't fully broken yet, obviously.

It's why 9/11-pilling people is so important, because it breaks peoples' delusions about the benevolency of government, and you can start to rebuild their worldview from there. Although most people, even if shown irrefutable evidence, will willingly continue to believe in lies, because the alternative is to stare into a scary abyss of evil. And human minds are pretty fragile, so most will avoid doing that so their mind doesn't break.

It's human psychology is what it boils down to. Honestly, when you have a deep understanding of human psychology, all of the irrational behaviors people behave in make tons of sense. It's a good lens to view the world through, since all human social interaction (aka politics) is a war on the battlefield of human psychology. Can't have a battle without a battlefield, and you can't have a deep understanding of the trajectory of a battle without knowing the battlefield on which it's waged.

ClownstickV0nFckface ago

Best short analysis I've read so far.

theshopper ago

Awesome post. I guess lifelong trust issues make accepting malevolent behaviors easier.

TheAntiZealot ago

Beautifully written.

For me, it was hemp.

When I learned that marijuana was a Mexican term used to demonize hemp, that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson likely enjoyed smoking a little hemp, that medically speaking it is good for the human body, and that the government as poisoned crops, shut down research, and, ultimately, incarcerated possessors of hemp... my worldview shifted.

I was totally against marijuana and pro-government. And I flipped-turned upside down; did a 180-aboutface. Anti-government, pro-hemp.

It that was the foundation for me to accept 9/11.

theshopper ago

I love it!

For me it was when I found out the American government, using our tax dollars, gave weapons to terrorists in the middle east to overthrow a democratically elected government.

I mean man, who would do such a thing but a right bastard.

Yanx ago

What a weird crack in your worldview for a redpill to seep in through! Very interesting. Makes sense, though.

Rawrination ago

Niggers don't speak logic. Even if they do, it is against their culture and gets them ostracized for "acting white".

Niggers speak the language of voodoo witch doctors, and physical violence, and fear of being physically attacked.

Maybe back during segregation, and before the welfare state, when they had to supply all their own everything, there was enough of an incentive to try and act human.

Shekelsteinblatt ago

Blacks, left untouched in Africa, have not yet even invented the wheel. It's not about them ignoring logic; they CAN'T abstract enough.

theshopper ago

Oh shit lol, sorry to hear about what happend.

It's like people want a childs tale of how the world works but when reality hits like a hammer they want to run back into their comfortable holes. Well good luck in the job search man. We can have degeneracy and white guilt in the work place but holy fuck does the cold truth trigger some people.

heygeorge ago

like people want a childs tale of how the world works

Have you ever noticed how popular the Bible is?

theshopper ago

Badum Tiss!!

heygeorge ago

So... how’s the job hunt going?

Crayonall9t ago

The video never surfaced, and several fakes were made.

Vindicator ago

Yep, what we've seen so far is a fake: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2504678

prairie ago

people want a child's tale of how the world works

I'm going to use this phrase.

NeoGoat ago

To me, many, if not most, people are as naive as preschool children. They only want happy stories and shiny toys. Tey can not comprehend the possibility of there being hidden truths.

SubspaceDistortion ago

I think the fact that we are interested in the gritty clandestine truth is what makes us so resistant to the ZOG programming.

Shekelsteinblatt ago

"people want a childs tale of how the world works but when reality hits like a hammer"

This is why the Republic will fall.

the_one_you_see_last ago

Comforting lies vs. uncomfortable truth is as old as humans.

TheSeer ago

100% this. A nice sounding lie, vs a harsh truth, now vote between the two! Congrats, you just decided between Donald Trump (still an Israel firster, though) and Hillary Clinton!

Jewed ago

Truth is that Trump and Clinton work for the same team, your vote is to keep you feeling like there was a choice through manufactured consent.

Chempergrill ago

Within a week i was gone.

That's fucked up.

How did they fire you? Bullshit allegation? Nailed you for a minor infraction?

canyou ago

I actually quit during getting reprimanded for education of one of my clients (Medical conversation nothing about this). So i said, "i see what you're doing. And its very unfortunate that i have to notify you that I will be not returning to work tomorrow as i will be in search for new employment. " Got a call from the owner of the facility begging me to come back, as im one of the most educated and qualified therapist there, and bring in quite a few dollars for the company. I had to explain i could no long work under the manager for personal reasons, but left all the good stuff out not to try and get black listed in my field.

lion4liberty ago

You should have told them you felt the manager was building a false case as an excuse to fire you later due to a personal difference of opinion unrelated to work and thought it better to leave on your own terms. No need to go into detail but at least give them something to chew on.

canyou ago

Damn, i wish I would have taken the opportunity to do that. I was so heated it took so much to keep my cool.

lion4liberty ago

The french have a saying...something about the "wit of the staircase"....basically realizing what the perfect thing to have said would have been after you have left and are walking down the stairs away from the party

Chempergrill ago

Glad it felt good. You made probably the right move, tactically speaking as well.

If they were starting to build a case to fire you for "other reasons", it is much better that you leave on your own accord.

Also, great job ignoring them begging you to come back lol.

canyou ago

Nothing really exciting, but damn it felt good!

Intrixina ago

I think that's damn exciting, to be honest. You clearly set a boundary and didn't budge on it, kudos to you.

It'd be funny if they fired that manager as a result of what you said.

theoldones ago

the more we show up in public and just say what we want, the more we normalize it. keep it up

ice007 ago

Really bad advice. Jews didn't come to rule by publicly stating their belief in racial/ethnic supremacy. The best strategy depends on the environment. The current environment dictates that it's best to fly under the radar in public. Only discuss the truth with people who can handle it. Build. network. Prepare. Only when enough people have been red pilled will it be time to come out into the open.

lion4liberty ago

Jews came to rule through subterfuge, Hitler came to power telling the truth. I don't want to be like the jew nor do i want to come to power that way. People have been "flying under the radar" for years, it does not work.

ice007 ago

Are you the next Hitler? If you can financially support yourself by getting whites to donate to you, then by all means, publicly state your beliefs. Otherwise, fly under the radar and keep your job. Get promoted so you can give jobs to other red pilled whites. Keep your source of income so that you can make donations to people who are public. Join a semi-underground organization like IE and network. Build community. Asking racially aware whites do dox themselves is exactly what Jews do in order to identify us so they can get us fired and destroy our careers and our future.


The reason jews subvert is because they are liars who seek to destroy their host from within. The host, white nations, don’t fight by trying to subvert the virus, they do so by waking the fuck up and fighting back.

gentronseven ago

Flying under the radar is no longer viable, flying in their face is.

All they have is a broken, failed state that barely functions. Everyone in charge of the failed state is just trying to loot whatever they can.

If we had unity and bravery, they would be toppled tomorrow.

Tiptop88 ago

We are not jews.

theshopper ago

Hitler told the people who was fucking them... He was kinda popular at the time...

ice007 ago

If you think you are the next Hitler and can financially support yourself by getting whites to donate to you, then by all means, publicly state your beliefs. Otherwise, fly under the radar and keep your job. Keep your source of income so that you can make donations to people who are public. Join a semi-underground organization like IE and network. Build community. Asking racially aware whites do dox themselves is exactly what Jews do in order to identify us so they can get us fired and destroy our careers and our future.

SushiMasa ago

Most people literally believe that antisemitism (a made up word) is the ultimate form of evil.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

1920's Germany was still a mono-ethnic state. 1920's Germany was also suffering through debilitating economic depression and unimaginable degeneracy (much the same as today, except they learned to turn the dial up slower now). Even then Hitler and the NSDAP would be regularly attacked, arrested, and even killed by Communist thugs and government authorities.

theshopper ago

I'm going to have to investigate Weimar Germany. The onlything I know about that period was massive hyper inflation of the German currency.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

Condense all the moral degeneracy that has happened in White nations since the 60's and condense it into ~14 years. That's the Wiemar Republic. Women widowed from the Great War whoring themselves on the streets with their underage daughters in tow. Niggers from French colonies muh' dicking their way through the streets of occupied western Germany. Jewish brothel owners pimping children, midgets, and war amputees in every night club. The entirety of the German media was owned by the Jews, and they were pumping out all sorts of depraved filth in the papers, books, radio waves, and theatres.

KosherMedia ago

They've also learned from that and what worked then will not necessarily work now. That is the strength of our enemy, they draw their power from examining all the blunders in their history to continuously improve their tactics. It is the evolution of evil.

I would enjoy seeing a proper debate on the merits of being open versus being subversive in this context.

Rawrination ago

That's a great plan for 20 years ago.

We've got maybe 2 years left before the demonicrats take over from the kike shills in the republican party and all hell / war breaks loose on earth.

If we are very lucky we will have a quick and decisive civil war. If we are not so lucky we will die out and the memory of our civilization will die with the sun slowly going red giant.

Approved ago

Most people are not smart. Most people are not reasonable. Most people wouldn't know logic if it bit them in the ass. Most people do what they're told to do by people who have power over them, and for most people morality is the same thing as obeying the law -- meaning that thier fucking morals depend on what laws the legislature shat out onto paper most recently.

This isn't new. This is humanity as it has always been, and always will be.

The jews know this, and always act with these truths in mind. That's why the jews are winning.

So, NO, you don't try to fucking red pill your coworkers.

You shmooze the schmoozable, you network, and you sieze control of the organization for yourself and your friends... and th en you fucking TELL your former coworkers how shit is gonna be, if they want to keep thier jobs.

That's how the jews do it, and it works.

theshopper ago

That's what I told myself.