Altmight ago

That looks nothing like huma. The face is too round. Mouth too small. Different head shape. Different hands. Sure dont need a mod to tell you that.

WrongLever ago

someone link video pls?

user33567864 ago


Iam7777777 ago

This doesnt prove or disprove anything. These pics could have been engineered after the video pics were released. Neither the originals nor these are useful. Great find? I could find 100 more of same.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You couldn't get more Satan loving than your screen name. Iam777.... "I am" is the blashemous phrase where one says he is god. 777 is from Crowley 777. You guys sure love this sub. How are the kids?

rickman ago

The timing of this photo makes me wonder if Raniere's group has any ties to World Bank.

BabalonWorking ago

Why is this even a thing? So dumb.

LeHappyMerchant ago

Good to see there's some discernment still happening here. The "hot shit" crap is still floating around all over the place.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

"Important". No, not important.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

As always with Q, talk and no proof. Podestas not at Gitmo, no video, CIA not under arrest from Marines, Hillary and McCain not under house arrest, storm never happend, nobody charged , nobody jailed. I guess your victory is Matt Lauer and his button under his desk and Louis CK admits to masterbating in front of women. Thats the storm. David Seaman agrees with you, except he says you won already. Either way, great job, Nobody in jail, news accusing nobody to the sheeple. PG still fake to the world. Get a grip.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

What is incrimenating about that corny picture?

looking4truth ago

i kinda felt a little sad when i saw this whole sub fall for this obviously shill disinfo bullshit. i was introduced to voat because of pizzagate. Its very sad to see what this sub has become. Its obviously not the same way when it first started.

Podge512 ago

The woman in the mask has a fatter face than Abedin, so it's clearly not her.

rickman ago

Geeta used to work for World Bank. Karen Hudes also worked for World Bank and became a whistleblower exposing their corruption. You can find interviews where she talks about this on Youtube.

I found this segment on an article about her.

The World Bank is already notorious for its wide range of human rights violations, land-grab schemes, environmental destruction and economic attacks on sovereign nations and local communities. Hudes offers some additional details about what she asserts is one single group controlling world financial markets and media. She also offers names of people who were involved in blackmail surrounding a 2007 prostitution scandal. Hudes has been charged by Attorney General Eric Holder with trespassing after being arrested May 13th at an office of the World Bank.>

Whoever made the photo and claimed it was Huma picked this Geeta for a reason knowing she was connected to PG players.

truthdemon ago

Where the link that shows geeta works for world bank

Luxxy ago

Looking at the glass half full won't get anyone anywhere. NOTHING is a coincidence, everything happens for a reason. Someone knew, someone would find that original picture. Just because it was not Huma behind that mask, does not mean there's NOT a video out there, or that she's cleared of being a sicko. I don't think it's disinfo, I think it's a bread crumb trail. It may not even be for US, someone may have stashed a tape or a copy somewhere for someone to pick up to leak to the public. This is how underground people work. It may not make sense to you, but other people , its pure messages, codes, dates, information. Maybe Geeta has another copy or someone she knows does? Maybe Geeta is the one who recorded it or someone she knows does, maybe Geeta was there? Or just maybe someone at that supper club knows more than what their suppose to know. Regardless it's a message. Its not ok to take a breath now. I mean come on Located in Washington, Underground Supper Club, exclusive invitations??

Her post from Facebook " Just found red chili powder in my hair. For a moment, mistook it for blood, then it looked like a vermillion blessing from a Hindu god telling me to go forth and spice the world! #Hushhazards" Blood?? It's a vegetarian underground resturant... why would she even think of blood?? Maybe, just maybe this was on purpose to lead a trail to another pedovore culprit.

Believe it or not, there are people out there that are in to deep into this pedophilia/pedovore/pizzagate satanic cult that don't want to do it or be involved in it anymore, maybe they've been sending messages Disinformation... every lie has a bit of truth

SweetChicken ago

Checked out their website and the original photo is right there.

sunajAeon ago

Art is the medium of the intelligent and clever classes-everything else is so boring:)

Vindicator ago

Well done, Matt_Helm. Thank you for helping stop the spread of disinfo. I'm flairing this "Important" and stickying it for a bit.

GreenDell144 ago

There probably aren’t many gourmet cannibal chefs out there...

Fsumom ago

Chef/secret dinner club/ ray chandler Epstein canabal dining rooms/ HRC eating a child. What part of this mask really goes against the alleged video?

atimeandplace ago

My thoughts:

Option A) It's a complete hoax made by some crazed dickhead for the lolz who wants to fuck with the pizzagate community.

Option B) the video is a hoax "officially" put out to lead people into thinking any drop involving HRC and Huma will be fake fake fake!

Option C) the video is real, but it doesn't involve Huma as originally indicated, but it instead involves this Geeta woman (and possibly still involves HRC). Geeta appears to run in the same circles as Huma, HRC, Podesta, etc,. To tie it together: the "press" photoshoot could likely be them saying 'HA HA HA IN YOUR FACE WE'RE SATANIC FUCKS AND YOU WILL NEVER GET US' and was quite possibly taken before the satanic act allegedly in the video.

So it's quite possible to still be a HRC video, but it might not involve Huma. Or it's a hoax by either a larper or by the Deep State.

My money is on it being an HRC video involving Geeta instead of Huma.

Just some thoughts anyhow.

Joe10jo ago

Does anyone else see that the mouth and chin area of the masked woman in the Frazzle video appears to be shaped differently than Geeta’s? Geeta’s face is much fuller than Huma’s and Huma’s mouth corners and chin is a little weird. IMO, it could be Huma.

SweetChicken ago

The photo is on Geeta’s website.

Matt_Helm ago

No it's Geeta look at the entire twitter threads scroll down to see the precise photo of Geeta with the same mask.

Banned4Truth ago

Waaaaait a minute. This "supper club" has catered to John Podesta and Abramovich? Just hear me out. Internet autists track down the origin of the mask to learn it's not Abedin. Everyone takes a sigh of relief about the snuff film, claim hoax and go back to researching. Instead, the road leads directly back to Podesta and his witch? Ok, now there's a thing called coincidence and then there's an actual solid lead. Think about it. The screenshot with the macabre version of mask wasn't random. Whomever decided to find a "picture" to add to their "hoax", obviously knew just what picture to choose. In other words, the perp of the "hoax" just so happens to be aware of the Hush Supper Club and that particular photo.

So there's only three possibilities. 1. A hoaxer, with no ties to Abramovich nor the Hush Supper Club got lucky with that picture choice or 2. A hoaxer with direct contacts to the aforementioned people decided to create a very disturbing rumor involving their acquaintances or 3. It's not a hoax but rather a clue uncovered by internet autists because the perp never expected anyone would discover the origin of the picture.

(dramatic) Dun dun dun

YogSoggoth ago

I'll take #3 Alex. Always remember they lost the rigged election. Gheeta hosted by, find out more about me, Sarah Henry. Visit my website Edible Schoolyard. So Matt should edit the title to "connecting to lot's of people in already established pizzagate?"

urbanmoving ago

"secret supper" club aka spirit cooking and cannibalism

truthdemon ago

Of course this is a clue to the network of cannibalism... .. Let Geeta sing to u..

Arrvee ago

There was an anonymous claim on one of the chans that David Brock started Pizzagate to get back at Alefantis for something he had a grudge over. It's one more unfounded, unsupported theory to add to the pile, but if true it would suggest that there are people in that group who would have fun screwing with us like this.

Fateswebb ago

So brock hacked his emails and started pizzagate? It was started from hash verified emails.....

pby1000 ago

Great find.

We can't be baited by any of this "too dark", "out of focus", "bad resolution" bigfoot video bullshit.

It has to be crystal clear so there are no questions about what is being shown.

drunkjake ago

That's why they dropped the deep fake media. Someone either thought they were dropping down breadcrumbs, or studying how far you can push an unsourced assertation.

GreenDell144 ago


derram ago :

[] Black ● Sun ● Angel [] on Twitter: "I MADE A HUGE DISCOVERY RE: THE ALLEGED #FRAZZLEDRIP RUMORS. Source for "Huma" stills actually secretive chef in DC area, but the plot thickens? I did a side-by-side comparison of both images, as well. *RETWEET*…" :


[] Black ● Sun ● Angel [] on Twitter: "#FRAZZLEDRIP Like a glove.… "

This has been an automated message.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Notice how she makes the same hand signals that Lauren Southern uses.

sunajAeon ago

Even if this is a fake, we know this is an age old method of torture/satanic practice that IS practiced various groups