sguevar ago

I have read all of what I could read about this.

You show your ignorance about Christianity quite a bit. I have dealt with you before to assist you and proof that you didn't have the intention of harming voat before.

To be honest, I do appreciate the labour you do to hunt pedophiles and as well with the heads up when the v/animemes so called (sad) invasion was coming.

But I have to say that in what respects to Christianity, you are like many other stooges of the (((jews in the letter))). You fail to understand that they are not the same as Jews in the Spirit. You fail to read beyond the word "jew" because you fail to be objective.

True Christians do not support the (((jews in the letter))) they denounce them. True Christians denounce the synagogue of satan, don't encourage it.

You can claim that Jesus was a jew, that we believe in a jew God. But the fact of the matter is that you are ignorant to the Word of God that shows how the (((jews in the letter))) sinned against the Father by denying His Son and condemned Jesus to crucifixion. They are in disfavour before the Father. They will see that He loved the Jews in the Spirit (that can be from any origin). And the (((jews in the letter))) will be hardened in jealousy but they shall be afflicted to see that they will be denied by the Lord as they denied His Son.

You my friend, though you have good intentions, you do your works for your name. To glorify yourself as being a good fellow. And though the cause of your fight is righteous (against the pedophiles) you do it for your own benefit.

You've made your choice, that is clear. That is between you and God. What I find sad, is that you are so prideful that you fail to see how you serve the (((jews in the letter)))'s agenda by defaming Christians. You fail to see that you are a stooge in that regard.

Maybe one day you will eventually see the truth of what I say here, before the second coming of the Christ. Or maybe you will see it when He comes again. But one thing is certain, you will see it.

theoldones ago

religious debate in this case, is secondary to one fucking guy deciding that a dead argument isnt over yet, so he hunts down the guy he was arguing with, thus starting the whole fight over again.

he set off the first argument, it ended, i thought it was done with

he came back a second time, into my fucking space, at quite possibly the worst place and time. he sparked off the argument again, regardless of how much it related to the topic at hand

i refuse to let him spark off that shit a third time. i judge that he isn't allowed in my domain, because he clearly has zero good intentions in going there. i dont give two flying fucks what he's peddling, he's being a fucking asshole about it, end of story.

SearchVoatBot ago

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sguevar ago

Fair enough.

Redcobra ago

Why so cereals? Have an uv


Are you bragging about banning people on voat?

CarpenterforChrist ago

Why yes, yes he is. I called him out for being a satanist (pagan) which he admits to, he then bans me from all his subs.

theoldones ago

that would only be the case if i was the one who started this shit.

this shit here started off in one argument, ended, and then other cunt sought me out in my domain after i was done with the matter, thus starting it all over again.

the cunt thought the middle of a pedophile purge was a good idea to taunt me into using the banhammer. BLUFF FUCKING CALLED.

CarpenterforChrist ago

I don't side with anyone who worships satan.