jnola2 ago

For the record, Paganism is not Satanism.

CarpenterforChrist ago

They both worship satan, what's the difference?

jnola2 ago

You are wrong and ignorant.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Tell me how I'm wrong, smarty pants.

jnola2 ago

Satan is a Christian entity, and has nothing to do with paganism. People of your mindset are the ones that swept through Europe, burning women at the stake believing them to be witches. Paganism is the ancient tradition of my forbears, where wisdom was handed down by mythical stories.

You probably also take the Christian Bible literally, don't you.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Christianity doesn't condone violence. Ever heard of "turn the other cheek"? Yeah, a Christian belief. I'm not the one who believes in fairy tales and myths.

jnola2 ago

You must never have heard of Charlemagne, or the Crusades for that matter. No violence going on there, nope.

CarpenterforChrist ago

I have. I guess there is no possibilty it was some other faction masquerading as Christians to make them look bad?

jnola2 ago

I guess there is no possibilty it was some other faction masquerading as Christians to make them look bad?

So, when Pagans misbehave and are violent, it's because they're all Satanists; yet, when Christians misbehave and are violent, it's because imposters are posing as Christians to make them look bad? Did I get that argument right?

CarpenterforChrist ago

No. Who do you worship again? There are only 2 gods. Jesus Christ and satan.

jnola2 ago

You don't even know your own Bible.

Isaiah 44:6

Isaiah 44:8

Isaiah 45:5-6

Isaiah 45:21

Deuteronomy 32:39

I'm done talking to you.

Deathperception ago

Worship a dead kike on a stick? Sounds pretty evil. Stupid even.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Jesus was not a jew, for the 100th time.

ThenThatMouth ago

Thank you. I see you've read Reed.

CarpenterforChrist ago

I'm not sure what you're referring to. I've read the Holy Bible multiple times.

ThenThatMouth ago

I thought you might have read the Controversy of Zion. If you haven't, it's worth a read.

CarpenterforChrist ago

I will take a look at it. Thank you.

ThenThatMouth ago

You are welcome. It's worth noting that you can find the hard copy and the pdf online. https://controversyofzion.info

CarpenterforChrist ago

v/errArachnica (theoldones) > CarpenterforChrist | Sent: 1 hour ago on 2/12/2019 4:01:32 AM You've been banned from v/errArachnica :( @theoldones has banned you from v/errArachnica for the following reason: Rule Violation: Spam; Description: you picked the wrong time to talk shit, while we're all busy shutting down pedos. in the pile you go

CarpenterforChrist ago

v/SoapBoxOpenBorders (theoldones) > CarpenterforChrist | Sent: 6 minutes ago on 2/12/2019 4:48:22 AM You've been banned from v/SoapBoxOpenBorders :( @theoldones has banned you from v/SoapBoxOpenBorders for the following reason: Rule Violation in v/SoapBoxOpenBorders: No Jews; Description: Xtianity is a jew-made faith. no jews allowed

ElijahBrown ago

Go back to the Middle East you fucking cuckstian.

CarpenterforChrist ago

I'm American. No thanks.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Where did you come from? Are you a pagan buddy of his?

theoldones ago

Christianity was invented by the jew.

you worship a jew.

you kike.

CarpenterforChrist ago

I'm sorry you've been misinformed by the jew. Jesus was not jewish, He was the Son of God.

theoldones ago

cunt, here's how it is.

i know full well you think all pagans are satanists.

i challenged you, in my sub, to directly say this. if it's so blatant of an accusation in your mind, why are you hesitating? why dance around it?

instead of clearly saying what you thought, you act coy and like a little bitch and then bring up some "freeze peach" comment

you talk about "freeze peach". i banned you to CALL YOUR FUCKING BLUFF.

if you wish to directly call me a satanist, do so now, or shut the fuck up about this forever.

you're sitting there, saying you cheerlead for christ but then the way you act is you're an insufferable little cunt who shits on his allies? is that christ-like behaviour then? so fucking be it, get out then.

slay such a one out of hand, and thus reward his impudence.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Jesus loves you and will forgive you if you repent. Hell is not a place you want to spend eternity in.

theoldones ago

formally accuse me of being a satanist or shut the flying fuck up.

i know you're being insincere, i know what you're doing. you're trying to play good cop. fuck you, i hope you die, i wont let you play good cop.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Hey man, it's your soul at stake; not mine. I'll be praying you see the Truth one day.

con77 ago

pagans worship demons idiot

CarpenterforChrist ago

They're so blinded by satan they can't even see the Truth. This heygeorge guy banned me from his sub and I never even posted there. Lol

theoldones ago


do you want allies or enemies from voats pagan crowd?

see, if you want us to be enemies, we're happy to leave you freezing in the cold.

CarpenterforChrist ago

How many stinking subs do you have? Do you even have a job?

CarpenterforChrist ago

v/SoapboxBanhammer (heygeorge) > CarpenterforChrist | Sent: 1.3 minutes ago on 2/12/2019 4:12:29 AM You've been banned from v/SoapboxBanhammer :( @heygeorge has banned you from v/SoapboxBanhammer for the following reason: *Rule Violation in v/SoapboxBanhammer: Reddit Speak; Description: Why would you be Christ’s Carpenter? It doesn’t make sense. He kept no earthly possessions

heygeorge ago

no u

heygeorge ago

@theoldones raped and murdered sweet infant baby jesus in 1990

zyklon_b ago

@theoldones raped and murdered a white infant in 1990

CarpenterforChrist ago

You've been banned from v/BloodOfEurope :( every moment i spend talking to you, the closer i get to deciding the Christians share oven space with the jews